Lightswitch - Grid inside another Grid - grid

Tell me please if I can put small grid (subform in Access terms) inside big grid and make them both editable.
I cannot show you screenshots because of not enough reputation
Well, I've managed myself. Just added new Datagrid in parent DataGrid Row. But I have another question now - how to hide headers in this child datagrid? I have search box that I do not need, and a counter in the bottom :(

I think you're gonna have to make a custom control if you don't want the data grid column headers.
Instead, have you looked at the List-Details screen? It might not be the layout you're looking for, but it might work for you.


Changing the Telerik MVC Grid columns dynamically on client-side

I would like to show my table data in grid. The table has more than 50 columns. By default they are displayed fine but I need a way to hide/show columns which are not required on screen.
So is there any way to achieve this? I think right clicking on the header should show all headers in a list box, allowing selection of which columns we want, then refresh the grid.
Please let me know if Telerik supports this and, if so, how?
No builtin feature available and this is one of many reasons why we are still thinking about other grids instead of telerik.
In the demo site there is a page where they show all the column names with checkboxes on top of the grid and you can check/uncheck to show/hide columns. see that sample source code, is simple to implement but still is custom code to add manually. I love the devexpress grid with customization popup and columns dragdrop from there but nothing like that for us in Telerik :-(

How can I create a draganddrop wrapper inside a table row, that can represent the whole row

When I use treetable in Vaadin, it is working fine drag and drop the whole row when click the left and right blank ereas. but that is not user friendly, I wanna create a draggable layout inside the row, let's say the 1st component of the each row, that when clicking it, the whole row is selected and can be draged and dropped to reorder.
The thing is I can create a vertical layout with wrapper doing that, but drag mode is only for its component or the wrapper itself, and when doing the drag action, it doesn't actually showing the whole row is moving, which may confuse the clients. What can I do to make it looking like I am dragging the whole row, similar with the one you drag the blank area of each row? Thanks.
I'm afraid there currently is no way for adding a wrapper that would extend the entire row instead of just one cell. To do this you'd need to extend the client-side implementation of Table (VScrollTable) and this is not something I would recommend as it is quite complex.
I do think that what you describe should be possible in core Vaadin (without using drag & drop wrappers), so could you please file a ticket at And please attach a small application showing the problem to make it easier for us to see the problem and fix it.
Anyways, in order for you to get it working today I'd suggest that you change your UI design a bit and for example borrow drag handles from iOS. By this I mean that you could add an icon that suggests "draggable" as a background-image in the first cell (or in the row header cell of each row) that encourages the user to grab the row there, where it is "empty" and dragging works. This way the user might not be too confused if dragging only works reliably in some parts of the rows.

Displaying QAbstractListModel items in QTableView columns

I've been toying around with Qt and ran into a small issue.
I want to display a list of pictures as a table of icons. Right now, I'm doing this by subclassing QAbstractTableModel, and plugging it into a subclass of QTableView.
This, in my opinion, overly complicates the code, the model and the view (especially when trying to edit/append items). When trying to implement the model as a QAbstractListModel, the items are displayed as table rows.
Is there a way to make QTableView display items as columns, instead?
Edit: Such that the items are rendered in a single row from left to right, and wrapped to a new row.
Or is it preferable to use the table model for table views in any case and work around the issues?
It's worth mentioning I'm using C# bindings for Qt based on Qt Jambi.
The QListView has exactly the functionality you are talking about.
If you don't need any functionality specific to QTableView, then I would suggest switching.
If you set "isWrapping", then the list will start from the top, go down to the bottom, then wrap to a new column.
Set "flow" to LeftToRight to display the list in rows instead of columns
You might also need to set "resizeMode", instead of Fixed, to Adjust. Which will automatically move things around when the list is resized.
Hope that helps.
Just as a side note, here is FlowLayout example. So if you just want to display a set of images in a self-adjusting grid, this would do it for you without all the overhead of a list/table. However, it doesn't give you any selection/editing capabilities or anything just layout.
I don't understand something here. You implement TableModel, so you can prepare data for view in the most desirable way. Suppose you have data A,B,C,D, then you can return A(00),B(01),C(10),D(11), or for example A(00),C(01),B(10),D(11). Is it what you want to do?

How to make an entire jqGrid disabled/readonly

How can I make an entire jqGrid disabled/readonly?
I have a page with a logical "edit section" which I show when the user selects something to edit, and hide when the user is done editing (save or cancel). While the edit section is shown, I disable several other elements on the page. I would like to disable their ability to click in the jqGrid, so they can't change selected rows, re-sort, etc. But I cannot find a way to disable/enable the grid as a whole.
Apologies if this has been answered already - other questions seemed to focus on disabling only certain behaviors within the jqGrid.
Edit: Preferably, I'd like an approach that isn't dependent on yet another 3rd-party addon. Nothing wrong with them, of course! But my client has a degree of reluctance with them, so my life would be a little easier with a purely jQuery/jQueryUI/jqGrid solution. :)
You could use blockUI to block the grid.
Try using $("#lui_" + myGridId).show().
The grid has created this overlay internally an uses it as one part of the loader message.
You can just show it or hide it and it will disable/enable the grid for you.

flex datagrid autoscrolling

I am showing the web service data into flex application using datgrid.
I need to show this data scrolling automatically in continuous manner.
Anyone knows how to do this stuff?
Assuming you don't need to dynamically get the data once a certain scroll position is reached, you just need to update the verticalScrollPosition property.
Check out Creating an auto-scrolling DataGrid control in Flex on FlexExamples, I think that's exactly what you're asking.
If you had a dataset that was 100 items and wanted to tween it down to the last one, using TweenMax, you could do something like (though I'm not sure exactly how the datagrid gets the max scroll position:, 1, {verticalScrollPosition:dataGrid.maxVerticalScrollPosition});
Hope that helps!
