Woocommerce redirect loop - NOT SSL RELATED - wordpress

so I'm working on a wordpress site (found at nsuited.com) and my problem is that the checkout is causing a redirect loop. I have searched the internet for this problem and it mostly seemed to be related to forcing ssl or using an https wordpress plugin. I am doing neither, and everything was running fine until randomly the redirect started occurring. There's way too much code to post it all, but if there is anything specific you'd like to see let me know. I have tried changing the woocommerce checkout page, which then allowed me to access the checkout page as a page itself but I could not actually checkout from it. If I try to go to whatever page is set to checkout, BAM redirect loop again. I'm at a huge loss and have not been able to find any significant leads from debugging. Please help :(
EDIT: Also pertinent information - I recently moved my installation from a subfolder to root, though the checkout page was working since I moved installations

Problem solved.
I had tried this before without succes:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');
to the file "wp-config.php". When I added it initially, I put it at the end to no avail. Put it as the very first line of code for glory.


wordpress website is redirecting to blink.piterreceiver.ga/fast.php?t=j&id=658-3474568568-23-458578434

Wordpress website Awannews.fr is being redirect to blink.piterreceiver.ga/fast.php?t=j&id=658-3474568568-23-458578434. Can someone please help how can i figure out whats the issue.
I recently encountered the exact same redirect happening on a WordPress website I worked on. What worked for me was disabling a plugin that came with the theme I'm using on the site. In my case, it was an outdated version of the "WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts" plugin that was infected with some malicious code.
Once I found the specific page the redirect happened on, I opened Inspect Elements in the Browser and looked at the changes to the page while it loaded in. There I managed to catch a glimpse of a <div> element loading in just before it redirects (the element id was pointing back to the plugin I ended up disabling).
First, I would recommend to:
Make sure all of the WordPress plugins are up to date.
Try to disable one plugin at a time and then refresh, check the site itself in another tab or window to see if the problem still presists.
If the 2 steps above don't help, then you could try to narrow down the cause/source by going around your WordPress site and try to catch at which point or which specific page the redirect happens. That way you could have a better idea of where to look or where not to look for the cause.
I hope this is helpful and you can post an update on how it went.

Wordpress Wp-login.php 500 internal server error

I have run into a bit of a weird problem on a site i created a couple of years ago. No new plugins have been added recently or anything else changed on the site for the last 6 months. Besides from the site admins adding content to the page.
But now, they cant acces the wp-login page. They just get a blank page and a 500 error.
I have looked around the web for some solutions, and have tried the most common ones i come accros:
Tried turning plugins off.
Tried changing the theme to default.
Tried deleting .htcacces file.
Checked if the wp-login.php was updated as to the wordpress codex
Some people have reported that they could acces the login page, by trying to access a specific wp-admin page and then get redirected. This does not work for me either.
None of the solutions above gave any results, so i am now at a bit of a loss.
The frontend of the site is working just fine btw.
Any ideas?
Have you tried increasing the PHP memory limit?
you did not mention it and maybe it could help
Create a file called php.ini
Paste memory=64MB in there.
Upload it into your /wp-admin/ folder using FTP
If this answer helps you. it's a memory issue and you need to figure out what takes your PHP memory limit.

Error displaying oEmbed Wordpress

I've a problem with my wordpress website. When I insert some url for being embedded, it's not working fine.
Here is the issue URL : https://www.duosia.id/windows/cara-mengekstrak-files-menggunakan-winrar-dengan-mudah
And here is the Screenshot :
When I try to visit the embedded url. It's return 404 not found. You can check the embedded url here, https://www.duosia.id/windows/cara-mengekstrak-files-menggunakan-winrar-dengan-mudah/embed/
I've try these common solutions.
Update everything including WordPress, the theme and plugins. Available updates appear in Dashboard > Updates.
Deactivate all plugins in case there is a conflict. If the problem goes away while all plugins are inactive, then reactivate them one by one to determine which is causing the problem.
Switch to the default theme (such as Twenty Thirteen) then try to do what was not working. If the problem remains, it is a general WordPress or hosting issue. If it happens only while using our theme, please let us know.
Clear cache in both your browser and in any caching plugins that you are using (also disable services like CloudFlare, if used with your website).
Revert code changes if you have modified the theme’s code. If using a child theme, reactivate the parent theme.
But, seems no one work.
The WordPress post embeds don't seem to be working on your site.
This URL shows a live example of the problem:
The two embeds present in that URL are returning a 404, therefore, oEmbeds are not loading properly and showing the 404 page:
Have you tried testing those URLs in the plugin "Rewrite Rules Inspector"?
You should see something like this for any of the "embed" URLs:
Also, have you tried flushing the rewrite rules in WordPress or maybe setting the permalink structure to a different/default one (right now you seem to be using a structure of "category/post-name") to see if it changes anything?
For the file that you are embedding, are you uploading it to the Media Library or some other plugin?
First I would check on the server to verify that the file you are looking to access does exist.
Once you know that the file does exist, then repeat the steps you have listed again.

WP Homepage disappeared after host migration

I recently moved a wordpress website from one host to another and my homepage doesn't load. Its a standard homepage that shows my latest posts.
I tried disabling plugins and changing themes, but it still doesn't load up. Other pages on the website load up properly via direct link, but not the homepage.
Has anyone ever faced this? Any help would be appreciated.
How are you trying to access the homepage?
Please make sure you have set the homepage as your front page under General -> Reading settings page.
See this image
Start troubleshooting from the very first thing go to setting and check whether the front static page is set with desired home page or not, secondly go to permalinks set it to default then reset to desired structure, third go to general setting double check the website new URL mention there is exactly same. After checking all these elements problem still existing so I must recommend you to re import the complete website all over again to avoid future hassles. There is nothing big rocket science behind migration you can use All-in-One WP Migration or follow the 3 steps WordPress migration guide. Sometime its happens when database or the core files are not import properly WordPress usually back fire many errors and exceptions.

One page won't show on wordpress after moving from live to localhost

I moved my website from live to localhost to make some modifications to it and I have encountered a problem, one page will not show up: "Oops! That page can’t be found.".
I have tried the following
1. activated rewrite_module
2. deactivated each plugin to see if anyone is causing the problem
3. recopied the database and files in case of failure during the first transfer
4. read that resetting permalinks might solve the problem. Changed permalinks to default - the page now works, but when I changed back to custom the problem is still there.
This is weird because only one page does not seem to show, every other page works fine and also there is no problem on the live version.
I ran out of solutions can any one please help?
This may be caused by the permalink or .htaccess
check the url of your page if no issues on URL then
Follow this steps once:
Go to settings-> permalink-> set it as default ->Reload or refresh
Then again now Go to settings-> permalink->postname
Your .htaccess will get update with the permalink.
This could be a problem with htaccess. When using the query string urls in wordpress, no htaccess is required, but for anything else Wordpress uses mod_rewrite.
Is htaccess turned on your localhost Apache server? In httpd.conf, AllowOverride All should be turned on in your active directory.
Is Wordpress able to create new files? Insufficient permissions might prevent it from creating the htaccess file.
Finally, check that your links are pointing to the right place. Sometimes the problem is as simple as a misspelling in your link ;) Good luck.
