Photo Upload in ASP.NET -

I have an image box and a Photo Upload control with a Save button. I need to upload an image into the Image Box.
When I click the Upload button, it should show the Image in the Image Box.
When I click the Save button, the path of the uploaded image should be saved in the database.
My issue is the photo gets uploaded, but only after I click the Upload button for the second time.
P.S. I use a Client side function for uploading the photo.
Following are my codes.
function ajaxPhotoUpload() {
var FileFolder = $('#hdnPhotoFolder').val();
var fileToUpload = getNameFromPath($('#uplPhoto').val());
var filename = fileToUpload.substr(0, (fileToUpload.lastIndexOf('.')));
if (checkFileExtension(fileToUpload)) {
var flag = true;
var counter = $('#hdnCountPhotos').val();
if (filename != "" && filename != null && FileFolder != "0") {
//Check duplicate file entry
for (var i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
var hdnPhotoId = "#hdnPhotoId_" + i;
if ($(hdnPhotoId).length > 0) {
var mFileName = "#Image1_" + i;
if ($(mFileName).html() == filename) {
flag = false;
if (flag == true) {
$("#loading").ajaxStart(function () {
}).ajaxComplete(function () {
return false;
url: 'FileUpload.ashx?id=' + FileFolder + '&Mainfolder=Photos' + '&parentfolder=Student',
secureuri: false,
fileElementId: 'uplPhoto',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data, status) {
if (typeof (data.error) != 'undefined') {
if (data.error != '') {
} else {
$('#<%= lblPhotoName.ClientID%>').text('Photo uploaded successfully')
error: function (data, status, e) {
else {
alert('The photo ' + filename + ' already exists');
return false;
else {
alert('You can upload only jpg,jpeg,pdf,doc,docx,txt,zip,rar extensions files.');
return false;
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="100px" Width="100px" ClientIDMode="Static" />
<asp:FileUpload ID="uplPhoto" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"/>
<asp:Label ID="lblPhotoName" runat="server" Text="" ForeColor ="Green" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:Label>
<asp:Button id="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Upload Photograph" onClick="btnSave_Click" OnClientClick="return ajaxPhotoUpload();"/>
SAVE BUTTON CLICK EVENT IN SERVER SIDE (to show the uploaded image in the image box)
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Image1.ImageUrl = hdnFullPhotoPath.Value
End Sub

I’d recommend that you drop client side AJAX upload via JS and stick to standard way of uploading. You can probably achieve the same effects without the excessive javascript.
If file type filtering is an issue you can check this post for more details.
Getting extension of the file in FileUpload Control
In either way you have to make a postback so it doesn’t really matter if you upload from JS or the server side except that second method is less complex.
Adding update panel will make this more user friendly and you should be all done.

<head runat="server">
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../Scripts/ajaxupload.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="button" id="uploadFile" value="Upload File" />(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)
<div id="uploadStatus" style="color: Red">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
new AjaxUpload('#uploadFile', {
action: 'Handler1.ashx',
name: 'upload',
onComplete: function (file, response) {
if (response == '0') {
$('#uploadStatus').html("File can not be upload.");
else {
$('#img').attr("src", "response.path");
onSubmit: function (file, ext) {
if (!(ext && /^(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i.test(ext))) {
$('#uploadStatus').html("Invalid File Format..");
return false;
Then create a handler for uploading image on server
public class Handler1 : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string a = "1";
if (context.Request.Files != null && context.Request.Files.Count > 0)
if (context.Request.Files[0].ContentLength > 1000)
a = "0";
a = "0";
public bool IsReusable
return false;

All, thanks for your time and help.! The tilde(~) symbol was the issue - the file's path wasn't recognized. So I modified my code to replace it with empty space.
var orgpath = data.upfile;
var photopath = orgpath.replace('~/', '');
$('#<%= ImgFacultyPhoto.ClientID%>').attr('src', photopath);


ASP.NET display progress bar during post back

I have a fileupload control on a form and a button. Once a button is clicked the server converts the file into a datatable and loops through datatable records for validation purposes.
My problem: the validation process takes a long time, so i wanted to display current item being processed to user.
My attempts: i found Ajax and SignalR being implemented in such scenarios. However, Ajax requires an update panel to work which cannot work with the updatefile control. I tried SignalR and it works however, it cannot work during a postback --> apparently.
Can anyone assist me in finding a solution.
Thank you!
