How can i hide my platform (CMS) - drupal

I have Joomla and Drupal sites, but I don't want others to find out what platform (CMS) I'm running.
I want to prevent detection from tools like Wappalyzer or similar tools. (as seen in this screenshot:
I've heard that has to do with meta tags but I'm not sure.

There is no way to hide the fact you're using Joomla. If you inspect the source code of a websites built using Wordpress for example, you will see wp-includes within the URL's of CSS and JS file includes.
When using Joomla, you can type /administrator at the end of the URL, however if the admin URL is hidden, against, inspecting the source can give it away.
This might be of little help:
How to disable right-click context-menu in javascript

For Drupal, see the community wiki page "Hide, obscure, or remove clues that a site runs on Drupal":
The short answer is :
You can't. Do not try.
You can get pretty far with trying to hide the fact that your site runs on Drupal. But at some point you’ll probably don’t run Drupal anymore ;-)
Have a look …
at our sister site, Drupal SE: How can I obscure the fact my site uses Drupal?
at Hiding the fact your site runs Drupal OR Fingerprinting a Drupal Site

There is way to hide Joomla from bots.
You need to use this jomdefender plugin. It removes word joomla from all pages, change admin page and add few antibot tricks.
Its not perfect, but it still adds much more security to your joomla such as file integrity check, which could be quite usefull when some file gets hacked.


Finding out the name of a WordPress theme

is it at all possible to find out the name of the theme used by this Wordpress site?
I've dug around in the source code, but the css seems minified so I cannot find out much.
If anyone can tell me, they will be my hero!
I've never used this website before today but it seems to work nicely on the few websites I tested: WP Theme Detector. It doesn't work on the website you linked though, saying that it isn't a WordPress website. It might be using a security plugin to prevent websites like this getting information.
I checked on Built With and can see that it is actually a WordPress website. There might be some details you can gleam from here hopefully.
I'm pretty sure that's not a WP site. According to Wappalyzer, it appears to be a combination of HTML5 and the Modernizr JS library.
Regardless of how customised a theme is in WP, or how the CSS/JS is minified, a WP site source wouldn't look the one here. Using a plugin like Hide My WP will stop obvious signs of WP in the source, but it still won't look like this source. Using Firebug, there are no indications of anything WP-related.
If they really are using WP and manage to mask it to this degree, I'd be really interested in how they're doing it.
A lot of themes can be made to look like the one here with a little effort, if you really want the same look.
I have checked a lot of third-party sites, they responded "This is not a WordPress site", but on a specific site I got an alternative respond that the theme might be too custom.

Which CMS should I use when I hand a website over to my non-techie friend?

I'm designing a simple website for a friend - four static pages to advertise a yoga retreat she is running. I have a couple of requirements:
My time is short; I want to quickly build a theme template.
She has no technical skills; she wants to log in to the backend and update page content.
Working for myself, a static site builder such as nanoc or jekyll would be ideal: I can build a template.html with room for some content, then update content files, rebuild the site and redeploy. As a bonus, the whole site could be hosted free on GitHub pages. This satisfies requirement (1) but not requirement (2).
I've also considered Wordpress, because I've got plenty of experience running WP sites and developing custom themes. This satisfies requirement (2) but not (1). There is simply too much development overhead building a WP theme - it is not straightforward to modify the markup structure of all those template files, and there are plenty of snags involving ugly page titles or "Comments are disabled" strings which need to be removed.
It shouldn't be this difficult. I want a site engine which has a simple template.html file for easy re-theming, and an accessible backend for content changes. Bonus points if free hosting is available somewhere.
Perch - - is made for this sort of thing, though it's not free (£).
Could you hack a site together using tumblr pages?
What about Google Sites? Dead simple.
If you're open to .NET i think you should look at n2cms.
WordPress using a premium theme bought in any of the many sites offering quite nice themes for a reasonable price (60 USD). Then, you just change the logo and ready to go.
Since I'm not a web designer myself, this is what I´ve done myself for my sites and I´m quite happy with the results

