I am creating the >car file using Developer studio and deploying using Wso2 Carbon server4.0.
When i am deploying always getting the older versions. Some times the server not properly deploying the car. And also how to build the project to get the latest changes.
Please suggest me a better procedure creating and deploying the car file.
I am using Wso2 esb 4.7.0 version,
Developer studio 3.2 version.
Refer to the following documentation.
I'm trying to add SonarQube into a CI pipeline on Azure DevOps.
My project is .Net Core 2.2 application. The error is related to Agent JDK. I don't know how can I specify the JDK of Microsoft Hosted Agent.
All the tutorials of SonarQube and .NET core pipelines are the same, but none mentioned anything about this issue.
Here's a snapshot about how my pipeline looks like:
Here's the error that's always happening with me. Shouldn't Microsoft Hosted Agent know what capabilities to use by its own?
Anyone have an idea about how we can solve this error?
The problem was in the JDK used in Micorosft Hosted Machine, for some reason the JDK used was not the supposed one.
The solution was following these steps:
Uploading a JDK zipfile to Azure blob storage
Running Java Tool Installer in my Pipeline, giving it the Uploaded zip file as resource
Run Code Analysis successfully finished then and results was published to my SonarQube server
Here's how my pipeline looks like right now:
I had an issue where I am developing a web service in Visual Studio 2017, ASP.NET with .NET version 4.7. When publishing to Azure from Visual Studio, it published fine and ran fine, it also runs in debug with no problems.
However, when I linked up the GitHub repo to the Azure App Service and pushed the updates to GitHub, then syncing Azure and waiting for it to pick up the updates and then deploy the app using Kudu, it would sync but then give multiple syntax errors along the lines of ';' expected, '(' expected, etc when attempting to deploy, and would therefore fail.
Apparently this is due to Azure using MSBuild 14, when it should be using MSBuild 15 for my VS2017 project. I don't understand the intricacies, and can't find many references to this issue online, but the issue was resolved by adding the Microsoft.Net.Compiler NuGet package to the project and then pushing this to GitHub and syncing the repo within Azure Deployment Centre.
I am trying to deploy an asp.net web app from BitBucket to an Azure web app and getting the below error:
Command: "D:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd"
Handling ASP.NET Core Web Application deployment with MSBuild.
MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '14.0' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin'.
Restoring packages for D:\home\site\repository\src\Sertech\project.json...
Committing restore...
Lock file has not changed. Skipping lock file write. Path: D:\home\site\repository\src\Sertech\project.lock.json
Restore completed in 1753ms.
NuGet Config files used:
Feeds used:
Cannot find DNX runtime dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-rc1-update1 in the folder: .dnx\runtimes
D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Common.Targets(248,5): error MSB4044: The "GetBuildOptions" task was not given a value for the required parameter "RuntimeToolingDirectory". [D:\home\site\repository\src\Sertech\Sertech.xproj]
Failed exitCode=1, command="D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "D:\home\site\repository\Sertech.sln" /nologo /verbosity:m /p:deployOnBuild=True;AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false;Configuration=Release;UseSharedCompilation=false;publishUrl="D:\local\Temp\8d3d203fca67f23"
An error has occurred during web site deployment.
\r\nD:\Program Files (x86)\SiteExtensions\Kudu\57.50831.2397\bin\Scripts\starter.cmd "D:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd"
The Publish Web option in Visual Studio works just fine, the issue only happens from a BitBucket deployment.
What I've tried so far in no particular order:
Use custom deployment script I found while searching the issue.
Use custom deployment script downloaded from the Kudu page of my
Azure web app.
Change the SDK version in VS.
Install the dnx-clr-win-x86 nuget package locally.
Install the dnx-clr-win-x86 nuget package on the web app resource
using the Azure console (this failed to find a package).
If anybody can point me in the right direction for troubleshooting further or has a solution I would be very thankful.
DNX? RC1? A release candidate isn't quite RELEASED software. Just as The Donald isn't the president just because he's a candidate (well at least not as of this writing).
ASP.NET 5.0 betas, Core 1.0 RC1 and Core 1.0 RC2 are no longer supported in Azure App Service.
Admittedly this was announced in a blog post so visibility may suffer - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/waws/2016/06/14/supporting-asp-net-5-core-rc1-on-azure-app-service/
Is ASP.NET 5, Core RC1, RC2 supported on Azure App Service?
No, ASP.NET 5, Core RC1 or RC2 is no longer supported on Azure App Service. The only supported ASP.NET Core stack is RTM on Azure App Service. Check the newly announced RTM version at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2016/06/27/azure-app-service-and-asp-net-core/
No wonder you see things breaking. Upgrade your project to ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM and redeploy.
Official migration guide here:
I'm using WSO2 developer studio for building BPEL workflow. My requirement also needs FTP/SFTP functionality to be added to the BPEL project. Could anyone advice if there is any feature pack that i can add to my WSO2 developer studio installation to get this functionality.
I have a web site project that has been existing for a while - it has been ASP.NET MVC2 based up until right now. .Net 4, Visual Studio 2010 Sp1, deployed to IIS 7.5 running on Win2008 R2.
I have four separate deployment profiles - "alpha", "test", "staging" and "live". Yes, I could probably have come up with better names, but they should hopefully convey what they are for.
It was recently decided to upgrade to MVC3 to take advantage of new awesomeness like Razor, global filter attributes, and start using NuGet etc. So I went on an upgrade binge with the Web Platform Installer. One of the things I updated was the Web Deployment Tool - both my developer machine (where the MVC3 upgrade happens) and the web server got this new version of the tool installed.
Since then, I have not been able to do deployments. I have gone back to earlier versions of my project (thanks to git for allowing me to painlessly go back to any previous version) and tried to deploy them, and they don't work either.
Whenever I try to do a deployment from Visual Studio I get the following error:
Web deployment task failed.((23.05.2011 11:18:24) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.)
(23.05.2011 11:18:24) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncOptions' to type 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncOptions'.
I can see why that cast would be hard. ;)
But seriously - how can we get deployment from Visual Studio to work again? In the future we will do this using our CI server, and install a deployment package using MsBuild automatically on the correct web server depending on the git branch that was updated, but that is some time in the future.
I have full access to both machines so any other information need can hopefully be gathered.
You might be having beta version of web deploy on your box if you have ever installed web platform installer v2 beta. YOu can check that by
gacutil -l Microsoft.web.deployment.
If you see any version then you have a beta version. Uninstall this version. You need to check and change this on both the client as well as the server.
Owais is right - this is very likely because you have a pre-release version installed. Rune can you please check and let me know?