Hey you can use ModalPopupExtender of ajaxToolkit something like this
<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="ProgressBarModalPopupExtender" runat="server"
BackgroundCssClass="ModalBackground" BehaviorID="ProgressBarModalPopupExtender"
TargetControlID="hiddenField" PopupControlID="Panel1" DynamicServicePath="" Enabled="True" />
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="display: none; background-color: #C0C0C0;">
<p class="wait">Please wait!</p>
<asp:HiddenField ID="hiddenField" runat="server" />
add the above code any where on your page then on your button of file upload try this
<input type="submit" value="Upload" id="upload"
causesvalidation="False" onclick="javascript:return validateAdd();"
onserverclick="btnupload_ServerClick" runat="server" />
in javascript
function validateAdd() {
var myExtender = $find('ProgressBarModalPopupExtender');;
return true;
and in code behind
protected void btnupload_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// your code of upload
// your code of upload
this shall do
If you only target HTML5 users you can use the FileReader class and stream the file with ajax. This will work with SignalR
I did it like this in my project, maybe it can give you some pointers
(function(app) {
app.FileUploadViewModel = app.define({
init: function (parent, file, callback) {
this.kb = 1024;
this.bufferSize = this.kb * 512;
this.speedSampleAt = this.bufferSize;
this.file = file;
this.parent = parent;
this.reader = new FileReader(); = this.file.size / this.bufferSize;
this.current = ko.observable(0);
this.progress = ko.computed(this.getProgress, this);
this.speed = ko.observable(0);
this.speedText = ko.computed(this.getSpeedText, this); =;
this.reader.onload = this.onLoadPart.bind(this);
this.callback = callback;
prototype: {
createStream: function() {"api/upload/createstream", {
}, function (id) { = id;
getSpeedText: function() {
return Math.round(this.speed()) + " Mbit / s";
getProgress: function () {
return (this.current() / * 100) + "%";
loadPart: function () {
var start = this.current() * this.bufferSize;
var blob = this.file.slice(start, start + this.bufferSize);
this.done = blob.size != this.bufferSize || blob.size === 0;
onLoadPart: function (part) {
if (part.loaded === 0) {
} else {
var base64 =",") + 1);"api/upload/Part", { id:, data: base64 }, this.onPartTransfered.bind(this));
onPartTransfered: function () {
this.current(this.current() + 1);
if (this.done) {
this.callback(this);"api/upload/closestream",, function (file) {
} else {
calculateSpeed: function (position) {
if (this.lastSpeedSample === undefined) {
this.lastSpeedSample = new Date();
if (position % this.speedSampleAt === 0) {
var delta = new Date() - this.lastSpeedSample;
var seconds = delta / 1000;
var mbit = this.speedSampleAt / this.kb / this.kb * 8;
var speed = mbit / seconds;
this.lastSpeedSample = new Date();
})(window.Filebrowser = window.Filebrowser || {});

How to check file size of each file before uploading multiple files in ajaxtoolkit ajaxfileupload control in

<cc1:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUpload1" AllowedFileTypes="jpg,jpeg"
runat="server" MaximumNumberOfFiles="4" OnUploadComplete="AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete"
Code behind file
protected void AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadEventArgs e)
if (e.FileSize > 10)
string filePath = e.FileName;
I want to check that all the files size should not exceed a particular value before the files upload event.
Try this way:
Server side:
protected void AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadEventArgs e)
string savePath = MapPath("~/Images/" + e.FileName);
// dont save file & return if condition not matched.
if (e.FileSize > 72000) // use same condition in client side code
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
and on client side:
<script type="text/javascript">
function UploadComplete(sender, args) {
var filesize = args.get_fileSize();
var fileId = args.get_fileId();
var status = document.getElementById('AjaxFileUpload1_FileItemStatus_' + fileId);
var container = document.getElementById('AjaxFileUpload1_FileInfoContainer_' + fileId);
if (filesize > 72000) { // same condition used for server side
document.getElementById('lblStatus').innerText = "error";
if (status.innerText) {
status.innerText = " (Error)";
if (status.textContent) {
status.textContent = " (Error)";
} = 'Red';
<cc1:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUpload1" AllowedFileTypes="jpg,jpeg" runat="server" MaximumNumberOfFiles="4" OnUploadComplete="AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete" OnClientUploadComplete="UploadComplete" />
Hope this helps!!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".ajax__fileupload_dropzone").bind("drop", function () {
$(".ajax__fileupload_queueContainer").bind("click", function () {
$(".ajax__fileupload_uploadbutton").bind("mouseenter", function () {
function checkfilesize() {
var total_filesize_num = 0;
var myElements = $(".filesize");
if (myElements.length == 0) {
$(".ajax__fileupload_uploadbutton").css("visibility", "hidden");
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
var filesize = myElements.eq(i).html(); //$(".filesize").html();
total_filesize_num = total_filesize_num + filesize_tonum(filesize);
if (total_filesize_num > 5) {
$(".ajax__fileupload_uploadbutton").css("visibility", "hidden");
alert('Maximum file size is 5MB only! Please select another one.');
} else {
$(".ajax__fileupload_uploadbutton").css("visibility", "visible");
function countsumfilesize() {
var sumfilesize = 0;
var myElements = $(".filesize");
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
function filesize_tonum(filesize) {
var filesize_num = 0;
if (filesize.indexOf("kb") > 0) {
var space = filesize.lastIndexOf(" ");
filesize_num = parseFloat("0." + filesize.substr(0, filesize.length - space + 1));
else if (filesize.indexOf("MB") > 0) {
var space = filesize.lastIndexOf(" ");
filesize_num = parseFloat(filesize.substr(0, filesize.length - space + 1));
return filesize_num;
<ajaxToolkit:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUploadImage" runat="server" OnClientUploadComplete="uploadComplete" MaximumNumberOfFiles="1" AllowedFileTypes="gif,png,jpg,jpeg" onchange="checkfilesize(); return false;" />
See the code below:
public void afuUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
string savePath = MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename));
if (int.Parse(e.filesize) > 3000000)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
The idea is to prevent the file is uploaded to the server. In the proposed solution, when the flow code has reached afuUpload_UploadedComplete, the file was uploaded to server, but has not yet been recorded in the path you specify. For example, if the limit is 20 megabytes and the selected file is 22 megabytes, when the code reaches afuUpload_UploadedComplete, 22 Megabytes already been uploaded to the server.
