gfortran: why "-posinf" leads to Arithmetic overflow? - 32bit-64bit

to get +-inf on 64 bit system i used the next code
double precision, parameter :: pinf = transfer(z'7FF0000000000000',1d0) ! 64 bit
double precision, parameter :: ninf = transfer(z'FFF0000000000000',1d0) ! 64 bit
and it works well.
On 32-bit
I've got an compilation error only(!) for ninf:
double precision, parameter :: ninf = transfer(z'FFF0000000000000',1d0
Error: Integer too big for integer kind 8 at (1)
assignment ninf = -pinf not helps and leads to compilation Arithmetic overflow error:
double precision, parameter :: ninf = -pinf
Error: Arithmetic overflow at (1)
I know about ieee_arithmetic module but gcc don't handle it.
Is there any multi-architecture way to set constants to positive/negative infinities?
Gfortran option -fno-range-check suppress errors and successfully compile that code.
It's not important but I'm still interesting.
Why gfortran allows constant definition of +Infinity but yelling in loud about exactly the same thing with -Infinity?

In this case gfortran is internally representing your hexadecimal ("Z") literals as the largest unsigned integer size available. Since transfer is a Fortran intrinsic, and Fortran does not have unsigned integers, the first thing gfortran does is to assign the literal to a signed type, which causes your bit pattern for negative infinity to overflow. This happens in many other cases where you use BOZ literals, and I think that this is a bug in gfortran.
I think this only shows up on a 32 bit system because on your 64 bit system, gfortran probably has a 128 bit integer type available; a 128 bit signed integer will not "overflow" with that bit pattern.
But it is also the case that your code does not conform to the Fortran standard, which says that hex literals can only appear inside data statements or the functions int, real, or dble. However, putting a hex literal in dble does the same thing as transfer anyway. If gfortran did not have a bug in it, your program would work, but it would technically be incorrect.
Anyway, the following code works for me in gfortran, and I believe it will solve your problem in a way that's standard-compliant and avoids -fno-range-check:
integer, parameter :: i8 = selected_int_kind(13)
integer, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(12)
integer(i8), parameter :: foo = int(Z'7FF0000000000000',i8)
integer(i8), parameter :: bar = ibset(foo,bit_size(foo)-1)
real(r8), parameter :: posinf = transfer(foo,1._r8)
real(r8), parameter :: neginf = transfer(bar,1._r8)
print *, foo, bar
print *, posinf, neginf
9218868437227405312 -4503599627370496
Infinity -Infinity
The key is to create the pattern for positive infinity first (since it works), and then create the pattern for negative infinity by simply setting the sign bit (the last one). The ibset intrinsic is only for integers, so you then have to use transfer on those integers to set your real positive/negative infinity.
(My use of i8/r8 is just habit, since I've worked with compilers where the kind parameter was not equal to the number of bytes. They are both equal to 8 in this case.)

I'm not using the same compiler as you are (I'm using g95 with compiler option -i4 set for 32-bit integers, and one workaround (if you're staunch about using transfer for that purpose) that I found was to specify the integer argument as a parameter like so:
Note: with my compiler, I was able to assign the number directly to the parameter. I'm not sure if it's the same on yours, but I'm pretty sure that you're only really supposed to use the transfer function when you're not really dealing with constants -- like if you're doing fancy stuff with floating point numbers and need like really nitty gritty control over the representation thereof.
Note the variables pdirect and ndirect.
program main
integer(8), parameter :: pinfx= z'7FF0000000000000'
integer(8), parameter :: ninfx= z'FFF0000000000000'
double precision, parameter :: pinf = transfer(pinfx, 1d0)
double precision, parameter :: ninf = transfer(ninfx, 1d0)
double precision, parameter :: pdirect = z'7FF0000000000000'
double precision, parameter :: ndirect = z'7FF0000000000000'
write (*,*) 'PINFX ', pinfx
write (*,*) 'NINFX ', ninfx
write (*,*) 'PINF ', pinf
write (*,*) 'NINF ', ninf
write (*,*) 'PDIRECT', pdirect
write (*,*) 'NDIRECT', ndirect
end program
This produces the output:
PINFX 9218868437227405312
NINFX -4503599627370496
I hope this helps!


