Plone Switching to ZRS using plone.recipe.zeoserver on Plone 4.3.1 - plone

I'm working on setting up a Zope Replicated Storage (ZRS) based deployment. I currently have two servers (east and west)
west will be the primary
east will be the secondary
I haven't touched the west box yet. On the east box I've edited my buildout as follows (I had to pin plone.recipe.zeoserver to 1.2.6 because the zrs features didn't exist before version 1.2.6):
recipe = plone.recipe.zeoserver[zrs]
replicate-from = ${hosts:zeoserver-west}:${ports:zeoserver-zrs}
plone.recipe.zeoserver = 1.2.6
After running
I try to start my cluster and the instances seem to hang. A debugging instance now gives me the following output:
2013-09-11 08:24:00 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Sep 11 08:24:00 2013
Hostname: localhost
Port: 7680
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO Products.PloneFormGen gpg_subprocess initialized, using /usr/bin/gpg
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO DeadlockDebugger Not activated, you must change ACTIVATED in
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage ClientStorage (pid=22802) created RW/normal for storage: '1'
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.cache created temporary cache file '<fdopen>'
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:02 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 7600)>
2013-09-11 08:24:07 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
I've copied the Data.fs over so it's available on east.
I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the primary ZRS not being up yet.
This is my first initial test and I just wanted to see the secondary working before setting up the primary.
If I removing the zrs settings and rebuild buildout the cluster starts without issue.

Make sure that you also set the "east" clients read-only. That option was added to plone.recipe.zope2instance in version 4.2.12.
It's the "read-only" option in the definition of a basic ZEO storage.

Anything in the zeoserver log?
I assume that's not your full zeoserver configuration correct? The ZRS replication runs on an additional port to the zeoserver so you still need to specify zeoserver host and port.
Additionally, run the replicated server in read-only mode and start from an empty database--you don't need to sync the database to start off, zrs will sync all up once it's running.


Log client ip for each request - access log for kestrel

Is there anyway to log client ips with kestrel hosting? I specified DEBUG log level in app settings, but still it only shows server path being requested, not from whom.
I know client ip can be get from HttpContext structure within each api, but what I'd like is just logging it by the framework, so that I can save adding same function in each api.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[1]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" started.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET <====== it logs the server path
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler[9]
AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was not authenticated.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteBase[1]
Request successfully matched the route with name 'default' and template '{controller}/{action}'.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[1]
Executing action CH.Api.Controllers.HomeController.Index (CH)
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[1]
Executing action method CH.Controllers.HomeController.Index (CH) with arguments ((null)) - ModelState is Valid
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[2]
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[9]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" completed keep alive response.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
Request finished in 160.2879ms 200 text/plain; charset=utf-8
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Libuv[6]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" received FIN.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[10]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" disconnecting.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Libuv[7]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" sending FIN.
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[2]
Connection id "0HL9L7IJ7JLIV" stopped.
Maybe you can create a custom middleware that logs each request with just four lines:
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
Console.WriteLine($"[{context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress}] | {context.Request.Path}");
await next.Invoke();
[] | /
[] | /About
[] | /Post
Or replace context.Request.Path with context.Request.GetDisplayUrl()to see full URL:
[] |

Nginx error readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream

We have nginx version: nginx/1.6.2 and tomcat 7 as the setup and see these errors in our nginx logs. Can some explain what this error means and if we need to change any settings in our setup to make this work.
2015/10/06 11:05:00 [error] 1005#0: *3026220 readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /exelate/usersync?
We increased the Http header size for tomcat and this issue has been resolved. We made maxHttpHeaderSize="65536" so that tomcat can accept 64KB headers default is 8KB.
In my Case, it because of Netflix Zuul:
I get this message from nginx log when I try to upload file more than 1 MB:
readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream
My web application uses Nginx and redirects to Netflix Zuul. So I need to set this configuration in properties.yml of Zuul.
max-request-size: 10MB
max-file-size: 10MB
And my problem is solved.

