Css needed to highlight common words in a table - css

I came across this page on slate.com that highlights similar words in a table when you hover over one instance:
Does anyone know how this is done?

You can do it with jQuery like this:
$('table td').mouseover(function() {
$('table td').removeClass('highlight')
var text = $(this).text();
$('table td').filter(function() { return $(this).text() == text; }).addClass('highlight');
Check this jsFiddle

using jQuery.data
Always to know how something works, the first step is to read the source code
Check this:
$('.interactive_table .cell_word')
var word = $(this).data('word');
var word = $(this).data('word');
$('.interactive_table .cell_rank_number')


target text after br tag using cheerio

I'm practicing creating an API by scraping using cheerio. I'm scraping from this fairly convoluted site:
I'm trying to target the text after these <br> tags within the anchor tag in this <td> element:
<td class="viCellBg1 cellTextNorm cellBorderL1 center_text nowrap"
<a class="cellTextNorm" href="/nfl/odds/las-vegas/line-movement/packers-#-
bears.cfm/date/9-05-19/time/2020#BT" target="_blank">
<br>46u-10<br>-3½ -10
The code below is what i'm using to target the data I want. The problem I'm having is I don't know how to get that text after the <br> tags. I've tried .find('br') and couldn't get it to work. Here is the code:
app.get("/nfl", function(req, res) {
var results = [];
axios.get("http://www.vegasinsider.com/nfl/odds/las-vegas/").then(function(response) {
var $ = cheerio.load(response.data);
$('span.cellTextHot').each(function(i,element) {
// console.log($(element).text());
var newObj = {
newObj.awayTeam = $(thing).text();
else if (i===4){
newObj.homeTeam = $(thing).text();
newObj.odds= $(element).parent().next().next().text().trim();
$('.frodds-data-tbl').find('td').next().next().children().each(function(o, oddsThing){
newObj.oddsThing = $(oddsThing).html();
You can see I am able to output all the text in this box to the newObj.odds value. I was trying to use something like the next line where I'm targeting that td element and loop through and break out each row into its own newObj property, newObj.oddsLine1 and newObj.oddsLine2 for example.
Hope that makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can't select text nodes with cheerio, you need to use js dom properties / functions:
$('td a br')[0].nextSibling.nodeValue
Note $(css)[0] will give you the first element as a js object (rather than a cheerio object)

Why the Jquery Autocomplete is not working if css is present

I am trying to put a autocomplete functionality on a text input , this is working fine if css is not present but if css is present this is not working .
This is my fiddle
and this is my code
var sourcesymbols = ["ONE", "TWO", "THREE"];
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
source: sourcesymbols,
messages: {
noResults: '',
results: function() {}
Could you please let me know how to resolve this .
when you use CSS styling for the text box you will hide the data list (auto complete list data) you can try an alternative as shown in this link - Datalist

How to put a reactive Template inside of a Surface in famo.us/Meteor

I've read several posts on this but nothing that would really answer my question in an up-to-date way (i.e. UI.insert is depreciated).
So what's the best way of inserting/rendering a Template into a Surface reactively, meaning, not only one data object (renderWithData), but whatever is defined in the Template.helpers should also be updated reactively. Code tried so far:
var div = document.createElement('div');
//UI.insert(UI.render(function() { return Template.hello; }), div);
surface = new famous.core.Surface({
//content: Blaze.toHTML(function() { return Template.hello; }),
//content: div,
content: '<div class="hell"></div>',
size: [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight],
properties: {...}
Blaze.render(function() { return Template.hello}, $('.hell')[0]);
These are 3 different approaches I've tried. First UI.insert inserts it, but handlebars-style Helpers are not recognized. Second, toHTML, no reactivity, even when I put everything into a Tracker.autorun(). Third, Blaze.render(...), doesn't work at all.
Is there an easy solution to this?
one possible answer is to use Famodev
var ReactiveTemplate = famodev.ReactiveTemplate;
var reactive = new ReactiveTemplate({
template: Template.mytemplate,
data: Collection.find().fetch(),
properties: {
Maybe it will be useful in some way http://github.com/dcsan/moflow

