I'm sending a request to a server when a button is clicked:
private function submitButtonClicked():void
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.table = tableInput.text;
var u:URLRequest=new URLRequest("http://sasajkl");
u.data = variables;
u.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var loader:URLLoader=new URLLoader();
The response from the server is actually a URL address, so my event handler is:
private function preparingCompleted(event:Event):void
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(event.target.data);
It used to work in the past, but now due to http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=277210, it's not working anymore in Chrome. I tried to use fileReference.download(request,"Report.xls"), but then I get an error message because the function is not called as a response to a user action (such as a button click).
Does anyone have any idea how I can access the file from the URL address I get from the server?
From your own resource link, this is the work around:
The client method DisplayMessage is not executing everytime. I need to display a stream of message. But when I put debugger in the client code, it executes everytime.Here is my client code.
chat.client.displayMessage = function (data) {
// Html encode display data
var encodedData = $('<div />').text(data.GPSPosition).html();
var data = encodedData.split("\n");
var varlat = data[0].replace("Latitude:","").trim();
var varlong = data[1].replace("Longitude:", "").trim();
ShowInGoogleMap(varlat, varlong);
how can i display a stream of messages? Why it is only working with debugger?
Here is my server code. I am calling client method from a class outside the hub class.
IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<AzureGuidanceEventHubReceiver>();
I think you have an issue in your code because your method parameter has the same name as a local variable (data). Modify the name of your local variable and it should be ok. In debug mode, the value of data is not overwritten.
I'm a bit of a flex noob, but I couldn't find this question asked anywhere, or a proper workaround. I'm quite used to GET/POST and web interactions, but I'm new to working in mxml's and such. See function below.
private function uploadFileSelect(event:Event):void
var uploadURL:String = Application.application.parameters.UploadURL;
var urlStr:String = ExternalInterface.call('window.location.href.toString');
var queryMap:Object = getQueryParams(urlStr);
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(uploadURL);
var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVars.appid = queryMap.appid;
urlVars.str = queryMap.str;
request.method = "POST";
request.data = urlVars;
Essentially, this works perfectly for what I need, with one exception. The final call to .upload is asynchronous, so I stay on the current page, but it calls the upload URL in the background. I want it to act like a form and actually navigate TO the upload URL with the POST data. I feel like this should be a simple solution, but I was kind of thrown the task of working on someone else's flash code and need a little advice.
Thanks in advance!
Because it is asynchronous, you cannot achieve redirect from the UI like you do in Html form. As a work around you can add listeners to the uploadFileRef
uploadURL = "someurl";
uploadFileRef.addEventListener(Event.complete, function(e:Event){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(uploadURL),'_self')
navigate url will tke you to the target url. I do not know how you will get the uploadURL, i'm assuming it is the url at which you have uploaded the file to.
I'm building an AIR application. Basically, what I'm looking to do is using navigateToUrl() to open a browser window, assign it a "name" and then, send variables to that newly opened window using the POST method.
EDIT : I need the window to be visible, this is why I absolutely need to use the navigateToUrl() function
I already know that I CAN'T DO something like this, that the AIR application will send the variables using the GET method...
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
vars.myVar = "Hello my friend";
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://example.com/my-page.php");
req.method = "POST":
req.data = vars;
Considering the amount of variables I have to send (multiline texts) I absolutely need to send my variables using the POST method else Internet Explorer is truncating the query string... Works fine in Firefox and Safari but unfortunately, we will always have (hope not!) to deal with IE..
So I was thinking something like this :
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
private var _timer:Timer;
protected function loadPage():void
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://example.com/my-page.php");
navigateToURL(req, "myPageName");
_timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, postVars);
protected function postVars(event:TimerEvent):void
// I'm looking to send variables using the POST method to "myPageName"
// and possibly using URLVariables()??
Any idea Flex coders? THANKS!
I think what you're going to need to do is open up a page you have control over, then use ExternalInterface to inject the values into a hidden form and then execute the post operation in that page form.submit(), etc.