The solution sought is that the validation is done on the client side (JavaScript) and that prevents the code arrives to CodeBehind on the server.
In my case, I tried to OnClientUploadComplete generating an exception when the file size limit is exceeded, but it did not work and the code is still reaching the CodeBehind. The other problem is that when the exception occurs, the JavaScript function OnClientUploadError is not firing to intercept the exception generated in OnClientUploadComplete function.
public ActionResult Create(string Album, Photo photo, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files, DateTime? datec, string NewAlbum = null)
foreach (var file in files)
decimal sum = file.ContentLength / 1048;
if (sum > 4000)
errorlist2 += "Sorry " + file.FileName + " has exceeded its file limit off 4 MB <br/>";
if (errorlist2 != "")
ViewBag.Error = errorlist2;
return View(photo);
// we dont want put the message in the loop it will come out on first max limit , rather find all files in excess, then we can pass the message
//also make sure your web config is set for a limit on max size
//using the normal html multi uploaded
// <input type="file" name="files" id="files" required multiple="multiple" accept=".jpg, .png, .gif" size="4" />

Change textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails

How can I execute some javascript when a Required Field Validator attached to a textbox fails client-side validation? What I am trying to do is change the css class of the textbox, to make the textbox's border show red.
I am using webforms and I do have the jquery library available to me.
Here is quick and dirty thing (but it works!)
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtOne" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfv" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtOne" Text="SomeText 1" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtTwo" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfv2" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtTwo" Text="SomeText 2" />
<asp:Button ID="btnOne" runat="server" OnClientClick="return BtnClick();"
Text="Click" CausesValidation="true" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function BtnClick() {
//var v1 = "#<%= rfv.ClientID %>";
//var v2 = "#<%= rfv2.ClientID %>";
var val = Page_ClientValidate();
if (!val) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid) {
$("#" + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate)
.css("background-color", "red");
return val;
You could use the following script:
if (typeof ValidatorUpdateDisplay != 'undefined') {
var originalValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = function (val) {
if (!val.isvalid) {
$("#" + val.controltovalidate).css("border", "2px solid red");
This code decorates the original ValidatorUpdateDisplay function responsible for updating the display of your validators, updating the controltovalidate as necessary.
Hope this helps,
I think you would want to use a Custom Validator and then use the ClientValidationFunction... Unless it helpfully adds a css class upon fail.
Some time ago I spend a few hours on it and since then I have been using some custom js magic to accomplish this.
In fact is quite simple and in the way that ASP.NET validation works. The basic idea is add a css class to attach a javascript event on each control you want quick visual feedback.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
/* Color ASP NET validation */
function validateColor(obj) {
var valid = obj.Validators;
var isValid = true;
for (i in valid)
if (!valid[i].isvalid)
isValid = false;
if (!isValid)
$(obj).addClass('novalid', 1000);
$(obj).removeClass('novalid', 1000);
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".validateColor").change(function() {validateColor(this);});
For instance, that will be the code to add on an ASP.Net textbox control. Yes, you can put as many as you want and it will only imply add a CssClass value.
<asp:TextBox ID="txtBxEmail" runat="server" CssClass="validateColor" />
What it does is trigger ASP.Net client side validation when there is a change on working control and apply a css class if it's not valid. So to customize visualization you can rely on css.
.novalid {
border: 2px solid #D00000;
It's not perfect but almost :) and at least your code won't suffer from extra stuff. And
the best, works with all kind of Asp.Net validators, event custom ones.
I haven't seen something like this googling so I wan't to share my trick with you. Hope it helps.
extra stuff on server side:
After some time using this I also add this ".novalid" css class from code behind when need some particular validation on things that perhaps could be only checked on server side this way:
if (!requiredFecha.IsValid || !CustomValidateFecha.IsValid)
txtFecha.CssClass = "validateColor novalid";
txtFecha.CssClass = "validateColor";
Here is my solution.
Advantages over other solutions:
Integrates seamlessly with ASP.NET - NO changes required to code. Just call the method on page load in a master page.
