apply function to return a data.table, or convert the list directly to a data.table - r

I would like to apply a function that returns a matrix to each row of a large data.table object (original file is around 30 GB, I have 80 GB ram), and get back a data.table object. I'd like to do it efficiently. My current approach is the following:
my.function <- function(x){
return(ys); # ys is a matrix
Note1: I specify the my.function just to show that it returns a matrix, and that my apply line is therefore a list of matrices.
Note2: I am not sure how slow are the operations I am doing but seems that I could reduce the number of lines. For example, is it slow to convert a data frame to a data table for large objects?
Reproducible example:
Note that Arun and Roland made me think harder about the problem so I am still working on it... may be that I do not need these lines...
I want to take a sam file, and then create a new coordinates file where each read is split according to its CIGAR field.
My sam file:
qname rname pos cigar
2218 chr1 24613476 42M2S
2067 chr1 87221030 44M
2129 chr1 79702717 44M
2165 chr1 43113438 44M
2086 chr1 52155089 4M921N40M
sam2bed <- function(x){
> bed.chr.lom
alnStarts alnEnds
[1,] "2218" "chr1" "42M2S" "24613476" "24613517"
alnStarts alnEnds
[1,] "2067" "chr1" "44M" "87221030" "87221073"
alnStarts alnEnds
[1,] "2129" "chr1" "44M" "79702717" "79702760"
alnStarts alnEnds
[1,] "2165" "chr1" "44M" "43113438" "43113481"
alnStarts alnEnds
[1,] "2086" "chr1" "4M921N40M" "52155089" "52155092"
[2,] "2086" "chr1" "4M921N40M" "52156014" "52156053"
> bed.chr.df
V1 V2 V3 alnStarts alnEnds
1 2218 chr1 42M2S 24613476 24613517
2 2067 chr1 44M 87221030 87221073
3 2129 chr1 44M 79702717 79702760
4 2165 chr1 44M 43113438 43113481
5 2086 chr1 4M921N40M 52155089 52155092
6 2086 chr1 4M921N40M 52156014 52156053
> bed.chr.dt
V1 V2 V3 alnStarts alnEnds
1: 2218 chr1 42M2S 24613476 24613517
2: 2067 chr1 44M 87221030 87221073
3: 2129 chr1 44M 79702717 79702760
4: 2165 chr1 44M 43113438 43113481
5: 2086 chr1 4M921N40M 52155089 52155092
6: 2086 chr1 4M921N40M 52156014 52156053

Assuming ff is your data.table, how about this?
splits <- cigarToIRangesListByAlignment(ff$cigar, ff$pos, reduce.ranges = TRUE)
widths <- width(attr(splits, 'partitioning'))
cbind(data.table($qname, widths),$rname, widths)),
qname rname space start end width
1: 2218 chr1 1 24613476 24613517 42
2: 2067 chr1 2 87221030 87221073 44
3: 2129 chr1 3 79702717 79702760 44
4: 2165 chr1 4 43113438 43113481 44
5: 2086 chr1 5 52155089 52155092 4
6: 2086 chr1 5 52156014 52156053 40


Error in using GADEM function from rGADEM package

I have big peak list in the "Bed" format and I converted it to GenomicRange for use as an input for the GADEM package to find denovo motifs. But when I try the GADEM function always I face the below error.
Could you please anybody who knows help me with this error?
This is a small example of my real file with only 20 rows.
1 chr6 29723590 29723790
2 chr14 103334312 103334512
3 chr1 150579030 150579230
4 chr7 76358527 76358727
5 chr6 11537891 11538091
6 chr14 49893256 49893456
7 chr5 179623200 179623400
8 chr1 228082831 228083031
9 chr12 93441644 93441844
10 chr10 3784776 3784976
11 chr3 183635833 183636033
12 chr7 975301 975501
13 chr12 123364510 123364710
14 chr1 1615578 1615778
15 chr1 36156320 36156520
16 chr14 55051781 55051981
17 chr8 11867697 11867897
18 chr22 38706135 38706335
19 chr6 44265256 44265456
20 chr1 185316658 185316858
and the code that I use is :
data = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
data = reduce(data)
data = resize(data, width = 50, fix='center')
and error is:
[ Retrieving sequences... Error in.Call2("C_solve_user_SEW", refwidths, start, end, width, translate.negative.coord:
solving row 136: 'allow.nonnarrowing' is FALSE and the supplied start (55134751) is > refwidth + 1 ]
Better to mention that, when I try an example input file with less than 136 rows, it works and I get motifs.
Thanks in advance.

Finding overlaps between 2 ranges and their overlapped region lengths?

