Send query string parameter from a non-web application -

Ok, I've been bugging with this for too long.
I need to call my website from a rough app. Then only thing I need is to attach a query string parameter to the calling url, so I can distinguish the pages to be shown to different VB app users.
So I want to click a button and launch that website, giving this parameter.
First I was bugging with adding the system.web libraries. Now I can't use Request/Response.QueryString as well.
I tried getting some example help from this post. but as I said before - I cannot make use of Request.QueryString as I cannot import it.
I am stuck here:
I need to attach a query string parameter to the url and then open the website with that url.
Can someone just give me a sample code for my problem.

Query parameters are parsed by the web server/http handler off the URL you use to call the page. They consist of key and value pairs that come at the end of the URL. Your code is nearly there. Say you needed to pass through the parameters:
ID = 1234
Page = 2
Display = Portrait
Then you'd turn them into a URL like this:
Therefore in your code you'd have:


Does Kentico allow query strings with question mark?

I'm trying to migrate my ASPX site to Kentico, and as part of my task I'm migrating URLs. I need to preserve my URL structure, so I need to keep URLs which look like : "".
I checked page's "URLs" property tried to use wildcards, some patterns like /bar/{pageid}- /bar/{?pageid?}-, etc but Kentico always replaces question marks.
Is there a way to achieve that via the admin interface?
You don't need to do anything in order to use "" url.
Create a page under the root and call it bar, so you'll get a page # Kentico and/or .net does not care what you add to a url after question mark, so will work as well as, or
You may (or may not) implement some functionality based on query string (e.g. paging), so it will parse query string and act in appropriate way.
By default Kentico UI does not handle adding URL aliases with URL parameters like you show. There is an article on the DevNet for a URL Redirection module which has code you can import into your site to allow you to perform these redirects within the Kentico UI. I'd suggest using this approach.
Unfortunately, I can't share a code sample since it's an article but it also has a link to download the code too. This appears to only be coded for Kentico 8.2 right now but I'm guessing you could do some work to make it work for other versions if you needed.
I think there are few concepts that you are clubbing here. I will start with your line code here
/bar/{pageid} - {pageid} is a positional parameter in Kentico's language if you choose to use dynamic URLS based on patterns. SO if you have a code that relies on pageid parameter to fetch some data then Kentico will pass that value. E.g in case of /bar/420, it will pass pageid as 420 different web parts on your template
/bar/{?pageid?} - This will search for query string parameter "pageid" on the request URL and replace its value here. So if you passed, the resulting URL will be /bar/366
The #1 is positional parameter and #2 is the way in which Kentico resolves query string macros.
I hope this clarifies.

ASP.NET MVC URL query string parameter renaming

I have looked through SO and the internet in General and I can't seem to understand whether the following is possible
I have a link to an action:
Link to Subject
This works fine, I can use the id, to get the Subject and all other info I need for the model.
In the browser it shows:
This is just fine, but it is not pretty or very helpful for the user.
I would like to be able to look up the subject from the Id in the Action and modify the URL to look like:
Is this possible and if so, could someone give me a steer on where to find out how to do it.
I cannot change the parameter to a string because the subject name is not unique, only the id.
well you can use the dBprovider feature in urlrewrite 2.0 forr iis 7 and above. what you have to do is create a table in database that store both urls i.e
it will match with the url you want to show '' and redirect to the actual url i.e is to '' for more info check this

