I am new to Xively and I am using a free account on Xively. I want to create a simple application to access the public data feed data from Xively, but it seems that I need an API key to access this public feed. Can someone help me to create/get this key?
What ratata said is correct. You can access the Xively public feeds with any valid master API key. In fact to read public feeds, all you need is 'read' permissions on the key.
Mouse over 'Web Tools' -> Settings -> Master keys -> Add master key
After you logged in to xively.com. Go to settings - master keys than you can add master key.
Do not forget to set the permissions for read, write ...
I want to generate a new private key from firebase to use the database APIs that firebase provides. When I click on get new private key to download the private key, I get this message:
Failed to generate a private key. Please try again in a few minutes.
How should I proceed to get the new private key now?
Why is this happening, Do I have the permissions to download the new private key?
(I am a viewer to the firebase project)
if you create so many service account keys in the past
delete them.
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts
click the firebase-adminsdk-[some string]#[project name].iam.gserviceaccount.com
Click keys
delete all old keys
you should be able to create new keys now
VIewer does not have the permission iam.serviceAccountKeys.create which is required to create service account keys.
You must add a role to your identity that contains that permission such as roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin
Service Account Roles
Project Viewers don’t have the access to manage the Service Account
Private keys. This is the reason you got that message when you tried
to create a private key. As mentioned in this documentation, you
should have the Service Account Key Admin role
(roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin) to manage the Service Account
The Service Account Key Admin role alone is sufficient to create a
Private Key. But without the Project Viewer Role you won’t be able to
view the page to create a Private Key from the Firebase Console. So
please ask the Project Owner or someone who has the access to grant
IAM Roles on the Project to grant you the Service Account Key Admin
role in addition to the Project Viewer role.
If your Chrome browser has an update pending, Firebase throws this message. Update your Chrome and retry, it should work.
as fortumo documentations says:
JWT based authentication Before using the JWT based authentication,
you will need to add a public key under "API keys" section in your
Fortumo Dashboard. Refer to Preparing SSH keys guide on how to
generate the public and private key pair.
but i cant find it on dashboard. but on General Section we have "Secret" down side. is that it? where can i set the fortumo public key?
As noted in Fortumo's documentation:
Hosted DCB is an on demand payment product. In order to gain access to the product, please contact your account manager.
If you don't have an account manager, you can get in touch with them here.
I want to embed a specific Channel feeds onto my website based on the user access to the channel of the Slack.
Can you please guide me if it is possible?
You can get the list of public channels a user is member of by calling users.conversations with the respective user ID as parameter.
Note that this will not work for private channels:
Private channel membership is only listed when the calling user, bot
user, or app shares membership in a direct message, multi-person
direct message, or private channel.
I am having some trouble figuring out how I can let users set their API credentials to get read-only data from the Google Calendar API.
I have it set up to use OAuth to allow a fallback. It allows the user to click for an access key to copy over and save.
However, I am finding an issue when I try to make it so users can enter their own API settings.
I tried the same method I used for the fallback, but even if they enter those credentials in they would still need to authenticate it with an access key.
So I guess my question is how can I just include a simple API key to be saved and used to get the data?
I haven't been able to find very many resources or documentation on this so even pointing me in the right direction will be very helpful.
So here is a link to the part of the Calendar API I need to use: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/list
And if you compare it to the top of the page of this API page: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/delete
You will see the delete specifies that it requires Authorization, but the List does not. All I need is the list but when I have tried to connect with it without any authorization it does not work. Am I missing something?
If the data is not public, the users will have to authenticate with Google and enter the access code on your plugin configuration. Google Analytics for WP does this, check its source.
I don't see the problem with having the users authenticating, but one alternative is to add support for service account, like the Google Drive WP Media does. In this case users of your plugin will enter the service account email and upload the private key file (I'm not sure if the Drive WP plugin implements it in a secure way).
I have been testing the Xively APIs "List All Products" and "List All Devices".
Using a Master key with only read permission and no private access, the lists contain private products, devices and feeds. For activated devices, the lists have the default feed keys with private access and read, create, update, delete permissions.
A master key with no private access can list private objects.
A master key with only read permission returns feed keys with full permission.
Is this the intended behaviour?
This is no longer the case. As far as I can see, these APIs now require a master key with private access and read, update, create and delete permissions.