Passing custom slice types by reference - pointers

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how pointers, slices, and interfaces interact in Go. This is what I currently have coded up:
type Loader interface {
Load(string, string)
type Foo struct {
a, b string
type FooList []Foo
func (l FooList) Load(a, b string) {
l = append(l, Foo{a, b})
// l contains 1 Foo here
func Load(list Loader) {
list.Load("1", "2")
// list is still nil here
Given this setup, I then try to do the following:
var list FooList
However, list is always nil here. My FooList.Load function does add an element to the l slice, but that's as far as it gets. The list in Load continues to be nil. I think I should be able to just pass the reference to my slice around and have things append to it. I'm obviously missing something on how to get it to work though.

(Code in
If you intend your method to make changes, you probably want to use a pointer receiver.
// We also define a method Load on a FooList pointer receiver.
func (l *FooList) Load(a, b string) {
*l = append(*l, Foo{a, b})
This has a consequence, though, that a FooList value won't itself satisfy the Loader interface.
var list FooList
Load(list) // You should see a compiler error at this point.
A pointer to a FooList value, though, will satisfy the Loader interface.
var list FooList
Complete code below:
package main
import "fmt"
type Loader interface {
Load(string, string)
func Load(list Loader) {
list.Load("1", "2")
type Foo struct {
a, b string
// We define a FooList to be a slice of Foo.
type FooList []Foo
// We also define a method Load on a FooList pointer receiver.
func (l *FooList) Load(a, b string) {
*l = append(*l, Foo{a, b})
// Given that we've defined the method with a pointer receiver, then a plain
// old FooList won't satisfy the Loader interface... but a FooList pointer will.
func main() {
var list FooList

I'm going to simplify the problem so it's easier to understand. What is being done there is very similar to this, which also does not work (you can run it here):
type myInt int
func (a myInt) increment() { a = a + 1 }
func increment(b myInt) { b.increment() }
func main() {
var c myInt = 42
fmt.Println(c) // => 42
The reason why this does not work is because Go passes parameters by value, as the documentation describes:
In a function call, the function value and arguments are evaluated in the usual
order. After they are evaluated, the parameters of the call are passed by value
to the function and the called function begins execution.
In practice, this means that each of a, b, and c in the example above are pointing to different int variables, with a and b being copies of the initial c value.
To fix it, we must use pointers so that we can refer to the same area of memory (runnable here):
type myInt int
func (a *myInt) increment() { *a = *a + 1 }
func increment(b *myInt) { b.increment() }
func main() {
var c myInt = 42
fmt.Println(c) // => 43
Now a and b are both pointers that contain the address of variable c, allowing their respective logic to change the original value. Note that the documented behavior still holds here: a and b are still copies of the original value, but the original value provided as a parameter to the increment function is the address of c.
The case for slices is no different than this. They are references, but the reference itself is provided as a parameter by value, so if you change the reference, the call site will not observe the change since they are different variables.
There's also a different way to make it work, though: implementing an API that resembles that of the standard append function. Again using the simpler example, we might implement increment without mutating the original value, and without using a pointer, by returning the changed value instead:
func increment(i int) int { return i+1 }
You can see that technique used in a number of places in the standard library, such as the strconv.AppendInt function.

It's worth keeping a mental model of how Go's data structures are implemented. That usually makes it easier to reason about behaviour like this. is a good introduction to the high-level view.

