Meteor.js installation failed - meteor

I wanted to install Meteor via
curl | /bin/sh
like it's said in the documentation.
Every time I try this (also as sudo), I get this error:
**rmdir: /Users/christophz/.meteor-install-tmp: Directory not empty
Installation failed.**
The directory, of course, is empty before installation. After aborting the installation in my home folder there IS .meteor and still .meteor-install-tmp. But trying to create a new meteor app fails. My command line says it doesn't know this command.
I didn't find anything via Google. Can u help me and give me some hint?

Did you try rm -rf? With or without sudo:
rm -rf ~/.meteor-install-tmp
rm -rf ~/.meteor

Try deleting the directory. I think this happened to me once.


grpcui: command not found

I am new to grpcui. I've been trying to follow the installation. I did
go get
go install
I also added grpcui path to my $PATH. Even tried to pull down the repo and make install. But I keep getting grpcui: command not found. Anyone could help ?
After installation, your grpcui should be in /home/user/go/bin. If so, try and add that folder to your $PATH, as I did (and it worked).
To further Adam's answer, a critical step in updating the PATH is restarting the terminal.
On OSX this needs to be done via exec bash -l. Simply exiting and opening the terminal does not work.
path gist
terminal SO question

Error updating RStudio .99

Running Rstudio-server and a recent version of R. With the recent upgrade possibilities of RStudio, I wanted to upgrade.
From what I've read, I should be able to do it by simply running the
sudo gdebi [package name]
However, this gives me a string of errors.
It gets down to 'Setting up studio-server (0.99.441) ...
useradd: user 'studio-server' already exists
groupadd: group 'rstudio-server' already exists
rstudio-server stop/waiting
rstudio-server start/running, process 9823
I have tried started or stopping the server to get it to install, performing an install without these options and can't get it to upgrade. Google and RSeek turned up nothing, so maybe there is something I'm supposed to know but don't.
Thank you.
What I did:
- extract what is in the tar or in the .deb
- rename the folder usr/lib/rstudio (just in case)
- make a new directory /rstudio
- copy all the content of the tar in the new folder
You will need sudo permissions to rename and copy.
What I use is >sudo nautilus
and as allways. Be carefull with what you change with sudo.

Installing Symfony on Mac OS X

I am having trouble installing this framework.
I entered this command on terminal as per the instructions on This was from the desktop.
$ php -r "readfile('');" > symfony.phar
The next part requires me to add this code:
$ sudo mv symfony.phar /usr/local/bin/symfony
Now I get this error:
mv: rename symfony.phar to /usr/local/bin/symfony: Not a directory
Please help me resolve this.
Try and move it to /usr/bin instead.
The directory you're trying to move it to doesn't exist. The instructions you're following may not be intended for OS X users.
The executable can go anywhere that's in your PATH.

grunt clean fail unable to delete ".tmp" file (EPERM, operation not permitted)

When I built a yeoman angular app, when I run it for the first time it works fine using grunt serve but when i run it the second time an error from grunt clean task as following:
Cleaning .tmp...ERROR
Warning: Unable to delete ".tmp" file (EPERM, operation not permitted '...\.tmp'). Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
When I delete the .tmp folder manually the app runs without errors.
I searched the net and here but I couldn't find a convincing answer.
Please advice,
I was able to fix this issue by updating the version of the rimraf node module inside of grunt-contrib-clean.
$ cd .\node_modules\grunt-contrib-clean
$ npm install rimraf#2.2.8
This looks like the commit in rimraf that fixed the issue:
Was having a similar issue running "grunt build" from Mac. Issue turned out to be file permissions, to fix I did "sudo chmod -R ." on the root directory and it fixed the issue.
Check if any explorer of the directory you are trying to delete is open. If so, close the explorer and clean.
Try this simple solution(Sometimes problem might be due to empty folder). It works for me :
clean : {
dist : ['./dist'+'/**/*.*']
sudo chgrp -R username .tmp
sudo chown -R username .tmp

PCL execution error

I'm fairly new to the PCL and linux in general. I'm having trouble following the examples in documentation. None of the examples execute.The code compiles fine and a executable is generated. But I keep getting a permission denied error. The usual chmod and chown dont work. I've tried reinstalling PCL. What am I missing here ?
Here is the output from terminal
From the dump you provide it looks like you are working in a mounted disk (/media/chaitanya/); possibly it was mounted with noexec or something. Try running mount to see.
Alternatively try working in your home directory:
cd ~
cp -r /media/chaitanya/work/learn-pcl/ ./
