Symfony2 remove and save many to many relations - symfony

I need your help today. I'm working on a small application using Symfony 2.1 but I have a base problem, I have to tables with a many to many relation which creates a third table:
class Usuario implements UserInterface {
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Alood\BackBundle\Entity\Alergeno", inversedBy="usuarios")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="UsuariosProductos",
* joinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="usuario_user", referencedColumnName="user")},
* inverseJoinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="alergeno_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
* )
protected $alergenos;
public function __construct(){
$this->alergenos = new ArrayCollection();
public function getAlergenos() { return $this->alergenos; }
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Alood\BackBundle\Entity\Usuario", mappedBy="alergenos")
protected $usuarios;
Then I need to remove the non selected Alergenos, this is my controller:
$alergenosUser = $em->getRepository("BackBundle:Usuario")->find($usuario);
$resultSym = array_diff($alergenosUsuarioIds, $alergen);
foreach($resultSym as $result) {
Could you please help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong? Thanks you so much!

In order to remove an item from a collection use the following:
The remove($key) function will remove by key while removeElement($item) removes the item from the collection if found. Have a look at the ArrayCollection code here.
Be aware that doctrine will only check the owning side of a relation for changes.

It is not clear what the $alergenosUsuarioIds and $alergen variables represent but you might be mistaken about the usage of the remove() method of ArrayCollection.
You need to give it an index, not the id of the entity you want to remove. You can also use the removeElement() method and pass it the entity.
For instance you can do something like this :
$elements = $alergenosUser->getAlergenos();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->getId() == $id_from_array_diff_or_whatever) {
$elements = $alergenosUser->getAlergenos();
foreach ($elements as $key => $element) {
if ($element->getId() == $id_from_array_diff_or_whatever) {
// or
You can also use the matching() but I'm not sure it's available with the version shipped with symfony2 2.1.

So your problem can be solved doing the relation yourself.
ManyToMany doesn't really exist because as you say a third table is created. You want to delete elements only in this third table.
So you have to build the relation yourself to delete directly an element in the third table.
So first create the third entity.
Do two relation ManyToOne from the third entity to the two others entities.
Then you just have to simply remove an element of the third entity you just created.


Symfony 3 - Update Many-To-Many

I have been looking around for a clean solution on how to update (keep in sync) a many to many relationship?
I have the following scenario:
A Sprint Entity owns the Many To Many relationship towards the Ticket entity.
When editing a Ticket (or Sprint, but I am not there yet), I want to be able to select (checkboxes) the Sprints that this ticket belongs to.
Upon persistance (save), I want to update my join table tickets_sprint (which is just a join table on ticket_id, sprint_id).
Adding Sprints to the Ticket seems easy enough, but removing Sprints from the Ticket is not reflected at all.
Ticket Entity contains this method for adding a Ticket to a Sprint:
public function setSprints($sprints) {
* #var $sprint \AppBundle\Entity\Sprint
foreach ($sprints as $sprint) {
$this->sprints[] = $sprint;
I have read here that the only way to go would be to remove all relations and re-save them upon persistance.
Coming from the Laravel world, this hardly feels like a good idea :)
This is how it is done in Laravel:
* #param \App\User $user
* #param \App\Http\Requests\StoreUserRequest $request
* #return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
* Update the specified resource in storage.
public function update(User $user, StoreUserRequest $request)
$user->employee_code = strtolower($user->employee_code);
$user->roles()->sync($request->role ? : []);
\Session::flash('flash_message_success', 'The user was successfully updated.');
return redirect()->route('', [$user]);
All suggestions are welcome!
The EntityType that you may use to create a multiple selectbox doesn't have a by_reference option like CollectionType.
If your Ticket Entity use the "inversedBy" side, you don't need to add the reference in the other object. So you can symply do this :
public function setSprints($sprints) {
$this->sprints = $sprints;
Maybe this will be enough to add and remove your elements automatically (Sorry didn't try).
Otherwise you have to do it manually and you can create a new method to remove elements returns by the difference between your new ArrayCollection and the old one.