R calling Fortran subroutine with character argument

How can I call from R a Fortran subroutine with a character argument? My attempt to do so does not work, although I am able to call Fortran subroutines with double precision arguments. For the Fortran code
subroutine square(x,x2)
double precision, intent(in) :: x
double precision, intent(out) :: x2
x2 = x*x
end subroutine square
subroutine pow(c,x,y)
character (len=255), intent(in) :: c
double precision, intent(in) :: x
double precision, intent(out) :: y
if (c == "s") then
y = x**2
else if (c == "c") then
y = x**3
y = -999.0d0 ! signals bad argument
end if
end subroutine pow
and R code
dyn.load("power.dll") # dll created with gfortran -shared -fPIC -o power.dll power.f90
x <- 3.0
foo <- .C("square_",as.double(x),as.double(0.0))
bar <- .C("pow_",as.character("c"),as.double(x),as.double(0.0))
The output from
C:\programs\R\R-3.6.1\bin\x64\rterm.exe --vanilla --slave < xcall_power.r
[1] 3
[1] 9
[1] "c"
[1] 3
[1] -999
When you use .C to call a Fortran subroutine the calling treats character arguments as being C-style char **. This is not compatible with the Fortran dummy argument of type character(len=255).
You have two 'simple' approaches available:
modify the Fortran subroutine to accept arguments looking like char **
use .Fortran instead of .C
Modifying the Fortran subroutine to use C interoperability with char ** is better the subject of a new question (for its breadth and being not specific to your R problem). In general, I prefer writing Fortran procedures to be used in R as exposing a C interoperable interface and .C or .Call. With what follows you may also come to that conclusion.
Even the R documentation is not optimistic about passing character arguments with .Fortran:
‘.Fortran’ passes the first (only) character string of a character vector as a C character array to Fortran: that may be usable as ‘character*255’ if its true length is passed separately. Only up to 255 characters of the string are passed back. (How well this works, and even if it works at all, depends on the C and Fortran compilers and the platform.)
You will need to read your documentation about argument passing conventions, such as that for gfortran (consult the appropriate version as these conventions may change).
With .Fortran and gfortran then with a procedure that is not C-interoperable you will need to pass a "hidden" argument to the Fortran procedure specifying the length of the character argument. That is true for explicit length characters (constant length, even length-1, or not) and assumed-length characters.
For gfortran before version 7, this hidden argument is of (R) type integer. Using pow of the question, or with assumed-length argument, we can try something like
bar <- .Fortran("pow", as.character("c"), as.double(x), as.double(0.0), 255L)
Note, however, that this is not standard and inherently not portable. Indeed, as janneb comments and the documentation linked above state, how you pass this hidden argument from R to a gfortran-compiled procedure depends on the version of gfortran used. Using 255L at the end probably won't work beyond gfortran 7. Instead you will need to pass the hidden argument as something matching an integer(c_size_t) (possibly a 64-bit integer). For compilers other than gfortran you may need to do something quite different.
It really is best to use a C-interoperable procedure either with argument interoperable with char ** (using .C) or char [] (using .Fortran). As I say, it's worth going for the first option here, as that leaves more flexibility (like longer characters, more portability, and more character arguments).