Go is pass-by-value. This is true for both parameters and receivers. If you need to assign to the slice value, you need to use a pointer.
Then I read somewhere that you shouldn't pass pointers to slices since
they are already references
This is not entirely true, and is missing part of the story.
When we say something is a "reference type", including a map type, a channel type, etc., we mean that it is actually a pointer to an internal data structure. For example, you can think of a map type as basically defined as:
// pseudocode
type map *SomeInternalMapStructure
So to modify the "contents" of the associative array, you don't need to assign to a map variable; you can pass a map variable by value and that function can change the contents of the associative array pointed to by the map variable, and it will be visible to the caller. This makes sense when you realize it's a pointer to some internal data structure. You would only assign to a map variable if you want to change which internal associative array you want it to point to.
However, a slice is more complicated. It is a pointer (to an internal array), plus the length and capacity, two integers. So basically, you can think of it as:
// pseudocode
type slice struct {
underlyingArray uintptr
length int
capacity int
So it's not "just" a pointer. It is a pointer with respect to the underlying array. But the length and capacity are "value" parts of the slice type.
So if you just need to change an element of the slice, then yes, it acts like a reference type, in that you can pass the slice by value and have the function change an element and it's visible to the caller.
However, when you append() (which is what you're doing in the question), it's different. First, appending affects the length of the slice, and length is one of the direct parts of the slice, not behind a pointer. Second, appending may produce a different underlying array (if the capacity of the original underlying array is not enough, it allocates a new one); thus the array pointer part of the slice might also be changed. Thus it is necessary to change the slice value. (This is why append() returns something.) In this sense, it cannot be regarded as a reference type, because we are not just "changing what it points to"; we are changing the slice directly.


When the form parameter in go is map, what is passed in?

When the formal parameter is map, assigning a value directly to a formal parameter cannot change the actual argument, but if you add a new key and value to the formal parameter, the actual argument outside the function can also be seen. Why is that?
I don't understand the output value of the following code, and the formal parameters are different from the actual parameters.
unc main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
//pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m = map[int]int{
1: 2,
stdout :0xc000086010
func main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
//pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m[1] = 2
stdout :0xc00007a010
func main() {
t := map[int]int{
1: 1,
func copysss(m map[int]int) {
pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
m[1] = 2
I want to know if the parameter is a value or a pointer.
The parameter is both a value and a pointer.
Wait.. whut?
Yes, a map (and slices, for that matter) are types, pretty similar to what you would implement. Think of a map like this:
type map struct {
// meta information on the map
meta struct{
keyT type
valueT type
len int
value *hashTable // pointer to the underlying data structure
So in your first function, where you reassign m, you're passing a copy of the struct above (pass by value), and you're assigning a new map to it, creating a new hashtable pointer in the process. The variable in the function scope is updated, but the one you passed still holds a reference to the original map, and with it, the pointer to the original map is preserved.
In the second snippet, you're accessing the underlying hash table (a copy of the pointer, but the pointer points to the same memory). You're directly manipulating the original map, because you're just changing the contents of the memory.
A map is a value, containing meta information of what the map looks like, and a pointer to the actual data stored inside. The pointer is passed by value, like anything else (same way pointers are passed by value in C/C++), but of course, dereferencing a pointer means you're changing the values in memory directly.
Like I said, slices work pretty much in the same way:
type slice struct {
meta struct {
type T
len, cap int
value *array // yes, it's a pointer to an underlying array
The underlying array is of say, a slice of ints will be [10]int if the cap of the slice is 10, regardless of the length. A slice is managed by the go runtime, so if you exceed the capacity, a new array is allocated (twice the cap of the previous one), the existing data is copied over, and the slice value field is set to point to the new array. That's the reason why append returns the slice that you're appending to, the underlying pointer may have changed etc.. you can find more in-depth information on this.
The thing you have to be careful with is that a function like this:
func update(s []int) {
for i, v := range s {
s[i] = v*2
will behave much in the same way as the function you have were you're assigning m[1] = 2, but once you start appending, the runtime is free to move the underlying array around, and point to a new memory address. So bottom line: maps and slices have an internal pointer, which can produce side-effects, but you're better off avoiding bugs/ambiguities. Go supports multiple return values, so just return a slice if you set about changing it.
In your attempt to figure out what a map is (reference, value, pointer...), I noticed you tried this:
pointer := unsafe.Pointer(&m)
What you're doing there, is actually printing the address of the argument variable, not any address that actually corresponds to the map itself. the argument passed to unsafe.Pointer isn't of the type map[int]int, but rather it's of type *map[int]int.
Personally, I think there's too much confusion around passing by value vs passing by . Go works exactly like C in this regard, just like C, absolutely everything is passed by value. It just so happens that this value can sometimes be a memory address (pointer).
More details (references)
Slices: usage & internals
Maps Note: there's some confusion caused by this one, as pointers, slices, and maps are referred to as *reference types*, but as explained by others, and elsewhere, this is not to be confused with C++ references
In Go, map is a reference type. This means that the map actually resides in the heap and variable is just a pointer to that.
The map is passed by copy. You can change the local copy in your function, but this will not be reflected in caller's scope.
But, since the map variable is a pointer to the unique map residing in the heap, every change can be seen by any variable that points to the same map.
This article can clarify the concept:

