TideSDK Developer unable to download? - tidesdk

I just downloaded TideSDK and it looks great. Saw that TideKit is upcoming :)
When I tried to start up their "Hello World" example it told me it had to install more packages. When downloading it hit what seems like to me a 404 error and it also got "no release found by that id" as response.
I did wait a few hours before retrying, but it doesn't seem to help..
So I was wondering if wether or not it's just me? Alternatively if anyone's seen these errors before and what they did to resolve...
Error: Pasted here

You need to install the SDK runtime at proper location according to your operating system. Checkout Getting Started Guide for details.


Unable to Install Qt using online installer

I am trying to install Qt using Qt online installer, loader keeps on coming for few minutes as shown in below image
Then I get the following error
Please help me how to fix above error.
The problem is fairly simple - the server is down, and it's in the process of being fixed :) If this sounds fastidious, it's not, that is literally what's going on, as seen on the mailing list post here.

Cannot get onto sqlitestudio.pl to install sqlite studio, got error: err: database or disk is full

I am trying to install sqlite studio and from what I have researched I have seen that I need to go to sqlitestudio.pl. However, once I navigate to the website I get an error saying: err: database or disk is full
I have downloaded the sqlite3tools and have done nothing at all with them. I have tried searching up the error to see if anyone else had the same issue as me but I have not found anything like I am experiencing. Usually, others have gotten this error using the database but as I mentioned above I have only just downloaded the tools from the sqlite official website. Does anyone know what could be the issue at hand here and could help me? I do not necessarily need sqlite studio but the GUI will be very helpful. Thank you so much ahead of time.
EDIT : So I just decided to download another tool, DBeaver as it supports SQLite and other RDB's as well so it will suit my needs. Will not mark this as solved yet just in case someone does know why this is happening and could help someone else.
The hosting server was indeed full. It is resolved now. Regardless of that, you can always reach binaries to download at GitHub releases: https://github.com/pawelsalawa/sqlitestudio/releases

firebase SDK installation issue

I am trying to install admob in my app which I built using spritekit.My os Sierra version is 10.12.3.This is my first time attempting so long story short, I inserted GoogleService-Info.plist into my project and managed to locate my project and it looks like so
"myNames"-MacBook-Pro:~ "firstandlastname"$ cd /Users/"firstlast"/Desktop/"myProject'sName"/
"myNames"-MacBook-Pro:"myProject'sName" "firstandlastname"$
my issue here is that whenever I am trying to insert pod init it gives me this error -bash: pod: command not found
Any ideas as to why? Thanks.
So after much research, I worked out my rookie mistake. I will leave this here just in case someone runs into the same issue as I did.
All I had to do was install cocoapods! There are plenty of tutorials that show you how. Again, rookie mistake of me.

Trouble starting apache karaf.bat (Karaf 3.0.0)

I have properly set up JAVA_HOME, MAVEN_HOME to point to jdk home and maven installation homedirectory, and have also added JAVA_HOME/bin and MAVEN_HOME/bin in the PATH. But still when I execute karaf.bat I don't see any output as mentioned in the quick start guide here. Instead I see blank screen infinitely running. Please help me.
I am on Windows 7 64 bit.
After doing some google search, found this mail archive, which says the downloaded karaf could be corrupt.
As guided I downloaded the fresh karaf zip from another mirror (other than previously downloaded mirror) and now after installation, I am able to successfully run karaf.bat
I encounted the same problem. Apparently Karaf didn't start as it was described in the tutorial. Even more confusing was the fact that the log showed normal. Java process was created, the log said nothing wrong but Karaf console was silent.
After I tried to debug the problem for a while, I've discovered that downloading the zip from a different mirror solved the problem.

Trouble to install SimpLESS

I am trying to install SimpLESS on my Windows 7 64bit PC. However, as soon as I tried to run the installer, it popup an error message saying: "Could not query info: Invalid HTTP Status Code (403)". I tried with Google, but didn't found any solution for that.
Do you ever experience this problem before? Any idea what causes that problem? How can I solve it? If worst case I can't get run on my PC, is there any other way to do LESS CSS on my PC?
Thank you.
I was also facing same problem.
what i have done is, quit some background running application like torrent etc.
Now its working perfectly.
Click on below link for the same