Simplify a jQuery function for multiple elements

I'm working on my new portfolio and I have a list of projects which are using show and hide functions. In my case, I'wrote the code for each project, but is it very repetitive. So I would like to know if there's a technique to write the same function for each project.
Here is my jquery code:
$('a.show_hide_project1').click(function() {
$project2.hide(); $project3.hide(); $project4.hide(); $project5.hide();
$project6.hide(); $project7.hide(); $project8.hide(); $project9.hide();
$project10.hide();$project11.hide(); $project12.hide();
$('a.next1').click(function() {
$('a.show_hide_project2').click(function() {
$project1.hide(); $project3.hide(); $project4.hide(); $project5.hide();
$project6.hide(); $project7.hide(); $project8.hide(); $project9.hide();
$project10.hide();$project11.hide(); $project12.hide();
$('a.next2').click(function() {
$('a.show_hide_project3').click(function() {
$project2.hide(); $project1.hide(); $project4.hide(); $project5.hide();
$project6.hide(); $project7.hide(); $project8.hide(); $project9.hide();
$project10.hide();$project11.hide(); $project12.hide();
$('a.previous3').click(function() {
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here's a quick stab at it: http://jsfiddle.net/Jj2Q7/1/
The animations are not exactly as you have it, and I doubt if that's the most efficient way to do it, but hopefully it'll serve as a starting point.
Here's another version which makes liberal use of data attributes: http://jsfiddle.net/Jj2Q7/3/
It should be faster than the previous, but relies on the HTML tags having the right attributes set.
First off, you should probably be leveraging a common css class to select all of them
$('.projectItem').click(function () {
$('.projectItem').hide(); //hide them all
$(this).delay(100).slideFadeToggle("slow"); //then show the one being clicked.
Where your Html would look more like this.
<div class="projectItem" id="project1"/>
<div class="projectItem" id="project2"/>
<div class="projectItem" id="project3"/>
<div class="projectItem" id="project4"/>
Just a really rough idea.
Basically you need to give your HTML a sort of class that makes it identifiable as a "project" , and add some rel or data attribute to the individual projects
Your code then translates to something like this: (depending on your HTML , may vary)

CSS3: set background image to rel attribute value

I'm looking to set the background-image (or even render an image via the pseudo elements :after or :before) to the value, which will be a URL, of a rel attribute, but only in certain cases (this is a cloud file listing). For example:
<div class="icon ${fileExtension}" rel="${fileURL}"></div>
It would be great if I could do something like this:
.icon.gif { background-image: attr(rel,url); }
... but obviously that doesn't work as, if I'm not mistaken, the attr() CSS function only works inside pseudo element blocks.
I know there are ways of doing this using conditional JSP or even jQuery logic, but I'd like to figure out a neat way of doing it via CSS3, since I'm only concerned with modern browsers at the moment anyway.
Also, I don't want to explicitly set the background image to the URL or create an <img> element, because by default if the file is not a supported image, I'd rather display a predetermined set of icons.
.icon:after{ content: ""attr(rel)""; }
displays the rel value as text.
A jQuery solution is to add the background-image (taken from the rel value) as inline CSS:
jQuery(function($) {
$('.icon').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.css('background-image', 'url(' + $this.attr('rel') + ')');
I've tried to do something using jQuery but i don't exactly understand what you want so i can't go on with my code. So far i've done only this.
EDITED I hope it's exactly what you need
var terms = new Array('png','jpg','jpeg','bmp','gif');
var t = $(this),
rel = t.attr('rel'),
cls = t.attr('class');
cls = cls.split(' ');
for (var i=0; i < terms.length; i++) {
if (terms[i] == cls[1]) {
if you can give me a better example, to undestand exactly what you want, i hope somebody from here will be able to solve your problem.
I've decided to go the jQuery route, and used a combination of #ryanve and #stefanz answers. Thanks guys
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".png,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp,.gif,.tiff").each(function(n) {
var bg = 'url(' + $(this).attr("rel") + ')';
$(this).css('background-image', bg);
I think this is relatively neat/concise and works well for my needs. Feel free to comment on efficiency, methodology, etc.
