Access Resource File -

Can anyone tell how to access resource file in class library mvc4? I'm building a generic Class Library that I will use it in all my projects. I tried with following code:
Can anyone tell any other method is there to access the resource file in class library?

Edit based on the comments, including best practices :
To create a Resource file in MVC4 :
In the solution explorer, right click on your project.
Then, you click on "Add", then on "Add ASP.Net folder", and then click on App_GlobalResources.
On the new folder, you right click. Then you add a new Resource File.
You open then this Resource file and can add new resources.
The lefter column is where you set the keys, and the righter one is for the values you have to insert inside it.
Then; it is really easy, you just have to write the following parts of code to access the values you want.
On the c# side, it is :
On the ASP side, assuming that you're using razor, it is :
Example :
If you have created a a file named "Global.resx", and created the key "ApplicationTitle", which has "My super website" as value, you just have to write the following line of code to put it for example into a string :
string siteTitle = Resources.Global.ApplicationTitle;
and that's it

When you create your resource you have to set the access level from internal (by default) to public. After this you simply can access your resources (if you reference the assembly) by the name of the resource and the static properties generated into them.

I would suggest you to create a new library for Resources
Once you are done making resources key value pairs then add the reference of your Resource Library in to your project. and then you are able to access the resource library in this way

just include System.Web.dll in your class library project and access the resource file just like you would have accessed in the MVC project
when you add a refrence to this class library project inside your MVC project and run the project this code will be executed in the context of the MVC project and you will get the correct instance of HttpContext.
Note:- directly using HttpContext like this would create problems when you will try to test this application

You can add your resource file any where in your class library, but I think your question is how to use it, If your resource files name is Res1.resx and there is a key in it called message then you can call
from your classes in that library. But you I am sure you would like to use it event from out side the library for that you need to make your resource file public, please refer Visual Studio - Resx File default 'internal' to 'public'
please do let me know if it is the one you need or some thing else?


.net library class not updated in web page

I just created a new web site in Visual Studio 2012. I also created a new Class Library. I added a class, another class inside that first class and then a method. I compiled the library and added as the reference in the bin folder for the web site.
In a aspx.cs page I can now see my new method. Great. I go to create a second method in the same location, go back in my aspx.cs page, can't see it. It says there is definition for this method.
I compile the class library just in case. Can't see it. I clean the solution, build the whole solution, still can't see it.
I actually have to remove the reference from the bin folder of the web site and add it back so that now I can see the second method.
I worked on another project where (I believe) things were set up the same way (web site + class library) and by typing the new method in the class and saving the file was enough to reach this method from an aspx page.
What can I change in my solution so that the new method in the class library can be seen directly?
ps: the aspx.cs page has using myLibrary; at the top;
Make sure in your solution that you are using the References folder. Right-click it, choose "Add Reference" and then use the Solution tab to reference your class library project. Taking this approach, every time you update your class library the web project will automatically receive the update.
It sounds like you might be adding the binary to the BIN folder of the website project and then referencing it from there?
First of all check if build is going to debug folder or bin folder. If you are referencing project then make sure that build order is correct and dependency set accordingly. Also check for class library or project referred solution is not building on client profile, select targeted framework.

Localization/Resource files in Class Library

I am trying to achieve globalization in a .NET class library. In a .NET web application this seems to work fine. I can add multiple resource files under the App_GlobalResources.
However resource files are handled differently in Class Libraries. I add a resource file by
1) Opening the Properties for the Class Library
2) Clicking on the Resources Tab
3) Clicking on the link to create a “default resources file”
With this model it seems to only want to allow one default resources file. I can rename files and seem to get around this “one file” limitation but if I produce resource files with the same names as above there appears to be no code generated for the “” file. If I reference a string in code like so…
myControl.Text = Properties.LocalizedText.MyLocalizedText;
It references the LocalizedText.resx file for the value (ignoring the fact that I have the culture set to French). I’m guessing that whatever auto-generates the code for the designer file sees that there is already a “LocalizedText” class and doesn’t generate the necessary code.
Is there not a way (equivalent to the web application project) that I can use multiple resource files in a Class Library, named differently for each culture, and be able to easily access this in code (trusting .NET to switch appropriately depending on the culture info)?
Many Thanks
First: create a folder in your project named 'MyFolder'.
Second: add a resource file named 'MyResourceFile' to the folder.
Third: where you want access the resource values, import:
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using MyProject.MyFolder.MyResourceFile;
and create a property that can access the your resource. Like this:
public static ResourceManager oResourceManager = new ResourceManager("MyProject.MyFolder.MyResourceFile", typeof(MyResourceFile).Assembly);
Fourth: Get the data from your property:
oResourceManager.GetString("ResourceKey", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

