On production we use amazon opsworks to orchestrate our machines. I've created a chef recipe to deploy new code (so actually creating a new release folder, do things there, then switch symlink to new folder) and another recipe that reconfigures our symfony app changing a yml file when a new database slave is added and so on.
The problem is that the reconfigure stage happens on current running code and since I've to run cache:clear and cache:warmup the requests in the meanwhile fails since they don't find cache files/folders.
How could I clear the cache instantly? Maybe warming it up in another folder and then switching those?
Better solutions?
Found by myself that cache:clear (without --no-warmup) actually does the warmup in another folder and exchanges them on finish.
The reason I wasn't using that was due some library issues on warmup when not using --no-warmup && cache:warmup which seems to be solved now.
Let's see how things works after this change and if I don't get these problems anymore
I did some tests of firing up new machines, running cache:clear under heavy request load and no php warnings/errors so far.
I think this is a definitive solution for my problem
I have a couple of large Symfony projects, and have noticed that after updating everything to Symfony 4 (Flex), when our deployment automation runs its normal process of:
composer install --no-dev
We end up with (for example) this:
Symfony operations: 2 recipes (72fad9713126cf1479bb25a53d64d744)
- Unconfiguring symfony/maker-bundle (>=1.0): From github.com/symfony/recipes:master
- Unconfiguring phpunit/phpunit (>=4.7): From github.com/symfony/recipes:master
Then, as expected, this results in changes to symfony.lock and config/bundles.php, plus whatever else, depending on what was included in require-dev in composer.json.
None of this is breaking, exactly, but it is annoying to have a production deploy that no longer has a clean git status output, and can lead to confusion as to what is actually deployed.
There are various workarounds for this, for example I could just put everything in require rather than require-dev since there is no real harm in deploying that stuff, or I could omit the --no-dev part of the Composer command.
But really, what is the right practice here? It seems odd that there is no way to tell Flex to make no changes to configuration if you are just deploying a locked piece of software. Is this a feature request, or have I missed some bit of configuration here?
This was briefly the case on old Syfmony Flex 1 versions.
It was reported here, and fixed here.
It this happens to you, it means you have a very old installation on your hands, and you should do your best to at least update Symfony Flex to a more current version (Symfony Flex 1 does not even work anymore, so switching to Flex 2 if possible would be the only way, or simply remove Flex in production).
If you deploy to prod from your master branch, you can setup a deploy branch instead. And in that branch you can prevent certain files from being merged in. See this post for more detail. This creates a situation in which you have a master branch, a version branch (example: 3.21.2) and you're having devs checkout master, work on it, then merge their changes into the version branch. From there you pick and choose what gets deployed to prod. (There will be a small balancing act here. You'll want to merge all dev changes into master until it matches your version branch and make sure master matches the version after you've deployed. This adds a bit of work and you have to keep an eye on it. etc.)
Another option is to separate your git repository from your deployment directory. In this example, a git directory is created in /var/repo/site.git and the deploy directory is /var/www/domain.com and a post-receive git hook is used to automatically update the www directory after a push is received to the repo/site directory. You obviously run composer, npm, gulp, whathaveyou in the www directory and the git directory is left as is.
Without getting into commercial options such as continuous deployment apps, you can write a deployment script. There are a lot of ways to write a shell script that takes one directory and copies it over, runs composer, runs npm, etc. all in one command -- separating your git from your deploy directories. Here's a simple one that makes use of the current datetime to name a directory then symlinking it to the deployment directory.
I'm looking to remove the dependency on the filesystem for my symfony2 cache directory (app/cache/*) and I don't see a clear path to doing that by modifying services or anything of that nature.
Ultimately, I'm attempting to use Symfony on a filesystem that cannot be altered. In the past I've been able to re-map twig templates and intl files to the database, and in theory this should be possible with the cache (and it already is with the logs).
Is there a way I can make the framework use another service like Redis, a database, or even just keep it in RAM for the life of the script?
I've attempted to run a cache:warmup command also, however, writing to the filesystem still happens even with the cache pre-generated.
The parameter used by everything is defined in the framework as kernel.cache_dir
I would like to know about how symfony2 console commands cache:clear and cache:warmup works in regards to changes in doctrine entities.
I've read this http://blog.whiteoctober.co.uk/2014/02/25/symfony2-cache-warmup-explained/ and this https://stackoverflow.com/a/17787070/779320. There it is stated that symfony2 warm-up generates Doctrine proxies.
Thing is, I frequently have a situation after application deploy using capifony where I must run doctrine migrations. After that I always run cache:clear and cache:warmup.
