Make operation with aggregate function result - ydn-db

I confess that I do not get along very well with the Deferred object. I'm making a query to the database on several "Stores" and as a result I want to do a series of operations. This troubles me because the results are returned asynchronously and I have no way to perform the corresponding operation on the "store" you should. In short, the problem is that this piece of code always executes the same function on the same "Store"
for (var i = 0; i < schema['stores'].length; i++) {
storeName = schema['stores'][i].name;
var objeto = db.executeSql('SELECT MAX(date_upd) FROM ' + '"' + storeName + '"').done(
function(result, a){
//saveDataSynce(db, storeName, result);

Whenever there is a loop on async operation, be very careful about function scope. In your example code, storeName inside the function will always be the last executed value. Use function scope as follow:
var getMax = function(storeName) {
db.executeSql('SELECT MAX(date_upd) FROM ' + '"' + storeName + '"').done(
//saveDataSynce(db, storeName, result);
console.log(storeName, result);
for (var i = 0; i < schema['stores'].length; i++) {
However, preferred coding pattern for YDN-DB is NoSQL style as follow:
var getMax = function(storeName) {
var indexName = 'date_upd';
var key_range = null; // whole store
var limit = 1;
var offset = 0;
var reverse = true;
db.values(storeName, indexName, key_range, limit, offset, reverse).done(
function(results) {
var max_key = results[0]; // may be undefined. OK.
//saveDataSynce(db, storeName, max_key);
console.log(storeName, max_key);
Note that keys (primary or index) are always sorted by ascending order. Max key is the first key in reverse order.


Sensible way to encode user defined sort-order in back end database?

I have a series of "rows" in a collection which are persisted to a nosql database (in this case Firestore). Each one of my rows has a sort order which is established when the user adds, inserts, copies or moves rows with the collection. The insertion point into which a user may insert new records is arbitrary. The sort order is persisted to the backend, and can be retrieved ordered by the sort order field. There may be a large number of rows in the collection, on the order 50K.
The question what is the sort order encoding format that would permit repeated insertion of new records between existing records, without having to occasionally rewrite the sort index of the entire collection to provide "space" in the sort order between adjacent records.
I'm guessing there may some standard way to achieve this, but not sure what it is.
Assume the alphabet is "abc". Then:
b, c, cb...
is a lexicographically sorted list that allows you to insert items anywhere:
ab, b, bb, c, cab, cb, cbb...
And the result is still a list that allows you to insert items anywhere:
aab, ab, ac, b, bab, bb, bc, c, caab, cab, cac, cb, cbab, cbb, cbbb...
The trick is to avoid having "a" as the last character of an item, so that you can always put items behind others.
Do this with 64 ASCII characters instead of 3.
I've been thinking about this for quite a few months. This is my progress so far in implementing it. It still has some flaws and it's a little bit of a mess, but I guess I'll clean it and upload it at npm when I find more time.
// Originally written in TypeScript, then removed the types for SO.
const alphabet = 'abc';
function getHigherAsciiChar(char) {
const index = alphabet.indexOf(char);
if (index === alphabet.length - 1) {
return ''; // sorry, there's no higher character
const nextIndex = Math.ceil((index + alphabet.length - 1) / 2);
return alphabet.charAt(nextIndex);
function getCharBetween(minChar, maxChar) {
if (minChar > maxChar) {
throw new Error('minChar > maxChar, ' + minChar + ' > ' + maxChar);
const minIndex = alphabet.indexOf(minChar);
const maxIndex = alphabet.indexOf(maxChar);
const nextIndex = Math.floor((minIndex + maxIndex) / 2);
if (nextIndex === minIndex) {
return ''; // there is no character between these two
return alphabet.charAt(nextIndex);
function getPaddedString(finalLength, string) {
let result = string;
while (result.length < finalLength) {
result += alphabet.charAt(0);
return result;
function getOrderString(bounds) {
const console = { log: () => {} }; // uncomment this to log debug stuff
if (!bounds.previous && ! {
return getHigherAsciiChar(alphabet[0]);
const previousString = bounds.previous || '';
if (! {
const firstPreviousChars = previousString.substr(0, previousString.length - 1);
const lastPreviousChar = previousString.charAt(previousString.length - 1);
return firstPreviousChars + (
getHigherAsciiChar(lastPreviousChar) || (
lastPreviousChar + getHigherAsciiChar(alphabet.charAt(0))
const nextString =;
console.log(`Searching between '${previousString}' and '${nextString}'...`);
const bigStringLength = Math.max(previousString.length, nextString.length);
const previous = getPaddedString(bigStringLength, previousString);
const next = getPaddedString(bigStringLength, nextString);
console.log(previous, next);
let result = '';
let i;
for (i = 0; i < bigStringLength; i++) {
const previousChar = previous.charAt(i);
const nextChar = next.charAt(i);
// keep adding common characters
if (previousChar === nextChar) {
result += previousChar;
console.log(result, 'common character');
// when different characters are reached, try to add a character between these two
const charBetween = getCharBetween(previousChar, nextChar);
if (charBetween) {
result += charBetween;
console.log(result, 'character in-between. RETURNING');
// and you're done
return result;
// if there was no character between these two (their distance was exactly 1),
// repeat the low character, forget about the upper bound and just try to get bigger than lower bound
result += previousChar;
console.log(result, 'the lower character so we can forget about high bound');
for (; previousString >= result; i++) {
const previousChar = previous.charAt(i);
const higherChar = getHigherAsciiChar(previousChar);
if (higherChar) {
// you found a digit that makes your result greater than the lower bound. You're done.
result += higherChar;
console.log(result, 'a higher character. RETURING');
return result;
// the digits are still very close, can't find a digit in-between (yet)
result += previousChar;
console.log(result, 'moving on to next digit');
// so you end up depleting all the character slots from the lower bound. Meh, just add any character.
result += getHigherAsciiChar(alphabet.charAt(0));
console.log(result, 'meh, just add any character. RETURNING');
return result;
function interleaveTest(order) {
const newOrder = [];
newOrder.push(getOrderString({ next: order[0] }));
for (let i = 0; i < order.length - 1; i++) {
newOrder.push(getOrderString({ previous: order[i], next: order[i + 1] }));
newOrder.push(order[order.length - 1]);
newOrder.push(getOrderString({ previous: order[order.length - 1] }));
return newOrder;
let order = ['c'];
console.log('\n' + order.join(', ') + '\n');
order = interleaveTest(order);
console.log('\n' + order.join(', ') + '\n');
order = interleaveTest(order);
console.log('\n' + order.join(', ') + '\n');
order = interleaveTest(order);
console.log('\n' + order.join(', ') + '\n');
let atEnd = ['b'];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
atEnd.push(getOrderString({ previous: atEnd[atEnd.length - 1] }));
console.log('\nat end: ' + atEnd.join(', ') + '\n');