Update a field after Linking / Unlinking Many-Many records in SilverStripe

I have created a Customer DataObject by extending Member. Customer has a many_many data relation with a Package DataObject.
I would like increment/decrement a Credits field in the Customer DataObject when a Package is linked / unlinked through the CMS based on the Limit field in the Package table.
class Customer extends Member {
private static $db = array(
'Gender' => 'Varchar(2)',
'DateOfBirth' => 'Date',
'Featured' => 'Boolean',
'Credits' => 'Int'
private static $many_many = array(
'Packages' => 'Package'
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
$packageField = new GridField(
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Package', $packageField);
Session::set('SingleID', $this->ID);
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
class Package extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar(255)',
'Limit' => 'Int'
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Customers' => 'Customer'
When you create or delete many to many relationship just one record is modified in your database - the one in table which joins elements of both sides of the relationship. Therefore neither object the relationship is based on is updated. This is why methods like: onBeforeWrite, onAfterWrite, onBeforeDelete and onAfterDelete will not be called at all and you cannot use them to detect such change.
However, Silverstripe provides class ManyManyList which is responsible for all operations connected to many to many relationships. There are two methods which are of your interest: add and remove. You can override them and put inside action to do what you need. These methods are obviously called on each link or unlink operation no matter object types are, so you should make some filtering on classes you are particularly interested in.
The proper way to override the ManyManyList class is to use Injector mechanism, so as not to modify anything inside the framework or cms folder. The example below uses relationship between Members and Groups in Silverstripe but you can easily adopt it to your need (Customer -> Member; Package -> Group).
class: ManyManyListExtended
* When adding or removing elements on a many to many relationship
* neither side of the relationship is updated (written or deleted).
* SilverStripe does not provide any built-in actions to get information
* that such event occurs. This is why this class is created.
* When it is uses together with SilverStripe Injector mechanism it can provide
* additional actions to run on many-to-many relations (see: class ManyManyList).
class ManyManyListExtended extends ManyManyList {
* Overwritten method for adding new element to many-to-many relationship.
* This is called for all many-to-many relationships combinations.
* 'joinTable' field is used to make actions on specific relation only.
* #param mixed $item
* #param null $extraFields
* #throws Exception
public function add($item, $extraFields = null) {
parent::add($item, $extraFields);
if ($this->isGroupMembershipChange()) {
$memberID = $this->getMembershipID($item, 'MemberID');
$groupID = $this->getMembershipID($item, 'GroupID');
SS_Log::log("Member ($memberID) added to Group ($groupID)", SS_Log::INFO);
// ... put some additional actions here
* Overwritten method for removing item from many-to-many relationship.
* This is called for all many-to-many relationships combinations.
* 'joinTable' field is used to make actions on specific relation only.
* #param DataObject $item
public function remove($item) {
if ($this->isGroupMembershipChange()) {
$memberID = $this->getMembershipID($item, 'MemberID');
$groupID = $this->getMembershipID($item, 'GroupID');
SS_Log::log("Member ($memberID) removed from Group ($groupID)", SS_Log::INFO);
// ... put some additional actions here
* Check if relationship is of Group-Member type.
* #return bool
private function isGroupMembershipChange() {
return $this->getJoinTable() === 'Group_Members';
* Get the actual ID for many-to-many relationship part - local or foreign key value.
* This works both ways: make action on a Member being element of a Group OR
* make action on a Group being part of a Member.
* #param DataObject|int $item
* #param string $keyName
* #return bool|null
private function getMembershipID($item, $keyName) {
if ($this->getLocalKey() === $keyName)
return is_object($item) ? $item->ID : $item;
if ($this->getForeignKey() === $keyName)
return $this->getForeignID();
return false;
The solution provided by 3dgoo should also work fine but IMO that code does much more "hacking" and that's why it is much less maintainable. It demands more modifications (in both classes) and needs to be multiplied if you would like to do any additional link/unlink managing, like adding custom admin module or some forms.
The problem is when adding or removing items on a many to many relationship neither side of the relationship is written. Therefore onAfterWrite and onBeforeWrite is not called on either object.
I've come across this problem before. The solution I used isn't great but it was the only thing that worked for me.
What we can do is set an ID list of Packages to a session variable when getCMSFields is called. Then when an item is added or removed on the grid field we refresh the CMS panel to call getCMSFields again. We then retrieve the previous list and compare it to the current list. If the lists are different we can do something.
class Customer extends Member {
// ...
public function getCMSFields() {
// Some JavaScript to reload the panel each time a package is added or removed
// This is the code block that saves the package id list and checks if any changes have been made
if ($this->ID) {
if (Session::get($this->ID . 'CustomerPackages')) {
$initialCustomerPackages = json_decode(Session::get($this->ID . 'CustomerPackages'), true);
$currentCustomerPackages = $this->Packages()->getIDList();
// Check if the package list has changed
if($initialCustomerPackages != $currentCustomerPackages) {
// In here is where you put your code to do what you need
Session::set($this->ID . 'CustomerPackages', json_encode($this->Packages()->getIDList()));
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
$packageField = GridField::create(
// This class needs to be added so our javascript gets called
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Package', $packageField);
Session::set('SingleID', $this->ID);
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
The if ($this->ID) { ... } code block is where all our session code happens. Also note we add a class to our grid field so our JavaScript refresh works $packageField->addExtraClass('refresh-on-reload');
As mentioned before, we need to add some JavaScript to reload the panel each time a package is added or removed from the list.
(function($) {
$.entwine('ss', function($){
reload: function(e) {
$('.cms-container').loadPanel(location.href, null, null, true);
Inside the if($initialCustomerPackages != $currentCustomerPackages) { ... } code block there are a number of things you can do.
You could use $this->Packages() to fetch all the current packages associated to this customer.
You could call array_diff and array_merge to get just the packages that have been added and removed:
$changedPackageIDs = array_merge(array_diff($initialCustomerPackages, $currentCustomerPackages), array_diff($currentCustomerPackages, $initialCustomerPackages));
$changedPackages = Package::get()->byIDs($changedPackageIDs);
The above code will add this functionality to the Customer side of the relationship. If you also want to manage the many to many relationship on the Package side of the relationship you will need to add similar code to the Package getCMSFields function.
Hopefully someone can come up with a nicer solution. If not, I hope this works for you.
note: Didn't actually check does the model work but by visually checking this should help you:
On the link you provided you are using
$customer = Customer::get()->Filter...
That returns a DataList of objects, not a singular object unless you specify what is the object you want from the DataList.
If you are filtering the Customers then you want to get a SPECIFIC customer from the DataList, e.g. the first one in this case.
$customer = Customer::get()->filter(array('ID' => $this->CustomerID))->first();
But You should be able to get the singular DataObject with:
$customer = $this->Customer();
As you are defining the Customer as "has_one". If the relation was a Has many, using () would get you a DataList of objects.
You don't need to write our own debug files in SilverStripe. It has own functions for it. For example Debug::log("yay"); what writes the output to a file and Debug::dump("yay") that dumps it directly out.
Tip is that you can check what is the object that you accessing right. Debug::dump(get_class($customer)); would output only the class of the object.