Trouble entering POST parameters into url for ".do" page

I'm doing some heavy web scraping using Python. In some cases, post data is sent not through a form submit but through some Javascript, which I cannot interact with via this approach. In order to circumvent this, I've been appending names and values for the post requests to the url and then visiting that url.
This method was working fine until I came across a site that used this kind of structure: [sitename].com/?[pagename].do/. I admit total ignorance about this .do extension, though some light searching tells me that it has to do with Struts and a Java-based backend. In this case it seems to be a way of dynamically generating a table; I'm trying to filter the results of that table. What I want to enter is something like [sitename].com/?[pagename].do?[name]=[value]&[name]=[value], but this doesn't work, nor does it even seem like it should work. I attempted it using several variations in syntax. It seems like something I don't quite understand is going on here.
I wish I could direct you to the actual site, but unfortunately I cannot due to the sensitive nature of the project. Let me know, though, if there's any additional information that would be helpful in providing an answer. Thanks in advance.
Edit: This is not really a "my code isn't working" question, as it's the underlying functionality that I would like to emulate in my code which is troubling me, but I'll do my best to get grittier. I'm contractually bound not to share the names of the sites that we're studying, but I will try to model the problem. I am hoping that someone with some familiarity of the back-end activity sending this .do page to the browser will be able to shed light.
import urllib
import urllib2
## case 1: a site that i have success in scraping
url = 'http://[sitename]/[pagename]'
values = {'s' : '40', 'pg' : '1'}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
print the_page #i get the filtered data that i am looking for
## case 2: the site that poses a problem for the encoding of post parameters
url = 'http://[sitename]/?[pagename].do/' # this site uses a .do file to generate
# the content i want to filter. note that the page name is preceded by ?.
values = {'s' : '40', 'pg' : '1'}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
print the_page # i am taken back to the root of the site,
# the same result i would get if i entered nonsense
# post parameters that did not correspond with actual control names.
here, also, is an example of some javascript on the page that accomplishes what i'd like to do with my scraper:
function page_next (id) {
$.post("/?", {s: id, pg: 2},
function( data ) {
var content = $( data ).find( '#dumps' );
I don't know what site you are parsing, but this: [sitename].com/?[pagename].do/ is not something I would call default Struts behaviour, assuming it's indeed a Struts application.
Having a .do extension was indeed something Struts used to use as request mapping, but the URL in that case should be [sitename].com/[pagename].do not [sitename].com/?[pagename].do/
In the second form, the action is in fact a parameter in a query string. This is why this syntax is broken: [sitename].com/?[pagename].do?[name]=[value]&[name]=[value]. You want to send a query string to the action but the action itself is a parameter in the query string.
But that's not the issue. The issue is that the site is doing something with that parameter and expects to receive it's data in a certain way, a way you were not able to reverse engineer.
Assuming again that this is a Struts application, Struts uses a front controller to intercept all URLs and then use the action to invoke a particular class in the application, a class that is mapped to that particular action. The format for this should be [sitename].com/[pagename].do. That would be similar to having, say, [sitename].com/[pagename].php.
But having the action as a parameter makes me think that the site has a different front controller (not that of Struts) that is taking the parameter from the query string and passing it downstream to the Struts framework.
There could be a lot of reasons for having this funky way of handling requests, including making it harder for others to scrape the site, although this seems kinda straight forward:
$.post("/?", {s: id, pg: 2}, ...
Have you tried doing a POST to the root of the application with the action in the query string?

Pass parameter from 1 page to another using post method

I have a page "Demo.aspx". I need to set some parameters using post method and redirect the page to "DemoTest.aspx".
Is there any way to set parameters in post method in I don't want to set "Querystring" due to security propose.
Also I need server side code for this. I am not able to use "Javascript" or "Jquery" for the same.
Here is some more description for the same.
Right now I am using Response.Redirect("www.ABC.Com/DemoTest.aspx?P1=2"). So the page is simply redirect to the given URL.
Now I don't want to pass that "P1" in "Querystring". Instead of query string I want to use Post method.
Please note that redirection page is not in my own application. So I cant maintain session or "Viewstate".
Thanks in advance.
Use a session variable and response.redirect to the next page.
Session["MyVariable"] = "someThing";
The value stored in Session variables will be accessible across application.
you can store in session like this :
Session["id"] = "anyID";
To get values On another page you need to write
string id = Convert.ToString(Session["Id"]);
By default, in .NET pages post() do the things automatically.
You will need to do sumthing like this:
Server.Transfer("DemoTest.aspx", True)

Link formation in a third-party .aspx website

I want to understand what link is formed when I click print button on
Sample data is 2011360220 and 25/05/1980
I want to integrate it with my website and get the url it it making so that in the url I can pass the registration number and dob as variable and see the complete results.
I think it is using Session. You can not pass the data by QueryString
