how to convert Grib1 to Netcdf using R? - r

I have just downloaded some climate data in grib format. I want to use "R" to convert it to NetCDF format.
Furthermore, as the file consists of different variables, I would like to extract one variable at a time into individual files.

It's hard to answer this without your specific file. You should look into producing reproducible examples, especially if you're posting to the R board.
For R, check out library(raster) and library(ncdf4). I just grabbed the first grib1 file I saw, and put together a quick example.
download.file(url = '', destfile = 'test.grb')
(r <- raster('test.grb'))
n <- writeRaster(r, filename = '', overwrite = TRUE)

The package Rnomads has a function readgrib providing wrappers to external libraries allowing one to read grib files
2. converting to netcdf
If the GRIB data is on a regular lat-lon grid, then probably an easier way is to convert to netcdf as the support for reading that is more developed (and you are probably already used to using it)
You can convert grib in several ways, two of the easiest are
cdo -f nc copy test.grb
Use "-f nc4" if you want netcdf4 conventions.
ECCODES (on a mac install with brew install eccodes)
grib_to_netcdf -o test.grb

you can use ncl installed on you computer
system(ncl_convert2nc xxxx.grb, internal = TRUE) <- open.ncdf("")


how to open grib file in r software [duplicate]

I have just downloaded some climate data in grib format. I want to use "R" to convert it to NetCDF format.
Furthermore, as the file consists of different variables, I would like to extract one variable at a time into individual files.
It's hard to answer this without your specific file. You should look into producing reproducible examples, especially if you're posting to the R board.
For R, check out library(raster) and library(ncdf4). I just grabbed the first grib1 file I saw, and put together a quick example.
download.file(url = '', destfile = 'test.grb')
(r <- raster('test.grb'))
n <- writeRaster(r, filename = '', overwrite = TRUE)
The package Rnomads has a function readgrib providing wrappers to external libraries allowing one to read grib files
2. converting to netcdf
If the GRIB data is on a regular lat-lon grid, then probably an easier way is to convert to netcdf as the support for reading that is more developed (and you are probably already used to using it)
You can convert grib in several ways, two of the easiest are
cdo -f nc copy test.grb
Use "-f nc4" if you want netcdf4 conventions.
ECCODES (on a mac install with brew install eccodes)
grib_to_netcdf -o test.grb
you can use ncl installed on you computer
system(ncl_convert2nc xxxx.grb, internal = TRUE) <- open.ncdf("")

How to concatenate monthly TRMM netCDF files into a single netCDF file using NCO or R on windows 7?

I have downloaded TRMM monthly precipitation rate in netCDF format from 1998 -2016, so approximately more than 200 files.The names of these files are , and so on.
I would like to concatenate all of these files into a single netCDF. I've tried using the NCO operator "ncrcat" which should be able to concatenate a very long series of files along the record dimension, in this case time, but so far no luck. I tried at first simple with only 2 files
ncrcat -O -h
ERROR: no variable fit criteria for processing
so then I tried
ncks --mk_rec_dmn time
ncks --mk_rec_dmn time
I tried again with
ncrcat -O -h
still got same error
ERROR: no variable fit criteria for processing
Is there an easier way to doing this with 200+ files? A script that I can follow? I am new to all this so please be gentle.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Windows 7 x86.
It is completely possible to do this with NCO. I looked at your input files and they simply lack a time dimension, so ncrcat fails. Add a time dimension with
ncecat -u time
Then use ncrcat as you say above. p.s. I have changed the ncrcat and ncra error messages to be more explicit about how to do this. Previously the HINTs only applied to cases where the file already had the dimension, but it was fixed. Your files did not have a time dimension, so the ncks command you issued had no effect.
Edit to show loops:
To do this or anything like it in a loop use a construct like
for fl in `ls trmm*.nc`; do
ncecat -u time ${fl} ${fl/trmm/trmm_new} # Base output name in input name
... # more processing
The NCO manual has many examples of using file loops.
In R, you can do this by reading in all the data, combining into one large 3d array (latxlonxtime). For example, array[,,1] would be the latxlon grid for Jan 1998. This can then be saved as a .rds format for further use in R, or saved as a netCDF file, which I won't cover but there are tutorials for saving R arrays as .nc files online.
First, make a .csv file that contains a single column of all the filenames you downloaded. One easy way is to ctrl-C the output from typing 'ls' in terminal into an excel sheet. The code below reads in those files one by one, adding each to the array.
filenames=read.csv('TRMM.filenames.csv',head=F) #read in filenames
filenames=as.character(filenames[,1]) #convert to 'character' format
n.lon=192 #input the correct #'s here, must be the same for all files
NA.matrix=matrix(rep(NA,n.lon*,nrow=n.lon) #used to initialize
prcp=array(NA.matrix,c(n.lon,,1)) #n.lonxn.latx1 array of NA's to initialize
for (i in 1:length(filenames)){
ncdata=nc_open(filenames[i]) #read in file i, assuming files are in same location as filenames.csv/your current working directory
#ncdata=nc_open(paste(data.dir,filenames[i],sep="")) #if your data is in another directory than the filenames.csv file, you could read it in with this line instead
nc=ncvar_get(ncdata,"precip") #check the .nc files to see what the variable name actually is; this reads in the variable "precip"
prcp=prcp[,,-1] #remove the NA.matrix used to initialize
dim(prcp) #check that the lonxlatxtime dimensions make sense
saveRDS(prcp,'TRMM.all.rds') #save as .rds file, or proceed to save it as .nc file, which takes a bit more work

