My Elements Are Overlapping When Window Size Reduces - css

I've got these boxes that pop up that's fine its when the screen size reduces they start overlapping each other. I would like to keep constant spacing between the boxes and stop text from running out the box is this possible?,,

You have to use the min-width CSS Property to prevent overlapping.
For Instance,
#abc, .abc{
The min-width property allow authors to constrain content widths to a certain range.
What the above example does is that if your window for instance reaches a minimum width of 800px, it gives you a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom which fits your content to a minimum range of 800px.
Hope this helps.
PS: #abc, .abc is a dummy name for the div id or class that you have for which you need to set the min-width to prevent overlap. You can replace this with your id or class. Similarly 800px is an illustrative value which you can replace with your desired window width.


Changing the page size of the site by media query in CSS

If I want to change the shape of a website page with a width and height of 600px and change its shape. Which one should I use?
Max width/height
Min width/height.
I hope you can help me in this matter that I asked about media query in css
A maximum width can be specified for elements using the max-width property.
When we don't want the width of an element to exceed a certain value, we can use this feature to determine that value for the element.
By using the min-width and max-width properties, you can set a range for the width of an element.
The max-width property is used to set the maximum width of an element.
The max-width can be specified in length values, like px, cm, etc., or in percent (%) of the containing block, or set to none (this is default. Means that there is no maximum width).
The problem with the above occurs when the browser window is smaller than the width of the element (500px). The browser then adds a horizontal scrollbar to the page.
Using max-width instead, in this situation, will improve the browser's handling of small windows.

Displaying an image larger than it is with CSS

I have written a fairly basic javascript function that when an image is clicked on a full sized version appears in the foreground.
The image is set with max-width and max-height numbers in a CSS file such that it leaves some space around the outside and it preserves it's own proportions.
The problem is that if the image happens to not be large, or the screen of the users device has a very high pixel density then the 'larger' image might not be any larger.
Is there a way I can keep proportions, not exceed say 90% on either side, but set the largest dimension to be 90%.
The closest similar method I have found is the fill option for backgrounds.
Set the width and height of the image to a relative value like 100% - (margin + border + padding) so that it will be stretched regardless of its actual dimensions.
Using max-width and max-height is a nice way to restrain your image from growing beyond specific proporitions, but leaves room for the image to decide what size it wants to be within those bounds. You say you do not want this, thus set width and height as well.
You can embed that image in div tag and apply css property width:100% to image and on click of image increase the width of div proportionately as per the resolution. In this scenario image with less width than parent div gets adjusted as per width of parent div.

How to keep html table on same line without specifying a width?

I can't seem to keep my (dynamic width) table on the same line as a previous element and have it extend to it's parent container without exceeding it and overflowing. I don't want a horizontal scrollbar as the table should just break the lines and/or words up to make it more narrow.
However, it's not doing that.
In the fiddle, the table overflows and extends beyond it's parent container's width. The parent container is using white-space: nowrap to keep it on the same line as the content next to it.
Why is it not sizing it's width correctly?
If I set a fixed width on the table, it works and sizes the width correctly, but I need the width of the table to be dynamic. Only the outermost containing div is fixed.
Any ideas?
If you add
.listInfoTbl {
max-width: 142px;
then you'll see everything is working. But you may wonder why is that?
The answer is that you set a certain width for your div.listPropertyDiv therefore it won't grow beyond this and additionally there's some padding to take into the formula:
innerWidth(.listPropertyDiv) = innerWidth(#left) - border(.listPropertyDiv) - padding(.listPropertyDiv) - margin(.listPropertyDiv)
innerWidth(.listPropertyDiv) = 397px
width(table.listInfoTbl) <= innerWidth(.listPropertyDiv) - width(img.listImage)
width(table.listInfoTbl) <= 142px
You should overthink having a fixed width on #left, if your thinking about dynamically changing the content's width because if the parent doesn't shrink it's children can't.
A fixed fiddle
But maybe this is what you're looking for a solution with max-width and percentage so objects can shrink accordingly.

Make div expand to a certain size

I have a div on my page, and I want to make it expand to a certain size and then stop. Right now I have...
div {height:300px; width:700px; overflow:auto;}
The overflow attribute makes it scroll, but until then, I would like it to expand with the content. I have a text box below this and it looks bad with a text box floating down part of the page. Is there a way to have both of these attributes? All of the hits I found on Google were about making it expand to fit the content. Thanks!
Try using max-height.
This will allow you to specify the maximum height the box can be and once it reaches this height it will scroll as you've specified.
Did you mean you want the div to have its height variable, depending on the size of content? Then just give height: auto instead of giving a fixed height of 300px. height: auto will adjust the height of the div based on the content size. Also define max-height property if you want to limit the maximum height the div can extend to.

Resize header and footer width on window resize

I've coded myself into a corner or I am overseeing something obvious here. I have a semi-fluid CSS layout that is designed like this:
header - 100% width at all times, contains a x-repeated background image
container - fluid (960px to 1200px, centered, contains two columns)
footer - 100% width at all times, contains a x-repeated background image
In almost all cases this works fine.
In summary, the design as a whole scales to any width, yet the content part only to 1200px at a maximum. However, since this concerns a photo site, sometimes images are wider than the container width of 1200px and the image breaks out of it. This is perfectly fine, I want the full image to be shown. However, I want the header and footer to scale to the widest element, in this case the image. This is not happening and is particularly troublesome when I resize the window to a width less than the image and then scroll to the right using the horizontal scrollbar: it leaves a clear gap on both the header and footer whilst I want them to stretch to at least the image/content width.
Simply setting the width to 100% is not enough as that concerns the viewport, not the content width. I can forcefully use min-width with a large value for the header and footer, but that leaves a horizontal scrollbar in normal resolutions. I could hide that scrollbar using overflow:hidden but that would chop of content and not display a scrollbar when the window is small.
To make a long story short, I guess what I want is that this layout would work as a table would work: if one column's content is wider than its size, it pushes all other rows to that same width. The largest width determines the total width. I prefer a solution without javascript, but am thinking it is either not possible or I am overseeing something very obvious?
100% width sets the element's width to 100% of the width of the element it is contained in. In your case, it seems this is the window itself (or the body element). To make the header and footer divs (I'm assuming you're using divs here) scale with the image, they will probably need to either be included in the same div that the image is in, or inside a div that the image div is also in, assuming that div is scaling to the correct width (don't assume it is scaling to fit the image).
However, in many cases using a table for your layout can be much cleaner, and will handle the type of horizontal scaling you're looking for without needing to resort to css hacks.
To make a long story short, I guess
what I want is that this layout would
work as a table would work
display: table on the common container of these elements, and display: table-row or table-cell on its children. This will not work in IE6, but clever things can be done with its CSS expression() hack to simulate this.
I would rather suggest, however, that you not set a maximum width at all, and allow the design to flow better according to the user's desired window size.
