Create Common Database Object -

I have written SQL Server class and which contains all methods for insert, update, delete, execute stored procedure.
Now I have created a object of this class on Default page load and using class methods
to implement database operations.
Now if i am on second page and want to do database operation. I need to again create the database object.
Is there any way that can i only create it initially and use on other pages ?

You can look into Singleton pattern.
Click here for the MSDN article on it

ASP .NET solves many of these issues with the help of User Controls.
by using user control you can do code re usability
so you should go for user control
bellow link help you to create user control


Passing an object(control) in session from one page to another

I need to pass a Infragistics ultrawebtree from a page to another. I used Session("data") for this and then I just access it from another page. But when I assign the session value after casting to a Infragistics ultrawebtree control in my second page, it doesnot build the tree structure and it is invisibile. Is I am wroung in this approach, is there any other way to pass the entire tree structure from one page and display it into another page. Any help is appreciated
If anything, I would store the datasource in session instead of the tree. Storing the entire control in session creates a lot of unnecessary overhead, and limits your options per implementation on the next page.
EDIT: You should be able to export the tree structure to XML format, and store the XML in session. According to the documentation there should be WriteXmlDoc() and WriteXmlString() functions available. There's also ReadXmlDoc() and ReadXmlString() functions you can use to repopulate the tree on the next page.
Here's the documentation for the UltraWebTree. You'll see these methods under the Public Methods section:
Only the data should be stored in session. Storing controls in session is likely to cause issues because the control will be disposed during page unload and controls shouldn't be accessed after being disposed which is what would happen when accessing the control from session. See Why Controls Shouldn't be Stored in Session for more details.

Is it possible to access a profile without updating LastActivityDate?

In (using MVC, but this happens in regular too)
will update the LastActivityDate for that user. This is not intended when someone else is viewing that user's profile.
In the membership class you can specify whether to update this date with a second param, like so:
Membership.GetUser(username, false); // doesn't update LastActivityDate
Membership.GetUser(username, true); // updates LastActivityDate
Is there anyway to do something similar in the Profile provider without writing my own provider?
You might use one ugly workaround which includes changing aspnet_Profile_GetProperties stored procedure. This one is responsible for getting the properties while accessing user profile.
Open this procedure and you will find following code at the bottom:
UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users
SET LastActivityDate=#CurrentTimeUtc
WHERE UserId = #UserId
Remove it in order to stop updating the LastActivityDate. You will still get LastActivityDate updated when calling Membership.GetUser(username, true);.
You might look at using a provider that someone else has written, rather than write your own.
This one on Scott Guthrie's blog includes stored procedures which could be called directly by your own code to get the information:
This page has an msi download which installs a sample application for working with custom Profile data. The table based profile performs a lot better than the default on, where all of the profile data is contained in a single database field. The table based one is also a lot easier to query directly, which will help you with your question. The stored procedure from the sample schema is called getCustomProfileData
Otherwise, just query the database directly.

list box control in

Hello friends I have a list box control in my project.
I want to know how to get selected index to set currently updated item in database.
Please help me with this. Do i need to perform some data base operation to find the key for currently updated data and then i'll have to set it or there exist some property to deal with this? thanks in adavance
One thing to watch out for, which I have come accross more than once is that if you call your CompanyListBox() method in your Page_Load method, you will lose the selected index unless it is only called on the first page load. To make sure of this, place your call to CompanyListBox() within the following block:
You can access the selected index in your postback by using the following code:
var id = (Int32)listCompany.SelectedItem.Value
Then it is up to you to use that in your data access to update the record in the database. Looks to me that you are using some kind of framework or manager class for your database access. The companyManager should have methods for saving your updated item to the database. Good luck.

ASP.NET options/command generator framework?

I want to put context-sensitive, dynamic command options on my pages.
I tried coding my own command structure but it's not very good, and I'm sure there must be a framework for doing this somewhere I can re-use?
I have a detailsview for some database object, I want to code in the object class what commands are available, based on the state of the object. I then want a UI object I can place on the webform that will pass commands back to the object when user clicks them, or jump to a different link (e.g. when additional parameters are available).
e.g. form might look like this
Product Details
Name: XXXX product
Price: $1.00
Qty: 1
> Edit
> New Stock
> Mark as obsolete
So the commands at the bottom would have very little UI code and pass actions back to the object. For example the New Stock command would jump to a new page to ask for a quantity.
I don't know of the framework, but you could create something yourself. Let's say you are using MVP pattern, and assuming that this is a CRUD application, you could tell each view what type of object it is related to, then annotate you object with operations that are available. Then Presenter could call Service to perform the operation. You could name your methods using some convention so that you can wire it up in a Service. It is a lot of work, and unless you have 100s of views it is not worth while. I am building app that is about that size, and I am in process of creating GenericMVP framework, that would make wiring a breeze.

Data Class in ASP.Net

I am a winforms programmer attempting to build an ASP.Net app. I use data classes(objects) through reflection in most of my vb projects and was trying to adapt it to using the VB code behind. I have a webpage that serves as an add/edit page for contact info. I instatiate my class which grabs the contact data from the data base then I have a process that loops through the controls on the form and matches up with a property in the data class. I can display data no problem. When I edit data and click the submit button my code calls a then loops through the controls on the form again and matches the control to the property of the data class to update the property of the class. However, my data class is no longer valid. I know web programming is different then winforms but I can't seem to get over the hump on this one. Is this the wrong way to go about this? Is my data class only available on the server side? Do I just reinstantiate the initial class and then loop through the propeties and change what the user changed and then call the update method (see redundant)? How can I get data class into a session object (I made an attempt in the past but was under tight deadlines and had to abandon it, maybe I need to revisit it?)?
If you decide to keep some of your data in Session, you owe it to yourself to look at this post. Your code will be much cleaner and easier to maintain.
Yes, you need to reload the data class from the database as one option, or use an alternative approach. The reason is web is stateless, so all local variables are destroyed then the server side page unload process occurs. This means that in between requests, you need something to store your data.
You can read/write an object via the Session colleciton, as so:
Session["A"] = myobj;
myobj = (ObjType)Session["A"];
And so session stores an object for a specific user. Alternatively, cache stores application level data, so one instance of an object is available to all users (where session is unique to each user). You can make cache unique to a user by appending a user ID to the cache string.
var o = Cache.Get("A");
if (o != null) { .. }
Cache.Add("A", o, ...);
And so these mechanisms help you temporarily retain data.
You need to save your data class somewhere, usually in a session variable, otherwise it goes away as soon as the page gets sent back the user. Or else you need to recreate the data class again upon posting.