read.sas7bdat unable to read compressed file

I am trying to read a .sas7bdat file in R. When I use the command
I get the following error:
Error in read.sas7bdat("county2.sas7bdat") : file contains compressed data
I do not have experience with SAS, so any help will be highly appreciated.
According to the sas7bdat vignette [vignette('sas7bdat')], COMPRESS=BINARY (or COMPRESS=YES) is not currently supported as of 2013 (and this was the vignette active on 6/16/2014 when I wrote this). COMPRESS=CHAR is supported.
These are basically internal compression routines, intended to make filesizes smaller. They're not as good as gz or similar (not nearly as good), but they're supported by SAS transparently while writing SAS programs. Obviously they change the file format significantly, hence the lack of implementation yet.
If you have SAS, you need to write these to an uncompressed dataset.
options compress=no;
libname lib '//drive/path/to/files';
data lib.want;
set lib.have;
That's the simplest way (of many), assuming you have a libname defined as lib as above and change have and want to names that are correct (have should be the filename without extension of the file, in most cases; want can be changed to anything logical with A-Z or underscore only, and 32 or fewer characters).
If you don't have SAS, you'll have to ask your data provided to make the data available uncompressed, or as a different format. If you're getting this from a PUDS somewhere on the web, you might post where you're getting it from and there might be a way to help you identify an uncompressed source.
This admittedly is not a pure R solution, but in many situations (e.g. if you aren't on a pc and don't have the ability to write the SAS file yourself) the other solutions posted are not workable.
Fortunately, Python has a module ( which supports reading compressed SAS data sets - it's certainly better using this than needing to acquire SAS if you don't already have it. Once you extract the file and save it to text via Python, you can then access it in R.
from sas7bdat import SAS7BDAT
import pandas as pd
InFileName = "myfile.sas7bdat"
OutFileName = "myfile.txt"
with SAS7BDAT(InFileName) as f:
df = f.to_data_frame()
df.to_csv(path_or_buf = OutFileName, sep = "\t", encoding = 'utf-8', index = False)
The haven package can read compressed SAS-files:
df <- read_sas("sasfile.sas7bdat")
But only SAS-files which are compressed using compress=char, but not compress=binary.
So haven will be able to read this SAS-file:
data output.compressed_data_char (compress=char);
set inputdata;
But not this SAS-file:
data output.compressed_data_binary (compress=binary);
set inputdata;
"RevoScaleR" is a good package to read SAS data sets (compressed or uncompressed).You can use rxImport function of this package. Below is the example
Importing library
Reading data
R_df_name <- rxImport("fake_path/file_name.sas7bdat")
The speed of this function is far better than haven/sas7bdat/sas7bdat.parso. I hope this helps anyone who struggles to read SAS data sets in R.
I found R to be the easiest for this kind of challenge, especially with compressed sas7dbat files, three simple lines:
data <- read_sas("yourfile.sas7dbat")
and then transform it to csv

Read and write a Netcdf file using R

How can I read and write the following file using R ?
In other words, I would like to read the "" file and write with the same structure that it is written.
Best regards
Package ncdf have functions to do this. You should also read other Q&A on this site tagged with netcdf and r.
Basically to read a netcdf file:
a <- open.ncdf('your/path/to/your/') #that opens a connection to the file
Then function get.var.ncdf helps you extract the data, variable by variable.
The process to write one is described in this Q&A.
The idea is to create dimensions first using dim.def.ncdf then the variables with var.def.ncdf and finally the file itself using create.ncdf.

Using R to open grib files

I am using R to work with meteorological data. I proceed in two steps:
convert grib to netcdf using the command line function ncl_convert2nc from ncar command language
use package ncdf in R to import the netcdf data.
I still have one problem:
2- For some particular grib files, the conversion with ncar tool does not work. Is there other ways or trick (other than transcription into netcdf) to read grib files in R ?
Problem Answered by Dirk: 1- I would like to do automatic treatment of many files within R. Can I call ncl_convert2nc within R ? (answered by Dirk Eddelbuettel below )
Regarding question 1, the answer is 'Yes' -- see help(system) and the internal=TRUE option if you want to capture results.
rgdal also can do it, but is less flexible and requires more care and detail than ncdf or RNetCDF - and depends of your GDAL/rgdal built including the GRIB driver.
ncl_convert2nc seems to be the best solution. However, if the structure of data is a little bit more complicated I use GrADS to convert GRIB file to ASCII (e.g. .csv) and then it is possible to create NetCDF file using ncdf4 package dedicated for R. GrADS also provides support for re-writing GRIB to NetCDF, but there is limitation to only 1 variable.
As an alternative to calling ncl_convert2nc from R, there are two alternatives I can suggest:
1. CDO conversion
Another quick and easy command line solution is to use cdo to convert to netcdf to read in:
cdo -f nc copy file.grb
If you want to output a netcdf4 file you specify "-f nc4".
One potential glitch with this approach is if your grib file has more than one time axis (e.g. for multiple seasonal forecasts) which can cause issues with the conversion.
2. ECCODES conversion
Instead eccodes offers a grib converter that is very robust and can handle all cases of multiple time axes which usually cause CDO and NCL based conversions to fail.
The command is called grib_to_netcdf
grib_to_netcdf -o input_grib.grb
So far, grib_to_netcdf has been able to handle every grib file I have thrown at it without problems.
Another solution is to use the wgrib/wgrib2 software ( and dump your GRIB-1/GRIB-2 file directly to CSV format, e.g.:
/path/to/your/wgrib2 input_file.grb -csv output_file.csv
Then it may be read directly in R...
