Modifying ASPX.CS file has no effect -

One of my colleagues maintains a legacy ASP.NET site. Today she bumped into a strange problem:
There is an ASPX page, which throws an exception.
If she deletes the line of the ASPX.CS file which throws the exception, the exception remains (with the same call stack). I'm sure she modified the very same file the calls stack refers to.
If she renames the ASPX.CS file, the server says the file is missing.
If she restarts the server after modifying the ASPX.CS, the exception remains.
If she modifies other ASPX.CS files, she gets the expected effect.
She doesn't compile the page into DLL.
AFAIK IIS should recompile the file when its content changes (MSDN), but this mechanism doesn't work in this case. What should we do? Thanks for your help in advance.

Check to see if the website is a website or web application. Web applications compile all the code behind into DLLs and place them into the 'bin' folder. In order to make changes to the code available, you would have to 'build' the application in VS.
If it is not a compiled web application, then she should check to see if the front end page is pointing to the correct code behind page. Sometimes if you manually copy and rename files, this piece could be left pointing to the original page, not the new .cs file.


Organizing ASP.NET Web Application Project

How do I update references to user controls after putting ascx and aspx files into different folders?
I'm not used to working with ASP.NET Web Forms projects, but I inherited this one. When I first received this Project, every file was directly under the root; no folders whatsoever. I've started putting files into folders and updating the paths.
When I try to load a user control, however, I get this error:
Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
My user control is located at:
My page is located at:
Markup from AST_Page.aspx:
<%# Register TagPrefix="tf" TagName="Cost" Src="..\..\controls\Widget.ascx" %>
My understanding is:
When a user navigates to AST_Page.aspx, the current path is myProject\Pages\Activity\.
Starting a path with ..\..\ should put me at myProject\.
Therefore, ..\..\controls\Widget.ascx actually points to myProject\controls\Widget.asxc.
My Project has access to my myProject\.
If I change ..\..\controls\Widget.ascx to ..\controls\Widget.ascx, I get a different error about not finding the file, which is expected as Widget.ascx is not under myProject\Pages\controls\.
There was a second issue on the page. I had "~/../../" in a src attribute; likely due to an aggressive find and replace.

how to edit a file in an online aspx site?

I'm very new to ( but an aged PHP developer) ..
I'm now in a situation where I should do some small modification in an online aspx script(using
I downloaded the whole site and opened it in visual studio, all the modification I had to do is to make a redirect to another external page after succesful login,I determined the place where I should do my modification inside a file named login.aspx.vb , and added this line in it:
Response.Redirect("My URL Here")
And then uploaded only the modified file again, to get no change at all.
I even tried to modify the success msg that appear after successful login and re-uploaded it to find no change at all ( still showing the old message)
Is there some step I'm missing before uploading the page?
You will need to compile the project, and if using visual studios you can just hit ctrl shift B and it will build the entire solution. Visual studio detects which project in the solution has changed and will compile it. Then do as the other answerer says and upload the .dll file which is a container of your compiled code that will be referenced by the host you upload it to when there is a request for it. (A container is a definite over simplification for more details check:
What is a dll?
In ASP.NET there are two types of projects.
Web application project
Web site project
In the first case, when you edit a .vb file you need to compile it with Visual Studio and upload the generated .dll file created in the bin folder.
In the second case you can edit the .vb files and upload them and IIS will compile them.
Based on what you wrote, you are in the first case. In that case you need to have the project / solution files to make any modifications in the .vb files. If you don't have access to those files you could inject some code in the .aspx or .ascx files.
For example:
Dim flag As Boolean = false
// Write some code to set the flag
If (flag) Then
End If
Using <%....%> you can write code to execute when the page starts to render. This is a bad practice since because it has poor performance since the code is parsed and executed at runtime, while the code in .cs files is already compiled.
But if you don't have the project files you could do minor changes with this hacky approach.
Edit: If you are in the first scenario, you need to build the project and then upload its .dll file which is in the /bin folder. For any changes in the code files you upload only the .dll. If you change the .aspx, .ascx, etc files you need to upload those as well

Does code in aspx page get compiled in a web application?