Intentional type mismatch in Fortran

I'd like to turn a legacy Fortran code into modern Fortran compliant code, so I can turn on compiler warnings, interface checking, etc. At this stage I don't want to change the functionality, just make it work as close as possible to what it was, and still keep compilers happy.
My current problem is that the code at many places passes arrays of the wrong types, e.g. a real array to a subroutine that has an integer dummy argument. This is not a bug per se in the code, since it is intentional and it works as intended (at least in common configurations). Now, how could I do the same and while keeping the code compliant? Consider the following example:
program cast
implicit none
double precision :: a(10)
call fill_dble(a,10)
call print_dble(a,10)
call fill_int(a,10)
!call fill_int(cast_to_int(a),10)
call print_dble(a,10)
call print_int(a(1),10)
!call print_int(cast_to_int(a),10)
call print_dble(a(6),5)
function cast_to_int(a) result(b)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
double precision, target :: a(*)
integer, pointer :: b(:)
call c_f_pointer(c_loc(a(1)), b, [1])
end function
end program
subroutine fill_dble(b,n)
implicit none
integer :: n, i
double precision :: b(n)
do i = 1, n
b(i) = i
end do
end subroutine
subroutine print_dble(b,n)
implicit none
integer :: n
double precision :: b(n)
write(6,'(10es12.4)') b
end subroutine
subroutine fill_int(b,n)
implicit none
integer :: n, b(n), i
do i = 1, n
b(i) = i
end do
end subroutine
subroutine print_int(b,n)
implicit none
integer :: n, b(n)
write(6,'(10i4)') b
end subroutine
When I compile it and run it (gfortran 4.8 or ifort 18), I get, as expected:
1.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 5.0000E+00 6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
4.2440-314 8.4880-314 1.2732-313 1.6976-313 2.1220-313 6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
The first half of the real array is corrupted with integers (because integers are half the size), but when printed as integers the "right" values are there. But this is non-compliant code. When I try to fix it by activating the cast_to_int function (and disabling the calls without it) I get indeed something that compiles without warning, and with gfortran I get the same result. With ifort, however, I get:
1.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 5.0000E+00 6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
1.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 5.0000E+00 6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
0******** 0 5 6 7 8 9 10
6.0000E+00 7.0000E+00 8.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
which I can't understand. Moreover, ifort with -O0 crashes (and it doesn't with the other version).
I know the code is still not quite correct, because the pointer returned by cast_to_int is still of size 1, but I believe that should be a different problem.
What am I doing wrong, or how can I get ifort do what I want?
EDIT: Following #VladimirF's reply, I add, after implicit none:
subroutine fill_int(b,n)
!dec$ attributes no_arg_check :: b
integer :: n, b(n)
end subroutine
subroutine print_int(b,n)
!dec$ attributes no_arg_check :: b
integer :: n, b(n)
end subroutine
end interface
but compiling with warnings on still gives me an error:
$ ifort cast2.f90 -warn all
cast2.f90(17): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [A]
call fill_int(a,10)
cast2.f90(20): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [A]
call print_int(a(1),10)
compilation aborted for cast2.f90 (code 1)
Intel Fortran supports the !dec$ attributes no_arg_check directive. It instructs the compiler "that type and shape matching rules related to explicit interfaces are to be ignored".
"It can be applied to an individual dummy argument name or to the routine name, in which case the option is applied to all dummy arguments in that interface."
It should be applied to a module procedure (or an interface block), so you should move your functions and subroutines into a module.
Many other compilers have similar directives.
What is wrong about your code? As a rule of thumb, do not ever use any Fortran functions that return pointers. They are pure evil. Fortran pointers are completely different from C pointers.
When you do call fill_int(cast_to_int(a),10) what happens is that the expression cast_to_int(a) is evaluated and the result is an array. Now depending on the optimizations the compiler may choose to pass the address of the original pointer, but it may also create a copy of the result integer array and pass a copy to the subroutine.
Also, your array a does not have the target attribute, so the address used inside cast_to_int(a) is only valid inside the function and is not valid after it returns.
You should make the b inside the main program and just pass b instead of a. It will work similar to equivalence. Looking at the values stored as a different type will be not standard-conforming anyway. This form of type punning is not allowed.
I found a possible general solution that seems to work. The code I have to deal with looks something like this:
subroutine some_subroutine(a,b,c,d,...)
real a(*),b(*),c(*),d(*)
! many more declarations, including common blocks
call other_subroutine(a,b(idx),c,...)
end subroutine some_subroutine
! this typically in another file:
subroutine other_subroutine(x,y,z,...)
real x(*)
integer y(*)
logical z(*)
! other declarations and common blocks
! unreadable code with calls to other procedures
! not clear which which arguments are input and output
end subroutine other_subroutine
I now modify it to be:
subroutine some_subroutine(a,b,c,d,...)
real a(*),b(*),c(*),d(*)
! many more declarations, including common blocks
call inner_sub(b,c)
subroutine inner_sub(b,c)
use iso_c_binding
real, target :: b(*),c(*)
integer, pointer :: ib(:)
logical, pointer :: lc(:)
call c_f_pointer(c_loc(b(idx)),ib,[1]) ! or use the actual length if I can figure it out
call c_f_pointer(c_loc(c(1)),lc,[1])
call other_subroutine(a,ib,lc,...)
end subroutine inner_sub
end subroutine some_subroutine
leaving other_subroutine untouched. If I use directly the target attribute on the outer routine, I have to add an explicit interface to anything calling it, so instead I wrap the inner code. By using contains I don't need to pass all variables, just those that will be "punned". The c_f_pointer call should be done right before the problematic call, since index variables (idx in the example) could be in common blocks and changed in other calls, for example.
Any pitfalls, apart from those already present in the original code?

