how to modify vbs to archive event logs - css

How to modify a VB script to archive event logs? I found one VB script working just fine to archive event logs to a network share folder, but I am not sure where to modify the VB script to:
Only collect system, application and security logs not all logs
How to make these archive logs with month, date and year and save them to the same folder daily and not overwrite them.

You need to change this line ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile") Example
("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Application'")
Add in filter for the logs you wish to backup see
This should help you.
See the following altered code for your requirements, will output required logs and save to a different folder each day.
Dim strComputer, objDir2
Dim current: current = Now
Dim strDateStamp: strDateStamp = dateStamp(current)
strComputer = "YourServer"
objDir2 = "Your File Server Path" & strDateStamp
Dim objDir1: objDir1 = "\\" & strComputer & "\c$\EVT"
clearEVTLogs = "No"
Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not filesys.FolderExists(objDir1) Then
If Not filesys.FolderExists(objDir2) Then
End If
strPath = objDir2 & "\"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate, (Backup, Security)}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Application' Or LogFileName='Security' Or LogFileName='System'")
For Each objLogfile In colLogFiles
strCopyFile = strDateStamp & "_" & strComputer & "_" _
& objLogFile.LogFileName & ".evt"
strBackupFile = "c:\EVT\" & strDateStamp & "_" _
& strComputer & "_" & objLogFile.LogFileName & ".evt"
strBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog _
Call copyAFile(objDir1, strPath, strCopyFile)
If clearEVTLogs = "Yes" Then
End If
Function dateStamp(ByVal dt)
Dim y, m, d
y = Year(dt)
m = Month(dt)
If Len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = Day(dt)
If Len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
dateStamp = y & m & d
End Function
Function copyAFile( Byval strSourceFolder, Byval strTargetFolder, _
Byval strFileName)
Dim objFSO, booOverWrite, strResult
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists( strSourceFolder & "\" & strFileName) _
And UCase( strSourceFolder) <> UCase( strTargetFolder) Then
If objFSO.FolderExists( strTargetFolder) Then
strResult = "The destination folder does not exist!"
'copyAFile = strResult
Exit Function
End If
If objFSO.FileExists( strTargetFolder & "\" & strFileName) Then
strResult = "The file exists, overwritten"
booOverWrite = vbTrue
strResult = "The file does not exist, created"
booOverWrite = vbFalse
End If
objFSO.CopyFile strSourceFolder & "\" _
& strFileName, strTargetFolder & "\", booOverWrite
strResult = "The source file does not exist, or " _
& "identical Source and Target folders!"
End If
End Function
Function createDir(strDir)
Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
wscript.echo strDir
If Not filesys.FolderExists(strDir) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDir)
End If
End Function


Keep Getting an "object required" Error. Tried troubleshooting for a while to no avail.

I keep receiving an object required error on line 32 for "oFileCollection" and am unsure if the cause of the problem is the function not receiving the information from the Case or if the function needs to have the whole argument and code inside of it in order to retrieve the information.
Option Explicit
Dim sDirectoryPath,Search_Days,iDaysOld,CmdArg_Object,lastModDate
Dim oFSO,oFolder,oFileCollection,oFile,oTF, SubFolder
Set CmdArg_Object = Wscript.Arguments
Select Case (CmdArg_Object.Count)
Case 2
sDirectoryPath = CmdArg_Object.item(0)
Search_Days = CmdArg_Object.item(1)
Case Else
WScript.Echo "SearchFiles.vbs requires 2 parameters:" &_
vbcrlf & "1) Folder Path" &_
vbcrlf & "2) # Days to Search"
End Select
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTF = oFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\Old Files.txt")
WScript.Echo Now & " - Beginning " & Search_Days & " day search of " & sDirectoryPath
TraverseFolders oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFileCollection = oFolder.Files
Function TraverseFolders (FolderName)
Set SubFolder = oFileCollection
For Each SubFolder In FolderName.SubFolders
TraverseFolders (SubFolder)
For Each oFile In SubFolder.Files
lastModDate = oFile.DateLastModified
If (lastModDate <= iDaysOld) Then
oTF.WriteLine (oFile.Path)
oTF.WriteLine (oFile.DateLastModified)
oTF.WriteLine ("-----------------------")
End If
End Function
WScript.Echo "Now - Finished"
Here's my quite old example; posted as is unchanged…
Function ShowFolderListPlus analyzes supplied folder and calls itself recursively for all subfolders.
option explicit
Dim MyFolder, MyAgeLimitInDays, objFSO, numDateDiff, sResult
MyFolder = "C:\testC"
MyAgeLimitInDays = 365
sResult = ""
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ShowFolderListPlus( MyFolder)
WScript.Echo "Testing files older/newer than " & Cstr( MyAgeLimitInDays) _
& " days:" & vbNewLine & sResult
Function ShowFolderListPlus( FolderToAnalyse)
Dim objFolder, itemFile, itemFldr, colFileList, colSubFldr, parFolder, sc, sa
sa = String( DepthOfPath( FolderToAnalyse), "-")
sc = FolderToAnalyse & " " & sa & vbNewLine
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder( FolderToAnalyse)
Set colFileList = objFolder.Files
For Each itemFile in colFileList
If StrComp( Right(, 4), ".bat", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'exclude files of specified extension'
numDateDiff = DateDiff("d", itemFile.DateCreated, now)
If numDateDiff > MyAgeLimitInDays Then
sc = sc & sa & "old "
''' objFSO.DeleteFile( itemFile) ''' delete file older than limit
sc = sc & sa & "new "
End If
sc = sc & & " " & numDateDiff & vbNewLine
End If
Set colSubFldr = objFolder.SubFolders
For Each itemFldr in colSubFldr
parFolder = FolderToAnalyse & "\" &
ShowFolderListPlus( parFolder) 'calls the procedure itself recursively'
sResult = sc & sResult
ShowFolderListPlus = sc
End Function
Function DepthOfPath( strPth)
Dim AuxArray
AuxArray = Split( strPth, "\", -1, vbTextCompare)
DepthOfPath = UBound( AuxArray)
End Function
Output sample:
==> cscript D:\VB_scripts\Oldies\Folders\filescolection_in_subfolders.vbs
Testing files older/newer than 365 days:
C:\testC -
-old bar.txt 777
-old foo.txt 777
C:\testC\NewFolder21 --
--old NewTextFile1 1289
--new NewTextFile2 162
C:\testC\a --
C:\testC\43381802 --
--old MailCliеnt.txt 582
--old q44554519.html 538
C:\testC\43381802\bubu ---
---new 3-3-2018-.png 277
---old NewTextDocument.txt 1146
---old output.txt 1146