what the best solution for user driven content on my website

i have created a website for a non profit organization. People on the site want to post stuff . i want to figure out the best way to allow them to do this.
Can i host a wordpress site and somehow embed it into my website
Do i need to install some whole CMS solution?
Other solutions for supporting user driven posts.
to clarify, the functionality of wordpress is all i need (people posting content and pictures).
It's easy to integrate Wordpress into a static html site.
Integrating WordPress with Your Website « WordPress Codex. (You do need mysql, but almost every hosting company out there offers it.)
If you want to convert an existing html site to Wordpress, look at Theme Development « WordPress Codex. Developing Wordpress themes is no more complex than other CMS's, and here are lots of tutorials out there. You divide up your html into header.php, index.php, page.php, footer.php, etc., and css into style.css. If you do a standard Wordpress theme, then plugins will work fine.
Go ahead and do a full install of Wordpress; there's no option for a minimum install. WP is small, anyway.
If you need a finer degree of working with editors, subscribers and contributors than Wordpress offers out of the box, look at different plugins that offer role managing capability, giving administrators the power to give different levels of permissions to users to write, edit and publish. WordPress › Search for roles « WordPress Plugins
You can pull other content into Wordpress via RSS, too, and either have that content appear as an RSS feed, or have it integrated into published posts. FeedWordPress | simple and flexible Atom/RSS syndication for WordPress
You can get a free account at and try out a limited version of Wordpress, limited in that it is hosted by and you have a small number of plugins and css modifications you can make. But once you selfhost Wordpress, then you can do much more with it in terms of plugins and adapting the css to an existing site.
You could use a Wiki.
There are a few popular free Wiki packages out there these days. By far the most popular would be the framework behind Wikipedia - MediaWiki. Wikis' are a proven way to let users create the content, with systems in place to prevent vandalism/spam. MediaWiki also has a whole bunch of great plug-ins for anything you would need.
Another Wiki option is to use the Wordpress-Wiki plug-in for Wordpress. It lets you use Wordpress, but with some features of a Wiki. Not as feature rich as MediaWiki, but a good option if you really like Wordpress.
You do not need to install a whole cms solution, though wordpress can host an entire site, not just blogs.
You could hack it by using a hosted weordpress and displaying it in an iframe (this one might get some flames - but it works and it's easy)
You could also install wordpress on your server. By the sounds of it this is not your expertise, and while setting up wordpress is getting easier every release, for smaller sites I would much rather recommend pivotx
wordpress has a lot of overhead and requires a mysql database. The templated, while there are more available than in pivotx are harder to create. So I'm suggesting the other solution because it does the bulk of what wordpress does, and though it has far far far fewer plugins, it is a lot easier to theme, as it uses smarty.
This problem/scenario is pretty common. And the most common solution is to install a CMS. Our compagny installs Drupal to let end user manage their website easily. They can edit menus, and change content as easily as you write a document in word processor software.
But there is a lot of CMS out there...
Have you tried
I have two sites and that are hosted using It is free and has multi user support, and the best part for me is that it supports both XML and SQL hosting. Anything that you post automatically ends up in the App_Data folder which is what you need to backup.
There are a plenty of themes to choose from, and if you wish you can customize your own theme without much effort.

Etherpad and Wordpress, possible?

I recently stumbled upon Etherpad, it's a collaborative writing tool - main project page
online Examples:
I want to add this engine somehow to my wordpress and let people collaborate their posts,
I'm wondering if it has been done before and/or does it take more than
shared hosting (that is what I have) to do it [server capabilities or what-not] ?
In general, I think this is a complicated way to go about it. Also, Etherpad allows some very basic font formatting but no images and such things you might want to include in a blog. Instead I suggest looking for some Wordpress plugin for collaborative writing, and you might find something less "real-timey" but perhaps good enough.
Or if you really want to try with Etherpad:
Etherpad needs lots of memory (RAM) to run. A typical configuration is 1 GB, but it might be possible to get by on 128MB dedicated to Etherpad. This means you'll need at least 256MB in total for a first attempt. Your shared host also needs to have a Java server installed (typically Jetty) and some proxying server (typically nginx). All in all, you have some work ahead of you in just getting Etherpad up and running. After that, integrating into the Wordpress blog editor. If/how this can be done, I don't know. I'd probably do a client-side javascript-hack to get the Wordpress textarea or richtext editarea to update from the Etherpad readonly view, which is the only place where you can get the contents of a pad as more-or-less raw source text.
A simpler solution would be to just add an Etherpad page through an iFrame. See this post for example -
In theory it's possible to replace Wordpress' editor with an Etherpad Lite iFrame. Etherpad now allows image/font editing and table support as plugins.
Java is no longer required for Etherpad, NodeJS however is.
Here is a plugin that is in development that does what you want - however development seemed to stop in early 2012. seems to be the best solution in this space to date. I haven't tested it on my own site, but they have an at least partially-working demo online.
Yes! It is possible. WordPress now has a plugin. The plugin has three modules which enables an Editor in dashboard and let you edit via front-end.
You can find more details on their FAQ page.

Drupal Admin vs admin_menu

Which do you use and why? Does one provide any clear advantages over the other?
I use admin_menu for administrators and developers who need quick access to administration functions, but I use admin for everyone else.
Admin's main weakness for administrators, that it only shows you one section of the menu at a time, is also its main strength for content creators and maintainers who would be overwhelmed by all menu options. The fact that you can have a sidebar with just Create content is great for data entry.
A big plus of admin is its ability to be tucked away into one corner instead of taking up the entire top of the website. In my user testing, people don't seem to think they're editing the live site when the site has a toolbar attached to it: before switching to admin, I would frequently get questions asking how they could see the live site when logged in.
I find them both slower than just using the default system, they both add to page load times and it's very easy to get to the admin page you want using Firefox's url suggestion feature.
Be careful using admin menu, for sites with lots of modules it's buggy, in my experience. It disappears without reason. I've been developing websites on Drupal for 5 or more years and admin_menu was one of my favourites admin tools...
For small sites, I recommend it. For sites with lots of modules I wouldn't recommend it. See the admin_menu isssues, search "disappear" and you will find people complaining about it. Some patches have been submitted, in my case the bug persists.
Be careful with this module on D7.
Admin menu provides a quicker way to get to many of the core admin functions rather than going via admin. It is part of D7 but in D6 is has been known to be buggy and slow.
