how to use Pos machine N8110? -

I have this project in which I have to develop an application that would also use POS.
I developed the web service in ASP.NET and now I got the POS machine from Client, He previously said that there would be a SDK with the machine, But now We didn't get it with the macine, However I downloaded some code sample by googling for it.
I wasn't able to connect GPRS in the macine, then somehow I fixed it and now POS screen is showing GPRS signals.
But I cannot connect POS to my application, somebody please help me, I would appreciate if you give me a detailed workflow of using POS machines including server and client end configuration with steps.
Thanks in Advance,
Ramzy Virani.

I got the answer. POS machine which was given by client was not good, He ordered this machine from online ecommerce website, I suggested the client to get new machine from a local vendor, New machine was good and my code just ran on it like a charm.


Parse API not accesiblie from Romania?

My parse powered application for iOS worked great until 2 weeks ago when the users could not connect to my parse databases. I examined the problem and I observed that if I use my IP, I could not access parse APIs but using a USA/UK VPN does the trick without any problem.
I tried my 3G connection, different public WiFIs from the city, nothing worked.
people around the globe can access too, the problem is with IPs from Romania.
Does anyone know about this or a possible fix?
The application is live in appstore so the code and everything is the same as at the time when was fully functional.
UPDATE: I also updated the parse sdk to the latest version, build and tested the app but same problem.
Seems it was a parse temporary error, it's fixed now.

SignalR: Server doesn't receive any requests if more than X connections established in one browser

Good day.
Background: ASP.NET MVC 3 / SignalR.
I'm developing typical chat component which will be used in a big portal. I wrote small emulator which opens new window with chat component and new SignalR connection in it.
The problem:
Everything works fine, but: Suddenly i noticed that if i open more than X windows/tabs with same component in one browser - server stops to receive any responses from any clients connected with it.
The X is:
5 for IE and Chrome
14 for FF.
I suppose it's a browser issue, because the value differs from one to another. Additionally i noticed that requests can stay pending for minutes! And there is no timeout..
Maybe someone faced with something like this, or know what can cause this strange behavior?
Thanx in advance, Jan.
I'm going to assume you're using IIS 7/7.5 on windows 7. If you are indeed using Windows7 then you need to use IIS Express since it only supports 10 concurrent connections (Client OS limit). Alternatively you can use Windows Server to get the full benefits of IIS.
This is the first post in three days of googling that came close to my experience. I am using the .NET client and have tried isolating the issue by creating an app with just the problem areas. The difference in our situation is this: I don't seem to have some connection limit on the client. In fact, I have no issues until I deploy my .Net hub to the windows server 2008 hyper vps. IIS express runs everything as smooth as butter. I've checked to make sure the asynchronous services and features are running and I've followed the performance tuning articles that david mentions in the documentation, adjusting the setting for thread queue maximums and the like. Note that the minute-two minute delays you describe are identical to mine. I updated to the latest version of SignalR (.4) from nuget and it broke my solution for some reason.
Can you tell me what version you're on? I suspect it could have something to do with security on the physical host where my vps is running. I am going to try it on a different virtualization platform to rule out hyper v issues.
Please, see my answer here: Is there a way to get number of connections in Signalr hub group?
The idea is to overwrite connectionid.

Regarding XenAPI Memory Issue

I am developing a small client application for monitoring XenServer using XenAPI provided by citrix. I am able to get all the values(cpu,n/w read,n/w write, diskread,diskwrite...) but facing the below issue.
Can anybody please help me out in getting the memory (total,free,used) usage for the VM's present in the Xenserver using XenAPI. I tried the above by using VM_guest_metrics api call of VM, but its giving me the empty results. Please help me in this regard.
I have taken SDK(XenAPI) from the below link
Thanks in Advance for your help.
The recommended way to get the data is to use the XAPI Round Robin Database (RRD) that comes with XAPI.
See also the tutorials from Xen Day:
In particular, the "Nuts and Bolts" session by Steven Maresca.
See also the code in OpenXenManager: as it is an open source clone of Citrix XenCenter and has performance graphs using XAPI.

Testing web site with blackberry curve

I'm developing an web site to work on mobile devices. Is going ok and works fine with android and iphone. I've no got around to testing it with blackberry in my balcberry curve. When i first tried everything looked good b ut then i noticed that some od the autopost back on dropdowns etc did not work. Some research time later i turn out out that by default that blackberries do not support this and that I need a Blackberr.browser file to allow that type of functionality to work. I following this link...
After doing this my blakberry will not load the site at all, i just get connection timeouts. So i tried removing the blackberry.browser file, read loading the assembley in an attempt to get back to where is was, but still the site will not connect. I've refreshed iis, recycled app pools and even rebooted. I have a QA site on another box that the blackberry will connect to, but my development machine it does not like anymore:-(.
Any one got any ideas in what is going on?
Thanks for any help.
I have also suffered with the pain of developing (actually optimizing) websites for BlackBerry and Symbian, and I understand your suffering.
As you're using BlackBerry Curve, I suppose you're using a MDS server simulator on your development machine to let the BlackBerry Emulator connect to Internet.
Although I am not sure if you're even using a simulator.
I also have come across some simulators which just won't connect to the Internet no matter how hard you try with MDS server and all.
I hope you're not stuck with any issue related to the above said things mate.
Are you trying to connect your localhost with your BB?

How to set up a simple web server(Windowws XP Pro)

As a heads up, I have some experience programming on Windows and other devices, but I have almost zero experience doing web anything, so I'm sure this is simple/easy to find online and I just don't know what I'm doing.
I have a computer on my home network that is connected to the internet(I can VNC into it from online if that helps) and I want to set it up so that I can connect to this PC online and access a web page stored on the PC.
This will be used by two people tops, so I'm not concerned about the number of connections or that kind of thing, I just want to be able to look at this page from online. I'm not sure what to call this, but I guess I want to have own webpage on my home PC that I can access to do stuff remotely.
Basically, I want to be able to go to http://{my-pc-ip}/webpage.html and see it online. If it helps, this is largely a learning exercise for me, I want to experiment and play around with what I can do through a webpage on my home network, through an online web page interface. Like maybe start a program on my home machine using a button the page, but do this from a computer connected over the Internet(this stuff I'll figure out myself, I just don't know how to set up the online stuff).
this is quite simple. You can use either IIS which is shipped with your XP Pro or use free and open source solutions:
XAMPP - I've been using this for years. Very simple. The last step of installation is just to secure MySQL and FTP (if needed at all). PHP is shipped so you can start doing web development without extra hassle.
Lighttpd - Another FOSS webserver, which is very light-weight.
There are a few more but Apache is the most popular so you can just go ahead with XAMPP which is very mature and has large community of users.
Lastly, remember to relax your firewall allow access to your IP address from LAN & VNC (whatever you needed). Some materials to get things done:
Enjoy doing web!
Not really programming related, but none-the-less, WAMP is by far the easiest solution out there.
To expose your PC as a web server you need to do couple of steps:
Have external ip (static).
Configure the firewall to allow incomming connection to your PC to port 80 (if you need SSL then port 443 too).
Set up a web server: you can use IIS (if WinXP is not Home edition), Apache server or smallest possible HTTP server like ihttpd.
Put the pages into your root directory.
That is the basic explanation of the steps to do.
For basic house-holding tasks like temporarily sharing static files on a lan i have used HFS which is only 600K, has a gui, adds itself to the explorer context menu, and yes, it is free with source code available.
