Upgrading issue in nopcommerce3.0 on the sql database - nopcommerce

I have upgrading issue in nopcommerce3.0 my current version in 2.3
for example:
Suppose I have Customer table(nopcommerce version 2.3) which have around 8044 rows then I had upgrade script step by step until the version 3.0 then after I checked Customer table there only 5000 rows that means upgrade script deleted 3044 rows in Customer table what is the reason?
would you please help me ?

Check your backup of the database and see if they were old Guest or search engine records.


what to do when flyway update to 4.0 fails midway

I tried to update my (Oracle) database to Flyway 4.0 from Flyway 3.x today. I can see the update script tries to remove a couple of indexes (_vr_idx and _ir_idx). The problem I'm facing is the update has failed mid-way and now every time I rerun it, it complaints about the indexes not existing...
How do I proceed?
This is a known issue fixed in the upcoming Flyway 4.0.1.
In your case you have 3 options:
Drop the schema_version table and baseline the schema with Flyway 4.0
Manually perform the remaining actions on the schema_version table, followed by repair with Flyway 4.0
Recreate the dropped indexes and try again with Flyway 4.0.1

#1293 - Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause

I have a Magento2 website and wanted to deploy on a server. I got the above mentioned error when I tried to import DB copy of a local to the live mySQL server. I found the reason that on local system I have mySQL 5.6 and phpMyAdmin 4.4 and on the live server it is lower than 5.6(my hosting does not show which mysql version). and phpMyAdmin 3.4.11.
Is there any way to fix the problem? Your comments and solutions are appreciated
The Error look like this.
There were some other tables like admin_user where I removed the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attribute and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from the 2nd column of the DB Table.
MySQL 5.6 is the minimum supported version. Your server might have a lesser version (see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html) You can check the version running the following query on your server:
SELECT version();

LiveCycle table growing out of control

Product: LiveCycle V. 2.5
Database: SQL Server 2008
OS: Windows 2008R2
Host: jBoss 4.2
I am submitting files to the watch folder service to compose PDFs through DDX. The process runs fine but I am now getting errors that the table EDCATTRIBUTEVALUEENTITY is out of space, and when I went to check the database is around 300GB. I am not storing any documents in the database as far as I know.
How should I go about purging that table? I tried the purge tool but all my jobs have the status of "11" which according to the documentation isn't even a valid status.
Are you sure that it's the edcattributevalueentity table that's eating up all of the space? Is your GDS stored in the database?
You might want to take a look at http://michael.omnicypher.com/2013/03/livecycle-gds-demystified.html to ensure that it's not the GDS growing out of control.
Let us know how you make out with that article to start.

MySQL InnoDB: cannot calculate statistics because the .ibd file is missing

Windows 7 (XAMPP latest)
Apache 2.4.4
PHP 5.5
MySQL 5.6.11
I am trying to backup a database from MySQL 5.1 and import it to MySQL 5.6.
In MySQL 5.1, there are some MyISAM and InnoDB tables. I use mysqldump to dump the SQL file out, with --add-drop-database switch.
Now when I go back to my localhost and import the SQL file using MySQL workbench, an error occur:
InnoDB: cannot calculate statistics for table "database"."tables" because the .ibd file is missing.
I tried drop the database using:
drop schema database
And it crashes the MySQL 5.6, with error like this:
2013-09-10 17:18:23 fc4 InnoDB: Warning: MySQL is trying to drop database `database`.``
InnoDB: though there are still open handles to table `database`.`table`.
In my.ini I set:
innodb_force_recovery = 4
I tried:
Create a new database with different database name and run the import again, all innodb tables cannot be created.
Copy all *.frm tables from a working 5.1 server in data directory, overwrite existing database, restart MySQL 5.6.11, all innodb tables cannot be accessed.
If I run a create table statement with engine=InnoDB, it will failed and said table already exists, which actually it does not exists.
If I run a drop table statement that using InnoDB, it will say table does not exists...
Can anyone please give me some advices on it?
Thank you.
It turns out that it seems to be a MySQL 5.6.11 problem, I change MySQL to 5.5.30 and it all works well.
I had a similar problem on Mac OS X, but in a slightly bizarre way: I was running fine on some pre-5.6.19 version and then upgraded to 5.6.19, which started to give me the error message above, except none of my tables use mixed case.
As it turned out, one of my databases is using an uppercase character as its first letter. This has worked fine for a long time, but failed this morning after the minor version upgrade and sent me into a 2-hour search for what went wrong.
The fix is simple: create a symlink with the lower case version, restart mysqld and all is well. However, even though I understand the logic for making tables case-safe, there is no danger of the database name being ambiguous since the OS would always prevent that.

previewing the SQL Statements before migration using Flyway

I am new to Flyway and I am using Flyway 2.1 code base for migration and execution of SQL statements on a previous schema version using Flyway. Once i execute my newer SQL statements the version entry in the metadata table is incremented.
But before I migrate my new version of the schema (i.e before I migrate/ execute the newer SQL statements on the database schema), I would like to capture all the new SQLs in another preview.sql file, so that the DBAs can see the SQLs before they proceed with the migrate.
I plan to do this by adding a flyway.preview() method to the Flyway.java file. Could you please let me know what other files would need to be changed to accomplish this?
Also, I only want to do this if the new version is > current schema version currently in the database. I checked the 2.1 code but the SchemaVersion class has been deprecated in 2.1 and I am not sure how to obtain the current version from the database.
I would appreciate your help or any suggestions that would correct my approach.
Thank you
The necessary abstractions are not in place yet to support this, but I plan on adding them over the next few weeks to support batch updates in 2.2. Once that is done, it should be much easier to implement this.
As for querying the state of the DB, you have the Flyway.info() to assist you.