Map initialization in Go

As far as I understand, types slice and map are similar in many ways in Go. They both reference (or container) types. In terms of abstract data types, they represent an array and an associative array, respectively.
However, their behaviour is quite different.
var s []int
var m map[int]int
While we can use a declared slice immediately (append new items or reslice it), we cannot do anything with a newly declared map. We have to call make function and initialize a map explicitly. Therefore, if some struct contains a map we have to write a constructor function for the struct.
So, the question is why it is not possible to add some syntaсtic sugar and both allocate and initialize the memory when declaring a map.
I did google the question, learnt a new word "avtovivification", but still failing to see the reason.
I am not talking about struct literal. Yes, you can explicitly initialize a map by providing values such as m := map[int]int{1: 1}. However, if you have some struct:
package main
import (
type SomeStruct struct {
someField map[int]int
someField2 []int
func main() {
s := SomeStruct{}
s.someField2 = append(s.someField2, -1) // OK
s.someField[0] = -1 // panic: assignment to entry in nil map
It is not possible to use a struct immediately (with default values for all fields). One has to create a constructor function for SomeStruct which has to initialize a map explicitly.
While we can use a declared slice immediately (append new items or reslice it), we cannot do anything with a newly declared map. We have to call make function and initialize a map explicitly. Therefore, if some struct contains a map we have to write a constructor function for the struct.
That's not true. Default value–or more precisely zero value–for both slices and maps is nil. You may do the "same" with a nil map as you can do with a nil slice. You can check length of a nil map, you can index a nil map (result will be the zero value of the value type of the map), e.g. the following are all working:
var m map[int]int
fmt.Println(m == nil) // Prints true
fmt.Println(len(m)) // Prints 0
fmt.Println(m[2]) // Prints 0
Try it on the Go Playground.
What you "feel" more about the zero-value slice is that you may add values to it. This is true, but under the hood a new slice will be allocated using the exact make() builtin function that you'd have to call for a map in order to add entries to it, and you have to (re)assign the returned slice. So a zero-value slice is "no more ready for use" than a zero-value map. append() just takes care of necessary (re)allocation and copying over. We could have an "equivalent" addEntry() function to which you could pass a map value and the key-value pairs, and if the passed map is nil, it could allocate a new map value and return it. If you don't call append(), you can't add values to a nil slice, just as you can't add entries to a nil map.
The primary reason that the zero value for slices and maps is nil (and not an initialized slice or map) is performance and efficiency. It is very often that a map or slice value (either variable or a struct field) will never get used, or not right away, and so if they would be allocated at declaration, that would be a waste of memory (and some CPU) resources, not to mention it gives more job to the garbage collector. Also if the zero value would be an initialized value, it would often be insufficient (e.g. a 0-size slice cannot hold any elements), and often it would be discarded as you add new elements to it (so the initial allocation would be a complete waste).
Yes, there are cases when you do want to use slices and maps right away, in which cases you may call make() yourself, or use a composite literal. You may also use the special form of make() where you supply the (initial) capacity for maps, avoiding future restructuring of the map internals (which usually requires non-negligible computation). An automatic non-nil default value could not guess what capacity you'd require.
You can! What you're looking for is:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
v := map[int]int{}
v[1] = 1
v[2] = 2
:= is declare and assign, where as var is simply declare.