Automatically changes the CSS class when the text box or control changes
Uses some internal features of ASP.NET JavaScript code
Tested only on ASP.NET 4.0
Requires JQuery
Call the "Validation_Load" function when the page loads
Declare a "control_validation_error" CSS class
function Validation_Load() {
if (typeof (Page_Validators) != "object") {
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
var val = Page_Validators[i];
var control = $("#" + val.controltovalidate);
if (control.length > 0) {
var tagName = control[0].tagName;
if (tagName != "INPUT" && tagName != "TEXTAREA" && tagName != "SELECT") {
// Validate sub controls
else {
// Validate the control
control.change(function () {
var validators = this.Validators;
if (typeof (validators) == "object") {
var isvalid = true;
for (var k = 0; k < validators.length; k++) {
var val = validators[k];
if (val.isvalid != true) {
isvalid = false;
if (isvalid == true) {
// Clear the error
else {
// Show the error
Alternatively, just iterate through the page controls as follows: (needs a using System.Collections.Generic reference)
const string CSSCLASS = " error";
protected static Control FindControlIterative(Control root, string id)
Control ctl = root;
LinkedList<Control> ctls = new LinkedList<Control>();
while ( ctl != null )
if ( ctl.ID == id ) return ctl;
foreach ( Control child in ctl.Controls )
if ( child.ID == id ) return child;
if ( child.HasControls() ) ctls.AddLast(child);
ctl = ctls.First.Value;
return null;
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Add css classes to invalid items
if ( Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsValid )
foreach ( BaseValidator item in Page.Validators )
var ctrltoVal = (WebControl)FindControlIterative(Page.Form, item.ControlToValidate);
if ( !item.IsValid ) ctrltoVal.CssClass += " N";
else ctrltoVal.CssClass.Replace(" N", "");
Should work for most cases, and means you dont have to update it when you add validators. Ive added this code into a cstom Pageclass so it runs site wide on any page I have added validators to.

Is there a workaround for IE 6/7 "Unspecified Error" bug when accessing offsetParent

I'm using jQuery UI's draggable and droppable libraries in a simple ASP.NET proof of concept application. This page uses the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel to do partial page updates. The page allows a user to drop an item into a trashcan div, which will invoke a postback that deletes a record from the database, then rebinds the list (and other controls) that the item was drug from. All of these elements (the draggable items and the trashcan div) are inside an ASP.NET UpdatePanel.
Here is the dragging and dropping initialization script:
function initDragging()
accept: '.person',
tolerance: 'pointer',
hoverClass: 'trashcan-hover',
activeClass: 'trashcan-active',
drop: onTrashCanned
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
function onTrashCanned(e,ui)
var id = $('input[id$=hidID]', ui.draggable).val();
if (id != undefined)
When the page posts back, partially updating the UpdatePanel's content, I rebind the draggables and droppables. When I then grab a draggable with my cursor, I get an "htmlfile: Unspecified error." exception. I can resolve this problem in the jQuery library by replacing elem.offsetParent with calls to this function that I wrote:
function IESafeOffsetParent(elem)
return elem.offsetParent;
return document.body;
I also have to avoid calls to elem.getBoundingClientRect() as it throws the same error. For those interested, I only had to make these changes in the jQuery.fn.offset function in the Dimensions Plugin.
My questions are:
Although this works, are there better ways (cleaner; better performance; without having to modify the jQuery library) to solve this problem?
If not, what's the best way to manage keeping my changes in sync when I update the jQuery libraries in the future? For, example can I extend the library somewhere other than just inline in the files that I download from the jQuery website.
#some It's not publicly accessible, but I will see if SO will let me post the relevant code into this answer. Just create an ASP.NET Web Application (name it DragAndDrop) and create these files. Don't forget to set Complex.aspx as your start page. You'll also need to download the jQuery UI drag and drop plug in as well as jQuery core
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Complex.aspx.cs" Inherits="DragAndDrop.Complex" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui-personalized-1.5.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function initDragging()
accept: '.person',
tolerance: 'pointer',
hoverClass: 'trashcan-hover',
activeClass: 'trashcan-active',
drop: onTrashCanned
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
function onTrashCanned(e,ui)
var id = $('input[id$=hidID]', ui.draggable).val();
if (id != undefined)
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updContent" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnTrashcan" Text="trashcan" runat="server" CommandName="trashcan"
onclick="btnTrashcan_Click" style="display:none;"></asp:LinkButton>
<input type="hidden" id="hidTrashcanID" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Save" onclick="Button1_Click" />
<td style="width: 300px;">
<asp:DataList ID="lstAllPeople" runat="server" DataSourceID="odsAllPeople"
<div class="person">
<asp:HiddenField ID="hidID" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("ID") %>' />
<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' />
<br />
<br />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsAllPeople" runat="server" SelectMethod="SelectAllPeople"
<asp:Parameter Name="filter" Type="Object" />
<td style="width: 300px;vertical-align:top;">
<div id="trashcan">
drop here to delete
<asp:DataList ID="lstPeopleToDelete" runat="server"
<asp:Label ID="IDLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="NameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' />
<br />
<br />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsPeopleToDelete" runat="server"
onselecting="odsPeopleToDelete_Selecting" SelectMethod="GetDeleteList"
<asp:Parameter Name="list" Type="Object" />
namespace DragAndDrop
public partial class Complex : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected List<int> DeleteList
if (ViewState["dl"] == null)
List<int> dl = new List<int>();
ViewState["dl"] = dl;
return dl;
return (List<int>)ViewState["dl"];
public class DataAccess
public IEnumerable<Person> SelectAllPeople(IEnumerable<int> filter)
return Database.SelectAll().Where(p => !filter.Contains(p.ID));
public IEnumerable<Person> GetDeleteList(IEnumerable<int> list)
return Database.SelectAll().Where(p => list.Contains(p.ID));
protected void odsAllPeople_Selecting(object sender, ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)
e.InputParameters["filter"] = this.DeleteList;
protected void odsPeopleToDelete_Selecting(object sender, ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)
e.InputParameters["list"] = this.DeleteList;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (int id in DeleteList)
protected void btnTrashcan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int id = int.Parse(hidTrashcanID.Value);
namespace DragAndDrop
public static class Database
private static Dictionary<int, Person> _people = new Dictionary<int,Person>();
static Database()
Person[] people = new Person[]
new Person("Chad")
, new Person("Carrie")
, new Person("Richard")
, new Person("Ron")
foreach (Person p in people)
_people.Add(p.ID, p);
public static IEnumerable<Person> SelectAll()
return _people.Values;
public static void DeletePerson(int id)
if (_people.ContainsKey(id))
public static Person CreatePerson(string name)
Person p = new Person(name);
_people.Add(p.ID, p);
return p;
public class Person
private static int _curID = 1;
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person()
ID = _curID++;
public Person(string name)
: this()
Name = name;
#arilanto - I include this script after my jquery scripts. Performance wise, it's not the best solution, but it is a quick easy work around.
