Narrowing Shield UI ASP.NET Chart database rows to unique -

I am visualizing a database with a Shield UI ASP Chart. The case with my data is that the rows are not unique. For instance I have some categories and different values for them. How can I sum up the values from the rows and add them to the appropriate categories?
Is there a way to bind this property :
<shield:ChartAxisX CategoricalValues="Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4">
to the database?

If am understanding correct you need to find out how many the unique rows for one field are and than sum up another field among these categories.
However this is what you shall do with an SQL query and not trying to pass raw data to a chart. Shield UI ASP charts that have categories need to receive the data per category and display it. At least charts are intended for seamless and fast graphical data representation.


How to decide whether to store data under 1 column or multiple columns?

I am recording the data for 3 counters and have the choice of using either of following schema:
When visualizing using either of the above schemas, x-axis will be the date. In case of 1st schema the sensor will be the legend and value will be the y-axis.
Whereas in case of the 2nd schema, each column will need to be added as y-axis, and there will be no legend.
What amongst the above 2 schemas are better suited for reporting (plotting graphs)?
The best answer will depend on 3 things:
the type of visualizations you're trying to build
which visualization(s) tool you're planning to use and
if you plan to add more sensor values in the future
Essentially, you're either going to pivot your data when storing it (second schema model with 1 column for each value) or you're going to store the data and rely on the visualization or your database query to perform the pivot logic.
In my experience in working with BI and analytics tools, it's almost always better to store data using the first Model (Date | Sensor | Value). This will provide the most flexibility when it comes to visualization tools and also if you need to add future sensor values, you won't need to modify your database table structure. If you need to convert your data into the second model, you can always build a View or temp table that uses a dynamic pivot query.

Show Two Groups in Tableau Heat Maps

I’m relatively new to Tableau and have a question.
I want to create a heatmap show the location of two different groups of people. I’ve learned how to overlay maps using dual axis but the problem I keep running into is that each group requires different filters to aggregate the data the way I want.
Basically, I want to show: IF charge_id IS NOT NULL
And IF status = ‘ACTIVE’
Whenever I create a calculated field with one of the above calculated fields and place it in the filters box it automatically removes the other group from the map because the filters contradict one and other.
Help is much appreciated 😊
The filter shelf applies to the entire worksheet, so if you want to “filter” each field selectively, use an IF expression in a calculated field that evaluates to null when you don’t want that field in the view.
Give sample data if you want more detail

Tableau---Getting count from 2 different data sources and combining into one total

I am a tableau newbie and am trying to see if this is possible or not. I have 2 separate data sources where the same employees are listed, one is for closed cases and the other is for open cases. These data sources have some of the same columns, but for the most part they are different.
Is it possible to aggregate the case count for each employee on the closed and open data sources into a single column? For instance, if an employee has 50 closed cases and 23 open cases, I want it to show 73 for them.
I attempted to play around with the joins/unions but these didn't work properly and duplicated the data most times.
I think this is a great chance to leverage blends.
I have created a workbook with the Sample Superstore Excel dataset. This dataset has three sheets. I'll use the Orders and Returns sheets to demonstrate how we can calculate the net orders using blends.
The dataset I'm using can be found here.
Start by connecting to both the Orders and Returns separately. Once done with this step you should see the two data sources at the top of your data pane.
In this example, I'll calculate the Net Returns by Category. In your case, you're after the Total Cases by Employee, so just imagine Employee in place of Category.
Next, drag Category from the Orders data source onto the view, then select the Orders data source and click the chain icon to blend on Order ID.
You will need a common column between the two tables in order to blend.
Once blended I'll go back to the primary data source (indicated by the blue check mark) and create the Net Orders calculation.
This calculation uses the dot notation - similar to what you might see in SQL - to reference our other table.
To double check that our calculation is working properly, we can drag the components of this calculation onto the view and do the math.
Of course, once you are satisfied you can remove all but your blended calculation.
Blending isn't ideal in most cases but you could try it. Bring in each data source separately and "join" them within your workbook pane on Employee or hopefully an Employee_id. Click the little chain once you have them both loaded and you are on a worksheet tab. Then you could sum the counts by employee. Blending sometimes presents some issues with calculated fields across the two data sources but this is what I would try first.

Data point values listed as 'OTHER' in rendered charts, but Table shows expected values

I've been working with App Insights Analytics chart tooling and noticed that a sizable portion of rendered chart data points have a listed value of 'OTHER'. However, when I look at the Table data all columns and data points contain the expected values.
Is this some sort of trimming feature used when rendering charts? If so, is there a way I can modify it? Looking at fiddler while testing I don't see my app creating any malformed requests or firing requests I don't recognize.
Here's an image of the chart with the 'OTHER' values for the name and url fields: chart
Yes, this is something done by the various charts because with enough data, especially something circular, any more than a few values is just going to be an indistinguishable mess. At some point, with enough distinct values, the math will start to break down to sub pixel values, and the items will overlap and be completely useless.
If you don't want to see the "OTHER" items, then you'll have to filter your data before the chart does, by using limit or top or top-nested or other various things.

Continuous forms, many fields, and ease of data entry in MS Access

I will be creating a MS Access form based on a hard copy. The hard copy has a column of labels and then 3 columns of fill-in-the-blank.
The problem is that there are 30 categories which means 90 fields if it were to be a continuous form. If it is not a continuous form then the categories must be selected one by one from the drop down.
Is there a way to set the categories static - possibly give each a different code - but have just the 3 fields in the table rather than having 90 fields?
Or perhaps, can the drop down be a permanent list?
