Which library is the pr_DB object defined in? - r

I am completely new to R.
I am trying to use the dist object with a custom function based on the specification here, but I was unable to pass the custom function directly by name, so I tried to add it using the registry described here, but it appears that I am missing a library.
However, I'm not sure which library I need and cannot find a reference to find the name of the library.
Here's a code sample that I'm trying to run:
myfun <- function(x,y) {
numDiffs <- 0;
for (i in x) {
if (x[i] != y[i])
numDiffs <- numDiffs + 1;
pr_DB$set_entry(FUN = myfun, names = c("myfun", "vectorham"))
Here's the error:
Error in summary(pr_DB) : object 'pr_DB' not found
Execution halted

You need to learn the conventions used by R help pages. That "{proxy}" at the top of the page you linked to is really the answer to your question. The convention for the help page construction is "topic {package_name}".


How can I create a function which contains local_mock()?

Currently I am working on several UnitTests and my tests also contain mocking.
In order to "pass" on functions part of my function, I am applying the local_mock() function from the testthat package.
However, there are several functions on which the local_mock function needs to be applied.
They have a different structure, but same number of arguments.
Hence, I created a function as following:
.apply_local_mock = function(Function, File){
local_mock(Function = function(Argument1, Argument2, Argument3) {
result = .readCsv(file.path(targetPath, "Input", paste(File))) %>%
An example of two functions to which local_mock will be applied to:
CalcProfitability <- function(IncomeStatement, BalanceSheet, Months){
result = (12/Months) * (IncomeStatement / BalanceSheet)
CalcDiffDivByPl <- function(BalanceSheetCY, BalanceSheetPY, IncomeStatement){
result = (BalanceSheetCY - BalanceSheetPY) / IncomeStatement
So the mocking test code looks as following:
.apply_local_mock(CalcDiffDivByPl ,"CalcDiffDivByPl.csv")
But I am receiving the following error:
Error: Function FunctionName not found in environment testthat.
Can anyone please advise how to include local_mock() function in a new function?

Having trouble understanding this syntax for R

I have been given following code for R, but I am having trouble understanding what it is doing. In fact I can not even run it in R because of its syntax. I assume the syntax is for lower level code behind R. If someone could help explain what's happening here and translate this into executable R code that would be very helpful.
soft_thresholding = function(x,a){
result a)] a)] - a
result[which(x < -a)] = x[which(x < -a)] + a
Here is a summary of the findings. This is not a definite answer but could help the questioner.
If one uses wordpress, then x <- a will look like x < -a. Check this URL that confirms this assumption
Upon further online search with the function name in the question "soft_thresholding", shows that this function is probably attempting to do soft thresholding defined here.
Some more online searching about soft thresholding lands on a CRAN package that is present here.
Further deepdive into the r folder in the package binaries shows the following.
soft.threshold <- function(x,sumabs=1)
return(soft(x, BinarySearch(x,sumabs)))
The function above seems very close to the code in the question.
Furthermore, the soft.threshold function uses another internal function BinarySearch that looks like this.
BinarySearch <-
if(norm2(argu)==0 || sum(abs(argu/norm2(argu)))<=sumabs) return(0)
lam_max = max(abs(argu))
lam1 <- 0
lam2 <- lam_max
iter <- 1
while(iter < 500){
su <- soft(argu,(lam1+lam2)/2)
lam2 <- (lam1+lam2)/2
} else {
lam1 <- (lam1+lam2)/2
if((lam2-lam1)/lam1 < 1e-10){
if (lam2 != lam_max){
iter <- iter+1
warning("Didn't quite converge")
This recursive research leads one to believe that the function is perhaps attempting to mimic the function soft.threshold in the CRAN package "RGCCA"
Hope it helps

Has the method annotations in R(NLP package) been deprecated or replaced?

I am following this article https://mylearnmachinelearning.com/category/linear-regression/ to create a Named Entity Extractor. Like required, I have installed all the openNLP, NLP, rJava, magrittr and openNLPmodels.en packages. All has gone to plan except when using this function annotations.:
# Extract entities from an AnnotatedPlainTextDocument
entities <- function(doc, kind) {
s <- doc$content
a <- annotations(doc)[[1]] #Point of error
if(hasArg(kind)) {
k <- sapply(a$features, `[[`, "kind")
s[a[k == kind]]
} else {
s[a[a$type == "entity"]]
by using this:
entities(text_doc, kind = "person").
The thing is even the intellisense in RStudio does not seem to know any function annotations. It show annotation,annotate and annotations_in_spans and what not but there is no annotations.
There is even a YouTube video which demonstrates the same. Strangely he is able to use annotations there.
Package versions:
openNLP: v0.2-6
openNLPmodels.en: v1.5-1
rJava - v0.9-9
magrittr - v1.5
NLP - v0.2-0
The annotations method was associated with objects of type AnnotatedPlainTextDocument in earlier versions of the NLP package.
Here is the documentation for version 0.1-11.
The latest NLP version is 0.2-0.
The method for AnnotatedPlainTextDocument is now called annotation (no 's' at the end). From the documentation it seems the main difference is that it returns an Annotation object, not a list of Annotation objects.
The function annotations is in a lot of packages, please see here:
Albeit probably not the best way, if you are looking for a specific function without knowing which package the function belongs to, this site may help you find such a package.
try this:
# Extract entities from an AnnotatedPlainTextDocument
entities <- function(doc, kind) {
s <- doc$content
a <- annotation(doc)
if(hasArg(kind)) {
k <- sapply(a$features, `[[`, "kind")
s[a[k == kind]]
} else {
s[a[a$type == "entity"]]

