Wijmo grid displays improper Date - wijmo

I am trying to use wijmo controls for my application with integration of knockoutjs and hottowel spa template. It works fine. but it displays wrong dates that should not be occur like "2013-42-18 11:42 PM".
i am providing the datatype like " dataType: 'datetime', dataFormatString: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm tt'".
Prince Chopra

Please change the dataFormatString to "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt". 'mm' is used to denote minutes, whereas 'MM' is used to denote months.


How to change SharePoint Datetime Control format

I'm using SharePoint datetimecontrol and i want the format YYYY/mm/dd.
I've changed the culture from regional settings and set the localId to 1025 but i'm getting the format always dd/mm/YYYY.
How to change the display to YYYY/mm/dd?
I tried this way using calculated columns
=TEXT([your column name],"yyyy-mm-dd") use this code
Hope its helpful for you

<asp:ControlParamenter /> and nonstandard (en-US) DateTime binding

Database date format: "yyyy-MM-dd"
C# default date output: "MM/dd/yyyy"
My date format: "dd/MM/yyyy"
How do I use the asp:SqlDataSource with an asp:ControlParameter connected to an asp:TextBox using my date format? Specifically, I wanted to know
if there was a way to do this without having it done in code-behind
if I'm bound to code-behind, how to do it?
I've read about the Culture class, but I'm not sure that's the right path to explore. I've also had a check on some stackoverflow posts and came accross this Binding Date of DateTime in a control, but I've never seen this structure of Text formatting before in ASP.NET.
Thanks in advance,

Reporting Services: DateTime parameter not showing the time part when its midnight

I need to add a 'StartDate' parameter to a report in Reporting Services 2005, which should represent the current date, at midnight.
If I use Now() as expression, it will correctly use midnight in the calculations, but to the user, the time part will not be shown.
which can be confusing because then the user doesn't really realise he or she can type in a time part.
How can I format this date to the following:
13/12/2011 00:00
while keeping the parameter as a DateTime datatype.?
Edit: I've checked the duplicate question and tried to apply it to my case, but run into the following phenomenom:
If I try:
=DateTime.Parse(Format(Now().Date().AddSeconds(1), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"))
Then the parameter shows "14/12/2011 00:00:01" which is confusing for the users, so I then tried the following:
=DateTime.Parse(Format(Now().Date().AddSeconds(1), "d/M/yyyy HH:mm"))
But then the parameter shows "14/12/2011" again! In other words, the time part is gone again!
Who invented this stuff? :P
Your formula with .Parse(Format(... causes redundant work that is messing things up. Try this:
Use Format. For example: Format(Parameters!SelectedDate.Value, "d/M/yyyy HH:mm")
Here is a list of DateTime identifiers for use with Format.
I get it now, you want 00:00 to show up in the parameter input calendar in the report viewer. The time part won't show up when it's set to midnight. This is by design. If you're using 2005 or earlier, Jamie's solution won't work and you're stuck.

Specifiy date type used by fullcalendar

The date/time format fullcalendar uses is kind of weird. I want to specify during the created of the calendar or somewhere in the parameters a datetime of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PM/AM. Is there a way I can do this. I read about formatdate, but didn't get any information about this
fullCalendar has "parseDate" and offers three methods:
The string may be in ISO8601 format, IETF format, or a UNIX timestamp (in either integer or string form).
Your "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PM/AM" seems not to match one of them.

How to trim datetime string to its minute in GridView?

I have bound fields in GridView to some dateTime property of data objects. The fields are displayed to the seconds level. It looks like 2009-2-3 18:00:00 PM.
I just want it displayed to the minutes, e.g 2009-2-3 18:00.
What is the best way to do this?
I find use DataFormatString="{0:g}" is fine for me.
The format is 2009-2-3 6:00 PM.
Although you have found a solution, here's some additional information:
You can find a list of all standard date and time format strings (such as "g") on this page in MSDN: Standard DateTime Format Strings.
And if do not want to use one of the predefined formats, there is also a page about Custom Date and Time Format Strings. For example, to get a date exactly in the format you used in your question ("2009-2-3 18:00") you could use the format string "yyyy-M-d HH:mm".
Before using a custom format string, remember that using the standard (predefined) format strings has the advantage that it automatically takes into account the current culture (regional settings). So if you want to display the date to users, probably a predefined format will be the better choice.