This can happen almost instantly and it will all appear very seamless to the end user.
I am working on a Flash training video. I would like at the end of the video for a message to pop up with a dynamic confirmation code. I have the code for the confirmation code, but am having trouble creating something either at the end of the flash video or within the aspx page to trigger this message. Any thoughts or ideas of how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Depend on the purpose of the application, you can do either one. One thing to consider is does the user has to go through the flash video to obtain the code. If so, you need to organize the flow of the application in a way that the user can't cheat their way to obtain the code.
The ideal way is to have the flash called aspx page at the end of the movie to obtain the dynamic code. This can be done using URLLoader in ActionScript 3.0 or LoadVars in ActionScript 2.0.
URLLoader example
//this is the data
var data = "This is data";
//url of your aspx code
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.yourdomain.com/GenerateCode.aspx");
request.contentType = "text/xml";
request.data = data;
//use POST method
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
//execute the request
catch (error:ArgumentError)
trace("There is an ArgumentError.");
LoadVars example:
//create LoadVars object
var lv_in:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var lv_out:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
//set onLoad event
lv_in.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)
//if success, meaning data has received response from .net page, run this code
if (success)
//lv_in.status is use to get the posted data from .Net page
statusMsg.text = "Thank you!" + lv_in.status;
//if fail, run this code
statusMsg.text = "Error!";
//this is the data
lv_out.data = "This is data";
//begin invoke aspx page
lv_out.sendAndLoad("GenerateCode.aspx", lv_in, "POST");
There another easier way but not the best practice i should say. The easier way would be to direct user to aspx page that generate dynamic code after users finish the flash movie. The negative side is, the page can be accessed although users did not finish the flash movie.
This should be trivial, and I'm pretty sure I did it once before.
I'm trying to post data up to a server and have it bounced back to me as a file download, prompting the native browser file download box. I know the server part works just fine becasue I can post from a demo web form, but when I run the following Flex 3 code, I can't even get the request to fire.
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function saveXmlAsFile(event:MouseEvent):void
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
fileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
fileRequest.url = "http://foo.com/dataBounce";
var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariables.content = "Test content to return" ;
// fileRequest.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded ";
urlVariables.fileName = "test.xml";
fileRef.addEventListener(SecurityEvent.ALL, onSecurityError);
fileRef.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError2);
fileRef.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.NETWORK_ERROR, onNetworkError);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
fileRef.download(fileRequest, "test.xml");
}catch(error:Error) {
model.logger.error("unable to download file");
Note, when the call to fileRef.download is called, I can't see any request being made across the network using the traditional Firebug or HTTPWatch browser tools.
EDIT: I should add that this is for < Flash Player 10, so I can't use the newer direct save as file functionality.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
You need to add fileRef.upload to trigger the upload.
Also I would move the download statement to the onComplete so the file isn't requested before it's been uploaded.
Your explanation is pretty clear, but when I look at your code, I'm feel like I'm missing something.
The code looks like you're trying to do half of the upload part and half of the download part.
I think the code you currently have posted would work to trigger a download if you set the .method value to GET. I believe you will also need to include the filename as part of the .url property.
However, to post something and then trigger a download of it, you need two separate operations - the operation to post the data and then an operation to download it, which should probably be called from the upload operation's onComplete handler.
OK, I believe I figured out one of the things that's going on.
When you don't set the URLRequest.data property, it defaults the request method to "GET".
So, the working code looks like, with the data set to the posted URL variables:
private var fileRef:FileReference;
private function saveRawHierarchy(event:MouseEvent):void
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
fileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
fileRequest.url = "http://foo/bounceback";
var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariables.content = "CONTENT HERE";
urlVariables.fileName = "newFileName.xml";
fileRequest.data = urlVariables;
fileRef = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
fileRef.download(fileRequest, "appHierarchies.xml");
}catch(error:Error) {
model.logger.error("unable to download file");
Not sure what was wrong about the request not being made before, though.