winjs sqlite database is locked

I use in a Windows 8 project (js/html) the SQLite3-WinRT library
I create a function that is called in a for loop.
I have this error:
SQLiteError: 0x800700aa: eachAsync("INSERT INTO home (id, url, cksum)VALUES (16, 'main_page_2.jpg', 'e0d046ca3421a3c2df328b293ad5981a');", ) database is locked
I think the error is because I create a new connection every iteration of loop, but I don't understand another method. Who can help me?
This is the function:
function insertInDB(dbPath, tbName, arrayCol, arrayVal) {
SQLite3JS.openAsync(dbPath).then(function (db) {
var query = "INSERT INTO " + tbName;
var column = " (";
var values = "VALUES (";
for (var i = 0; i < arrayCol.length; i++) {
if (i == arrayCol.length - 1) {
column = column + arrayCol[i] + ")";
} else {
column = column + arrayCol[i] + ", ";
for (var i = 0; i < arrayVal.length; i++) {
if (i == arrayCol.length - 1) {
values = values + arrayVal[i] + ");";
} else {
values = values + arrayVal[i] + ", ";
query = query + column + values;
return db.eachAsync(query).done(function () {
function (error) { console.log(error); },
function (progress) { });
and this is the loop that call a previous function:
listHome.forEach(function(value, index, array){
var valconfig = new Array(, "'" + value.url + "'", "'" + value.cksum + "'");
console.log("id=" + + " url=" + value.url + " ck=" + value.cksum);
insertInDB(sqlPath, "home", colconfig, valconfig);
If I'm reading this correctly, your calling code is iterating over a list of values synchronously. listHome.forEach will call insertInDB for each item in listHome ... but it doesn't wait for insertInDB to return before making the next call to insertInDB.
Inside insertInDB you have call to SQLite3JS.openAsync and db.eachAsync - both asynchronous methods. After perusing SQLite3JS a little bit (which looks pretty cool), both of those methods return promises, where internally they call into a WinRT component. Great design.
So this is what I suspect is happening: one of the asynchronous calls in insertInDB puts a lock on the database. However, insertInDB returns control back to the listHome.forEach loop as soon as it hits the first asynchronous method call. If the lock on the database remains once forEach gets to the next item in listHome, then the operation will attempt to write to a locked database. Hence the error.
I'll think about this a little bit and see if I can come up with a solution.
-- edit --
Okay, I have a solution that might work for you. You might want to create a "DataBaseHelper" class that will queue up the transactions that you need to make in the database.
Here's a rough prototype that I threw together:
[Replaces your foreach loop]
[DBHelper module definition]
(function () {
var _queue;
function queueUpdates(array) {
_queue = array;
function scheduleUpdates() {
if (_queue.length > 0) {
var transaction = _queue.pop();
insertInDB("path", "table", "column", transaction);
function insertInDB(dbPath, tbName, arrayCol, arrayVal) {
return SQLite3JS.openAsync(dbPath).then(function (db) {
// Construct your SQL query ...
return db.eachAsync(query).done(function () {
function (error) { console.log(error); },
function (progress) { });
WinJS.Namespace.define("DBHelper", {
queueUpdates: queueUpdates

