Unable to find Lucene contrib jar in maven repository - jar

This is probably a very basic question, but I am unable to find Lucene contrib jar in Apache's Maven repository. For e.g. I looked here, but there's only a .pom, there's no jar file, same with repositories mentioned here.
Am I missing anything obvious?

You can download the jars for maven repositories in here: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.lucene/lucene-core/4.4.0
For the contrib package there is a .jar only for the 3.0.2 and not 3.0.3 (don't know why):
Also, you can still download de source code and generate the .jar yourself. Should be as easy as running mvn package.

I found out the answer. Except for couple of versions mentioned by Felipe Hummel, there is not single contrib jar. Contrib contains multiple components such as analyzers, highlighters, etc. and each of them have a JAR.


Castor library JAR

I have a serious problem, I need the JAR version 1.3.3 or 1.4.1 of :
castor (mainly),
castor ddlgen,
castor codegen and
castor anttasks
I as looking for these but I just found version 1.2 and. lower.
It would be great if some of you can help me.
Thanks in advance.
Havent used that lib but the general workflow is
option 1
In docs for that lib https://github.com/castor-data-binding/castor
it says you can download jar files from Sonatype's OSS snapshot
so go to that link
and browse around. Here you can find those versions
I guess you are not using maven. You have to use ant or something. In that case you can still to this
option 2
Go to maven repo
Pick what lib you need for example
and in table you can find links to jars to download
option 3
If you cant find on maven repo that lib. You can still clone that maven project, and run maven install and it will build jar files locally for you. After that just copy them

Source of qt5 cmake Config-file Packages

Trying to build qt5 with buildroot. I need to download the source so that everything is compiled through the cross-compiler.
One of my project relies on the 'Config-file Packages' (CMake helper config file) provided by Qt5 in the binary tarball at this location Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64/lib/cmake.
Problem: I can't find that folder anywhere in the source. When I take one example file (e.g. Qt5Config.cmake), I can't find any git repo hosting it.
Had a look at Ubuntu packages and it is being distributed in qtbase5-dev. When I look at this package documentation, it says it is using qtbase-opensource-src 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.4 as the source package. Had a look at the source package for 5.8 but the cmake files are not there.
I could upload those files in an ad-hoc git repo, but that just seems weird that those files are not hosted by the qt repo.
What am I missing?
The cmake files are generated while build. On Linux the results are installed to qt/lib/cmake.

Meteor packages -- how does it work?

I downloaded a Meteor Starter project called MeteorAdmin.
In the root of its directory tree, you find a packages directory that contains few packages (boostrap, comments, few others) and also, in the .meteor directory there's a file called packages that defines the dependencies of this project.
What is the difference between them? What I found interesting is that .meteor/packages contains bootstrap as well. In theory shouldn't that be enough so that bootstrap would get downloaded to the project?
The meteor packages file simply lists all of the apps dependencies as well as the load order of each (top to bottom). You can edit this file if you know what you are doing, but it's probably better to leave it alone until you are more familiar with Meteor.
The way you add packages is by typing meteor add <package-name> in your terminal and then it will be added to your project. Additionally, the name of the package will be added to the bottom of your packages file.
A meteor app can have local packages that are defined in the packages folder of the root directory. This project likely is implementing it's own bootstrap package and then added it with the meteor command I listed above. Once a local package is added to your project with the meteor add command it's package name will appear in the packages file just like packages from Atmosphere. I hope that answers your question... Let me know if you were looking for something more specific.

Nimbus look and feel jar file not found

I have googled for two hours ,but unable to find nimbus look and feel jar. I am using jdk6 version ,need to add this library to my project..please provide useful links to download nimbus jar file
There you go, binaries and maven dependency:
http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.java.dev.nimbus/nimbus ,also:

Including a non-Mavenized dependency so it works with maven-shade-plugin

I want to include GData Client, which doesn't use Maven, as a dependency into my Maven project. It ships as a bunch of JAR files.
Additionaly, I use Maven Shade Plugin to build an executable JAR without any external dependencies (with the default configuration, no renaming/including/excluding/transforming of dependencies).
How can I do that?
(Just adding the JARs as resources wouldn't work, since the Shade plugin must extract them).
you want to check the maven docs on installing 3rd party jars
Once installed into your local maven repository, shade should be able to use them like any other dependency.
See this answer if you don't want to install the JARs in your repository for whatever reason: Add a dependency in Maven