Unable to see items in publishing queue

We are using Tridion 2011 SP1. We have a user who is having access to 2 publications, he can publish the pages from those publications, but when he check published items in publishing queue he can't see any item in publishing queue (though he published number of items).
Can anyone let us know what is going wrong?
Few part of Transport Log attached.
2013-01-03 12:34:43,221 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:43,237 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Waiting for transport result for: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:43,252 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:43,252 DEBUG TransportSender - Starting sending transportPackage: D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\
2013-01-03 12:34:43,689 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Successfully transport content to destination:
2013-01-03 12:34:43,689 DEBUG TransportSender - Sending D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\ to destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed.
2013-01-03 12:34:43,705 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:43,705 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Received item from transport destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 DEBUG DestinationController - Finalizing transport for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 0
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 DEBUG StepTransport - Transport was succesfully completed for transaction:tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 INFO StepPhaseOneCommit - Transport has no transaction control, not sending commit/rollback commands for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:43,736 INFO StepPrepare - Finalizing/cleaning transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:47,449 DEBUG DestinationController - Checking destination for transport metadata
2013-01-03 12:34:47,449 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:47,480 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:47,480 DEBUG DestinationController - Starting polling on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:47,480 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:47,979 DEBUG DestinationController - Found notification for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:47,979 DEBUG DestinationController - New deployer endpoint information received for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 and destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:48,010 DEBUG DestinationController - Polling attempt 1 for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:48,010 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:53,018 DEBUG DestinationController - Checking destination for transport metadata
2013-01-03 12:34:53,018 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:53,034 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:53,034 DEBUG DestinationController - Starting polling on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:53,049 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:53,065 DEBUG DestinationController - Found notification for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:53,065 DEBUG DestinationController - New deployer endpoint information received for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 and destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:53,081 DEBUG DestinationController - Polling attempt 2 for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:53,081 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:58,104 DEBUG DestinationController - Checking destination for transport metadata
2013-01-03 12:34:58,104 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:58,119 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:34:58,119 DEBUG DestinationController - Starting polling on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:58,119 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:34:58,135 DEBUG DestinationController - Found notification for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:58,135 DEBUG DestinationController - New deployer endpoint information received for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 and destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:58,151 INFO DestinationController - All Deployer endpoints have completed, setting transaction to completed for: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:58,151 DEBUG RollingStateRetriever - Unable to read transport state file, not adding to summary batch
2013-01-03 12:34:58,166 DEBUG DestinationController - Removing notification task for destination iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560
2013-01-03 12:34:58,166 DEBUG DestinationController - Polling attempt 3 for transaction: tcm:0-283176-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:34:58,166 INFO DestinationController - RemoteEndpoint: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed deployment handling, deleting state file: tcm_0-283176-66560.state.xml
2013-01-03 12:34:58,166 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Doing remove operation on remote HTTP(s) destination:
2013-01-03 12:34:58,182 INFO HTTPSTransportConnector - Deleted file at remote HTTP(s) destination: tcm_0-283176-66560.state.xml was success: true
2013-01-03 12:34:58,182 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:36:02,939 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Purging connector: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] idle for: 64757
2013-01-03 12:39:37,131 DEBUG DestinationControllerMonitor - Cleaning up destination controllers.
2013-01-03 12:39:37,131 DEBUG DestinationController - Idle(ms): 278965, Transports: 0, Notifications: true
2013-01-03 12:40:23,526 DEBUG TransportService - Starting handing of a transaction
2013-01-03 12:40:23,541 INFO TransactionProcessor - No existing transport transaction information for: tcm:0-283177-66560 creating new transaction state
2013-01-03 12:40:23,541 DEBUG TransactionHeader - Writing[TransactionHeader transactionId=tcm:0-283177-66560 control=COMMIT] to C:\temp\tcm_0-283177-66560.Content\transaction.xml
2013-01-03 12:40:23,541 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 INFO TransportService - Starting transport handling of transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 INFO TransportPoolManager - Creating a new TransportPoolConnector, because no available connectors in connection pool
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 DEBUG TransportPoolConnector - Configuring TransportPoolConnector.
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Authentication information supplied, setting basic credentials
2013-01-03 12:40:23,572 DEBUG DestinationProgressWorker - Starting retrieving active transactions at destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:23,604 DEBUG DestinationProgressWorker - Found 0 transactions in progress and 0 waiting transactions.
2013-01-03 12:40:23,604 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:40:23,604 INFO DestinationController - Transaction fits inside current window, proceeding transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:23,604 DEBUG TransactionManager - Destination is available for transport: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:23,604 DEBUG TransactionManager - All destinations are available for transport of transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:23,619 INFO ZipWorker - Preparing TransportPackage for id: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:23,619 DEBUG ZipWorker - Zipping Transportpackage: c:\Temp\tcm_0-283177-66560.Content
2013-01-03 12:40:24,087 DEBUG ZipWorker - Zipping has been completed for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:24,087 DEBUG StepPrepare - Zipping has been completed successfully for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:24,087 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:40:24,118 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:40:24,134 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 1
2013-01-03 12:40:24,134 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Waiting for transport result for: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:24,150 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:40:24,150 DEBUG TransportSender - Starting sending transportPackage: D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\
2013-01-03 12:40:24,508 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Successfully transport content to destination:
2013-01-03 12:40:24,508 DEBUG TransportSender - Sending D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\ to destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed.
2013-01-03 12:40:24,540 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:40:24,540 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Received item from transport destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 DEBUG DestinationController - Finalizing transport for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 0
