GitHub fails to determine the repository language - qt

I use GitHub for a C++ / Qt project. GitHub automatically determines the languages of the project from the file extentions. Problem: Qt has a file name, which is interpreted to be Prolog by GitHub.
How can I indicate it is NOT Prolog, but C++ ?

It is actually a known issue:
It's been submitted 6 month ago but GitHub still doesn't bother fixing it... Do you think of any workaround ?

As said in the original issue (
Linguist now supports custom overrides for language definitions and
custom vendor paths
So in order to finally have Qt project files properly recognized as C++ in language statistics, you can add this line in your .gitattributes file.
*.pro linguist-language=C++
See for more details.


How to get build environment and configuration parameters of the Qt library

There is a issue that is present with some very specific aspect of applications I build using a Qt library provided in repositories of the system I'm using; this issue isn't present with the same numerical build of Qt that I built myself on this exact system.
I would like to query all information about build environment of Qt, it's configuration flags, etc., anything that could help me determine the difference between two build of Qt library.
I've learned about config.summary file, that is present in mine qtbase sources, but there isn't a counterpart anywhere in the system for pre-built version (I have, besides headers, installed a sources and debug information for the qt library packages).
I also tried looking for some header files that could specify, for example, what features were enabled at the build time, but could't locate anything like that (mostly because I don't know the name or some example contents of such file so that I could search for it or grep it), so if there is indeed such file, please point me to it.
I think the best reply is to quote this answer from Qt mailing list
Unfortunately it isn't that easy to figure out but the data is
available; you just need to know from where to search it :D
Configure options can be found from (qtbase) build log, from qt5.git
integration. E.g for 5.6.3
and for 5.9.5 here:
And SW details here: &
You can find the latest builds at
If you look inside the "Build" section you have all the system configurations Qt is built for (column "Target") and for each configuration the parameters (column "Configure Arguments").

add module in qt(QML module) [duplicate]

So when I create a new Qt project inside Qt Creator I'm only asked for some simple details like location of the project, build targets, the main window class name (along with header, source and form file) and at the enda choice to add it to version control.
After I create the project I'm only given the qt core and gui modules. My question is how do I add other modules (such as network or opengl). I've looked and looked, yet I cannot find anything on how to add other Qt modules easily. I know I can edit the .pro file, but unfortunately I don't know all the modules in Qt, nevermind the name I'm supposed to put there. Adding external libraries is easy, but how come there's no (obvious) option to add Qt libraries?
Help would be much appreciated ^_^ Thanks!
Oh yeah... I'm running Arch Linux if that's any help.
Edit your .pro file. It should has one line like this:
QT += core gui
Append the desired modules in this line. To get the module's names, just remove the "Qt" part in this list. (e.g. QtSql turns "sql")
I can't find that either.
It seems that in older versions of the "New project" wizard you used to be able to specify which modules you wanted to use, but even then you were not able to alter your choice later. And this seems gone now, so your only choice is to manually edit the .pro file.
As others have pointed out, you simply #include the module you want in the source and add the name of the module in the .pro file to the QT variable.
However the actual documentation you need which no one else has mentioned is the qmake Project Files page. qmake is very powerful and it's well worth getting familiar with how it works and I think that's why they don't provide a complete GUI for it, as it can handle some very complex scenarios.
You have to read the documentation to add the modules.
Frankly speaking, I never really felt like that there needs to be a GUI for that.

Static link sqlite in Lazarus

I am building an application with Lazarus where I use a sqlite database to store thousands of records. Right now I am linking to the sqlite library dynamically via the sqlite3.dll.
Is it possible to link to it statically? Where can I find the Lazarus compatible lib file to do that?
I only started using Lazarus and Free Pascal a month ago so something that might look very obvious to one, might not be for me. So bear with me a bit.
Actual static linking is difficult since the TSQLite3Connection component is inherently designed to actively load the SQLite3 DLL. In other words, it's not linking against the library when you compile the program, the component is coded to dynamically load the DLL at run time.
If you are looking to have a totally self contained program, then you can accomplish this two different ways.
Create a new TSQLite3Connection component that links statically against sqlite3 instead of loading the DLL dynamically.
Include the sqlite3.dll as a resource in your program and have your program automatically deploy it before it runs.
Solution #1 is not trivial and not for the faint of heart. I've done it, and I intended to include a link to the component, but the result isn't stable. The problem is that you have to compile a static version of sqlite3, which isn't a real problem, but you have to do it with something like gcc under MinGW and that introduces issues. Compiling with gcc under MinGW means you have to then link in libgcc.a, and because FreePascal's internal linker doesn't know how to interpret stdcall symbols properly, you also have to link against MinGW's libkernel32.a, and libmsvcrt.a. The result just isn't stable. Crashes galore.
Solution #2 should be fairly easy, but the Lazarus maintainers make it a little hard. The part where you store the dll inside the executable as a resource is easy enough to do. And so is writing it out as a temp file. The problem is that you can't tell the TSQLite3Connection component where to find it after. So it looks in the executable's folder, or in system folders. Neither of which can necessarily be written to by the executable. The only place you can guarantee that your program will be able to write to is a temp folder. So what I did is created a new version of TSQLite3Connection component call TSQLite3DynConnection, meaning you can dynamically specify where the DLL is. I made a published property called ClientLibrary where you can specify the location of the dll (it doesn't have to end in .dll, so you can use system temp filename generation routines). You can get this component at: It will compile against Lazarus 1.6.2 FP 3.0.0, or FP 1.0.6 / FP 2.6.0, which are the two versions I use.
I'll update this answer if I can get the statically linked version stable.
2 Dec 2016 update: I managed to get a static version stable.

Can the GitHub Atom editor show properties and functions of classes?

Recently I moved from NetBeans to GitHub Atom editor. How can I access properties and functions of classes in the editor?
I use a mix with the symbol gen and symbols view packages. First one very good about generating ctag file for your project and second one for inspect code and jump to the definitions of tags. Also, it supports Show all symbols in current file future. It have to show for you the members and properties of your classes.
In short: after installation open a work directory with your project and try alt + cmd + g, wait several seconds, ctags file generating now for you and after that cmd + r and just start typing any part of a method or property in the input.
In addition to all the previous answers, I would recommend you to check Atom's package goto-definition, with its optional "performance mode" (which requires you to install ripgrep).
goto-definition will allow you to find and access properties and
functions/classes definitions even if they are not written in the same file. In combination with ripgrep, goto-definition is extremely fast, and you will not have to wait for file indexing within your project.
If you are referring to the members of a Java class (which I assume, since you've used NetBeans before), then this is currently not supported in Atom.
Atom is a (fairly simple) editor that allows you to edit text files, while full-blown IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA have full language support including running, debugging and browsing Java class information. It might be better to stick with one of the IDEs I mentioned if you are looking for this kind of functionality.
Having said that, there's the package, which supposedly can show some meta information about classes you're working on. It's primarily for C++, although it might work for Java as well (I haven't tried).

How to use QtCopyDialog?

I include this library:
#include <QtCopyDialog>
When i compile, i see this error
"QtCopyDialog: No such file or directory"
How to solve this problem?
QtCopyDialog is not part of the core Qt library, but was released as part of Qt Solutions, a now discontinued add-on. The official Qt site links to a newish Git repository containing a few of the original Qt Solutions classes. This appears to be the most (only?) maintained location for the Qt Solutions source, but QtCopyDialog appears not to have made the grade. The only place I can find the source for QtCopyDialog is here. Judging from the docs, the last time it was maintained was pre Qt 4.5. You might need to make some changes in order to get it to work with whatever version of the Qt libs you're using.