According to the links above (if I understand correctly), if there is any entity addition/deletion, I should run cache:warmup. But what if there is only entity's fields changes. Should I run both cache:clear and cache:warmup commands necessary to be run or just one? Or, which one is necessary? Or, not at all?
Migrations are responsible for persistence layer only. It has nothing to do with EntityProxies, it only makes Database in sync with Model - that's all.
In production, during deployment, you probably run git pull and composer install, which clears the cache, so migrations shoud run just after that.
Reason - after composer install your new code and Model itself is ready to use new fields/entities, but the Database still falls behind, so migrations keeps it in sync.
I searched and tried a couple of tutorials on the internet but none of them worked for me well.
The tutorials I followed were from Symfony2 documentation, Dator, Hpatoio and Capifony.
Can somebody explain to me how I can export my project into my server. E.g. www.domain.com/about.
It would be very helpful to me.
I have a bundle and inside the bundles all controller and twig templates etc are set.
If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks in advance.
First off it should be noted that deploying a Symfony2 app over FTP is really really bad. It makes a couple of steps more difficult (or even impossible) and should be avoided. If you have SSH access to the machine look at my list of alternative deployment methods below.
There are a few things you cannot influence when you deploy over FTP. If you have no control over the following or can not configure them correctly you unfortunately have no chance of deploying to a shared hosting.
The PHP configuration. If settings are not set correctly and you have no chance of changing them you are unfortunately lost.
Any PHP module you may require. Same as above. If you can not install any additional modules you need there is no chance for you. (An example for that would be the php5-intl module for any Symfony <2.6)
Correct folder permissions. Especially for app/cache and app/logs. Check the docs for requirements.
The Webserver configuration. Symfony needs a correctly configured Webserver (in most cases probably apache or nginx) to function correctly. If you can not influence the config this is bad as well. You might want to try to define the rewrite rules in a .htaccess file as described here.
Here are the steps you need to follow to prepare your application for deployment for the first time:
Update / Install vendors. Use composer install (or composer update) to install any third party bundle or library you use in your project since you have no option to install them later directly on the server.
If you use Assetic for your asset management, make sure you install these as well with the php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod command.
Dump any other assets like so: php app/console assets:install --env=prod. (This step might not be required but you need to make sure the assets are not symlinked. Check this blog post if you are using symfony >=2.6)
Clear the cache for production: php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Make sure you edit your parameters.yml to fit the needs of your production server.
Also update your database schema on your production database in case you have changed it during development.
Now you should be good to go. Copy the whole folder onto your server and try it out.
For the future
If you deploy for the second time make sure not to override any user data (e.g. uploaded images). Also you need to clear the cache over ftp. To do that empty the app/cache directory.
Alternative deployment methods
In case you have more access to the server check out any of these. They might fit your needs better than old pure FTP. Maybe they give you reason enough to change to a more appropriate server. Capifony is probably one of the best deployment tools for Symfony2 apps. Deployment will be as easy as running cap deploy on your local machine. The rest is magic ;) Simple git is also possible for deployment. Many of the above steps will still apply but you have all the advantages git gives you like not copying everything every time you deploy. A very good list of all tools can be found in the docs.
It might help if you tell us a little more about your server set up, but here's a fairly generic guide:
Assuming you want to upload it using ftp (since you tagged the question as such), you will need an FTP
client (see here for some suggestions).
Using the FTP client, you'll want to connect to your server
(hostname: yoursite.com) using your credentials (if it is a secured
From there, you should be able to upload any files from your local
machine to the server.
More specific directions will depend on your server configuration and the FTP client you choose (it should come with its own manual)
Learning progaming with symfony is a evolutional process (for me). So, I have to do things new I have done, or I have to change them.
Now I have changed the structure of the project. It lives not longer complete in the web directory, it lives now in my user and only a symbolic link 'projectname'-> 'User/.../procektname/web' is in the web directory.
Before this Change, I have to start the app in the browser with http://localhost/dev_app.php/, now it is http:localhost/project/dev_app.php. It runs fine. And I think, so I can run more than one Symfony project on one computer.
But when I start the config.php and go through the configuration (database and secret) the config.php will write the config data to the old path. Why? Is there anything to do after moving the project?
P.S. I think its harder than I wrote. You must know, that I have not moved my project, I have made a copy and moved the copy. A view minutes ago, I have done following: Changing the name of the original. And now nothing runs!
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug
ends with a RuntimeExeption, and I can see, it will clear the cache at the old path!
I delete the cache by hand and the App runs. At least there is the question why I get the Exeption when I clear the cash with the console. But I think it is another problem.
I had exactly the same problem than carp-enter.
And Wouter J posted exactly the right symfony link.
We need to override getters for paths.
After, it works very fine.