google places api many filters by type Ex.: restaurant,cafe

I'm trying to change the radius category/type filter for a checkbox, so I changed the var type to an array.
var type;
for (var i = 0; i < document.controls.type.length; i++){
if (document.controls.type[i].checked){
type = document.controls.type[i].value;
var search = {
// keyword: 'comocomo', // not needed with the autocomplete / startBox
bounds: map.getBounds()
if (type != 'establishment'){
search.types = [ type ];
}, function(placesArr, status){
var type=[];
for (var i = 0; i < document.controls.type.length; i++){
if (document.controls.type[i].checked){
var search = {
bounds: map.getBounds()
var quotedAndCommaSeparated = "'" + type.join("','") + "'";
alert(quotedAndCommaSeparated); // 'establishment','restaurant','lodging'
search.types = [ quotedAndCommaSeparated ];
I made many tests, and I don't see what I'm doing wrong. the map doesn't even show.
What's this meant to be, doesn't look like valid Javascript to me:
var type[];
Should be
var type = [];
Fix the javascript errors in your code otherwise the map won't show up.
What you have in quotedAndCommaSeparated is a string like "'a','b','c'" that looks a bit like the contents of an array: ['a','b','c']. But it's not an array, it's just a single string. If you check the length of your search.type array, I'm guessing it equals 1.
What you can do is split your string on the comma to turn it into an array:
search.types = quotedAndCommaSeparated.split(",");

Flex AS3: ProgressBar doesn't move

I am a little stuck and need some advice/help.
I have a progress bar:
<mx:ProgressBar id="appProgress" mode="manual" width="300" label="{appProgressMsg}" minimum="0" maximum="100"/>
I have two listener functions, one sets the progress, and one sets the appProgressMsg:
public function incProgress(e:TEvent):void {
var p:uint = Math.floor( / * 100);
trace("Setting Perc." + p);
appProgress.setProgress(p, 100);
public function setApplicationProgressStep(e:TEvent):void {
trace("Setting step:" +;
appProgressMsg =;
I want to reuse this progress bar alot. And not necessarily for ProgressEvents, but when going through steps.
For instance, I loop over a bunch of database inserts, and want to undate the progress etc.
Here is a sample:
public function updateDatabase(result:Object):void {
var total:int = 0;
var i:int = 0;
var r:SQLResult;
trace("updateDatabase called.");
for each (var table:XML in this.queries.elements("table")) {
var key:String = table.attribute("name");
if (result[key]) {
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgressStep, "Updating " + key);
i = 1;
total = result[key].length;
for each (var row:Object in result[key]) {
//now, we need to see if we already have this record.
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:i, total: total } );
r = this.query("select * from " + key + " where server_id = '" + + "'");
if ( == null) {
//there is no entry with this id, make one.
this.query(table.insert, row);
} else {
//it exists, so let's update.
this.update(key, row);
Everything works fine.
That is, the listener functions are called and I get trace output like:
updateDatabase called.
Setting step:Updating project
Setting Perc 25
Setting Perc 50
Setting Perc 75
Setting Perc 100
The issue is, only the very last percent and step is shown. that is, when it's all done, the progress bar jumps to 100% and shows the last step label.
Does anyone know why this is?
Thanks in advance for any help,
The new code, which works awesomely I might add:
public function updateDatabase(result:Object, eindex:int = 0, sindex:int = 0 ):void {
var total:int = 0;
var i:int = 0;
var j:int;
var r:SQLResult;
var table:XML;
var key:String;
var elems:XMLList = this.queries.elements("table");
var startTime:int = getTimer();
var row:Object;
for (i = eindex; i < elems.length(); i++) {
table = elems[i];
key = table.attribute("name");
if (!result[key])
total = result[key].length;
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgressStep, "Updating " + key);
for (j = sindex; j < result[key].length; j++) {
if (getTimer() - startTime > 100) {
setTimeout(updateDatabase, 100, result, i, j);
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:j, total: total } );
row = result[key][j];
r = this.query("select * from " + key + " where server_id = '" + + "'");
if ( == null) {
//there is no entry with this id, make one.
this.query(table.insert, row,false);
} else {
//it exists, so let's update.
this.update(key, row,false);
send(TEvent.UpdateApplicationProgress, { number:1, total: 1 } );
Flash is single threaded. The display will not update until your function returns. For this reason, you should never have any code that runs for longer than about 100ms (1/10th of a second), otherwise the UI (or even the entire browser) will appear to be locked up.
The general solution is to split up your work over multiple frames, here is some pseudo-code:
function doWork(arg1:Obj, arg2:Obj, start:int=0) {
var startTime = getTimer(); // store starting time
for(i=start; i<length; i++) {
if(getTimer() - startTime > 100) { // see if we've been working too long
trace("Current progress: "+(i/length * 100)+"%");
updateProgress( i / length );
setTimeout(doWork, 100, arg1, arg2, i); // schedule more work to be done
return; // stop current loop
trace("Working on item "+i);
// processing here
trace("All work done");
doWork(data1, data2); // start the work
Your pseudo-code works for updating the progress bar however in my case my "work" was copying of files from DVD to the appStorageDirectory which seem to reintroduce the same issue that your work around resolved - the progress bar now does not update
Here is my hack of your solution
function doWork(arg1:int, arg2:int, start:int=0) {
var startTime = getTimer(); // store starting time
for(var i:int=start; i<arg2; i++) {
if(getTimer() - startTime > 100 ) { // see if we've been working too long
trace("Current progress: "+(i/arg2 * 100)+"%");
setTimeout(doWork, 100, i, arg2, i); // schedule more work to be done
return; // stop current loop
trace("Working on item "+i);
dispatchEvent(new progressMadeEvent("incrementChange",i,arg2))
var dir:String = copyRes[i].nativePath.toString().split(OSSep).pop()
copyRes[i].copyTo(appStore.resolvePath(dir)) // copies dir from DVD to appStorageDir
trace("All work done");