Associate part of pointer array in Fortran [duplicate]

I have a problem assigning a pointer to a structure, to a pointer to a structure.
I use gfortran 4.6.3, and the name of the file is test_pointer_struct.f08 so I am using the Fortran 2008 standard (as supported by gfortran 4.6.3).
Hera comes the code:
PROGRAM test_pointer_struct
type tSmall
integer :: a
double precision :: b
end type tSmall
type tBig
integer :: h
type(tSmall), pointer :: member_small
end type tBig
type(tBig) :: var_big
type(tSmall), pointer :: var_small(:)
! We get an array of pointers to the small structure
! Also allocate the member_small strucutre (not an array)
var_big%member_small%a = 1
var_big%member_small%b = 2.0
! Now we want an element of the var_samall array of pointers, to point to the member_small in member_big
var_small(1) => var_big%member_small ! <- I get a compilation error here
! And dissasociate the member_small (we still maintain access to memory space through var_small(1)
var_big%member_small => NULL()
END PROGRAM test_pointer_struct
When I complie this, I get the following error:
Error: Se esperaba una especificación de límites para 'var_small' en (1)
Which could be translated as
Error: Limit specification expected for 'var_small' at (1)
What does this error mean?. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much in advance.
Fortran doesn't really do arrays of pointers. Your declaration
type(tSmall), pointer :: var_small(:)
doesn't define var_small to be an array of pointers to things of type tsmall; rather it defines it to be a pointer to an array of things of type tsmall.
When I compile your code Intel Fortran gives the rather more helpful error message
The syntax of this data pointer assignment is incorrect: either 'bound
spec' or 'bound remapping' is expected in this context.
which takes us to R735 in the Fortran 2003 standard. The compiler tries to parse var_small(1) not, as you wish, as a reference to the first element in an array of pointers but to either a bounds-spec-list or a bounds-remapping-list. The expression does not have the right syntax for either and the parse fails.
So that deals with the question of what the error means. What do you do about it ? That depends on your intentions. The usual suggestion is to define a derived type, along these lines
type myptr
type(tsmall), pointer :: psmall
end type myptr
and then use an array of those
type(myptr), dimension(:), allocatable :: ptrarray
Personally I've never liked that approach and have never needed to use it (I write very simple programs). I expect that with Fortran 2003 there are better approaches too but without knowing your intentions I hesitate to offer advice.

