I have a problem when working with table in activereports 7.please show me way to merge 2 rows into single row.it likes rowspan attribute in html
A better option would be to make use of the Matrix dataregion than the Table control.
When using the Matrix Dataregion, the cells with same values are merged automatically. You may refer to the documentation for further clarification and implementation.
I am beginner to titanium i would like to create table with multiple column with rows like as html please, any one assist me. thank's in advance .
You will have to use Views instead of a table - you can compare them to Divs in Html.
i display data in grid like this and want a crystal report like this print the data.
but i have no clue how to do this. Let me try to explain further this case.
for every row of main table i have displayed subdetails in subgridvew and this subgrid data is fetched by keys in main table and an other table (this table has fixed values).
this would be first report i would create.
please gimme clue or tell if i am not so clear about asking question
For this kind of requirement you need to use cross tab...where in rows you need to provide data from table 1 and for rows first take data from table then from table 2 which will geoup as per your requirement
I have three tables. One table is referred as two tables. How to display the table in the following manner.
Thanks in advance.
You can place components in table so you can create columns which contains tables. The down side is the inside table will be duplicated each row (with headers for each table). Perhaps the vaadin 7.4 Grid will make a better job here.
Please read the docs for this feature:
https://vaadin.com/book/-/page/components.table.html -> Components Inside a Table
Should be easy but google couldn't give me a straight answer. I have an array. The fields in the array have underscores that I would like to remove e.g. "Column_1" to "Column 1". Does anyone know a good way to do this without looping through the whole array and rebuilding it anew? I didn't see any methods in the reference that would make this easy. thx
Depending on where you are using this Array, you could use the labelFunction to format the data before presenting it. It is present in Lists, DataGrids and Trees.
But you'd only need this if you have a very large data and wouldn't want to loop over all the records before showing them. A labelFunction would "reprocess" the label everytime before it's presented.
Flex 3 has built in refactoring
Edit... I may have misunderstood..
If you want to format the data in the array just loop through it and use regex to remove the underscores... or you can modify your query which grabs the data (if it is populated from a query)
I am working on an ASP.NET 1.1 project where the requirement is to create a matrix table where the number of rows and the number of columns are determined by two separate datasets and can vary. Once the matrix is created the page has several buttons that do postbacks that need the data and any modifications made to a cell in the matrix table to be retained.
The <asp:DataGrid />is the obvious option but how do I add columns dynamically to the control?
I am also considering dynamically building <asp:table /> control on the fly but I am not really sure if this is the way to go.
A problem I have with datagrids is that they blindly bind to a dataset. The table I am creating has the first column as the sum and the second one as the weighted average of the subsequent column data. There is also a grouping of the columns.
In this scenario is it better to use a table server control and build the entire thing or do this in a datagrid ?
you can programatically add columns to a datagrid like that :
BoundColumn linkColumn = new BoundColumn();
linkColumn.DataField = "UserID";
linkColumn.DataFormatString = "<a href='UserDetails.aspx={0}'>User Details</a>";
linkColumn.HeaderText = "User Details";
programmatically adding rows is adding rows to datasource that you bind to datagrid, isn't it ?
In my opinion using grid is simpler, grid manages binding and formatting for you. But using table gives you ability to manage cells to you.
Not sure what is the bottleneck. It is possible to retain values in dataset using viewstate or session.
You can create a instance of a column and what you need and add to data grid.Check google for samples instead of posting here,on google you would find sample of how to work with a data grid.Data grid is better.