I have the following sql code:
$management_lcfruh_sql = "SELECT COUNT(schicht), codes.lcfruh, personal.status, dienstplan.kw, personal.perso_id, personal.sort_order, dienstplan.datum FROM dienstplan INNER JOIN codes ON dienstplan.schicht=codes.lcfruh INNER JOIN personal ON personal.perso_id=dienstplan.perso_id WHERE codes.lcfruh!='' AND personal.status='management' AND dienstplan.kw='$kw' ORDER BY personal.sort_order, dienstplan.datum";
$management_lcfruh_result= mysql_query($management_lcfruh_sql);
how can I get a list of counts instead of only one count, dienstplan.kw='$kw' is a week of the year which have seve days, so I should get seven result listed instead of a one count of all of the seven.
<? echo $rows['COUNT(schicht)']; ?>
Um well you haven't been a big help on the extra info front, but may be this will get you going in the right direction.
Given Table1(WeekNo int, Category int, Schict int)
and Table2 (WeekNo int, Schict int, CategoryDate dateTime)
Select t1.Catgeory, DayName(t2.CategoryDate), t1.Schict, Count(t1.schict)
From Table1 t1
Inner join Table2 t2 On t1.Schict = t2.schict and t1.WeekNo = t2.weekNo
Group by t1.Category,DayName(t2.CategoryDate), t1.Schict
Would get you a count by Category and schict across the two tables, but the number of records you get would be dependent on how many days of the week you had records for.
You could deal with that in Sql but it would be much easier to fill in the missing days in your array client side in PHP. Posibly even easier, if you were to use the mysql DayOfWeek
function instead of DayName.
Some clues anyway
Perhaps even easier would to simply add this date you won't tell us about to the select clause of your current query and then use PHP to get the day.
I am trying to get a list of most used tags for posts on a website on a given day. I currently have this query:
SELECT posts.pdate, tags.tag, count(posts.pid) as post_count
FROM posts, tags
WHERE posts.pid = tags.pid
GROUP BY posts.pdate, tags.tag
ORDER BY posts.pdate;
This provides me with each distinct tag, along with the date they are used on as well as how many posts used them, returning me with this:
2020-09-13|Sql language|1
2020-09-17|sql language|1
2020-09-20|sql language|1
2020-09-25|sql language|1
2020-09-30|extra tag|1
2020-09-30|just here|1
2020-09-30|more tag|1
2020-09-30|tag tag|1
2020-09-30|tag test|1
2020-09-30|test tag|1
But, I now need to make it only give me the rows that have the max (or all of them with max in case of a tie) for each date.
I WANT to be able to use MAX(count(posts.pid)) but I know that doesn't work so I need to find an alternative.
I should get a final result of this:
2020-09-20|sql language|1
2020-09-25|sql language|1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
create table posts (
pid char(4),
pdate date,
title text,
body text,
poster char(4),
primary key (pid),
foreign key (poster) references users
create table tags (
pid char(4),
tag text,
primary key (pid,tag),
foreign key (pid) references posts
You can use RANK() window function:
SELECT pdate, tag, post_count
SELECT p.pdate,
COUNT(*) post_count,
FROM posts p INNER JOIN tags t
ON p.pid = t.pid
GROUP BY p.pdate, t.tag
WHERE rnk = 1
ORDER BY pdate, tag;
You should use a proper JOIN with an ON clause instead of that outdated syntax with the WHERE clause.
I'm sorry for the confusing title, but couldn't find another way to ask it.
Let's say I want to write a procedure add_salesline. I enter all the fields with parameters, except subtotal. Subtotal (just the price for the salesline) needs to be calculated based on fields in other tables such as productprice in the table products, pricereduction in the table promotion, etc. (based on the properties).
How can I do this? I've been trying to solve this problem for a good week now, and it's just not working...
Presumably one of the parameters passed to procedure add_salesline() is productid, or whatever. So you use that to SELECT products.productprice, promotion.pricereduction and whatever else you need to perform the calculation.
The purpose of writing a stored procedure is to associate several calls into a single program unit. So add_salesline() might look something like this (lots of caveats because your question is very light on details):
create or replace procedure add_salesline(
p_orderno in salesline.orderno%type
, p_salesqty in salesline.salesqty%type
, p_productid in products.productid%type
new_rec salesline%rowtype;
new_rec.orderno := p_orderno;
new_rec.salesqty := p_salesqty;
new_rec.productid := p_productid;
select p_salesqty * (p.productprice * nvl(pp.pricereduction, 1))
into new_rec.subtotal
from products p
left outer join promotion pp
on pp.productid = p.productid
where p.productid = p_productid
insert into salesline
value new_rec;
This code assumes pricereduction is a rate. If the value is an absolute discount the formula will be different (p.productprice - nvl(pp.pricereduction, 0)). Or if it's a replacement price: coalesce(pp.pricereduction, p.productprice).
I have a product page on a webpage that shows categories of products. This is done with a listview populated from a database. The issue that I have is that the main supplier has demanded that their products are first in the category list. So what I need to do is run a query that will return the results, display those two categories first and then display the rest alphabetically.
