Keep login infomation after login in sencha touch 2 -

I make an small web-application using Sencha touch 2. I have already done with login page. The purpose of second page is get current User session who post Products. This is login page
onSignInCommand: function (view, username, password) {
var me = this;
var loginView = this.getLoginView();
if (username.length == 0 || password.length == 0) {
loginView.showSignInMessage("Please enter your username and password.");
xtype: "loadmask",
message:"Signing in..."
//Set ajax
url: "./ajax/Account.ashx",
params: {
type: "login",
username: username,
password: password
success: function (response) {
var loginResponse = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (loginResponse.success) {
me.sessionToken = loginResponse.sessionToken;
} else {
me.sessionToken = null;
failure: function () {
me.sessionToken = null;
me.showSignInFailedMessage('Login failed. Please try again later.');
And server-side:
private void Login(HttpContext context)
var resultStt = "";
var userid = context.Request["username"];
var password = context.Request["password"];
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
var user = new Select() .From<User>()
resultStt = " {\"success\":true, \"user\":{ \"userId\":"+user.UserID+", \"sessionId\":\"" + context.Session.SessionID + "\"}}";
resultStt = " {\"success\":false, \"message\":\"Login failed. Please enter the correct credentials.\"}";
The second page that i need get a list procducts created by user
store: {
proxy: {
type: "ajax",
url: "./ajax/process.ashx?type=loadassigned",
rootProperty: "data"
Can not get session because the ajax was loaded at the time of startup app
var currenUser = context.Session["PickerUser"] as User;

You could remove the config:
autoLoad: true
And call this in your login success handler function:
callback: function() {
console.log('my store has loaded');


how to pass a request while page is redirect with another page using api using angular js front end

var app = angular.module('myApp2', []);
app.controller('myCtrl2', function($scope, $http,$window)
$scope.getLogdetails = function (postCredential) {
//alert("hello check data");
method: 'Post',
data: $scope.postdata,
params: { username: $scope.username, password: $scope.password }
}).then(function mysucess(response) {
console.log(response, "response");
if ( =="true")
window.location = '/homepage.html?username=' + name;
} else {
alert("username name passords incorect");
this my js file
getting this error as in the screenenter image description hereshot

data table (View) not refreshing after jQuery Ajax call in mvc

I'm facing below issue while refreshing data that has been POSTed using Ajax in MVC. The POST is successfully being executed, but the data on the VIEW does not get refreshed with the new data. When I debug, the values from the Ajax POST are successfully being passed to my controller. When the controller returns the view model return View(objLMT);, my VIEW is not refreshing the new data. How do I get the new data to show in my VIEW?
function getAllUserRoleCompany() {
var url = '#Url.Action("GetAllUserRoleCompany", "UserRoleCompany")';
var Organisation = $("#Organisation").val();
if (Organisation == "All") {
Organisation = "";
else {
Organisation = Organisation;
var RoleName = $("#RoleName").val();
if (RoleName == "All") {
RoleName = "";
else {
RoleName = RoleName;
var i = 0;
if ($("#UserName").find("option:selected").length >= 0) {
var len = $("#UserName").find("option:selected").length;
else {
len = 0;
var UserName = "";
for (; i < len; i++) {
if ($("#UserName").find("option:selected")[i].text != "All") {
if (i == 0) {
UserName = "',";
if (i < len - 1) {
UserName += $("#UserName").find("option:selected")[i].text + ",";
UserName = UserName.substring(0, UserName.indexOf("-")) + ",";
else {
UserName += $("#UserName").find("option:selected")[i].text + ",'";
UserName = UserName.substring(0, UserName.indexOf("-")) + ",'";
if (UserName == "All") {
UserName = ""
else {
UserName = UserName;
var UserStatus = $("#UserStatus").val();
if (UserStatus == "All") {
UserStatus = "";
else {
UserStatus = UserStatus;
url: url,
data: { Organisation: Organisation, RoleName: RoleName, UserName: UserName, UserStatus: UserStatus },
cache: false,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
error: function (reponse) {
alert("error : " + reponse);
Below is the view code on the same page
<div class="row">
#Html.Partial("pv_UserRoleCompany", Model)
public ActionResult GetAllUserRoleCompany(String Organisation, String RoleName, String UserName, int UserStatus)
LMTUsage objLMT = new LMTUsage();
string usrNameWithDomain = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
//string userID = "261213"; // Environment.UserName;
string userID = "100728";
ViewBag.UserRoleId = objLMTDAL.GetRoleID(userID);
objLMT.TypeList = objLMTDAL.UserRoleCompany_GetAll(Organisation, RoleName, userID, ViewBag.UserRoleId, UserName, UserStatus);
// return Json(objLMT, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return PartialView("pv_UserRoleCompany", objLMT);
With above code My while SEARCHING or UPDATING view my table/Grid is not refreshing.
Kindly help.
If you are returning a partial view from an AJAX call you have to use jQuery to "refresh" the data.
In your js code you can do this:
url: url,
data: { Organisation: Organisation, RoleName: RoleName, UserName: UserName,
UserStatus: UserStatus },
cache: false,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
error: function (reponse) {
alert("error : " + reponse);
This will replace the existing HTML with the one from the partial view result in your controller.
#Mihail I have tried using the above solution. It Works I mean it refreshes my view but It's not loading my view perfectly as expected.
View Before (Expected)
View After using $("#dataTables-example").html(data);
Try if this works for you
Call this function as per your call:
function getAllUserRoleCompany(parameters) {
var token = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
type: "POST",
url: '/UserRoleCompany/GetAllUserRoleCompany',
data: { Organisation: Organisation, RoleName: RoleName, UserName: UserName, UserStatus: UserStatus },
dataType: 'html',
success: function (data) {

Using firebase as a Web client for a login system in app & when tested it I add username & password for a user and when I pressed login erver error

var ROOT_URL = ""; // Change to your Firebase App
var FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL = "yourAppSecret"; // Change to your Firebase App Secret
var firebase = {
register : function (email, password, callback) {
var emailReplace = email.replace(/\./g, ",");
var beginRegister = function () {
requestObj = { "email" : email, "password" : password };
var requestJSON = JSON.stringify(requestObj);
var wcRegister = new SMF.Net.WebClient(
{ URL : ROOT_URL + "Users/" + emailReplace + ".json?auth=" + FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL,
httpMethod : "POST",
requestHeaders : ['Content-Type:application/json', 'X-HTTP-Method-Override:PATCH'],
requestBody : requestJSON,
onSyndicationSuccess : function (e) {
//Registered, do something callback();
}, onServerError : function (e) {
//Do something
var isTaken = new SMF.Net.WebClient({ URL : ROOT_URL + "Users/" + emailReplace + ".json?auth=" + FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL,
httpMethod : "GET",
requestHeaders : ["Content-Type:application/json"],
onSyndicationSuccess : function (e) {
var response = JSON.parse(isTaken.responseText);
if (response !== null) {
//Email is taken, do something
} else {
//Email is not taken, continue
onServerError : function (e) {
//Server Error, do something
login : function (email, password, callback) {
var emailReplace = email.replace(/\./g, "%2C");
var wcLogin = new SMF.Net.WebClient({ URL : ROOT_URL + "Users/" + emailReplace + ".json?auth=" + FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL,
httpMethod : "GET",
requestHeaders : ["Content-Type:application/json"],
onSyndicationSuccess : function (e) {
var responseText = JSON.parse(wcLogin.responseText);
if (responseText) {
if (password === responseText.password) {
//User logged, do something
} else {
//Password is wrong, do something
} else {
//User doesn't exist, do something
onServerError : function (e) {
//Server error, do something
This is the code I used to create a Web client and the software I am using is Smartface App Studio. Using firebase as a Web client for a login system in app & when tested it I add username & password for a user and when I pressed login it said server error.Thank you☺😊😀

Weird undefined error on server

I have the following meteor method
hasNoPendingPayments: function() {
var userId = Meteor.userId();
console.log(userId); <---------------------- correctly logs userId
var user = Users.findOne({_id: userId }, { fields: { services: 0 } });
console.log(user); <-------------------------- logs 'undefined'
return hasNoPendingPayments(user);
This private helper I call from the above
hasNoPendingPayments = function(user) {
// console.log('hasNoPendingPayments ');
// console.log(user);
var payments = Payments.find({ userId: user._id, status: {
$in: [Payments.States.PENDING, Payments.States.PROCESSING]}
return payments.count() === 0;
And I call it from the client here
Template.payments.created = function() {
this.hasNoPendingPayments = new ReactiveVar(false);v
Template.payments.rendered = function () {
Session.set('showPaymentRequestForm', false);
var self = this;'hasNoPendingPayments', function(error, result) {
if (result === true) { self.hasNoPendingPayments.set(true); }
However, I get an undefined error on the server when I load the template initially (I marked where in code). Although, when I try call the same query on the client with the same userId, i correctly gets the user record
Any idea as to why this is?
Try with this.
Template.payments.rendered = function () {
Session.set('showPaymentRequestForm', false);
var self = this;
if(Meteor.userId()){'hasNoPendingPayments', function(error, result) {
if (result === true) { self.hasNoPendingPayments.set(true); }
console.log("Seems like user its not logged in at the moment")
Maybe when you make the, the data its not ready
Also just to be sure, when you run Users.findOne({_id: userId }, { fields: { services: 0 } }); on console.log what you get?
Maybe the find is wrong or have some typo
action: function()
if (Meteor.userId())
} else{
this.render('login') // we send the user to login Template
or waitOn () {
this.route('payments', {
path: '/payments',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe("userData"); //here we render template until the subscribe its ready
Meteor stores all the user records in Meteor.users collection
so try Meteor.users.findOne({_id: userId }....)
Instead of Users.findOne({_id: userId }, { fields: { services: 0 } });
in your server method

