How efficient is Meteor's DDP at syncing very large collections? - meteor

Meteor's DDP protocol works very well for syncing a small collection of data from a server to a browser-based client, which inherently limits the amount of data that is processed.
However, consider a situation where Meteor is being used to sync a large collection from one server to another, or just the DDP protocol itself is used to sync one MongoDB with another.
How efficient is DDP in this case (computationally)? How well does it scale to several clients? Is the limit to performance only bandwidth or will DDP hit some CPU bound as well? What is the largest amount of data that can be reasonably synced over DDP right now? Is DDP just the wrong approach for doing this (see references below)?
Some additional thoughts:
As far as I know, the current version of DDP keeps track of each client's entire collection, so it can't be asymptotically very efficient.
Smart Collections were created to improve the performance of server-to-client collection of syncing. But it's unclear to me if this is improving DDP or something else.
See also:
How to implement real-time replication of MongoDB (or CouchDB) to many remote clients
DDP vs Straight MongoDB access for synching large amounts of data
After some empirical experience with this, I have to conclude that the answer is "not very efficient". See for an explanation.
Discussions with Meteor devs indicated that this problem will be addressed in the future with a revision of DDP and the publish-subscribe API, whereby the merge box will be removed and clients will handle merging. This will save CPU/memory on the server and allow for much larger datasets to be sent over the wire.

Basically it is more a matter of what and how you are publishing to the client than the number of clients. A request is usually handled in log2(N) if indexed, therefore it is quite easy for the server to recompute the result set even if (in the worst case) the whole collection would change. So, from the server side you can quite quickly get the new result sets to publish to the clients (if they changed from the one they had already).
The real problem (and common error) comes when you do publish everything to the client (like with the former autopublish), so make a publication wisely so that you do only give what the client is supposed to see. You can either prune the documents hiding useless fields or reduce the result set to send to the client by creating a publication with specific to your data scope of use parameters.
Data reactivity (session parameter bound on a publication) should also be handled with care, if for example you are sending a request each time you press a key in the search field, you might quickly overload the connection (still strongly depending on the size of the set you are publishing). We had to take care of this trying to build real estate service over meteor, the data set being over several gigabytes it was quite challenging to handle this without blocking the pipe with overloaded data.
In term of bandwidth, the DDP is quite good because it does supports clever entries updating (sending only fields changes instead of the whole document), moving an item is (will be) supported to (server side reordering).
Also take a look on this excellent answer concerning huge collections, what is done under the hood.


Would real world Meteor application use server side Methods almost exclusively?

I'm learning Meteor and fundamentally enjoy how fast I can build data driven applications however as I went through the Creating Posts chapter in the Discover Meteor book I learned about using server side Methods. Specifically the primary reason (and there are a number of very valid reasons to use these) was because of the timestamp. You wouldn't want to rely on the client date/time, you'd want to use the server date/time.
Makes sense except that in almost every application I've ever built we store date/time of row create/update in a column. Effectively every single create or update to the database records date/time which in Meteor now looks like I would need to use server side Methods to ensure data integrity.
If I'm understanding correctly that pretty much eliminates the ease of use and real-time nature of a client side Collection because I'll need to use Methods for almost every single update and create to our databases.
Just wanted to check and see how everyone else is doing this in the real world. Are you just querying a server side Method that just returns the date/time and then using client side Collection or something else?
The short answer to this question is that yes, every operation that affects the server's database will go through a server-side method. The only difference is whether you are defining this method explicitly or not.
When you are just getting started with Meteor, you will probably do insert/update/remove operations directly on client collections using validators, which check for whether the operation is allowed. This usage is actually calling predefined methods on both the server and client: (for a collection named foo the you have /foo/insert, for example) which simply checks the specified validators before doing the operation. As you become more familiar with Meteor you will probably override these default methods, for reasons you described (among others.)
When using your own methods, you will typically want to define a method both on the server and the client, just as the default collection functions do for you. This is because of Meteor's latency compensation, which allows most client operations to be reflected immediately in the browser without any noticeable lag, as long as they are permitted. Meteor does this by first simulating the effect of a method call in the client, updating the client's cached data temporarily, then sending the actual method call to the server. If the server's method causes a different set of changes than the client's simulation, the client's cache will be updated to reflect this when the server method returns. This also means that if the client's method would have done the same as the server, we've basically allowed for an instant operation from the perspective of the client.
By defining your own methods on the server and client, you can extend this to fill your own needs. For example, if you want to insert timestamps on updates, have the client insert whatever timestamp in the simulation method. The server will insert an authoritative timestamp, which will replace the client's timestamp when the method returns. From the client's perspective, the insert operation will be instant, except for an update to the timestamp if the client's time happens to be way off. (By the way, you may want to check out my timesync package for displaying relative server time accurately on the client.)
A final note: it's good to understand what scope you are doing collection operations in, as this was one of the this that originally confused me about Meteor. For example, if you have a collection instance in the client Foo, Foo.insert() in normal client code will call the default pair of client/server methods. However, Foo.insert() in a client method will run only in a simulation and will never call server code - so you will need to define the same method on the server and make sure you do Foo.insert() there as well, for the method to work properly.
A good rule of thumb for moving forward is to replace groups of validated collection operations with your own methods that do the same operations, and then adding specific extra features on the server and client respectively.
In short— yes!
Publications exist to send out a 'live', and dynamic, subset of the database to the client, sending DDP added messages for existing records, followed by a ready, and then added, changed, and deleted messages to keep the client's cache consistent.
Methods exist to- directly, or indirectly— cause Mongo Updates, and like it was mentioned by Andrew, they are always in use.
But truly, because of Meteor's publication architecture, any edits to collections that are currently being published to at least one client, will be published via DDP - regardless of the source of the change to Mongo - even an outside process.