Create HTML table out of object array in Javascript

I am calling a web Method from javascript. The web method returns an array of customers from the northwind database. The example I am working from is here: Calling Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX
I dont know how to write this javascript method: CreateCustomersTable
This would create the html table to display the data being returned. Any help would be appreciated.
My javascript
function GetCustomerByCountry() {
var country = $get("txtCountry").value;
AjaxWebService.GetCustomersByCountry(country, OnWSRequestComplete, OnWSRequestFailed);
function OnWSRequestComplete(results) {
if (results != null) {
function CreateCustomersTable(result) {
if (document.all) //Filter for IE DOM since other browsers are limited
// How do I do this?
else {
$get("divOutput").innerHTML = "RSS only available in IE5+"; }
My web Method
public Customer[] GetCustomersByCountry(string country)
NorthwindDALTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter adap =
new NorthwindDALTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter();
NorthwindDAL.CustomersDataTable dt = adap.GetCustomersByCountry(country);
if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
return null;
Customer[] customers = new Customer[dt.Rows.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
NorthwindDAL.CustomersRow row = (NorthwindDAL.CustomersRow)dt.Rows[i];
customers[i] = new Customer();
customers[i].CustomerId = row.CustomerID;
customers[i].Name = row.ContactName;
return customers;
Try to look what is the result variable value in debug mode. If the structure seems the structure that i'm imagining, something like this could work:
function CreateCustomersTable(result) {
var str = '<table>';
str += '<tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th></tr>';
for ( var i=0; i< result.length; i++){
str += '<tr><td>' + result[i].CustomerId + '</td><td>' + result[i].Name + '</td></tr>';
str += '</table>';
return str;
And then You can do somethig like this:
var existingDiv = document.getElementById('Id of an existing Div');
existingDiv.innerHTML = CreateCustomersTable(result);
I wish this help you.
Something like this, assuming you have JSON returned in the "result" value. The "container" is a div with id of "container". I'm cloning nodes to save memory, but also if you wanted to assign some base classes to the "base" elements.
var table = document.createElement('table');
var baseRow = document.createElement('tr');
var baseCell = document.createElement('td');
var container = document.getElementById('container');
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
//Create a new row
var myRow = baseRow.cloneNode(false);
//Create a new cell, you could loop this for multiple cells
var myCell = baseCell.cloneNode(false);
myCell.innerHTML = result.value;
//Append new cell
//Append new row
You should pass the array as JSON or XML instead of just the toString() value of it (unless that offcourse is returns either JSON oR XML). Note that JSOn is better for javascript since it is a javascript native format.
Also the person who told you that browser other then IE can not do DOM manipulation should propably have done horrible things to him/her.
If your format is JSON you can just for-loop them and create the elements and print them. (once you figured out what format your service returns we can help you better.)