function IESafeOffsetParent(elem)
return elem.offsetParent;
return document.body;
// The Offset Method
// Originally By Brandon Aaron, part of the Dimension Plugin
jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current offset of the first matched element relative to the viewport.
/// </summary>
/// <returns type="Object">An object with two Integer properties, 'top' and 'left'.</returns>
var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results;
if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) {
var parent = elem.parentNode,
offsetChild = elem,
offsetParent = IESafeOffsetParent(elem),
doc = elem.ownerDocument,
safari2 = safari && parseInt(version) < 522 && !/adobeair/i.test(userAgent),
css = jQuery.curCSS,
fixed = css(elem, "position") == "fixed";
// Use getBoundingClientRect if available
if (false && elem.getBoundingClientRect) {
var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
// Add the document scroll offsets
add(box.left + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft), + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop));
// IE adds the HTML element's border, by default it is medium which is 2px
// IE 6 and 7 quirks mode the border width is overwritable by the following css html { border: 0; }
// IE 7 standards mode, the border is always 2px
// This border/offset is typically represented by the clientLeft and clientTop properties
// However, in IE6 and 7 quirks mode the clientLeft and clientTop properties are not updated when overwriting it via CSS
// Therefore this method will be off by 2px in IE while in quirksmode
add( -doc.documentElement.clientLeft, -doc.documentElement.clientTop );
// Otherwise loop through the offsetParents and parentNodes
} else {
// Initial element offsets
add( elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop );
// Get parent offsets
while ( offsetParent ) {
// Add offsetParent offsets
add( offsetParent.offsetLeft, offsetParent.offsetTop );
// Mozilla and Safari > 2 does not include the border on offset parents
// However Mozilla adds the border for table or table cells
if ( mozilla && !/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) || safari && !safari2 )
border( offsetParent );
// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed on any offsetParent
if ( !fixed && css(offsetParent, "position") == "fixed" )
fixed = true;
// Set offsetChild to previous offsetParent unless it is the body element
offsetChild = /^body$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) ? offsetChild : offsetParent;
// Get next offsetParent
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
// Get parent scroll offsets
while ( parent && parent.tagName && !/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName) ) {
// Remove parent scroll UNLESS that parent is inline or a table to work around Opera inline/table scrollLeft/Top bug
if ( !/^inline|table.*$/i.test(css(parent, "display")) )
// Subtract parent scroll offsets
add( -parent.scrollLeft, -parent.scrollTop );
// Mozilla does not add the border for a parent that has overflow != visible
if ( mozilla && css(parent, "overflow") != "visible" )
border( parent );
// Get next parent
parent = parent.parentNode;
// Safari <= 2 doubles body offsets with a fixed position element/offsetParent or absolutely positioned offsetChild
// Mozilla doubles body offsets with a non-absolutely positioned offsetChild
if ( (safari2 && (fixed || css(offsetChild, "position") == "absolute")) ||
(mozilla && css(offsetChild, "position") != "absolute") )
add( -doc.body.offsetLeft, -doc.body.offsetTop );
// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed
if ( fixed )
add(Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft),
Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop));
// Return an object with top and left properties
results = { top: top, left: left };
function border(elem) {
/// <summary>
/// This method is internal.
/// </summary>
/// <private />
add( jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderLeftWidth", true), jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderTopWidth", true) );
function add(l, t) {
/// <summary>
/// This method is internal.
/// </summary>
/// <private />
left += parseInt(l, 10) || 0;
top += parseInt(t, 10) || 0;
return results;
If you would like to fix the minified/compressed .js file for jQuery version 1.4.2, replace:
var d=b.getBoundingClientRect(),
var d = null;
try { d = b.getBoundingClientRect(); }
catch(e) { d = { top : b.offsetTop, left : b.offsetLeft } ; }
(note that there is no comma after the closing brace now)
i tried the following workaround for the getBoundingClientRect() unspecified error whilst drag n drop, and it works fine.
in the jquery.1.4.2.js (i.e base jquery file, where the error is thrown exactly)
replace the elem.getBoundingClientRect() function call in js file
//the line which throws the unspecified error
var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
with this..
var box = null;
box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
box = { top : elem.offsetTop, left : elem.offsetLeft } ;
This solves the issue and drag n drop will work quitely even after post back through update panel
My version is:
Add function:
function getOffsetSum(elem) {
var top = 0, left = 0
while (elem) {
top = top + parseInt(elem.offsetTop)
left = left + parseInt(elem.offsetLeft)
try {
elem = elem.offsetParent
catch (e) {
return { top: top, left: left }
return { top: top, left: left }
var box = this[0].getBoundingClientRect()
var box = getOffsetSum(this[0])
PS: jquery-1.3.2.