Is it possible to change the value of R6 function ? (Good style OOP programming?)

I'm coming from C++ background, trying to make use of it for R OOP programming with R6 package.
Consider the following typical situation when writing a large OOP code. -
You have a class, in which you have several (possibly many) functions, each of which may also be quite complex and with many lines of code:
# file CTest.R
cTest <- R6Class(
public = list(
z = 10,
fDo1 = function() {
# very long and complex code goes here
self$z <- self$z*2; self$z
fDo2 = function() {
# another very long and complex code goes here
) #"CTest"
Naturally, you don't want to put ALL your long and various functions in the same (CTest.R) file - it will become messy and unmanageable.
If you program in C++, normal way to program such code is : first, you declare you functions in .h file, then you create .c files for each you complex function, where you define your function. This makes it possible to do collaborative code writing, including efficient source-control.
So, I've tried to do something similar in R, like: first, declaring a function as in code above, and then, trying to assign the "actual long and complex" code to it later (which later I would put in a separate file CTest-Do1.R):
cTest$f <- function() {
self$z <- self$z*100000; self$z
Now I test if it works:
> tt <- cTest$new(); tt; tt$fDo1(); tt
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
fDo1: function ()
fDo2: function ()
z: 10
[1] 20
clone: function (deep = FALSE)
fDo1: function ()
fDo2: function ()
z: 20
No, it does not.- As seen from output above, the function has not been changed.
Any advice?
Thanks to Grothendieck's comment above, there's a reasonable workaround to make it work.
Instead of this:
# CTest-Do1_doesnotwork.R
cTest$fDo1 <- function() {
write this:
# CTest-Do1_works.R
overwrite = TRUE, "public", "fDo1",
function() {
This code can now be written in separate file, as originally desired.
I still wonder though - Is the above describe way actually the common(best) practice for writing large OOP codes in R community? (looks a bit strange to me).
If not, what is it (beyond just using source()) ? - so that to enable collaborative coding and source control for separate parts (functions) of a class ?
I came here also searching for R6 best practice. One way that I've seen (here) is to define the functions elsewhere as normal R functions and pass in self, private etc as required
cTest<- R6::R6Class("CTest",
public = list(
fDo1 = function()
fDo2 = function(x)
cTestfDo2(self, private, x)
and else where have
cTestfDo1 <- function(self) {
self$z <- self$z*2; self$z
and somewhere else
cTestfDo2 <- function(self, private, x) {
self$z * private$q + x
I don't know if it's best practice, or efficient, but the class definition looks neat with it and if the cTestfDo1 functions are not exported then it's relatively neat in the namespace too.

R code does not work when called from function

HI i just started learning R and finding this problem to be really interesting where I just run a code directly without wrapping in a function it works but when I place it inside a function it doesn't work, What can be possible reason?
count <- 0
for(i in fg_data$particulars) {
count <- count +1
if(grepl(colName, i) && fg_data$value[count] > 0.0){
fg_data[,colName][count] <- as.numeric(fg_data$value[count])
} else {
fg_data[,colName][count] <- 'NA'
Where I am creating new column named volume it this string exists in particulars column.
I have added a comment where solution given by another question does not work for me, Please look at my comment below.
Finally I got it working but reading another answer on SO, here is the solution:
fill_column <- function(colName){
count <- 0
for(i in fg_data$particulars) {
count <- count +1
if(grepl(colName, i) && fg_data$value[count] > 0.0){
fg_data[,colName][count] <- as.numeric(fg_data$value[count])
} else {
fg_data[,colName][count] <- 'NA'
fg_data = fill_column('volume')
Now reason, Usually in any language when we modify global object inside any function it reflects on global object immediately but in R we have to return the modified object from function and then assign it again to global object to see our changes. or another way for doing this is to assign local object from within the function to global context using envir=.GlobalEnv.