Symfony2: How to create custom query methods on related entities

I have a User entity which has an ArrayCollection of Positions. Each Position has for sure a user_id property.
Now i want to get all positions from a user (to get all i would do $user->getPositions()) that are matching a specific query, for example have a date property that matches the current date. Therefor i want to do something like $user->getCurrentPositions() and it should return a subset of the positions related to that user.
How is that possible?
What i really wanna do is something like this in my controller:
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$users = $em->getRepository('fabianbartschWhereMyNomadsAtBundle:User')->findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$positions = $user->getCurrentPositions();
foreach ($positions as $position) {
echo $position->getLatitude().'<br>';
I wanna iterate over all users and from each user i want to have the relevant positions. But that isnt possible from the repository i guess, as i get the following message: Attempted to call method "getCurrentPositions" on class ...
If you are using Doctrine you can use the built-in Criteria API which is meant for this purpose exactly.
Collections have a filtering API that allows you to slice parts of data from a collection. If the collection has not been loaded from the database yet, the filtering API can work on the SQL level to make optimized access to large collections.
Ok i found out, its for sure possible with Repositories:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="fabianbartsch\WhereMyNomadsAtBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
* #ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
class User extends BaseUser
* UserRepository
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getCurrentPositions()
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM xxx:Position p
WHERE p.start <= '2014-08-17' AND p.end >= '2014-08-17'"
try {
return $query->getResult();
} catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e) {
return null;
In the user object only related position entries are affected by the query, so is no need to join user entity with the position entity. Pretty simple, should just try out instead posting on stackoverflow, sry guys :P