Copying/Moving App Code to New Project

Ok, I am in the process of breaking apart of intranet application (VS 2010 Web Site, ASP.NET Web Forms with VB code behind). During this process i'm trying to convert some of our our app_code files in to WCF rest service in a new project. However, when I copy or "add existing" vb files into the new "services" project. I get tons of errors including...
error BC30002: Type 'XXX' is not defined
warning BC40056: Namespace
or type specified in the Imports 'System.ServiceModel' doesn't
contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the
namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public
member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.
From what i've read it may (or may not) have something to do with Assemblies and references that I just have very little knowledge on. I have added the namespaces from the current web.config to new project's web.config, and the files are identical. So there is something in the background that needs to be added to the new project I just don't know what its.
So one of the errors i'm getting = "error BC30002: Type 'MailMessage' is not defined." Which is a namespace that is added to the web.config, which apparently isn't being picked up??? IDEAS?
I've come across a similar issue - not sure what the reasoning behind it is, but I got around it by creating a new .vb class with the same name as the one you want to copy, then copy and paste all the text from the old one to the new one. Save it, then it seems to like it - it didn't like me copying and pasting the actual file, nor did it like me adding existing files.
Hope this helps :/
This issue seems to be tied to the the differences between Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects. Eventually I had to add different namespaces on the new project level.
Here is more info about WAP vs WSP....

Subclassing Global and overriding Application_Start

I have a couple of web applications whose source code is missing. The project is compiled to a dll and is hosted on a IIS.
I have couple of questions to make.
What is the best way to recreate the
project from the dll file??
We are planning to change the
database server, and the database
connection strings are specified in
the Global.asax ( I mean the public
class Global : HttpApplication ). Is
there a way I can subclass this
Global and override the connection
strings? If yes, how can I make the
IIS refer to the new dll
Thank you all for any suggestions!!
For first part, use decompiler tools such as Reflector/ILSpy/dotPeek to convert IL code from DLL to higher level language such as C#. However, tools cannot get back comments, local variable names and project structure. You need to manually organize the code into files and project structures. From aspx files, you have to figure out the code-behind classes and then link up the source of the class into a correct named code-behind file - for example, if default.aspx says that it inherits from MyApp.Default then create file default.aspx.xs and put the source code for the class into that.
For second part, you can create a new class derived from Global and modify Global.asax to use that class - you need to put the assembly containing new class in bin folder and overwrite inherits clause in asax file to point to the type name of new class. You anyway need to inspect the code of your current Global class (using tools sighted above) to see if you can override connection strings by sub-classing.
Probably the best tool available to reverse engineer a dll into code is .NET Reflector. Unfortunately, the latest version is no longer free, but it is worth the money.
I am not sure exactly if this still applies if you can already reverse engineer your source code. However, I would recommend moving your connection strings outside of your project into web.config as a best practice. This way you can make the change in the future without changing any code.

How to create a DLL from a WSDL for use in DNN Module

I'm creating a DNN 4.9.5 module and need to create a DLL from a WSDL (Doba API). I've created a separate Class Library project in my DNN solution with Class1.vb in it. What do I need to include in my class from the WSDL file? Obviously, I won't be going with Class1.vb, but just need a gentle push as to how to get this going.
Thanks much for your guidance.
This is not a problem. Simply create your class library and then use "Add Service Reference" to point to the WSDL.
Do not use "Add Web Reference" unless you have to. Microsoft considers that to be "legacy technology".
Why do you want to create a dll to access the webservice? If you just want to use it (assumung that you are using ms-visualStudio) you need to add a webservice reference to your separate Class Library project .
That will create the sourcecode for a wrapper class to call the webservice described by wsdl.
See msdn:How to: Add and Remove Web References