Let me just start by saying, if anyone knows of a good article that talks about this subject, please point me towards it.
Does code in an .aspx page (in between <% %> tags) get compiled in a web application or is it treated like markup where you can just change it without recompiling the solution? Does compiling only compile the code behind code in the .cs and designer.cs files ?
If you're developing in a 'Web Application Project' (as opposed to 'Web site') then any change to class (.cs), code-behind file (.aspx.cs), designer files, etc (basically anything that isn't markup or static files like .htm) would require a rebuild in Visual Studio.
All code within a .aspx file, in or out of code blocks (<%%>) gets compiled.
Changing an .aspx file will cause IIS to recompile it on the next request.
See MSDN - ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation.
Update (following comment):
As for development work - pretty much the same happens when you use the dev web server to view the page. You do not have to recompile the solution/project, but the page will get recompiled dynamically.

Is there a way to get rid of aspx placeholder files in a ASP.NET web deployment project?

I'm using a web deployment project in order to precompile my ASP.NET 3.5 web project. It creates a single extra DLL for the code in aspx and ascx files. And, for every aspx file there is a placeholder aspx file (empty) which needs to be copied to the server.
I'd like to simplify the deployment process. Is there a way (configuring the IIS site and adding some sort of http handlers etc.) to get rid of these aspx placeholders?
Also, I'd like to know if there is a way to get rid of the .compiled files in the bin folder. It would make the deployment process smoother.
I discovered it by myself. It is much easier than I thought (IIS 6.0):
In Internet Information Manager go to the property page of the site, then chose the tab "Home Directory" and click on the button "Configuration...".
Click "Edit..." for the .aspx ISAPI extension and uncheck "Verify that file exists". At this point, no aspx file is needed anymore.
One important thing: I had to create an empty "default.aspx" file in the root of the application in order to allow the default document for requests like "" (without calling an aspx).
Update 2
Another very important thing: if you're using ASP.NET Ajax PageMethods, then you have to keep the aspx placeholder of that page. If you're omitting the file, a javascript 'PageMethods is undefined' error will be thrown on the browser.
IF it is possible, then it will require, at the least, the mapping in IIS of all possible requests to the engine. Not very difficult. Then, a HttpHandler should be possible to intercept all incoming requests. That handler should then be able to dynamically load compiled page classes and render them. You'd basically have a single engine DLL that serves page content.
But as you might have noticed from all the should's, it's not a simple thing to accomplish, and I doubt that it's really worth the trouble. What exactly is wrong with these placeholder files being present?

How to tell what page a dll refers to in precompiled ASP.NET site

I'm using a pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site (i.e., copied to the server using the "Build->Publish Web Site" feature in Visual Studio 2005). I catch and log all errors which are usually quite detailed, but lately I've been getting the following error with no other information:
Could not load the assembly
'App-Web-rp2eml-j'. Make sure that it
is compiled before accessing the page.
Now, that 'App-Web-rp2eml-j' file should be a dll in my bin folder which was created for the pre-compiled site. My main question is, how do I tell what aspx page is looking for that dll? I've tried re-publishing the site, and even completely wiping out the site and re-publishing, but the problem does not go away.
When Googling the problem, most answers about this error message center around making sure IIS is set up to use ASP.NET 2.0 instead of 1.1. This is not my problem.
NOTE 1: The site all seems to work, but obviously there is (at least) one page that is broken which I cannot find.
NOTE 2: The file name above should have underscores instead of dashes, but SO's markup is changing the text between the underscores to italics.
Does the mentioned dll exist in your bin directory? You italicized that portion so I suspect that it doesn't. That could mean that the error is referring to a dll in the Temporary files folder.
This problem can occur if one or more of the dlls in the ASP.NET Temporary files folder are corrupted. Sometimes ASP.NET does not refresh files here if there are no changes in the dll residing in the virtual directory. It happens every once in a while on my server.
My solution is as follows:
Stop IIS services on the server for a minute or so.
Navigate to the ASP.NET Temporary files folder (usually located at "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyApplicationName") and clear all files within the folder.
Publish and upload my site to the configured virtual directory.
Restart IIS and other services.
This simple 4-step process has worked very well for me in the past and may be worth a try for you.
To answer your basic question, however, there are two ways to "reverse engineer" a dll:
Load it up in ILDASM and check the contained classes.
Use Reflector to save all the class files contained within the dll to a folder.
However, I doubt if this will solve your problem because each dll could contain many class files and you would not have a clue as to "which ASPX page is looking for that dll".
Maybe you can catch more detailed information on the error with the Global.asax event Application_OnError, so you can watch the stack Trace.