Meteor server-side memory usage for thousands of concurrent users

Based on this answer, it looks like the meteor server keeps an in-memory copy of the cache for each connected client. My understanding is that it gets used in order to avoid sending multiple copies of data when dealing with overlapping subscriptions on a client.
The relevant part of the linked answer (emphasis is mine):
The merge box: The job of the merge box is to combine the results (added, changed and removed calls) of all of a client's active publish functions into a single data stream. There is one merge box for each connected client. It holds a complete copy of the client's minimongo cache.
Assuming that answer is still accurate in the current version of meteor, couldn't that create a huge waste of memory on the server as the number of users increases?
As an off-the-cuff calculation, if an app had about a 100kB cache per client, then 10,000 concurrent users would use up 1GB of memory on the server, and 100,000 users a whopping 10GB! This would be true even if each client was looking at almost identical data. It seems plausible for an app use much more data than that per client, which would further exacerbate the problem.
Does this problem exist in the current version of Meteor? If so, what techniques can be used to limit the amount of memory the server needs to use to manage all the client subscriptions?
Take a look at this post by Arunoda at his blog:
which talks about his Smart Collections page:
He created an alternative Collection stack which has succeeded in it's goals for speed, efficiency (memory & cpu) and scalability (you can see a graphed comparison in the post). Admittedly in his tests RAM usage was negligent with both Collection types, although the way he's implemented things there should be a very obvious difference with the type of use case you mentioned.
Also, you can see in this post on meteor-core:
that the Meteor developers are aware of his work and are cooperating in implementing some of the improvements into Meteor itself (but until then his smart package works great).
Important note! Smart collections relies on access to the Mongo Oplog. This is easy if you're running on your own machine or hosted infrastructure. If you're using a cloud based database, this option might not be available, or if it is, will cost a lot more than the smaller packages.

DDP vs Straight MongoDB access for synching large amounts of data

We are building an app in Meteor that will be participating in an education ecosystem.
There are a number of applications (e.g. a GradeBook, a Student Information System, a Reporting System...) that will all need to have their data stores kept in synch with Meteor. The datastore size will be in the hundreds of thousands of documents.
My understanding is that DDP is used to connect "clients" to a Meteor app (by subscribing to feeds when Meteor is pushing data changes and RPC to get the data in to Meteor). And a "client" is generally scoped to a the size of the data set is relatively small compared to the universe of data (a teacher might have access to 100 of the 250K documents).
If I connected a Reporting System (as a "client") to Meteor with DDP, all data in the store would need to be synched...does that mean that every time the Reporting System lost the connection to Meteor, all data would be re-sent from Meteor to the DDP client? (because the Reporting System is interested in ALL the data)...and if that's the case, DDP wouldn't be the way to keep application in synch, right?'s meant more for much smaller scoped data sets....and we should probably be interacting directly with Mongo to keep things synch.
based on this
Distributed Data Protocol. DDP is a standard way to solve the biggest problem facing client-side JavaScript developers: querying a server-side database, sending the results down to the client, and then pushing changes to the client whenever anything changes in the database.
it seems clear that any new DDP client, receives all data and then deltas as the data changes.
i would suggest that if your 'client' doesnt need reactivity / realtime updates / 2 way synching, you should pull the data directly from mongo and avoid the overhead of 'syncing'. for a 'reporting system' this should be perfectly acceptable, grab a bunch of data, generate reports. you shouldnt care about changing data in this context, just a snapshot and reports from that snapshot.
if you do need the more real time features, DDP is likely worth the overhead and initial setup difficulty.
I think nate's answer goes perfect on what you should do especially considering the volume of data. And if you need to display a whole lot of data if you're using pages to use a paginated subscription so that you can enjoy the realtime functionality (if you decide to use it) without downloading it all at once. Keep in mind though that at the moment the data is sent down like this (for each session, so if the tab is closed and reopened it will be redone):
1 - Connect to DDP Server/Proxy (Long Polling now due to websocket issues with chrome)
2 - Establish a 'subscription'
3 - Fetch all data relevant to subscription (initial download)
4 - Subscription is complete, now the client will 'listen' for changes
5 - Any updates (remove/update/insert, etc) are sent down to the client
There really isn't a sync system at this point where old data is kept offline (in a localstorage or indexed db or anything) so that step no 3 can be avoided and only the syncs from that point would occur.
This is mind, if there is a connectivity interruption (e.g losing connectivitiy for a short peroid of time Meteor will lose connection to the DDP wire and when it reconnects it download everything again as if it were from scratch.