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 DEBUG StepTransport - Transport was succesfully completed for transaction:tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 INFO StepPhaseOneCommit - Transport has no transaction control, not sending commit/rollback commands for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:24,555 INFO StepPrepare - Finalizing/cleaning transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:28,720 DEBUG DestinationController - Checking destination for transport metadata
2013-01-03 12:40:28,720 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:40:28,736 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:40:28,736 DEBUG DestinationController - Starting polling on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:28,736 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:40:28,752 DEBUG DestinationController - Found notification for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:28,752 DEBUG DestinationController - New deployer endpoint information received for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560 and destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:28,767 INFO DestinationController - All Deployer endpoints have completed, setting transaction to completed for: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:28,798 DEBUG DestinationController - Removing notification task for destination iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560
2013-01-03 12:40:28,798 DEBUG DestinationController - Polling attempt 1 for transaction: tcm:0-283177-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:40:28,814 INFO DestinationController - RemoteEndpoint: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed deployment handling, deleting state file: tcm_0-283177-66560.state.xml
2013-01-03 12:40:28,814 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Doing remove operation on remote HTTP(s) destination:
2013-01-03 12:40:28,830 INFO HTTPSTransportConnector - Deleted file at remote HTTP(s) destination: tcm_0-283177-66560.state.xml was success: true
2013-01-03 12:40:28,830 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:41:33,461 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Purging connector: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] idle for: 64631
2013-01-03 12:42:14,645 DEBUG TransportService - Starting handing of a transaction
2013-01-03 12:42:14,645 INFO TransactionProcessor - No existing transport transaction information for: tcm:0-283178-66560 creating new transaction state
2013-01-03 12:42:14,661 DEBUG TransactionHeader - Writing[TransactionHeader transactionId=tcm:0-283178-66560 control=COMMIT] to C:\temp\tcm_0-283178-66560.Content\transaction.xml
2013-01-03 12:42:14,661 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 INFO TransportService - Starting transport handling of transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 INFO TransportPoolManager - Creating a new TransportPoolConnector, because no available connectors in connection pool
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 DEBUG TransportPoolConnector - Configuring TransportPoolConnector.
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Authentication information supplied, setting basic credentials
2013-01-03 12:42:14,723 DEBUG DestinationProgressWorker - Starting retrieving active transactions at destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:14,754 DEBUG DestinationProgressWorker - Found 0 transactions in progress and 0 waiting transactions.
2013-01-03 12:42:14,754 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:42:14,754 INFO DestinationController - Transaction fits inside current window, proceeding transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,754 DEBUG TransactionManager - Destination is available for transport: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:14,754 DEBUG TransactionManager - All destinations are available for transport of transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,770 INFO ZipWorker - Preparing TransportPackage for id: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,770 DEBUG ZipWorker - Zipping Transportpackage: c:\Temp\tcm_0-283178-66560.Content
2013-01-03 12:42:14,973 DEBUG ZipWorker - Zipping has been completed for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,973 DEBUG StepPrepare - Zipping has been completed successfully for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:14,973 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:42:15,020 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:42:15,035 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 1
2013-01-03 12:42:15,035 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Waiting for transport result for: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:15,051 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:42:15,051 DEBUG TransportSender - Starting sending transportPackage: D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\
2013-01-03 12:42:15,191 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Successfully transport content to destination:
2013-01-03 12:42:15,191 DEBUG TransportSender - Sending D:\Tridion\bin\transactions\ to destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed.
2013-01-03 12:42:15,207 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:42:15,207 DEBUG ParallelDestinationWorker - Received item from transport destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 DEBUG DestinationControllerFactory - Returning existing destination controller.
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 DEBUG DestinationController - Finalizing transport for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 DEBUG DestinationController - Transports in progress: 0
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 DEBUG StepTransport - Transport was succesfully completed for transaction:tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 INFO StepPhaseOneCommit - Transport has no transaction control, not sending commit/rollback commands for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:15,222 INFO StepPrepare - Finalizing/cleaning transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:18,998 DEBUG DestinationController - Checking destination for transport metadata
2013-01-03 12:42:18,998 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:42:19,013 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:42:19,013 DEBUG DestinationController - Starting polling on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:19,013 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Returning a freely available and alive TransportConnector
2013-01-03 12:42:19,044 DEBUG DestinationController - Found notification for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:19,044 DEBUG DestinationController - New deployer endpoint information received for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560 and destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:19,060 INFO DestinationController - All Deployer endpoints have completed, setting transaction to completed for: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:19,107 DEBUG DestinationController - Removing notification task for destination iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560
2013-01-03 12:42:19,107 DEBUG DestinationController - Polling attempt 1 for transaction: tcm:0-283178-66560 on destination: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q==
2013-01-03 12:42:19,107 INFO DestinationController - RemoteEndpoint: iH1DJ7u5t1piMKRZi9OS0Q== completed deployment handling, deleting state file: tcm_0-283178-66560.state.xml
2013-01-03 12:42:19,107 DEBUG HTTPSTransportConnector - Doing remove operation on remote HTTP(s) destination:
2013-01-03 12:42:19,122 INFO HTTPSTransportConnector - Deleted file at remote HTTP(s) destination: tcm_0-283178-66560.state.xml was success: true
2013-01-03 12:42:19,122 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Connector is registered for reuse: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] available: 1
2013-01-03 12:43:23,629 DEBUG TransportPoolManager - Purging connector: HTTPS[Password[******], UserName[TridionAppUser], URL[]] idle for: 64507
2013-01-03 12:44:37,136 DEBUG DestinationControllerMonitor - Cleaning up destination controllers.
2013-01-03 12:44:37,136 DEBUG DestinationController - Idle(ms): 138029, Transports: 0, Notifications: true
2013-01-03 12:49:37,140 DEBUG DestinationControllerMonitor - Cleaning up destination controllers.
2013-01-03 12:49:37,140 DEBUG DestinationController - Idle(ms): 438033, Transports: 0, Notifications: true
2013-01-03 12:54:37,144 DEBUG DestinationControllerMonitor - Cleaning up destination controllers.
2013-01-03 12:54:37,144 DEBUG DestinationController - Idle(ms): 738037, Transports: 0, Notifications: true
Did it actually publish anything? You can send things to the queue that result in no publish action being needed (for instance, select a Structure Group with no Pages, Publish = nothing to publish).
If an administrative user logs in and sets the Publish Queue to show all transactions, do they see the Publish job from the non-admin user?
If the transactions from the non-admin user are not visible to the admin user, then follow Nuno's advice on running the Publisher in debug / logging - it's likely nothing is actually being sent for publishing.
It looks like package is reaching to the deployer and then it is roll-backed the operation.
It might caused due to size limit on http upload, I guess.

