New checkout pages won't resize to ipad and mobile - css

Developers made new checkout section on our website but the pages don't size to ipad or smart phone. There are checkout buttons and important elements on the pages that need to be seen by buyers, but they are being left off (pages cut off the right third of page) --
I've been researching briefly for a quick answer -- the rest of our site uses tables and this section uses css and divs only -- is that why it doesn't do it automatically? I'm not talking about media queries -- just the full page resizing to the screen width automatically...
I don't want to use scrollbars but even that solution at this point would give a visitor the ability to actually checkout on these pages...
Can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated.. If it is more complex, that's fine, but I suspect something can be done to make the pages fit (and zoom if need be) or (gasp) scroll..fairly easily.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Ok, that section does not allow scrolling because is disabled from the css stylesheet.
You can get back the scrolling by editing the css. Look in the css file for the styles of .section. It will have a overflow: hidden; property. (it seem that is stored on file screen.css, line 435)
Replace it with overflow: auto;
You'll then be able to do horizontal scroll. But in the end, that is not a real solution. Since it seems you are not a coder, you need to get someone to recreate the styles of your website in order to make it actually responsive.
I recommend you to use on your website bootstrap, which can be used to create a responsive navigation.


Site images not scaling?

I just migrated a WordPress site from my localhost to the Rackspace cloud hosting. This is my first time working with Rackspace. For some reason, the page-width on the new site is a little over 200px larger. So all of the layout is thrown off, since it was styled for a page that was scaling smaller. I'm looking for a way to either resolve this discrepancy, or at least fix the styling without having to re-size every rule that applied to width. I am also using Bootstrap in the project. I have tried various things to get the page to adapt to the new view, such as various settings for max-width, but nothing so far has had any affect. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I really appreciate it.
Since you're using bootstrap you can simply add
to your tags. this will allow your images to scale down. Now in order to get your images to scale up (larger) you'll want to add a css class like this.
.parent-class img {
Here is a working example. Try resizing your browser window.

Trouble making responsive email template

I'm working on a responsive email design and running into some trouble. It partially works but I'm thinking I need fresh set of eyes and help cause I'm not finding the solutions. I think the nav links are what's creating most of the problems but unsure if that's really the problem.
Basically I want the email to be responsive and stack to pretty much a single column with exceptions.
The problems I'm running into are these:
Whole page isn't fully responsive - ( get sidescroll part of the way )
wide ads 565x70 doesn't seem to change size
Top nav with social icons are not stacking properly. I want the left links to not move (maybe center if needed for small screens) but social icons stack below the other links. 3 columns wide preferably just like they are now just want the icons below the menu.
nav menu below the logo - Here I want them to center with smaller screens but also stack in order with 2 columns wide. I've tried fluid text that wraps but it didn't seem to work for some reason.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've tested and tried other resource items but seem to be failing with what should work according to the other resources.
Below is the link to template.
Well, you will need a responsive css. I am a big fan of Twitter Bootstrap. You will design your entire email as a normal site with your tags and include your CSS.
Here you can look at these awesome CSS's that are responsive:
Your are setting inline widths on images and tables. The CSS in the header can't override the inline declarations.
Thanks. It seems that I mostly had each table on their own. So I created wrappers, double checked the widths re-added classes and etc. It seems to be working pretty good now.
Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes helps. Thanks again.
P.S. J.otero - Frameworks are good if you're using it for the web but they will do little to nothing for email.

Multiple content backgrounds on a Wordpress site?

I know little to nothing about HTML or CSS (but I am trying to learn little by little).
I am currently working on my professional portfolio and I'd like to break the website up a bit better than I have it now now (that is, with horizontal lines after each section). I've designed the website so that it is a one-page style site. However, it would be nice to change the content background for different sections of my resume, the about me (which I know needs more work, I hate talking about myself lol), and the contact me parts of the site. I'm thinking something along these lines, but much simpler.
I'm currently running Wordpress 3.8.1 and using the Highwind theme. I achieved the scrolling action with the Page 2 Scroll ID plugin. What you should be aware of is that all the content on the site is on a single page and the menu buttons merely point to different locations on the page by the way of divs. See this tutorial for a better explanation.
I'm not sure you're going to be able to get this happening with the Highwind Theme, or at least without some heavy customization of it.
The way the types of sites you're talking about work is that each section of the page has a 100% wide div with a 1255px wide div (the inside div could be anything really as long as it's not 100%) the inner div is centered inside the 100% wide outer div.
Here's a very quick codepen example...
For your example, instead of the SectionOuterOne and SectionOuterTwo classes having different colors, they'd have different background images.
Hope that helps.

Full width browser help. before I pull all my hair out

Basically I'm very very new to .css and HTML and I have been using Adobe Muse or word press to make sites and have been able to get by. Well I have been integrating a shopping cart system called Foxycart into one of my sites and I can not for the life of me get the header, shadow under the header and middle image (repeating pattern) to stretch across the screen. Adobe muse does this by using JavaScript, but when I cache my template for Foxycart the JavaScript no longer works. Which is fine I would like to use .css to stretch the header and middle background anyway. The problem is I can not figure it out. I hate to ask for help but I have spent over two days trying to figure it out and still not luck. I specialize in graphics, so if anyone that helps me out needs anything photoshop'd or what not just let me know. For my own sanity to need to figure this out!
Code is cached by Foxycart located here:
Some browsers add padding around the viewport, so in order to get a true "full width" effect you need to make your header have a absolute position along with top:0; left: 0. The tricky thing here in my experience is getting the width to 100%. With an absolute positioned element, 100% width seems to go off the right side of the screen. It may have to be done with javascript or someone here with more mastery of CSS can guide you.
in site properties, layout you can make margins 0,0,0,0
Also, if you want something to be 100% width just snap the edges to each side of page browser.
hope this help.

Iframe issues on iOS when not in viewport when overflow is scroll

Per this blog post here (, there is a bug in iOS 5 that I have no idea on how to get around.
Essentially like the title says, if you have a section of your site that is scrolls (I'm using the new -webkit-overflow-scrolling), and if there is an iframe out of the viewport, it will not load it.
The blog post linked above says the following:
What is it: Using iFrames in overflow:scroll elements to show things
like videos or maps What’s the symptom: If you have an iframe that is
outside of the viewport in an overflow: scroll element (especially
when using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) then it will not render
as you scroll to itWhat’s the cure: no idea, please send me the
Does anyone know how to fix this? I've been looking all over the web for a cure, but it is no luck. It seems to be that if you click on the iframe, it will show it after the click.
This in my mind is a huge issue for people developing web-apps. Does anyone know of a fix?
Well, I hate leaving this as an official "answer", but as of time of posting, there is no fix...
I'd assume if you'd use JavaScript to extract the HTML from the iframe, put the code in the same spot, and somehow get the CSS to work with it too, it would work. But darn, that would be too much work to do on such a slow device like an iPhone.
