How to connect a vm to the internet in Cloonix? - networking

I have a cloonix simulated network with debian virtual machines.
I'd like to install and update stuff on the vms.
How do I connect them to internet via my host computer ?

why not ask the author?
You should not rely on help on cloonix, communication on the product has been small and not many know about it.
To reach the internet from a virtual machine, the host must be connected to the internet and the file /etc/resolv.conf of the host must be valid.
If the above is ok, then connect an interface of the vm to the cloonix_slirp_admin_vlan and do dhclient on this interface from within the guest.
Then your vm should be connected to the internet (check your /etc/apt/sources.list to have apt-get).

You should connect eth1 (for example) of vm to "cloonix_slirp_admin_vlan" which is always in hidden. Then input "dhclient eth1" in the console of vm, then the vm can connect to the Internet. There is an example, I hope it will help you:


How do I access my Ubuntu Server installed on Virtual box from anywhere in the World

I am trying to make an IOT using nodemcu and a LED. I want to access the Ubuntu Server(which is installed in the virtual box) through some other network(outside my LAN). How can I do it? I read many articles online, but I am not able to figure it out. I tried port forwarding but it did not work.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Is there's a problem in the port forwarding, or I am following a wrong method.
I have installed Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS on my laptop via VirtualBox. I have installed LAMP. Also, network set to bridged adapter, plus I have dynamic IP
As I logged in, I ran ifconfig. It gave me the inet address as
Did you set the VM network interface to be NAT or Bridged?
If it is NAT, then you are essentially double NATTed which means you will need to port forward from your router to the VM host and then you will need to port forward from the host to the VM as the IP assigned will be local to the host machine.
However, the easiest is to set the VM network interface to Bridged.
This will mean the VM will be able access your network directly as it should be on the same subnet as your laptop and appear as another device, which your router will be able to port forward to.

Hyper-V Networking Does Not work on corporate network

I'll try to explain without confusing you.
I built multiple Hyper-V VM's (using External VS, not Internal VS) on Windows 10 and when I'm connected to my home network, all is well. I can get out to the internet. Everything works as expected.
When I connect to my corporate network via Eth, strange things happen.
Linux VM does not get an IP
Win10 Network Adapters show VS with a public IP - 146... (strange)
Laptop stops routing via corp network and instead is routing using the VS IP (also strange)
As I said, none of these problems occur at home so if there's a specific IT policy blocking me at work, I would appreciate knowing which one so I can tell my Help Desk what to fix. Or is it something else?
You may have to do a ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew (Windows) or a sudo dhclient -v -r and sudo dhclient -v (Linux) on the remote machine to get it to renew its DHCP settings and retrieve an IP address.

Cannot establish network link between host and VM on Hyper-V

I'm having trouble creating a network link between my Hyper-V host machine and its VM (both are running Windows 10).
I created an virtual external switch for both the host and VM so that both can access the internet and download programs and Windows updates, but I could not get them to communicate with each other directly. My research told me to create a virtual internal switch in Hyper-V and then have the devices be able to access each other that way (presumably by doing something like typing \\host_machine_IP\c$ into an explorer window once the network connection had been made). But once I created the virtual internal switch and assigned static IP address to both the host and VM on it, I still could not ping the host from the VM, or vice versa.
Am I missing a step? Let me know what more details you guys need.
By default you would have Windows Firewall blocking your communications until you confirm network profile to be other than Public. Try selecting a home\work network location profile via Control Panel > Network and Sharing canter. Or disable the firewall on the machine you try connecting to. Otherwise you should have no communication problem with the setup described, provided the subnet is the same for both machines.

virtualbox (Win 7) network: guest trying to see guest on separate host

I have a private network with static addresses on each machine.
Virtualbox is installed on each machine.
A virtual Windows 7 is running on each virtualbox.
Each host can see every other host on the network (independent of Virtualbox, of course).
By playing with the attachment settings for the virtual network adapter I can get the guest to see itself and the host, on the network.
I cannot get the guest on one host to see the guest on a separate host.
Firstly, is this possible?
I have tried the solution recommended here
but I may be missing something.
If the feature is not available on virtualbox, is it available via VMware's workstation?
I would obviously prefer to stick with a free solution.
Got an answer to this on the virtualbox forum, The bridged adapter allows for this.

Connect to server in vmware player while host is not connected to a network

I am using VMWare Player 3.1.0 on Host OS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. My guest is is SUSE Linux ES 10. My guest OS (SUSE) runs JBoss App Server which I access from host using HTTP. I used a "Bridged" connection to set up all this.
My problem:
When I am connected to network on the Host (using wired network adapter) I can connect to the http server on the Guest OS and browse the application. However, when I am disconnected from the network on Host (unplugged the wire), I cannot access to the guest OS app server and browse the application. I use the guest OS ifconfig command to find out ip address of the guest OS. This ip address does not change whether connected or disconnected. I have even tried using Wireless Data card, but that does not work either.
I have tried "NAT" as well as "Host Only" connection and rebooted the guest but it does not work either. I think for some reason the guest OS can only recognize the physical network card (which is disconnected).
I need to run this machine (my laptop) independently of the network because I use this for demo and need to be able to connect from my host OS to Guest OS.
I am not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, but I do know setting up a working NAT configuration will offer you the most flexibility.
Click the networking icon and select settings, Select NAT.
Follow these steps on your Unix OS
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Make a backup of your ethernet adapter configuration
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0.bak
Next modify the settings to look like the following:
HWADDR="What ever was here on your system"br/>
Save your changes
Restart your network adapters
/etc/init.d/network restart
Try nslookup
You should now be able to connect back and forth from your Windows Host and Linux guest.
-p.s. I had screenshots, but I do not have the 10 points yet to post images.
I figured that the solution is to restart the VM after making the changes to the NetWork setting on the VMWare. I selected Network for the VM as "Host Only" shutdown the VM and started it again. After that I was able to do what I wanted to do (i.e. browse the web application on guest from the browser in the host machine) without connecting the host to the network.
So key to the solution in my case was to make the network changes and restart the VM.
Any comments suggestions welcome...