Thanks for this bit of code! I was having the same problem in IE and this fixed it.
var box = null;
try {
box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
} catch(e) {
box = {
top : elem.offsetTop,
left : elem.offsetLeft
This isn't just a jQuery error. I encountered it using ExtJS 4.0.2a on IE8. It seems that IE will almost always stumble on element.getBoundingClientRect() if the element has been replaced in the DOM. Your try/catch hack is pretty much the only way to get around this. I guess the actual solution would be to eventually drop IE < 9 support.
Relevent ExtJS v4.0.2a Source Code (lines 11861-11869):
if(el != bd){
hasAbsolute = fly(el).isStyle("position", "absolute");
if (el.getBoundingClientRect) {
b = el.getBoundingClientRect();
scroll = fly(document).getScroll();
ret = [Math.round(b.left + scroll.left), Math.round( +];
} else {
With a try/catch fix:
if(el != bd){
hasAbsolute = fly(el).isStyle("position", "absolute");
if (el.getBoundingClientRect) {
try {
b = el.getBoundingClientRect();
scroll = fly(document).getScroll();
ret = [Math.round(b.left + scroll.left), Math.round( +];
} catch(e) {
ret = [0,0];
} else {

Change Text Box Color using Required Field Validator. No Extender Controls Please

I need to change color of TextBox whenever its required field validator is fired on Clicking the Submit button
What you can do is register a Javascript function that will iterate through the global Page_Validators array after submission and you can set the background appropriately. The nice thing about this is that you can use it on all of your controls on the page. The function looks like this:
function fnOnUpdateValidators()
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++)
var val = Page_Validators[i];
var ctrl = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate);
if (ctrl != null && != null)
if (!val.isvalid) = '#FFAAAA';
else = '';
The final step is to register the script with the OnSubmit event:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Me.GetType, "val", "fnOnUpdateValidators();")
Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(this.GetType(), "val", "fnOnUpdateValidators();");
You'll maintain the proper IsValid status in all of your code behind and it can work with all of your controls.
Note: I found this solution from the following blog. I just wanted to document it here in the event the source blog goes down.
You can very easily override ASP.NET's javascript function that updates the display of validated fields. This is a nice option as you can keep your existing Field Validators, and don't have to write any custom validation logic or go looking for the fields to validate. In the example below I'm adding/removing an 'error' class from the parent element that has class 'control-group' (because I'm using twitter bootstrap css):
* Re-assigns the ASP.NET validation JS function to
* provide a more flexible approach
function UpgradeASPNETValidation() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) != "undefined") {
AspValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay;
* This function is called once for each Field Validator, passing in the
* Field Validator span, which has helpful properties 'isvalid' (bool) and
* 'controltovalidate' (string = id of the input field to validate).
function NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
// Do the default display of validation errors (remove if you want)
// Add our custom display of validation errors
if (val.isvalid) {
// do whatever you want for invalid controls
$('#' + val.controltovalidate).closest('.control-group').removeClass('error');
} else {
// reset invalid controls so they display as valid
$('#' + val.controltovalidate).closest('.control-group').addClass('error');
// Call UpgradeASPNETValidation after the page has loaded so that it
// runs after the standard ASP.NET scripts.
This is adapted ever-so-slightly from here and with helpful info from these articles.
You could use CustomValidator instead of RequiredFieldValidator:
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage=""
ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ClientValidationFunction="ValidateTextBox"
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<script src="jquery-1.2.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateTextBox(source, args)
var is_valid = $("#TextBox1").val() != "";
$("#TextBox1").css("background-color", is_valid ? "white" : "red");
args.IsValid = is_valid;
protected void CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
bool is_valid = TextBox1.Text != "";
TextBox1.BackColor = is_valid ? Color.White : Color.Red;
args.IsValid = is_valid;
Logic in client and server validation functions is the same, but the client function uses jQuery to access textbox value and modify its background color.
Very late to the party, but just in case someone else stumbles across this and wants a complete answer which works with Bootstrap, I've taken all the examples above, and made a version which will work with multiple validators attached to a single control, and will work with validation groups:
* Re-assigns the ASP.NET validation JS function to
* provide a more flexible approach
function UpgradeASPNETValidation() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) != "undefined") {
AspValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay;
AspValidatorValidate = ValidatorValidate;
ValidatorValidate = NicerValidatorValidate;
// Remove the error class on each control group before validating
// Store a reference to the ClientValidate function
var origValidate = Page_ClientValidate;
// Override with our custom version
Page_ClientValidate = function (validationGroup) {
// Clear all the validation classes for this validation group
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
if ((typeof(Page_Validators[i].validationGroup) == 'undefined' && !validationGroup) ||
Page_Validators[i].validationGroup == validationGroup) {
$("#" + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate).parents('.form-group').each(function () {
// Call the original function
* This function is called once for each Field Validator, passing in the
* Field Validator span, which has helpful properties 'isvalid' (bool) and
* 'controltovalidate' (string = id of the input field to validate).
function NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
// Do the default display of validation errors (remove if you want)
// Add our custom display of validation errors
// IF we should be paying any attention to this validator at all
if ((typeof (val.enabled) == "undefined" || val.enabled != false) && IsValidationGroupMatch(val, AspValidatorValidating)) {
if (!val.isvalid) {
// Set css class for invalid controls
var t = $('#' + val.controltovalidate).parents('.form-group:first');
function NicerValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event) {
AspValidatorValidating = validationGroup;
AspValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event);
// Call UpgradeASPNETValidation after the page has loaded so that it
// runs after the standard ASP.NET scripts.