Why can't I initialize a map with new() in Go?

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
p := new(map[string]int)
m := make(map[string]int)
m["in m"] = 2
(*p)["in p"] = 1
The above code gives an error panic: assignment to entry in nil map. If I print *p before inserting pairs into it, the output is correct. It seems I just can't modify *p?
Both new and make are used to allocate memory in a program, but they work differently. new(T, args) zeros memory and returns the memory address (a value of type *T) but does not initialize that memory. make(T, args) on the other hand initializes a value of type T. A map need to be initialized because, while a map can be empty, there is still the structure of the map itself, which is non-zero and therefore needs to be initialized before use.
From Effective Go:
The built-in function make(T, args) serves a purpose different from new(T). It creates slices, maps, and channels only, and it returns an initialized (not zeroed) value of type T (not *T). The reason for the distinction is that these three types represent, under the covers, references to data structures that must be initialized before use. A slice, for example, is a three-item descriptor containing a pointer to the data (inside an array), the length, and the capacity, and until those items are initialized, the slice is nil. For slices, maps, and channels, make initializes the internal data structure and prepares the value for use.
This is not directly an issue with new keyword. You would get the same behavior, if you did not initialize your map, when declaring it with var keyword, for example:
var a map[string]int
a["z"] = 10
The way to fix this is to initialize the map:
var a map[string]int
a = map[string]int{}
a["z"] = 10
And it works the same way, with new keyword:
p := new(map[string]int)
*p = map[string]int{}
(*p)["in p"] = 1
The reason make(map[string]int) does what you expect is that the map is declared and initialized.
Go Playground

Why is a map value in one function affected by an entry to the map in another function?

Here's my code:
func test(v map[string]string) {
v["foo"] = "bar"
func main() {
v := make(map[string]string)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", v) // prints map[foo:bar]
I'm pretty new to Go, but as far as I was aware, since I'm passing the map value to test() and not a pointer to the map, the test() function should modify a different variable of the map, and thus, not affect the value of the variable in main(). I would have expected it to print map[]. I tested a different scenario:
type myStruct struct {
foo int
func test2(v myStruct) { = 5
func main() {
v := myStruct{1}
fmt.Printf("%v\n", v) // prints {1}
In this scenario, the code behaves as I would expect. The v variable in the main() function is not affected by the changes to the variable in test2(). So why is map different?
You are right in that when you pass something to a function, a copy will be made. But maps are some kind of descriptors to an underlying data structure. So when you pass a map value to a function, only the descriptor will be copied which will denote / point to the same data structures where the map data (entries) are stored.
This means if the function does any modification to the entries of the map (add, delete, modify entries), that is observed from the caller.
Read The Go Blog: Go maps in action for details.
Note that the same applies to slices and channels too; generally speaking the types that you can create using the built-in make() function. That's why the zero value of these types is nil, because a value of these types need some extra initialization which is done when calling make().
In your other example you are using a struct value, they are not descriptors. When you pass a struct value to another function, that creates a complete copy of the struct value (copying values of all its fields), which –when modified inside the function– will not have any effect on the original, as the memory of the copy will be modified – which is distinct.

Although maps are always reference types, what if they're returned from a non-pointer receiver?

Supposedly maps are reference types in Go, so when returning them from functions, you don't need to pass as a pointer to the map in order for the changes to be visible outside the function body. But what if said map is returned from a method on a non-pointer struct?
For example:
type ExampleMapHolder struct {
theUnexportedMap map[string]int
func (emp ExampleMapHolder) TheMap() map[string]int {
return emp.theUnexportedMap
If I make a call to TheMap(), and then modify a value in it, will this change be visible elsewhere even though the receiver is not a pointer? I imagine it would return a reference to a map that belonged to a copy of ExampleMapHolder, but haven't been able to find an explicit answer in the docs.
Why won't you just check it?
emp := ExampleMapHolder{make(map[string]int)}
m := emp.TheMap()
m["a"] = 1
fmt.Println(emp) // Prints {map[a:1]}