Pointer to derived type that contains allocatable array

Generally speaking I want to rename allocatable variables in a derived type that are passed through subroutine arguments. Writing everything with 'derived%type_xx' is not so pleasant. Besides, I don't want to spend extra memory on copying the values of the derived type to a new variable which costs new allocated memory. Furthermore, I know allocatable arrays are preferred than pointers for many reasons. I try to define pointers to the allocatable variable, but failed. I tried this because I want to simplify my code, both to be readable and not to be too long. I wonder if there's a way of achieving the goal? Thanks.
Here's the demonstration code:
Module module_type
TYPE type_1
REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: longname_1(:), longname_2(:)
USE MODULE module_type
TYPE(type_1) :: input
input%longname_1 = input%longname_1 + input%longname_2 ! Use one line to show what I mean
And here's what failed:
Module module_type
TYPE type_1
REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: longname_1(:), longname_2(:)
USE MODULE module_type
TYPE(type_1),TARGET :: input
REAL,POINTER :: a => input%longname_1 &
& b => input%longname_2
a = a + b ! much better for reading
It seems like a small issue, but I'd like to read my code without too much pain in the future. So what's the best option? Thanks a lot.
You can use the ASSOCIATE construct to associate a simple name with a more complex designator or expression.
You could also use the subobjects of the derived type as actual arguments to a procedure that carried out the operation.
You pointer approach failed because you had a rank mismatch - you were attempting to associate scalar pointers with array targets. You may also have had problems if an explicit interface to your procedure was not available in the calling scope. An explicit interface is required for procedures with dummy arguments with the TARGET attribute.
Use of pointers for this sort of simple name aliasing may reduce the ability of the compiler to optimize the code. Something like ASSOCIATE should be preferred.
Update: After #IanH made his comment, I have gone back to check: I was completely and utterly wrong on why your code failed. As he pointed out in his answer, the main issue is that pointer and target have to have the same rank, so you'd have to declare a and b as:
real, pointer :: a(:), b(:)
Secondly, before you can actually point these pointers to the targets, the targets have to be allocated. Here's an example that works:
program allocatable_target
implicit none
type :: my_type
integer, allocatable :: my_array(:)
end type my_type
type(my_type), target :: dummy
integer, pointer :: a(:)
a => dummy%my_array
a = 10
print *, dummy%my_array
end program allocatable_target
If you have a Fortran 2003 compatible compiler, you can use associate -- which is specifically meant for this kind of issue. Here's an example:
program associate_example
implicit none
type :: my_type
integer, allocatable :: long_name_1(:), long_name_2(:)
end type my_type
type(my_type) :: input
integer :: i
allocate(input%long_name_1(100), input%long_name_2(100))
associate (a=>input%long_name_1, b=>input%long_name_2)
a = (/ (i, i = 1, 100, 1) /)
b = (/ (2*i+4, i = 1, 100, 1) /)
a = a + b
end associate
print *, input%long_name_1
end program associate_example
Inside the associate block, you can use a and b as a shortform for the declared longer named variables.
But other than that, I suggest you get an editor with proper code completion, then long variable names are not that much of an issue any more. At the moment I'm trying out Atom and am quite happy with it. But I have used vim with the proper expansions for a long time.

Is this use of character string pointers safe?

While implementing a string utility function, I came across a couple of character pointer expressions that I think may be unsafe. I googled, searched on SO, read my Fortran 95 language guide (Gehrke 1996) as well as various excerpts on display in Google books. However, I could not find any sources discussing this particular usage.
Both ifort and gfortran compile the following program without warning:
PROGRAM test_pointer
CHARACTER(LEN=100), TARGET :: string = "A string variable"
CHARACTER(LEN=0), TARGET :: empty = ""
ptr => NULL()
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'Nullified pointer is equal to ""'
ptr => string(-2:-3)
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'ptr equals "", but the (empty) sub string was out of bounds.'
ptr => empty(1:0)
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'ptr equals "", it was not possible to specify subarray within bonds'
The output of the program is:
Nullified pointer is equal to ""
ptr equals "", but the (empty) sub string was out of bounds.
ptr equals "", it was not possible to specify subarray within bonds
So apparently, the evaluations of the pointer make sense to the compiler and the outcome is what you would expect. Can somebody explain why the above code did not result in at least one segmentation fault? Does the standard really allow out-of-bounds substrings? What about the use of a nullified character pointer?
edit : After reading Vladimir F's answer, I realized that I forgot to activate runtime checking. The nullified pointer actually does trigger a run time error.
Why they do not result in a segfault? Dereferencing a nullified pointer is not conforming to the standard (in C terms it is undefined behaviour). The standard does not say what a non-conforming program should do. The standard only applies to programs which conform to it! Anything can happen for non-conforming programs!
I get this (sunf90):
Attempting to use an unassociated POINTER 'PTR'
Location: line 8 column 6 of 'charptr.f90'
and with another compiler (ifort):
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (7): Attempt to use pointer PTR when it is not associated with a target
Image PC Routine Line Source
a.out 0000000000402EB8 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000402DE6 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FA0AE123A15 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000402CD9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
For the other two accesses, you are not accessing anything, you are creating a substring of length 0, there is no need to access the character variable, the result is just an empty string.
Specifically, the Fortran standard (F2008: says this about creating a substring:
Both the starting point and the ending point shall be within the
range 1, 2, ..., n unless the starting point exceeds the ending
point, in which case the substring has length zero.
For this reason the first part is not standard conforming, but the other ones are.