I need to find length of overlapped region on same chromosomes between 2 group(gp1 & gp2). (similar question in stackoverflow were different from my aim, because I wanna find overlapped region not a TRUE/FALSE answer).
For example:
chr start end id1
chr1 580 600 1
chr1 900 970 2
chr3 400 600 3
chr2 100 700 4
chr start end id2
chr1 590 864 1
chr3 550 670 2
chr2 897 1987 3
I'm looking for a way to compare these 2 group and get results like this:
id1 id2 chr overlapped_length
1 1 chr1 10
3 2 chr3 50
Should point you in the right direction:
Load libraries
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges")
Generate data
gp1 <- read.table(text =
chr start end id1
chr1 580 600 1
chr1 900 970 2
chr3 400 600 3
chr2 100 700 4
", header = TRUE)
gp2 <- read.table(text =
chr start end id2
chr1 590 864 1
chr3 550 670 2
chr2 897 1987 3
", header = TRUE)
Calculate ranges
gr1 <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "start",
end.field = "end"
gr2 <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "start",
end.field = "end"
Calculate overlaps
hits <- findOverlaps(gr1, gr2)
p <- Pairs(gr1, gr2, hits = hits)
i <- pintersect(p)
seqnames start end width strand hit
1 chr1 590 600 11 * TRUE
2 chr3 550 600 51 * TRUE

Issue with Join results in more than 2^31 rows

I have two huge data frames:
> dim(res)
[1] 111478253 8
> dim(asign)
[1] 107371528 5
I want to merge them by "chr" and "pos"
> head(res)
chr pos a1 a2 a3 variant_id pval_nominal gene_id
1: chr1 54490 G A b38 chr1_54490_G_A_b38 0.608495 ENSG00000227232.5
2: chr1 58814 G A b38 chr1_58814_G_A_b38 0.295211 ENSG00000227232.5
3: chr1 60351 A G b38 chr1_60351_A_G_b38 0.439788 ENSG00000227232.5
4: chr1 61920 G A b38 chr1_61920_G_A_b38 0.319528 ENSG00000227232.5
5: chr1 63671 G A b38 chr1_63671_G_A_b38 0.237739 ENSG00000227232.5
6: chr1 64931 G A b38 chr1_64931_G_A_b38 0.276679 ENSG00000227232.5
> head(asign)
gene chr chr_pos pos p.val.Retina
1: ENSG00000227232 chr1 1:10177:A:AC 10177 0.381708
2: ENSG00000227232 chr1 rs145072688:10352:T:TA 10352 0.959523
3: ENSG00000227232 chr1 1:11008:C:G 11008 0.218132
4: ENSG00000227232 chr1 1:11012:C:G 11012 0.218132
5: ENSG00000227232 chr1 1:13110:G:A 13110 0.998262
6: ENSG00000227232 chr1 rs201725126:13116:T:G 13116 0.438572
> m=merge(res, asign, by = c("chr", "pos"))
Error in vecseq(f__, len__, if (allow.cartesian || notjoin || !anyDuplicated(f__, :
Join results in more than 2^31 rows (internal vecseq reached physical limit). Very likely misspecified join. Check for duplicate key values in i each of which join to the same group in x over and over again. If that's ok, try by=.EACHI to run j for each group to avoid the large allocation. Otherwise, please search for this error message in the FAQ, Wiki, Stack Overflow and data.table issue tracker for advice.
I tried using by=.EACHI but got the same error.
I the final merged file I only need to keep matching: "chr", "pos", "pval_nominal","p.val.Retina"
I only need rows in common between "res" and "asign" data frames.
I can remove columns which I don't need from both of those data frames and I got this:
> head(asignx)
chr pos p.val.Retina
1: chr1 10177 0.381708
2: chr1 10352 0.959523
3: chr1 11008 0.218132
4: chr1 11012 0.218132
5: chr1 13110 0.998262
6: chr1 13116 0.438572
> head(l4x)
chr pos pval_nominal
1: chr1 13550 0.375614
2: chr1 14671 0.474708
3: chr1 14677 0.699887
4: chr1 16841 0.127895
5: chr1 16856 0.627822
6: chr1 17005 0.802803
But again when I try to merge these:
> m=merge(l4x,asignx, by = c("chr", "pos"),all.x=FALSE,all.y=FALSE)
Error in vecseq(f__, len__, if (allow.cartesian || notjoin || !anyDuplicated(f__, :
Join results in more than 2^31 rows (internal vecseq reached physical limit)
Assuming that both of your dataframes are loaded into a database (you will have to setup a database like postgres or sql server), the sql equivalent of:
m=merge(res, asign, by = c("chr", "pos"))
select *
into m_table
from res
join asign
on res.chr = asign.chr
and res.pos = asign.pos
Then you will have a new table:
select *
from m_table;

