Chrome css issue using token input jquery plugin - css

I'm using jquery plugin token input for my dropdowns on this page
It works fine in firefox in that I can click the arrow and the dropdown opens with the contents and allows me to scroll up and down using the scrollbar. However in IE and Chrome I cannot seem to scroll by moving the scroll bar up and down. Its some css somewhere but I'm struggling to find out what..any css experts out there want to take a quick look? would be appreciated : -)

​Hello please take a look at the
The issue happens to be with the the way IE handles scroll bars versus chrome or firefox. The solution is to modify the inputtoken.js file as mentioned in the forum.
Here is the basic outline.
Declare a variable to hold the state
Check of the variable in the .blur event of the input_box
Add .mouseover, .mouseout to .dropdown
// 1. Keep track of mouse being over dropdown
var mouseOverDD;
// 2. IF the blur function
var input_box = $("<input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\">")
.blur(function () {
if (!mouseOverDD) {
// 3. Add over/out events
var dropdown = $("<div>")
mouseOverDD = true;
mouseOverDD = false;


display:none hover trick on a touchscreen device

I am using a CSS hover trick to clean up my interface. Controls will only be shown when the cursor is hovering inside the element. I'm running into an issue when using the interface on a touch screen device. If the control button is not shown display:none and I touch where it should be, the event is still triggered for the button.
Try this fiddle both in your browser and on a touchscreen device to see what I mean...
On a touchscreen device, touch the red square and the alert should fire, without the button even showing up. I tested this on both the desktop Android Emulator and my real Android 2.3 phone.
The effect I'm going for is for the button to first be shown without firing, even if the user touches where the button "is".
I'd rather use a pure CSS solution before resorting to javascript.
Try pointer-events: none; along with display: none;
I just tested it on my real device, and it indeed executes the button's action.
You could maybe try to make the red box an image and change the image to a button by an onclick with Javascript. I would have provided you with some code if I wasn't short on time.
You can't do it with pure CSS, tapping the button will put the button into hover state and fire the click event. Instead you should fire the button off on active.
Here is the solution I came up with...
On an Android touchscreen (don't know about IOS), the hover event for the hidden element is not fired if it is not shown. So basically I check to see if the element was hovered before it was clicked.
In a nutshell
$(".hidden").hover(function(e) {
if(e.type == "mouseenter") $(this).addClass("hovering");
else $(this).removeClass("hovering");
}).click(function(e) {
if(!$(this).hasClass("hovering") return false;
The fiddle explains the more complicated situation I had with form elements and dynamically added content. It provides a general solution as opposed to this element specific one.
I wrote a JS solution for you:
The trick is to prevent the button's click event getting fired for the first time the outer div is getting clicked because on touch devices click event has hover effect.
let isTouchDevice = true;
let isHovered = false;
document.getElementById('outer').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (isTouchDevice) {
if (!isHovered) {
isHovered = true;
}, true);
document.getElementById('outer').addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => {
if (isTouchDevice) {
isHovered = false;
}, true);
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', () => {

iFrame Click event not fired

How to catch click on an iframe using JQuery. I have an Amazon banner, and I need to close its container DIV when the user clicks the iframe. I've tried 'contents', onclick on iframe, binding the event but nothing works. When I click the iframe it opens Amazon's page on another tab, but the click event never fires. I put a breakpoint and alert just to make sure.
I am using latest JQuery version 1.9 and tested it on Chrome. I also thought about capturing a global click ($(document).click) and check the area of the click, but when I click the iframe, $(document).click doesn't fire. Any suggestions?
Again, it's an Amazon banner iframe, it's hosted on Amazon not on my server.
Example of the regular on binding that doesn't work:
There is a neat trick to get a "click" on on iframe content.
You could do:
<div id="iframeinside">
<iframe />
This now makes it possible to say in js something like:
var oldActive = document.activeElement; /* getting active Element */
var frame = $('#iframeinside iframe')[0];
$('#iframeinside').mouseenter(function() {
/* Setting interval to 1ms for getting eventually x,y mouse coords*/
oldActive = document.activeElement;
setInterval('doSomething()', 1);
$('#iframeinside').mouseleave(function () {
/* clear interval cause we arent over the element anymore*/
These intervals do call:
function doSomething() {
/* if the focus has changed to the iframe */
if(oldActive != frame && document.activeElement == frame) {
oldActive = document.activeElement;
alert('click did happen to the iframe');
I used this for several things and it always worked. What i didnt check was how about ie6,7 and older brothers.

Simple Jquery Drop-Down Menu works in jsfiddle but not browser (Using Wordpress)

// Wait for the page and all the DOM to be fully loaded
$('body').ready(function() {
// Add the 'hover' event listener to our drop down class
$('.dropdown').hover(function() {
// When the event is triggered, grab the current element 'this' and
if ($(this).find('.sub_navigation').is(":visible")) {
// find it's children '.sub_navigation' and display/hide them
} else {
First of all here is the fiddle //
I am using wordpress to create my site...
(if that matters)
Someone helped me get the drop-down menu to work better.
But ever since I added the new JQuery script the link doesn't even work.
I tried hovering over it but no menu dropped.
When I hover on the fiddle it works.
Why is this?
And how can I fix this?! :(

Close button to fullscreen mode in Galleria

If you have used the fullscreen mode in an instance of Galleria you've seen that the only way to close it is by pressing the escape key.
As I like that functionality since it's really practical, for end users it's not that intuitive so I would like to add a close button in the upper right.
I checked the code to find out where to add that button but I couldn't understand it to make it work.
Has someone already made that? I hope I'm not the only one who had that idea.
Thank you for your help!
You add it using the Galleria API:
Galleria.ready(function() {
var gallery = this;
var btn = this.$('exit').hide().text('close').click(function(e) {
this.bind('fullscreen_enter', function() {;
this.bind('fullscreen_exit', function() {
This will place the close text in the upper left corner, you should of course style it with som CSS, f.ex:

jQuery Mobile Button Enable/Disable & TextArea auto reSize after change

How to disable/enable a button? which is not in a form , in a navBar. I'v tried some examples , all fail.
I'm changing my textarea text $("textarea").val(x); The text is changing , the problem it doesn't get auto re-size , I see the ugly scroll bar on the side , If I manually resize it , its OK... is there a method to force refresh or something like that?
Update (TextArea):
If i click on the text area and then press any key -> it opens up as should be,
I'm trying to simulate it .. but fail , the binding is works , but the trigger for keypress/keydown doesn't , I tried some codes from googling, this should work , I think , mayb for nomral jQuery 1.6 , but not jQuery mobile.. My test are are on Chrome and iPhone 4
$('#textarea').bind('click', function() {
var e = jQuery.Event("keypress", { keyCode: 64 });
$(this).trigger( e );
Link button example: (Header button example)
var clicked = false;
$('#myButton').click(function() {
if(clicked === false) {
clicked = true;
alert('Button is now disabled');
$('#enableButton').click(function() {
clicked = false;
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="content">
Click button
Enable button
Links styled like buttons have all the same visual options as true
form-based buttons below, but there are a few important differences.
Link-based buttons aren't part of the button plugin and only just use
the underlying buttonMarkup plugin to generate the button styles so
the form button methods (enable, disable, refresh) aren't supported.
If you need to disable a link-based button (or any element), it's
possible to apply the disabled class ui-disabled yourself with
JavaScript to achieve the same effect.
Regarding your second question, you can cause a textarea to autogrow by triggering a keyup() event on it.
Considering your original example code, the following works for me:
/*Note: I'm using 'on' instead of 'bind', because that's what I've actually tested
with, but I'm pretty sure this will work with 'bind' as well*/
$('#textarea').on('click', function() {
//First we'll add some text to #textarea
$('#textarea').val('some dummy text to be added to the textarea');
//Then we trigger keyup(), which causes the textarea to grow to fit the text
Short and sweet version of the above, this time chained and with no comments:
$('#textarea').on('click', function() {
$(this).val('some dummy text to be added to the textarea').keyup();
Adapted from here.