LoginHandler with ldapjs and Meteor.methods

I try to implement a logIn in Meteor with LDAPJS and Meteor methods. The code for the server-side is:
var Future = Meteor.npmRequire('fibers/future');
var ldap = Meteor.npmRequire('ldapjs');
LDAP = {};
LDAP.ldap = ldap;
LDAP.serverIP = 'xxx';
LDAP.serverPort = 'xxx';
LDAP.searchOu = 'ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx';
LDAP.searchQuery = function(user) {
filter: '(uid=username)',
scope: 'sub'
LDAP.checkAccount = function (options) {
LDAP.client = ldap.createClient({
url: 'ldap://' + LDAP.serverIP + ':' + LDAP.serverPort
options = options || {};
var dn = [];
future = new Future;
if (options.hasOwnProperty('username') && options.hasOwnProperty('password')) {, LDAP.searchQuery(options.username), function (err, search) {
search.on('searchEntry', function(entry){
//console.log('entry: ' + JSON.stringify(entry.object));
search.on('error', function (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error(500, "LDAP server error");
search.on('end', function () {
if (dn.length === 0) {
return false;
var testBind = LDAP.ldap.createClient({
url: 'ldap://' + LDAP.serverIP + ':' + LDAP.serverPort
testBind.bind(dn[10], options.password, function (err) {
client.unbind(function (err) {
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(400, "Missing Parameter");
var loginHandler = function (username, password) {
Accounts.registerLoginHandler("ldapjs",function(loginRequest) {
if (LDAP.checkAccount(loginRequest)) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({ username: loginRequest.username });
return {
userId: uid
setSignIn: function(username, password) {
My Problem is, that when I want to log in it starts with the loginHandler. But than the console throws back that Object has no method checkAccount. I changed today a lot and I'm already totally confused.
You need to instantiate the empty object as var LDAP = {}. Rest will be solved magically :)
I finally got to work it. Referneces:,
var Future = Meteor.npmRequire('fibers/future');
var ldap = Meteor.npmRequire('ldapjs');
var LDAP = {};
LDAP.ldap = ldap;
//provides the variables, needed for the connection
LDAP.serverIP = 'xxx';
LDAP.serverPort = 'xxx';
LDAP.searchOu = 'ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx';
//is needed for the searchQuery, which delivers the Filter so that only the uid with
//the given username get searched
LDAP.searchQuery = function(username) {
filter: '(uid=' + username + ')',
scope: 'sub'
LDAP.checkAccount = function (options) {
//connects the client, nginx is here not necessary
LDAP.client = ldap.createClient({
url: 'ldap://' + LDAP.serverIP + ':' + LDAP.serverPort
options = options || {};
var dn = [];
future = new Future;
if (options.hasOwnProperty('username') && options.hasOwnProperty('password')) {
//create the connection, LDAP.searchQuery(options.username), function (err, search) {
//uses the class searchEntry, which is node-specific
search.on('searchEntry', function (entry) {
LDAP.displayName = entry.object.displayName
search.on('error', function (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error(500, "LDAP server error");
//uses the end class to 'fulfill' the connection by binding
search.on('end', function () {
if (dn.length === 0) {
return false;
LDAP.client.bind(dn[0], options.password, function (err) {
return future.wait();
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(400, "Missing Parameter");
Accounts.registerLoginHandler("ldapjs", function (loginRequest) {
if (LDAP.checkAccount(loginRequest)) {
var userId;
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
username : loginRequest.username
//'': LDAP.displayName
if (user) {
userId = user._id;
} else {
// If no Meteor Account is found for a valid LDAP logon,
// you can either prevent logon by passing 'undefined' or
// you can automatically create the new account.
// return undefined;
userId = Meteor.users.insert({ username : loginRequest.username });
return {
userId: userId
return undefined;
client side:
Meteor.ldapLogin = function (username, password, callback) {
var loginRequest = {
username: username,
password: password
methodArguments: [loginRequest],
userCallback: function (err) {
if (err) {
Session.set('alert', 'No valid inputs!');
} else {
//handles LogIn-Button, by using LDAPJS{
"submit #box-login": function (e, t) {
var signInForm = $(e.currentTarget),
username = trimInput(signInForm.find('#emailSignIn').val().toLowerCase()),
password = signInForm.find('#passwordSignIn').val();
if(isNotEmpty(username)&& isNotEmpty(password)) {
Meteor.ldapLogin(username, password, function (err) {
if (err) {
Session.set('alert', 'Sorry, something went wrong.');
} else {
Session.set('alert','Please insert your username and password!')
return false;
PS: No Meteor.methods and is needed! It might change with every new Meteor version and package, but I guess u're aware of that ;)
