Passing Google Analytics data from classic to universal - google-analytics

I need to explore the possibility of passing my existing GA eCommerce data (using Classic Analytics) over to a new universal analytics account.
I do not want to make the full switch as yet for various reasons. I do however want to use universal analytics to track newsletter email opens.
I would very much like to include the transaction data to this new universal analytics account so that I can put opens and revenue side-by-side. I know it is possible to aggregate analytics accounts to one profile but because classic and universal are different I wonder if there is any way we can aggregate data from Classic to universal?
Or do I place two tracking scripts on the thank you page?
Any tips or advice will be much appreciated.

From official help page "Set up Universal Analytics":
Best practices
If you want to try UA on a website you’re already tracking with Google
Analytics, we recommend you use the ga.js and analytics.js tracking
code concurrently to maintain continuity in your first account. Send
the data sets to separate properties: UA data to a dedicated UA
property, and ga.js data to a non-UA property. Data cannot be merged
or reprocessed after it’s collected. Alternative configurations are
not supported and can result in corrupted or incomplete data.
In the coming months, look for documentation to help you migrating
your existing Google Analytics web properties and data to UA.
So you can place two tracking scripts on the page.


GA4 client id issue

We are trying to migrate from Universal Analytics to GA4. The issue we are having is that GA4 requires a client_id field which we cannot get in a desktop application (C++). Is it possible to get client_id without a browser? and without being an IOS or Android app?
Just generate a unique id for each user, that's it. That's exactly what GA does on web. Same applies for GUA. I wonder how you were tracking users without setting client id for UA. Were you tracking them?
Another thing is that despite all the fuss around GA4, it is an unfinished product. Even though Google recommends it, the professionals who actually work with GA's data recommend to either not use it and give it another year or two or implement it very shallowly in parallel with existing tracking just to have some semblance of historical data in it when it's time to switch.
Finally, if you're tracking a desktop app, you likely use the measurement protocol rather directly, so you mind find this useful:

Can I switch my Google Analytics property from GA4 to UA?

For some reason PowerBI does not accept GA4 as a connection, so my data is stuck in GA4.
PowerBI does support Universal Analytics (UA), but I cannot find a way to convert my GA property.
Is there a way to do this or should I start over again and create a new property as UA?
PowerBI currently doesn't support GA4 as a destination because the underlying api is not product ready yet. See the response in the microsoft power BI community here:
For information about the api's and their current state:
This is a link to the api documentation the plugin is using (for universal analytics):
This is a link to the api documentation of GA4 (which is still in beta):
Regarding a solution for your issue:
In GA4 is it possible to export data to big query, which can be processed there and imported to PowerBI:
The export only works from the moment you enable it, so it is not possible to access the data this way before the enablement.
Second option is using data studio to connect to your GA4 data to be able to access the data you have measured before.
First off as everyone says you cant change the type of your Google analytics account if it was created as UA then its UA if it was created as GA4 then its GA4. There is also no way to exxport data.
Now lets look at the underlying cause of your problem Google analytics connector in Power BI Desktop rely on the Google Analytics Core Reporting API this API is used to extract data from Google Analytics UA accounts. There is a very big difference between the underlying data structure of a UA account and a GA4 account they are not completable in any way shape or form.
Thats why the Google analytics team is currently developing the Google analytics data api This api has the ability to connect to Google analytics GA4 accounts and extract data. At the time this post was created Power BI Google Analytics The Google analytics data api had just been released and was still in alpha test phase as you can see from the change log this API is still under development. I haven't checked but it looks like it may even be out of beta now. (TBH I am not really sure of the exact date it was released publicly as I have been in the alpha test group for a long time.)
However that being said a lot of the client libraries used by this api are still under development as well Google .Net Client library for Google Analytics Data API for example is still in beta. At the time that post was written i am almost 100% sure the client library had not been released.
This means that any power bi connector is probably not going to be released until both the API and the client library are considered stable. I know the team is working hard on the API and I Haven't seen any breaking changes in a very long time.
So to the user who added a bounty to this looking for an updated answer.
IMO I don't think you have long to wait before everything is stable enough for applications like the Power BI to start appearing that support GA4. That is assuming that someone creates one.
You can't covert GA4 to UA (or UA to GA4).
In your case you can create a new UA Property and start to track in it:

What is the best practice for setting up new Web+App Google Analytics?

I have two properties I would like to track via Google Analytics:
1. A cross-platform web-app - I currently have this connected to Google Analytics new App+Web implementation.
2. A marketing website that drives leads to the web-app - I currently have this connected to a separate property with the traditional Google Analytics implementation.
My question is, is it best practice to connect my marketing website to the same App+Web property as my web-app via a new data stream? or should I keep them separate?
It is my understanding that the App+Web is meant to connect all your platforms in one property, I'm just not clear if this should include a marketing website or not.
I would like to be able to track events between the marketing site and the web app, which is why I'm considering have them both under one property.
I think you can do this as it will be more convenient for you, you can track it in two different streams. I think it will be more purely about data.
In Google Data Studio reports, you can always combine all the data and conversions that you set up into a single live report. I think this help might help.
I always use different Google Analytics streams for apps and different sites, so it's easier for me to track, and in Google Data Studio I collect all the data from Analytics, call tracking, and user session recording tools in one unit for comprehensive data analysis

Can I Get Individual Session Data from Google Universal Analytics?

I'm trying to add recommender systems to an existing website. In particular, I'd like to implement item-item collaborative filtering, to figure out what pages users tend to visit in the same session--much like Amazon's "People who viewed this item also viewed...."
At a minimum, collaborative filtering requires data on each individual viewing session, so that the algorithm can determine which pages get viewed together, rather than just tallying up how many times each page gets viewed in the aggregate.
If I were creating a new website, I could pretty easily add code to collect this data. However, this is an existing website, and has been set up to use Google Universal Analytics.
I have two questions:
Can I get Universal Analytics Data through an API? I need to be able to analyze the data using my own algorithms, not just look at it in a dashboard. I know about the Core Reporting API--but the Core Reporting API doesn't seem to include any extra Universal Analytics variables. I know about the API for sending Universal Analytics data, but that's not what I'm trying to do here.
Assuming I can query an API or otherwise export the Universal Analytics data, will I be able to distinguish individual sessions? The idea here is not to ask questions about individual users (let alone associate their data with some other data), but simply to figure out which pages were viewed in the same sessions.
Thanks for your help.
You can use the Google Analytics Core Reporting API many combinations of the available Dimensions and Metrics. You should check out the Common Queries page to get a sense of how precise you can get in terms of how people might use your application.
Also the Hello Analytics APIs Quickstart guide is a good place to start if you haven't developed an application with Google APIs.

Should I link Adwords to all Analytics profiles?

I am setting up different Analytics profiles. The default one that shows everything, the master one that has the custom filters, and the test one where I test filters before moving them to master.
Should I link Adwords to all profiles or just the master profile? Are there advantages and disadvantages to both approaches?
I'm wondering if having it linked to all profiles will pollute or duplicate the data somehow.
The client is not actively using Adwords at the moment so I can't test this myself. But I'd like to set up the profiles correctly now so it will work when the client starts using Adwords again.
It shouldn't matter. You'd link GA to AdWords for two things: get a more indepth view of your paid traffic in Analytics and have some GA information (mainly conversion related info) in AdWords (if you link the two accounts in AdWords, that is). I'd say you're better off linking it always. There are plenty of segmentation/differation possible within GA regardless.
Edit: if anything, it'd make your data more valuable, instead of have multiple sets with several variants, besides just the filters.
