Vaadin ListSelect - multiple styles in one list - css

i would like to have one list select that will have more than one style, i put two kinds of object's one is a group of users (bold), rest are users (italic or regular) is it possible to add style that will be added to part of added obj?
My code looks like this:
for(Usr usr: userSearchResult){
for (Gr gr : groupSearchResult) {
and also have style set in css correct similar to this
.v-select-bold .v-select-select {
i would be glad to solve this by myself but that was two days ago now i'm in a dot ;)
Thanks in advance for help!

You can store your row as a label with style. In the container there will be a label instance. There you can simply add the style.
Container container = new IndexedContainer();
container.addContainerProperty(NAME_PROPERTY, Label.class , "");
for (int i = 0; i <= 50 ; i++) {
Item item = container.addItem(i);
Label label = new Label(HashUtils.getRandomSalt());
return container;

You can't style rows of a ListSelect. You can use a Table component with one column to achieve a similar result. Table.setCellStyleGenerator method is used for differentiating styles for each cell (each row in your case).


How do I add style names to grid rows without selecting them?

I want to style a grid row after clicking on it. I get the grid row / item in the itemClickListener, but I need to avoid using I have achieved the desired output which would highlight the row I clicked on with the grid select method, but this causes problems for my app since I do not want that row to be selected, but I want it to be just highlighted, e.g. apply a CSS style to said row. This is my code so far:
grid.addItemClickListener(e -> {
as well as:
grid.setStyleGenerator(row -> grid.getSelectedItems().contains(row)
? getRowSelectedStyle(row)
: null);
I cannot seem to find anything on the forums which could apply a style name for the clicked row.
You probably need to add a property to your item Bean, se "clicked".
Then you could do
grid.addItemClickListener(e -> {
grid.setStyleGenerator(row -> row.isClicked()
? getRowSelectedStyle(row)
: null);

Set css from GWT (dynamically) to element with multiple styles associated

I have an instance of TabLayoutPanel where number of tabs would be set dynamically. Therefore to align tabs to fill whole width of the screen I need to
1) Override gwt-TabTayoutPanel default value width 16384px with auto !important (done);
2) Set width of gwt-TabTayoutPanelTab to proper percentage value (e.g. 2 tabs = 50%. 3 tabs = 33%, 4 tabs = 25% and so on).
I have a simple function for that which goes like this (simplified):
Double cssValue = 100.0/getWidgetCount();
3) Now here goes my question: how can i set the width of gwt-TabTayoutPanelTab from Java? I bolded Tabs because when i use this.getStyleName(); i got in return gwt-TabLayoutPanel not gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab .
In sum, I can divide my question in two:
-how to access TabLayoutPanelTab css class from GWT?;
-how to set said class width with my dynamically generated percentage number?;
Proper edit of function to determine percentage value.
-how to access TabLayoutPanelTab css class from GWT?;
int widgetCount = panel.getWidgetCount();
for(int i = 0; i < widgetCount; i++)
As you can see there is no direct way to access the tabs. What you can do is access the widgets in the tabs, and get their parent, which is the tab in question.
-how to set said class width with my dynamically generated percentage number?;
If you have a certain amount off possible percentages then you can declare those classes (e.g. custom-Width-25, custom-width-33 etc.) where you specify the width with the !important annotation in order to override everything else.
If the previous solution is not acceptable then you can only use inline css. This means that the element must be already loaded in the DOM. Somewhere in your code where you know that the element is loaded you can call something like this :
int widgetCount = panel.getWidgetCount();
for(int i = 0; i < widgetCount; i++) { tabElement = panel.getTabWidget(i).getParent().getElement();
tabElement.getStyle().setWidth(100/widgetCount, Unit.PCT);

Full name is not visible in twin-column values in Vaadin

I'm new to vaadin. I came across with a bug that full name is not visible in twin-column component's values. I have very long names inside the left side of the twin-column. I increased the width of the component much as I can. But still some lines are there that not visible full name.
I tried to add some css, even that didn't work.
.v-select-twincol-options .v-select-twincol-break-word{word-wrap: break-word;}
I tried with this css line. Any wrong in here? Or any idea to solve this. Please help me on this..
Thank you in advance.
private TwinColSelect createTemplateSelectTwinColumn()
TwinColSelect twinColSelect = new TwinColSelect("Related Templates");
Collection<File> templates = getTemplates();
Collections.sort((List<File>) templates, new Comparator<File>()
public int compare(final File f1, final File f2)
return f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName());
for (File file : templates)
twinColSelect.setItemCaption(file.getNodeId(), file.getName());
return twinColSelect;
Method where I'm creating the twinColumn inside a FormLayout
Vaadin's TwinColSelect eventually results in two standard HTML option list controls in the DOM; see the DOM of this example:
word-wrap is, however, not possible on option list items.
Consider creating your "own" TwinColSelect from two Vaadin tables. Vaadin tables are much more flexible regarding CSS styling.

Flex 4, AdvancedDataGrid: initial column width

I got a problem with the widths of the advanceddatagrid-columns.
First of all, my layout is a HDividedBox, on the left there is the navigation, on the right there is a module, containing the advanceddatagrid.
left Side: navigation
right side: module (e.g. advanceddatagrid)
Most of the columns got a fixed width, some a minWidth. Now, initially the widths of the columns are correct.
So the problem is, whenever I load a new module and later reload the advanceddatagrid, the initial width of the columns is way different, although I change nothing in the process of loading the module. Neither the fixed widths nor the minWidths are initially correct.
I recently saw there is a solution for wrong widths of colums, it looks like that:
var oldPolicy:String = advanceddatagrid.myScrollPolicy;
advanceddatagrid.myScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.ON;
for(var i:int = 0; i < advanceddatagrid.columns.length; i++) {
var column:AdvancedDataGridColumn = advanceddatagrid.columns[i] as AdvancedDataGridColumn;
advanceddatagrid.column.width = column.width;
advanceddatagrid.myScrollPolicy = oldPolicy;
On the whole this is just a temporary change of the ScrollPolicy, re-setting the column-widths and then changing back. But still, it doenst work.
Does anyone have a clue?
Some relevant references that might help (the first one worked for me):
To summarize the first post (credit goes to Nick Schneble):
public function resizeColumns () : void
grid.validateNow ();
// forces the columns to size themselves properly
for each (var column : AdvancedDataGridColumn in grid.columns)
column.width = column.width;
It may seem a bit ridiculous, but if you execute this method whenever the underlying data in your data grid changes, you’ll have beautifully laid out columns.

Dojo Datagrid: How to change the style of the first row?

I am new to DoJo development so this could be basic.
I have created an EnhancedDatagrid and it shows the data fine.
The data comes from an JSON store in a different page.
I have a button which causes that one new entry is created in the datastore and then my datagrid is 'refreshed'. This works fine.
But now i want only as the last step to change the style of the first row in my datagrid.
(I need to make the newly added row more visible.)
But i simply can't figure out how to get a handle on the first row in a datagrid.
grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id: strId,
store: store,
structure: layout,
}, document.createElement('div'));
var row = grid.getItem(0); // ---get the first row. How ? And how to apply new style ?
Thank you in advance.
Solved the problem like this:
dojo.connect(grid, 'onStyleRow', this, function (row) {
var item = grid.getItem(row.index);
if (row.index == 0) {
row.customClasses = "highlightRow";
row.customStyles += 'background-color:#FFB93F;';
I use the 'Claro' theme and it prevented me to set the background color of the row-cells.
The solution was to set the customClasses to a style like this:
.highlightRow tr
background-color: #FF6A00 !important;
Found part of the solution here:
