Comparison between HTTP and RPC - http

RPC protocol uses TCP as an underlying protocol and HTTP again uses TCP as an underlying protocol. So why is HTTP is widely accepted?
Why does SOAP use HTTP as an underlying protocol - why not RPC?

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) is not a protocol, it's a principle that is also used in SOAP.
SOAP is an application protocol that uses HTTP for transport (so it won't have to think about encoding, message boundaries and so on). One of the reasons to use SOAP over HTTP is that for HTTP you usually don't need firewall rules and that the HTTP infrastructure is mature and commonly rolled out.

RPC does not require HTTP. Basically, RPC describes any mechanism that is suitable to invoke some piece of code remotely. The transport mechanism used to perform the RPC could be SOAP over HTTP. It could also be a REST call returning some JSON data over HTTP.
SOAP can also be used via Mails, and AFAIK (not sure here) the BizTalk Server should support this scenario. But even something exotical like trying SOAP over Avian Carriers can also be considered an RPC, although the latency of the latter may not be sufficient for real-world applications.
Think of an RPC as sending somehow some kind of message to a destination, in order to initiate a specific action and (optionally) getting some information back after the action has been completed. What prticular technology you choose to transmit these messages does not really matter.


What is gRPC programming surface?

In the GPRC Concept document
The gRPC programming surface concept is mentioned without a definition. Anyone knows exactly what is gRPC programming surface?
Quoting their documentation:
Starting from a service definition in a .proto file, gRPC provides protocol buffer compiler plugins that generate client- and server-side code. gRPC users typically call these APIs on the client side and implement the corresponding API on the server side.
On the server side, the server implements the methods declared by the service and runs a gRPC server to handle client calls. The gRPC infrastructure decodes incoming requests, executes service methods, and encodes service responses.
On the client side, the client has a local object known as stub (for some languages, the preferred term is client) that implements the same methods as the service. The client can then just call those methods on the local object, wrapping the parameters for the call in the appropriate protocol buffer message type - gRPC looks after sending the request(s) to the server and returning the server’s protocol buffer response(s).
In short, the surface is the contract between the client and the service and its realization as the clientside layer (the stub) and the serverside implementation.

Where is http protocol implementation in Linux

I try understand how http work's and can't understand on which level http protocol implemented, it's OS level, or it's depend from where I need use it protocol? For example if I want use it on C I must implement it on C language as library and only then use it?
Http runs on top of tcp - and tcp is implemented in the network stack of your OS.
Http protocol is used between a client and a server. What a client sends is what a server receives, and vice-versa. Http was designed for the server to simply sit and wait for requests (possibly including data), and then respond (possibly including data).
All web servers implement the server side of http. In terms of applications (let's use the term "application" to mean "client", although some might say the server is an application), the client side of http protocol will, I suppose, most commonly be implemented in an application like a browser, but also command-line applications like curl and wget implement an http client. For languages such as Python there is a http server implementation in the standard library, or there are libraries such as requests which handle the client side of http so the python author just worries about the higher-level problem of which http requests to make.
So the answer is, http is not implemented in the OS, it is implemented in applications - some client-side, some server-side.
For your C application you will either have to implement http yourself (doesn't sound like fun to me but would be a good way of understanding http implementation, I suppose) or (much less stress and much more likely to have predictable correctish behaviour) use a library if you can find one.

What is the difference between a JSON/XML RPC and a HTTP api or TCP API

What is special about a remote procedure call?
From what I have seen so far, they seem to have similar functionalities as a HTTP API or TCP API. Why not just use a http/tcp api?
As a developer that wishes to open up an API, why would I choose to use JSON RPC over a HTTP or TCP API (with a JSON encoded payload)
RPC is a different type of architecture that predates REST - it is more focused on procedures while REST focuses on exposing resources with a consistent API.
RPCs are most often found in legacy code and in cases where REST may not be appropriate.

what is the benefit of using http hijacker

Go http pkg provide a Hijacker interface, can anyone tell when should I use it.
I check the comment, after a Hijack call lets the caller take over the connection, the HTTP server library will not do anything else with the connection.
I understand it as it's used to support both http request and common tcp interactive within one port. Is it right? Does it has any other benefits.
It means that you take over the control of TCP connection.
TCP is a generic transport protocol, whereas HTTP is an application protocol on top of TCP. The OSI seven layer model describes TCP as layer 4 and HTTP is layer 7.
If you need to implement a different application protocol, this is one use-case for hijacking.
Or if you need to do something specialised with HTTP, like preventing keep-alive connections, that is another use-case.
An example for an alternative web application protocol is Google's SPDY. It's also a good reason why you might hijack an existing HTTP connection, rather than create a TCP connection directly. For SPDY, a browser would first make an HTTP request that included 'accept' headers indicating that it is also able to understand SPDY. So now you could hijack the connection and implement SPDY instead of HTTP.

stateless protocol and stateful protocol

How to understand stateless protocol and stateful protocol? HTTP is a stateless protocol and FTP is a stateful protocol. For the web applications requiring a lot of interactions, the underlying protocol should be stateful ones. Is my understanding right?
HTTP is a stateless protocol, in other word the server will forget everything related to client/browser state. Although web applications have made it virtually look like stateful.
A stateless protocol can be forced to behave as if it were stateful. This can be accomplished if the server sends the state to the client, and if the client to sends it back again to the server, every time.
There are three ways this may be accomplished in HTTP:
a) One is cookies, in which case the state is sent and returned in HTTP headers.
b) The second is URL extension, in which case the state is sent as part of the URL as request.
c) The third is "hidden form fields", in which the state is sent to the client as part of the response, and returned to the server as part of a form's hidden data
One of the major reasons why HTTP scales so well is its Statelessness. Stateless protocol eases the replication concerns, as the state itself doesn't need to be stored on the server.
Stateful protocols are logically heavy to implement in Internet reliably. Stateless servers are also easily scalable, while for stateful servers scalablity is problematic. Stateless request can be sent to any node, at any time, while with Stateful this is not a case.
HTTP as Stateless protocol increases availability for stateless web applications, which otherwise would be difficult or impossible to implement. If there is connection lost, there is no state that is lost, simple request resend will resolve the problem. Stateless requests are also cacheable.
see more here
Since you're asking about a Web application, the protocol will always be stateless -- the protocol for the Web is http (or https), and that's all she wrote.
I think what you're thinking of is providing a state mechanism in your Web application itself. The typical approach to this is that you create a unique identifier for the user's session in your Web application (a sessionID of one form or another is the common practice) which is handed back and forth between browser and server. That's typically done in a cookie, though it can be done, with a bit more hassle for you depending on your platform/framework, on the URL as well.
Your server-side code stores stateful information (again, typically called the user's session) however it wants to using the sessionID to look it up. The http traffic simply hands back the sessionID. As long as that identifier is there, each http transaction is completely independent of all others, hence the protocol traffic itself is stateless.
HTTP is a stateless protocol. All the web-based applications are also stateless.
When a request is send to the server, a connection is established between client and server. The server receives the request, processes the request and sends back the response and then, the connection will be closed.
If another request will be sent, after that, it will be treated as a new request and a new connection will be established.
In order to make HTTP stateful, we use session management techniques.
So that, it uses the data coming from previous request while processing present request i.e, it uses the same connection for a series of client server interactions.
The session management techniques are:
hidden form field
Anything that forgets whatever it did in past is stateless, such as http
Anything that can keep the history is statefull, such as database
Http is a stateless protocol, that's why it forgets the user information.
We make http as statefull protocol using jsonWebToken(JWT) i.e. on each request going to server, server will first verify the user using JWT.
Your question is spot on, and yes, it would be great if your web transactions with your bank were done over a stateful connection. Alas, HTTP is stateless due to a quirky bug in FTP and a 12 socket limit in the partial socket table in BSD of 1989. Marcus Ranum explained it all here.
So HTTP throws away the state it inherits from TCP and has to recreate state at the application layer in the form of cookies. Crappy internet security is the result.
The Seif project proposes to fix all that using "secure JSON over TCP". DNS and certificate authorities are not required. The protocol and seifnode.js are finished and on github with an MIT license.
HTTP doesn't 'inherit' from TCP, but rather uses it for a transport. HTTP uses TCP for a stateful connection, but then disconnects. Later it will connect again, if needed. So, while you browse through a web site you create many different connections. Each one of those connections is stateful, but the conversation as a whole is not, since you are dropping the connection with every conversation.
From this link
Basically yes, but you have no choice but use HTTP which is where websites are served in. So you have to deal with compromises to make HTTP stateful, aka session management. Possibilities are basically passing on a session id through each call in the URL so you know when you're talking to someone you've talked about before, or via cookies, which achieve the same goal without cluttering the url. However, most modern web development languages take care of that for you; if you google for the language of your choice + "session management" you should get some ideas of how it's done.