Plotting genomic data using RCircos package

I am trying to use the RCircos package in R to visualize links between genomic positions. I am unfamiliar with this package and have been using the package documentation available from the CRAN repository from 2016.
I have attempted to format my data according to the package requirements. Here is what it looks like:
> head(pts3)
Chromosome ChromStart ChromEnd Chromosome.1 ChromStart.1 ChromEnd.1
1 chr1 33 34 chr1 216 217
2 chr1 33 34 chr1 789 790
3 chr1 33 34 chr1 1716 1717
4 chr1 33 34 chr1 1902 1903
5 chr1 33 34 chr2 2538 2539
6 chr1 33 34 chr2 4278 4279
Ultimately, I would like to produce a plot with tracks from ChromStart to ChromStart.1 and each gene labeled along the outside of the plot. I thought the script would look something like:
RCircos.Set.Core.Components( = pts3,
chr.exclude = NULL,
tracks.inside = 1,
tracks.outside = 2)
RCircos.Link.Plot( = pts3,
track.num = 3,
by.chromosome = FALSE)
It appears that to do so, I must first initialize with the RCircos.Set.Core.Components() function which requires positional information for each gene to pass to RCircos.Chromosome.Ideogram.Plot(). So, I created a second data frame containing the required information to pass to the function and this is the error that I get:
> head(genes)
Chromosome ChromStart ChromEnd GeneName Band Stain
1 chr1 0 2342 PB2 NA NA
2 chr2 2343 4683 PB1 NA NA
3 chr3 4684 6917 PA NA NA
4 chr4 6918 8710 HA NA NA
5 chr5 8711 10276 NP NA NA
6 chr6 10277 11735 NA NA NA
> RCircos.Set.Core.Components( = genes,
+ chr.exclude = NULL,
+ tracks.inside = 1,
+ tracks.outside = 2)
Error in RCircos.Validate.Cyto.Info(, chr.exclude) :
Cytoband start should be 0.
I don't actually have data for the Band or Stain columns and don't understand what they are for, but adding data to the those columns (such as 1:8 or chr1, chr2, etc) does not resolve the problem. Based on a recommendation from another forum, I also tried to reset the plot parameters for RCircos using the following functions, but it did not resolve the error:
core.chrom <- data.frame("Chromosome" = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6", "chr7", "chr8"),
"ChromStart" = c(0, 2343, 4684, 6918, 8711, 10277, 11736, 12763),
"ChromEnd" = c(2342, 4683, 6917, 8710, 10276, 11735, 12762, 13666),
"startLoc" = c(0, 2343, 4684, 6918, 8711, 10277, 11736, 12763),
"endLoc" = c(2342, 4683, 6917, 8710, 10276, 11735, 12762, 13666),
"Band" = NA,
"Stain" = NA)
RCircos.Reset.Plot.Ideogram(chrom.ideo = core.chrom)
Any advice would be deeply appreciated!
I'm not sure if you figured this one out or moved on etc. I had the same problem and ended up resolving it by reformatting my start positions for each chromosome to 0 as opposed to a continuation of the previous chr. For you it would be:
Chromosome ChromStart ChromEnd GeneName Band Stain
1 chr1 0 2342 PB2 NA NA
2 chr2 0 2340 PB1 NA NA
3 chr3 0 2233 PA NA NA

How to replace values in dataframe in R with translation table with minimal computational time?

I have the following biological data file.
chromosome startPosition
chr1 37196
chr1 52308
chr1 357503
chr1 443361
chr1 530358
and I need to convert the positions by means of a translation table.
chr1 37196 chr1 47333
chr1 52308 chr1 62445
chr1 357503 chr1 367640
chr1 443361 chr1 453498
chr1 530358 chr1 540495
What needs to happen is that I have to replace the startPosition in the acgh_file with the value in fourth column of the convert table.
I made a script, but as the files are quite large it takes ages before it finishes (probably due to that R is not good for doing for-loops).
for (n in 1:nrow(convert)){
acgh_file[acgh_file$chromosome==convert[n,1] & acgh_file$startPosition==convert[n,2],3] <- convert[n,4]
I'm looking for a quicker solution here. Anybody have some ideas? I thought about doing something with the apply functions, but I don't know how to combine that when using this convert look-up table that I have here.
No need to use a for-loop here( Btw for loop in R are slow when they are not used in the good manner). Here you want to do a merge between 2 data sets. Since you have a big data.frame, I suggest to use data.table package to do the merge.
# chromosome startPosition V4
# 1: chr1 37196 47333
# 2: chr1 52308 62445
# 3: chr1 357503 367640
# 4: chr1 443361 453498
# 5: chr1 530358 540495
where the data sets are data.table :
acgh_file <- fread("
chromosome startPosition
chr1 37196
chr1 52308
chr1 357503
chr1 443361
chr1 530358")
convert_file <- fread("
chr1 37196 chr1 47333
chr1 52308 chr1 62445
chr1 357503 chr1 367640
chr1 443361 chr1 453498
chr1 530358 chr1 540495")[,V3:=NULL]
