Wrapping Text In WebGrid Columns - css

I working on a project in MVC 4 where I am leveraging WebGrid to display various data elements for my models.
Currently, one of my models has a text property that accommodates a large amount of text. Yet when it is displayed via WebGrid, the text fails to wrap and extends the length of the grid. Needless to say, this looks very ugly and makes the text difficult to read.
Is there a way to either:
a) Wrap text of a specific column in WebGrid
b) Style the grid or column using CSS somehow to achieve the same effect.
I have done much research on this topic, but have not come up with much of anything that directly applies to this simple scenario.
The most useful link I found is this one, but it is somewhat old and does not directly address my needs.
I can't imagine why text wrapping was not included in the basic implementation of WebGrid, but it does not appear to be part of its integral functionality.
Anybody have any ideas?

You use CSS to manage this kind of thing. The WebGrid renders an HTML table so you can declare styles for tables and they will be adopted when the grid renders.
There are also some CSS hooks built in to the WebGrid. You can specify the CSS class that the individual table uses through the tableStyle parameter:
grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "myStyle")
Or you can apply styles at column level:
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("MyText", style: "wordwrap")
I've written about the WebGrid in detail here: http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article/154/Looking-At-The-WebMatrix-WebGrid
To get words to wrap using CSS, you need a combination of table-layout: fixed on the table and word-wrap:break-word on the table cell. See here for example: How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?


HTML - How to <div> directly next to <td> but not moving table columns

I have a basic 2 column table for a form. In the left column are the labels, and in the right column are the inputs. When the user submits the form, if there are errors I want to display them directly to the right of the input in which the error was relating to. Could anyone provide an example of how to position a div next to the table row without shifting the columns across?
You could have the <div> representing the error inside of the <tr>. If there is no error it could just be empty. You can use a js templating framework like Mustache.js to pass arguments into your <div>.
I would encourage the use of Flex Grid. This is a CSS ruleset that will help you layout your form. You can still use two column format, with the only change being the you will probably want to reduce the size of the first column relative to the second column, to leave room for an error message.
Another option would be to use abandon tables and use CSS Grids instead.
Take a look at these links for more information:

How to remove padding created by ResponsiveGridLayout control in OpenUI5 (SAPUI5)?

I am creating a form using OpenUI5 and I noticed that when I am using the ResponsiveGridLayout layout, the form gets some padding (blue area around the input fields). Please see result here:
If I am using the GridLayout layout, the padding is as expected:
Any idea how I can get a form with very a small padding (like in GridLayout example), but in the same time I want to be able to use the 12-column grid system so I can set the size on my input fields?
Ideally, the views need to be XML and to use OpenUI5 classes/controls if possible.
You could just swap the responsible style classes using .addStyleClass() and .removeStyleClass().
Not sure if it works, but thats the easiest possible fix I can think of that might be worth a try.

Dynamic table-width doesn't adjust properly

I'm trying to build a genealogy tree with HTML tables (and nested tables). It should, ultimately be editable by the user using contenteditable, and the nested cells should resize accordingly.
However, to my mystery, when I edit the cells, they resize far too fast and too much. Why so?
The outer table keeps everything under control, so sizes are fixed using
The nested table cells, on the other hand are only specified via
Every cell's width is set individually via percentage, and it looks perfect before editing. Not so after.
DEMO here http://jsfiddle.net/KtB6C/
Try editing the Father or Mother cell.
I know this is a "fix-my-code" problem, but any help is appreciated.

Razor view engine data entry form

I Am from a WPF/XAML background and I'm trying to get my head into MVC. I am wondering if I want to create a data capture form, would you use table or div to structure the labels and dropdowns/textboxes etc.?
I ask because the template provided has all stacked one on top of another and wastes valuable screen area. I want to have my labels for Title, Forename, Surname all on one line/row and the same for data capture elements?
You should use div to structure your layout.
Also you can use some grid layout framework (like in Twiter Boostrap, see Grid system). If you have WPF background - it can simulate to some extent Grid panel from WPF in HTML world.
In HTML table tags should be used for Tabular data; layout of forms etc should be done using Div / Span tags for structure and CSS to control the structure.
Take a looks at the link below for input form structure example:
Differents way to structure html inputs and labels in a form
Best way to structure a two column html form?
It's not only cleaner to use Div, but it also makes the page more accessible according to W3C rules.

How semantic is your XHTML/CSS markup?

I think I'm pretty good at using semantic markup on my pages but I still have a handful of classes like this:
/**** Aligns ****/
.right_align { text-align: right; }
.left_align { text-align: left; }
.center_align { text-align: center; }
Which, technically, is a no-no. But when you just want to position some text in a table, how crazy am I supposed to get with the semantic markup?
Why do you want to align the text?
The answer to the question is the name of the id or class you need to have for your selector. Do you want to align it right because it's a price?
table .price {
text-align: right
Just ask yourself why do you want to apply a particular style, and all will become clear.
I probably overdid it, but my last work project was pretty close 100% semantic- anything I needed which was not semantic (say, a filler div which I could not do without for a layout requirement), I added dynamically using jQuery.
If you want tight coupling between the table cells and the alignment, you could just assign the attribute style="text-align:right" directly on the tag. There is no reason to go the extra level of indirection through a class if you dont use it for a level of abstraction anyway.
I try to consider why I want a column right aligned in a table. For example, if the column contains currency amounts then I would use a style named currency instead of right_align.
Semantic markup is an admirable goal, but in the real world, you sometimes have to make compromises. In some cases, the only sensible way to do something is to break semantics and just throw in a right_align.
Edit: People seem to be misunderstanding my point in this. You should use semantic markup where possible. However, there are cases where it really is just a stylistic choice and there is nothing inherent to the data that you can use to describe or classify it. This is most typically true with large sections of tabular data, especially if it is dynamically generated.
I've had cases where clients want to be able to dynamically control what columns appear in data grid. There's no way to know ahead of time what type of data they're going to choose to show. If they want a way to center or right align a dynamically generated column, it's better to have center and right align classes available for them to use than to have them sticking style attributes everywhere.
100% semantic markup is a silly goal. Your graphic designer will say, "Let's right align this", and the reason will be "because it looks good that way". What are you supposed to do, add a class of "looksgoodthatway" to the div? Just right align it and get on with your life! :)
From experience, for usability reasons you should keep tokens on as many lines as possible.
I use the following notation
Why you ask? This solves many problems with collisions, as it reduces the number of places 2 unrelated changes can occur in 2 different places at once ( which causes the collision ), and when the collision does occur, its much easier to see what caused it and chose the correct solution.
This is because SCM's DIFF is row oriented, and if you have all your content on 1 row, you get 2 choices, hose one complete set, or hose the other.
Also, that particular style I find, if adhered to, makes it easy to write lint checking code that detects errors in your CSS.
For insance, spot the typos:
attribute property
In this case, code that simply checks for whitespace and delimiter conformance also detects coding mistakes!.