$(function () {
I liked Rory's answer, but it doesn't work well with ValidationGroups, certainly in my instance where I have two validators on one field triggered by two different buttons.
The problem is that ValidatorValidate will mark the validator as 'isValid' if it is not in the current ValidationGroup, but our class-changing code does not pay any attention. This meant the the display was not correct (certainly IE9 seems to not like to play).
so to get around it I made the following changes:
* Re-assigns the ASP.NET validation JS function to
* provide a more flexible approach
function UpgradeASPNETValidation() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) != "undefined") {
AspValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay;
AspValidatorValidate = ValidatorValidate;
ValidatorValidate = NicerValidatorValidate;
* This function is called once for each Field Validator, passing in the
* Field Validator span, which has helpful properties 'isvalid' (bool) and
* 'controltovalidate' (string = id of the input field to validate).
function NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
// Do the default display of validation errors (remove if you want)
// Add our custom display of validation errors
// IF we should be paying any attention to this validator at all
if ((typeof (val.enabled) == "undefined" || val.enabled != false) && IsValidationGroupMatch(val, AspValidatorValidating)) {
if (val.isvalid) {
// do whatever you want for invalid controls
$('#' + val.controltovalidate).parents('.control-group:first').removeClass('error');
} else {
// reset invalid controls so they display as valid
//$('#' + val.controltovalidate).parents('.control-group:first').addClass('error');
var t = $('#' + val.controltovalidate).parents('.control-group:first');
function NicerValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event) {
AspValidatorValidating = validationGroup;
AspValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event);
// Call UpgradeASPNETValidation after the page has loaded so that it
// runs after the standard ASP.NET scripts.
in css:
width: 100px;
height: 34px;
padding: 6px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
color: black;
background-color: white;
width: 100px;
height: 34px;
padding: 6px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #EBB8C4;
background-color: #F9F2F4
border: 1px solid #DB7791;
border-radius: 4px;
in your page:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtUserName" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidatorrunat="server"Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="PLease Enter UserName" ControlToValidate="txtUserName"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
at the end of your page above of
<script type="text/javascript">
function WebForm_OnSubmit() {
if (typeof (ValidatorOnSubmit) == "function" && ValidatorOnSubmit() == false) {
for (var i in Page_Validators) {
try {
var control = document.getElementById(Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate);
if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid) {
control.className = "form-control-Error";
} else {
control.className = "form-control";
} catch (e) { }
return false;
return true;
I liked Alexander's answer, but wanted the javascript to be more generic. So, here is a generic way of consuming the errors from a custom validator.
function ValidateTextBox(source, args) {
var cntrl_id = $(source).attr("controltovalidate");
var cntrl = $("#" + cntrl_id);
var is_valid = $(cntrl).val() != "";
is_valid ? $(cntrl).removeClass("error") : $(cntrl).addClass("error");
args.IsValid = is_valid;
Another possibility... this code gives a red border (or whatever you put inside the CSS class) to the control to validate (works for dropdownlists and textbox, but can be extended for buttons etc...)
First of, I make use of a CustomValidator instead of a RequiredFieldValidator, because then you can use the ClientValidationFunction of the CustomValidator to change the CSS of the control to validate.
For example: change the border of a textbox MyTextBox when a user forgot to fill it in. The CustomValidator for the MyTextBox control would look like this:
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidatorMyTextBox" runat="server" ErrorMessage=""
Display="None" ClientValidationFunction="ValidateInput"
ControlToValidate="MyTextBox" ValidateEmptyText="true"
Or it could also work for a dropdownlist in which a selection is required. The CustomValidator would look the same as above, but with the ControlToValidate pointing to the dropdownlist.
For the client-side script, make use of JQuery. The ValidateInput method would look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateInput(source, args)
var controlName = source.controltovalidate;
var control = $('#' + controlName);
if ('input:text')) {
if (control.val() == "") {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = true;
else if ('select')) {
if (control.val() == "-1"[*] ) {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = true;
The “validation” class is a CSS class that contains the markup when the validator is fired. It could look like this:
.validation { border: solid 2px red; }
PS: to make the border color work for the dropdown list in IE,
add the following meta tag to the page's heading: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />.
