CSS to open text box when clicking on image - css

I have a SharePoint 2010 site and would like to use CSS only in the wikipage.
On my page I have a paragraph of information and at the end of it, has a question. After the viewers read the information and the question I would like them to be able to click on an image that says 'answer'. When clicking on the 'answer' image a text box comes up under the question with the answer. I would like the answer to stay on the page, not just hovering over the image.
My preference is to do this solely in css. I don't think I have the capabilities to do it in javascript.
I'm open to both options, I guess. If it is javascript can it be done inline?

Like mentioned by #JofryHS, css doesn't really respond to clicks.
Using inline js click handlers isn't great as it'll leave you having to repeat yourself a lot, but from the sounds of things you're fighting against not having enough access to Sharepoint (sigh, corporate networks).
This uses an inline click handler to show the answer:
<div class="question" id="q1">
What colour is the sky?
<button class="answerButton" onClick="document.getElementById('q1Answer').style.display='block'">Answer</button>
<div class="answer" id="q1Answer">
Overcast and grey, because I live in the UK.
<div class="question" id="q2">
Why does it always rain on me?
<button class="answerButton" onClick="document.getElementById('q2Answer').style.display='block'">Answer</button>
<div class="answer" id="q2Answer">
I'd have thought you figured this out already... It's Britain, of course it always rains on you!
the answers are hidden using css (note the display:none inside the .answer block):
.answer {
.question {
Essentially, all the onClick does is change the css of the answer from display:none to display:block, rendering the answer visible.
There's also a tad of css to make it look shinier, and here's a demo jsfiddle


How do I center an embeded iTunes button?

I am trying to embed this iTunes button that I am putting on a site, but it seems to automatically alight left. Where and how in this code would I make the button center itself? Please see the example code below. Thanks!
Here's a quick fix if you have access to the css you could easily do this with flex box.
Wrap your anchor tag:
<div class="itunes">
add this css:
.itunes {
Although adding inline-styles is frowned upon..., if your in a pinch this will work as well. Please don't do this unless you must:
<div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;">
note: flex box works on most browsers.

Replacing hover, for a click event css only

On this link, instead of hovering the mouse over the image, I wanted to make the other images appear only when I click in the main image. I tried replacing the pseudo class for target, focus, but none of them worked. Is there a way to do this with css only? Because my CMS doesn't allow me to insert javascript.
Stuff you can do with the “Checkbox Hack”
It is possible to do in combination with HTML, not just css. You will have to take use of the checked css event in combination with <label> element, you will also have to have some checkbox hidden somewhere in the document. It is quite hacky and its all described in the article.
It is possible to do this. There is one problem where links do not register :focus events, it will register them if you navigate to the link with TAB. But that would be a problem for the users. Anyway you can use that to overcome the problem. Just place tabindex on your link
<a href="#" tabindex="0">
<img src="1.png">
On your CSS:
a:focus img{
/*Whatever you need here*/

Creating a div (with background image) into a link

I'm trying to make my little icons on this page (http://www.alinewbury.com/contact.html) into links.
They're each in a div separately, but whenever I try to do:
<div class="social-btn pinterest"></div>
It doesn't seem to work! How can I link these icons to the respective websites?
The Div is supposed to be inside the Anchor tag.
Check Anchor tag usage
To make the icon click able you have to fix some issues. First of all your icons are not really linked. you can see the Hand cursor because the property defined in the class .social-btn
To make a icon clickable you should follow this approach. put the text inside a tag a better approach also you have to change the font-size:0
.social-btn a
padding: 22px;
font-size: 0;
your HTML should be like this.
<div class="social-btn pinterest">

Legitimately hide/prevent Rich Snippet html from rendering on screen - is this OK to do?

I am using rich snippets on my site, I have all of the code for them in the footer so that they are centrally located and easy to access. I do not want the text around these snippets rendered on the page because that info is elsewhere on the site. Is it ok to hide this text by using style="display:none" or will Google ignore the rich snippet entirely because the fields are hidden?
<!-- start rich snippet code -->
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness">
<span itemprop="name" style="display:none">My Business Name</span>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress">
<span itemprop="streetAddress" style="display:none">123 Example Street, Suite 456</span>
<span itemprop="addressLocality" style="display:none">Major City</span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion" style="display:none">NY</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode" style="display:none">12345</span>
<span itemprop="addressCountry" style="display:none">US</span>
<span itemprop="telephone" style="display:none">(123) 456-7890</span>
<a itemprop="URL" style="display:none">http://www.mycompanysite.com/</a>
<!-- end rich snippet code -->
Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
As #Diodeus said, ideally you'd have these rich snippets on the actual info that is shown to the user elsewhere on the site. Duplicating it is usually unnecessary.
Yes, Google may well ignore this content based on the display:nones. Can I ask why you're setting it on each element rather than just once on the highest level div?
A way around the display:none potential SEO issue would be to hide it in a different way. For example give the parent div a class of .visuallyhidden and add this to your stylesheet:
.visuallyhidden {
border: 0;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
I would like to mention that Google tries heavily (using combination of algorithmic and manual things) to find websites which illegitimately use hidden text.
The typical penalty for that would be a removal from index for 30 days. However, you should not be concerned if you use hidden fields legitimate ways.
There is a very nice article Eric Enge Interviews Google's Matt Cutts regarding Google attitude toward illegitimately use of hidden text.
Have a look at this: https://sites.google.com/site/webmasterhelpforum/en/faq-rich-snippets and search for the word 'tempting'.
' It can be tempting to add all the content relevant for a rich snippet
in one place on the page, mark it up, and then hide the entire block
of text using CSS or other techniques. Don't do this! Mark up the
content where it already exists. Except in special circumstances ... '
It might seem like a clever idea to hide elements in a more complex way than by just display:none but, and i guess the same can be applied for hidden honeypot form fields, you are not the only one who can think of that.
Note: It is as easy to determine if a field is hidden by display:none as it is by margin:0; padding:0; width:1px; height:1px; overflow:hidden or by position:absolute; top:-[a value bigger than the page height]px or by something similar.
People would rich-snippet everything as an Apple product page if it would be ok to hide the snippet and provide any other kind of information on the porn - i mean page.
You got all that information already hanging out on the site, so just add the correct microdata tags to the corresponding text passages and google (other search engines, too by the way) will be happy.
So, for example, if your main page title already exists, put the itemprop="description" tag in the <div> tag thats is wrapping the title and you should be fine.

css error on popup appearing

I have a gallery plugin. If I click on another image, or in a arrow, a popup will appear.
The problem is that whem the popup is opened, the plugin gallery moves down on the page.
What is the css problem?
How can I fix it?
here my plugin:
Thanks a lot.
There's quite a lot going on here, so I'll try and simplify the steps you need to take.
<div id="box">...
Needs to be a child of
<div id="gallery-1">....
So you would have:
<div id="gallery-1">
<div id="box"></div>
Add position:relative; to gallery-1.
Your #box styles are really, really messy. You need to delete left: and top: instructions from the CSS for #box.
I have added top property on pop-up appearing, and removed it when is closed:
I can't use GeorgeBuckingham solutions, because the plugin don't not allow it. Thanks anyway.