Disconnected meteor application

I am interested in creating an application using the the Meteor framework that will be disconnected from the network for long periods of time (multiple hours). I believe meteor stores local data in RAM in a mini-mongodb js structure. If the user closes the browser, or refreshes the page, all local changes are lost. It would be nice if local changes were persisted to disk (localStorage? indexedDB?). Any chance that's coming soon for Meteor?
Related question... how does Meteor deal with document conflicts? In other words, if 2 users edit the same MongoDB JSON doc, how is that conflict resolved? Optimistic locking?
Conflict resolution is "last writer wins".
More specifically, each MongoDB insert/update/remove operation on a client maps to an RPC. RPCs from a given client always play back in order. RPCs from different clients are interleaved on the server without any particular ordering guarantee.
If a client tries to issue RPCs while disconnected, those RPCs queue up until the client reconnects, and then play back to the server in order. When multiple clients are executing offline RPCs, the order they finally run on the server is highly dependent on exactly when each client reconnects.
For some offline mutations like MongoDB's $inc and $addToSet, this model works pretty well as is. But many common modifiers like $set won't behave very well across long disconnects, because the mutation will likely conflict with intervening changes from other clients.
So building "offline" apps is more than persisting the local database. You also need to define RPCs that implement some type of conflict resolution. Eventually we hope to have turnkey packages that implement various resolution schemes.

Caching data and notifying clients about changes in data in ASP.NET

We are thinking to make some architectural changes in our application, which might affect the technologies we'll be using as a result of those changes.
The change that I'm referring in this post is like this:
We've found out that some parts of our application have common data and common services, so we extracted those into a GlobalServices service, with its own master data db.
Now, this service will probably have its own cache, so that it won't have to retrieve data from the db on each call.
So, when one client makes a call to that service that updates data, other clients might be interested in that change, or not. Now that depends on whether we decide to keep a cache on the clients too.
Meaning that if the clients will have their own local cache, they will have to be notified somehow (and first register for notifications). If not, they will always get the data from the GlobalServices service.
I need your educated advice here guys:
1) Is it a good idea to keep a local cache on the clients to begin with?
2) If we do decide to keep a local cache on the clients, would you use
SqlCacheDependency to notify the clients, or would you use WCF for
notifications (each might have its cons and pros)
Thanks a lot folks,
I like the sound of your SqlCacheDependency, but I will answer this from a different perspective as I have worked with a team on a similar scenario. We created a master database and used triggers to create XML representations of data that was being changed in the master, and stored it in a TransactionQueue table, with a bit of meta data about what changed, when and who changed it. The client databases would periodically check the queue for items it was interested in, and would process the XML and update it's own tables as necessary.
We also did the same in reverse for the client to update the master. We set up triggers and a TransactionQueue table on the client databases to send data back to the master. This in turn would update all of the other client databases when they next poll.
The nice thing about this is that it is fairly agnostic on client platform, and client data structure, so we were able to use the method on a range of legacy and third party systems. The other great point here is that you can take any of the databases out of the loop (including the master - e.g. connection failure) and the others will still work fine. This worked well for us as our master database was behind our corporate firewall, and the simpler web databases were sitting with our ISP.
There are obviously cons to this approach, like race hazard, so we were careful with the order of transaction processing, error handling, de-duping etc. We also built a management GUI to provide a human interaction layer before important data was changed in the master.
Good luck! Tim