Symfony Entity check for ArrayCollection if already exists, then do update

For a Collection, I want to check if a new added Part already exists in the database. And if so, that it'll be overwritten with the new value.
* Add Part
public function addPart(\MyBundle\Entity\FooTypePart $Part)
$this->part[] = $part;
return $this;
public function removePart(\MyBundle\Entity\FooTypePart $part)
* Get Part
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getPart()
return $this->part;
* Set Part
public function setPart($part)
$this->part = $part;
return $this;
The Part Entity has: ID, Category_id (FK), Product_id (FK), Part (Collection)
It is possible at the moment to add a new Part with the same name, also when there is already a Part with the same Product_id AND Category_id.
Making Part unique isn't the fix, because Part can be used for many Products/Categories.
The following example already exists in the database, with a different 'Part'. So it should do a update command.
$part = new FooTypePart();
How? :-)
Just use the UniqueEntity validator to find an already existant Item in the collection.
You can specify uniqueness using multiple properties or a repository method. This way you can search for items only having a unique combination of name, product-id and category-id.
Create a validation group i.e. "unique" and find the non-unique/existant entity in your collection by looking for invalid entities.
... then update the existing entity with your new value. You will probably need some extra logic because there might be multiple fields with the same name added to your form collection.

Symfony2: Error persisting ManyToMany/OneToMany Relationships

I don't know why, maybe i am missing some basic logic but I always run again into the same issue. I can't persists ManyToMany collections, and it also faces me with OneToMany collections, though I can work around that.
I read through the doctrine documentation, and I think I do understand the thing with mappedBy and inversedBy (where the last one is always the owner and therefor responsible for persisting the data, please correct me if I am wrong).
So here's a basic example that I have right now, which I can't figure out.
I have an Entity called Site:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Category", mappedBy="sites")
protected $categories;
and another one called Category:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Site", inversedBy="categories")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="sites_categories")
protected $sites;
Using the Symfony2 entity genenerator it added me some getters and setters to my Entites which look like this.
* Add categories
* #param My\MyBundle\Entity\Category $categories
public function addCategory(\My\MyBundle\Entity\Category $categories)
$this->categories[] = $categories;
* Get categories
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getCategories()
return $this->categories;
The same counts for
* Add sites
* #param My\MyBundle\Entity\Site $sites
public function addSite(\My\MyBundle\Entity\Site $sites)
$this->sites[] = $sites;
* Get sites
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getSites()
return $this->sites;
Fair enough.
Now in my controller, I am trying to persist a Site object:
public function newsiteAction() {
$site = new Site();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($site); // generated with the FormBuilder, so the form includes Category Entity
// ... some more logic, like if(POST), bindRequest() etc.
if ($form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()
The result is always the same. It persists the Site Object, but not the Category entity. And I also know why (I think): Because the Category entity is the owning side.
But, do I always have to do something like this for persisting it? (which is actually my workaround for some OneToMany collections)
$categories = $form->get('categories')->getData();
foreach($categories as $category) {
// persist etc.
But I am running into many issues here, like I would have to do the same loop as above for deleting, editing etc.
Any hints? I will really give a cyber hug to the person who can clear my mind about that. Thanks!
I ended up changing around the relationship (owning and inverse side) between the ManyToMany mapping.
If somebody else runs into that problem, you need to be clear about the concept of bidrectional relationships, which took me a while to understand too (and I hope I got it now, see this link).
Basically what anserwed my question is: The object you want to persist must always be the owning site (The owning site is always the entity that has "inversed by" in the annotiation).
Also there is a concept of cascade annotation (see this link, thanks to moonwave99)
So thanks, and I hope that helps somebody for future reference! :)
Regarding OneToMany relationship, you want to know about cascade annotation - from Doctrine docs [8.6]:
The following cascade options exist:
persist : Cascades persist operations to the associated entities.
remove : Cascades remove operations to the associated entities.
merge : Cascades merge operations to the associated entities.
detach : Cascades detach operations to the associated entities.
all : Cascades persist, remove, merge and detach operations to associated entities.
following docs example:
class User
* Bidirectional - One-To-Many (INVERSE SIDE)
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="Comment", mappedBy="author", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
private $commentsAuthored;
When you add comments to the author, they get persisted as you save them - when you delete the author, comments say farewell too.
I had same issues when setting up a REST service lately, and cascade annotation got me rid of all the workarounds you mentioned before [which I used at the very beginning] - hope this was helpful.