Siege unknown responses

I'm trying to test my server on highload resistance with siege utility:
siege -d1 -r10 -c100
Siege outputs a lot of messages like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 0.46 secs: 10298 bytes ==> /
but sometimes there are error messages like this:
Error: socket: unable to connect sock.c:220: Connection timed out
or this:
warning: socket: -598608128 select timed out: Connection timed out
There is siege report after testing:
Transactions: 949 hits
Availability: 94.90 %
Successful transactions: 949
Failed transactions: 51
Longest transaction: 9.87
Shortest transaction: 0.37
In nginx logs on my server, only 950 messages with code 200 and response that all right.
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 10311 "-" "JoeDog/1.00 [en] (X11; I; Siege 2.68)"
Can anyone tell me what this means
Error: socket: unable to connect sock.c:220: Connection timed out
warning: socket: -598608128 select timed out: Connection timed out
and why in my nginx logs I only see responses with code 200?
It probably means your pipe is full and can't handle more connections. You can't make nginx or nginx backends accept more connections if if your pipe is full. Try testing against localhost. You will then be testing the stack rather than the stack and the pipe. It will resemble real load less, but give you an idea what you can handle with the bigger pipe.

ASP.NET HttpModule gives "Connection Reset" in browser

I have implemented a HttpModule in ASP.NET (framework 2.0).
From my logging on the server, I can see that the http request is being picked up by my HttpModule, and my code runs successfully (writing content back to the Response stream).
However, the web browser (IE, FF, Chrome, all the same) just give me a "connection reset" error message.
I've checked the Event Log on the server; there are no related errors or messages there.
EXTRA INFO: When I use the "Live HTTP Headers" plugin in FF, it does not even display my client request (although I am sure it reaches the server, due to the request being captured in the server log).
How can I troubleshoot what's happening here?
Answering my own question here... I found out that there is a log file at C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\HTTPERR.
It shows the following:
2010-08-26 12:07:10 xx.xx.xx.xx 2618 xx.xx.xx.xx 80 HTTP/1.1 GET /web/myapp - 232667915 Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool
2010-08-26 12:07:10 xx.xx.xx.xx 2624 xx.xx.xx.xx 80 HTTP/1.1 GET /web/myapp - 232667915 Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool
2010-08-26 12:07:10 xx.xx.xx.xx 2625 xx.xx.xx.xx 80 HTTP/1.1 GET /web/myapp - 232667915 Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool
After googling a bit I found this:
And followed the advice:
"aspnet_regiis -u"
Uninstall IIS
Reinstall IIS
"aspnet_regiis -i"
... reconfigure sites, and everything worked beautifully again. :-)