So I've been trying to do this using a UNION ALL query like this:
SELECT cat, cat_id, image FROM prod_categories WHERE cat_id = 19 OR cat_id = 65
SELECT cat, cat_id, image FROM prod_categories WHERE cat_id <> 19 AND cat_id <> 65
I thought with a union like this it would display the results of the first select query first, but it's not doing that.
I can add an 'order by cat' clause on the end, but obviously that only displays them in the correct order if the two categories I want to display come first alphabetically, which they don't.
If anyone has any ideas how to do this it would be greatly appreciated.
How about this:
SELECT cat, cat_id, image FROM prod_categories
order by case when cat_id in (19, 65) then 1 else 2 end, cat_id
Cuts out the need to UNION altogether. Might even produce a more efficient execution plan (possibly...).
(using Transact-SQL for SQL Server - the exact syntax may have to be tinkered for MySql etc)
Try something like this.
SELECT cat, cat_id, image, 1 as [srt]
FROM prod_categories WHERE cat_id = 19 OR cat_id = 65
SELECT cat, cat_id, image, 2 as [srt]
FROM prod_categories WHERE cat_id <> 19 AND cat_id <> 65
ORDER BY srt ASC, cat_id
Don't hard-code this into your query. What happens when the next supplier wants to come second? Or last? For that matter, you may want to list categories in some sort of "group", anyways.
Instead, you should be using an ordering table (or multiple). Something simple to get you started:
CREATE TABLE Category_Order (categoryId INTEGER -- fk to category.id, unique
priority INTEGER) -- when to display category
Then you want to insert the values for the current "special" categories:
INSERT INTO Category_Order (categoryId, priority) VALUES (19, 2147483647), (65, 0)
You'll also need an entry for rows that are not currently prioritized:
INSERT INTO Category_Order (categoryId, priority)
SELECT catId, -2147483648
FROM prod_categories
WHERE catID NOT IN (19, 65)
Which can then be queried like this:
SELECT cat, cat_id, image
FROM prod_categories
JOIN Category_Order
ON category_id = cat_id
ORDER BY priority DESC, cat
If you write a small maintenance program for this table, you can then push re-ordering duties off onto the correct business department. Reordering of entries can be accomplished by splitting the difference between existing entries, although you'll want a procedure to re-distribute if things get too crowded.
Note that, in the event your db supports a clause like ORDER BY priority NULLS LAST, the entries for non-prioritized categories are unnecessary, and you can simply LEFT JOIN to the ordering table.
I am new in Hive and I am trying to count distinct words_values from my whole words column.
435400064446779392 [{"words_value":"i","words_id":"1"},{"words_value":"hate","words_id":"2"}]
Notice that the words column is an array. I have much more rows but this above is to show an example.
I have tried:
SELECT words.words_value,count(words.words_value) from T1 GROUP BY words.words_value WITH ROLLUP;
But it counts in each rows.
Does anyone have any idea?
The explode UDTF is useful for converting nested data structures into ordinary tables that work with ordinary SQL statements. Since you have an array of maps you would need to use explode twice.
select count(distinct value) from
( select explode(col) from
( select explode(words) from mytable ) subquery1
) subquery2
key = "words_value";
I have a MySQL table Page with 2 columns: PageID and OrderByMethod.
I also then have a Data table with lots of columns including PageID (the Page the data is on), DataName, and DataDate.
I want OrderByMethod to have one of three entries: Most Recent Data First, Most Recent Data Last, and Alphabetically.
Is there a way for me to tack an "ORDER BY" clause to the end of this query that will vary its ordering method based on the contents of the "OrderByMethod" column? For example, in this query, I would want to have the ORDER BY clause contain whatever ordering rule is stored in Page 1's OrderByMethod column.
GET * FROM `Data` WHERE `Data`.`PageID`=1 ORDER BY xxxxxx;
Maybe a SELECT clause in the ORDER BY clause? I'm not sure how that would work though.
select Data.*
from Data
inner join Page on (Data.PageID=Page.PageID)
where Data.PageID=1
order by
if(Page.OrderByMethod='Most Recent Data First', now()-DataDate,
if(Page.OrderByMethod='Most Recent Data Last', DataDate-now(), DataName)
You can probably do this with the IF syntax to generate a column that you can then order by.
SELECT *, IF(Page.OrderBy = 'Alphabetically', Data.DataName, IF(Page.OrderBy = 'Most Recent Data First', NOW() - Data.DataDate, Data.DataDate - NOW())) AS OrderColumn
INNER JOIN Page ON Data.PageID = Page.PageID
WHERE Page.PageID = 1
ORDER BY OrderColumn
The direction of the ordering is determined in the calculation of the data instead of specifying a direction in the ORDER BY
Can you just append the order by clause to the select statement and rebind the table on postback?
If you want to use the content of the column in Page table as an expression in ORDER BY you have to do it using prepared statements. Let say, you store in OrderByMethod something like "field1 DESC, field2 ASC" and you want this string to be used as it is:
SET #order_by =(SELECT OrderByMethod FROM Page WHERE id = [value]);
SET #qr = CONCAT(your original query,' ORDER BY ', #order_by);
PREPARE stmt FROM #qr;
If you want the result set to be sorted based on the value of OrderByMethod , you can use IF as it was already mentioned by others, or CASE :
CASE OrderByMethod
WHEN 'val1' THEN field_name1
WHEN 'val2' THEN field_name2