[*]This is the same as the “InitialValue” of a RequiredFieldValidator. This is the item that is selected as default when the user hasn’t selected anything yet.​
I know this is old, but I have another modified combination from Dillie-O and Alexander. This uses jQuery with the blur event to remove the style when validation succeeds.
function validateFields() {
try {
var count = 0;
var hasFocus = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
var val = Page_Validators[i];
var ctrl = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate);
validateField(ctrl, val);
if (!val.isvalid) { count++; }
if (!val.isvalid && hasFocus === false) {
ctrl.focus(); hasFocus = true;
if (count == 0) {
hasFocus = false;
catch (err) { }
function validateField(ctrl, val)
$(ctrl).blur(function () { validateField(ctrl, val); });
if (ctrl != null && $(ctrl).is(':disabled') == false) { // && != null
val.isvalid ? $(ctrl).removeClass("error") : $(ctrl).addClass("error");
if ($(ctrl).hasClass('rdfd_') == true) { //This is a RadNumericTextBox
var rtxt = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate + '_text');
val.isvalid ? $(rtxt).removeClass("error") : $(rtxt).addClass("error");
I too liked Alexanders and Steves answer but I wanted the same as in codebehind. I think this code might do it but it differes depending on your setup. My controls are inside a contentplaceholder.
protected void cvPhone_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
bool is_valid = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value);
string control = ((CustomValidator)source).ControlToValidate;
((TextBox)this.Master.FindControl("ContentBody").FindControl(control)).CssClass = is_valid ? string.Empty : "inputError";
args.IsValid = is_valid;
Another way,
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#<%=btnSave.ClientID %>').click(function() {
if (typeof (Page_Validators) != "undefined") {
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid) {
$('#' + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate).css("background", "#f3d74f");
else {
$('#' + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate).css("background", "white");
I made a working one pager example of this for regular, no .control-group
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- -->
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
* Re-assigns the ASP.NET validation JS function to
* provide a more flexible approach
function UpgradeASPNETValidation() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) != "undefined") {
AspValidatorUpdateDisplay = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay;
AspValidatorValidate = ValidatorValidate;
ValidatorValidate = NicerValidatorValidate;
* This function is called once for each Field Validator, passing in the
* Field Validator span, which has helpful properties 'isvalid' (bool) and
* 'controltovalidate' (string = id of the input field to validate).
function NicerValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
// Do the default display of validation errors (remove if you want)
// Add our custom display of validation errors
// IF we should be paying any attention to this validator at all
if ((typeof (val.enabled) == "undefined" || val.enabled != false) && IsValidationGroupMatch(val, AspValidatorValidating)) {
if (val.isvalid) {
// do whatever you want for invalid controls
$('#' + val.controltovalidate).removeClass('error');
} else {
// reset invalid controls so they display as valid
//$('#' + val.controltovalidate).parents('.control-group:first').addClass('error');
var t = $('#' + val.controltovalidate);
function NicerValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event) {
AspValidatorValidating = validationGroup;
AspValidatorValidate(val, validationGroup, event);
// Call UpgradeASPNETValidation after the page has loaded so that it
// runs after the standard ASP.NET scripts.
.error {
border: 1px solid red;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator" ValidationExpression="\w+([-+.']\w+)*#\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox3" ErrorMessage="RangeValidator" MaximumValue="100" MinimumValue="0"></asp:RangeValidator>
Here's some self-contained HTML/JS that does the trick:
<script type="text/javascript">
function mkclr(cntl,clr) {
document.getElementById(cntl).style.backgroundColor = clr;
<input type="textbox" id="tb1"></input>
<input type="submit" value="Go"
I had to make a few changes to Steve's suggestion to get mine working,
function ValidateTextBox(source, args) {
var controlId = document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate).id;
var control = $("#" + controlId);
var value = control.val();
var is_valid = value != "";
is_valid ? control.removeClass("error") : control.addClass("error");
args.IsValid = is_valid;
great example though, exactly what I needed.
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Custemvalidatin.aspx.cs" Inherits="AspDotNetPractice.Custemvalidatin" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function vali(source, args) {
if (document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate).value.length > 0) {
args.IsValid = true;
document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate).style.borderColor = 'green';
else {
args.IsValid = false;
document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate).style.borderColor = 'red';
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" Style="border:1px solid gray; width:270px; height:24px ; border-radius:6px;" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1"
ErrorMessage="Enter First Name" SetFocusOnError="True" Display="Dynamic" ClientValidationFunction="vali"
ValidateEmptyText="True" Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="Red">Enter First Name</asp:CustomValidator><br /><br /><br />
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" Style="border:1px solid gray; width:270px; height:24px ; border-radius:6px;" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator2" runat="server" ClientValidationFunction="vali"
ControlToValidate="TextBox2" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Enter Second Name"
SetFocusOnError="True" ValidateEmptyText="True" Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="Red">Enter Second Name</asp:CustomValidator><br />
<br />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
It is not exactly without changing controls user used to, but I think this way is easier (not writing the full example, I think it is not necessary):
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CustomValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" Display="Dynamic" Text="TextBox1 Not Set" ValidateEmptyText="true" OnServerValidate="ServerValidate" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Execute" />
protected void Execute(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsValid)
*some code*
protected void ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
CustomValidator cval = source as CustomValidator;
if (cval == null)
args.IsValid = false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value))
args.IsValid = false;
string _target = cval.ControlToValidate;
TextBox tb = cval.Parent.FindControl(_target) as TextBox;
tb.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
args.IsValid = true;