List outlook MailBox folder hierarchy using recursion- Vbscript

I am having problems on recursing through the outlook mail folders.
Function listsubfolders(folParent)
'If folParent.Folders.count = 0 Then
For Each subfolder In folParent.Folders
tempstr = & ">" & listsubfolders(subfolder)
WScript.Echo tempstr
'End If
End Function
Here is an example how to list all subfolders into folder using recursion.
Option Explicit
Dim fso,ws,RootFolder,LogFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
LogFile = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "txt"
If fso.FileExists(LogFile) Then
End If
Set RootFolder = fso.GetFolder(Browse4Folder())
Call ListSubFolders(RootFolder) DblQuote(LogFile)
Sub ListSubFolders(Folder)
Dim Subfolder
Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
Call WriteLog(Subfolder.Path)
Call ListSubFolders(Subfolder.Path) 'Call Recursive Sub
End Sub
Sub WriteLog(strText)
Dim fs,ts,LogFile
Const ForAppending = 8
LogFile = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "txt"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(LogFile,ForAppending,True)
ts.WriteLine strText
End Sub
Function Browse4Folder()
Dim objShell,objFolder,Message
Message = "Please select a folder in order to scan into it and its subfolders"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0,Message,1,"c:\Programs")
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
End If
Browse4Folder = objFolder.self.path
end Function
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function

VBA Code to Copy and Paste Excel Range into Outlook

I need to copy a range from an Excel file into Outlook, then send it as an email. It needs to be embedded into the email itself. I found this code which works great, with one exception: It is centering the range in the middle of the "page" in outlook, and I need it to align to the left.
I am assuming this is done in HTML but I do not know that language. Here is the code I am using:
Option Explicit
Public Sub prcSendMail()
Dim objOutlook As Object, objMail As Object
Set objOutlook = CreateObject(Class:="Outlook.Application")
Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
With objMail
.To = ""
.Subject = "Hallo"
.HTMLBody = fncRangeToHtml("Summary", "B2:G26")
.Display 'zum testen
' .Send
End With
Set objMail = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function fncRangeToHtml( _
strWorksheetName As String, _
strRangeAddress As String) As String
Dim objFilesytem As Object, objTextstream As Object, objShape As Shape
Dim strFilename As String, strTempText As String
Dim blnRangeContainsShapes As Boolean
strFilename = Environ$("temp") & "\" & _
Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy_h-mm-ss") & ".htm"
ThisWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add( _
SourceType:=xlSourceRange, _
Filename:=strFilename, _
Sheet:=strWorksheetName, _
Source:=strRangeAddress, _
HtmlType:=xlHtmlStatic).Publish True
Set objFilesytem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextstream = objFilesytem.GetFile(strFilename).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
strTempText = objTextstream.ReadAll
For Each objShape In Worksheets(strWorksheetName).Shapes
If Not Intersect(objShape.TopLeftCell, Worksheets( _
strWorksheetName).Range(strRangeAddress)) Is Nothing Then
blnRangeContainsShapes = True
Exit For
End If
If blnRangeContainsShapes Then _
strTempText = fncConvertPictureToMail(strTempText, Worksheets(strWorksheetName))
fncRangeToHtml = strTempText
Set objTextstream = Nothing
Set objFilesytem = Nothing
Kill strFilename
End Function
Public Function fncConvertPictureToMail(strTempText As String, objWorksheet As Worksheet) As String
Const HTM_START = "<link rel=File-List href="
Const HTM_END = "/filelist.xml"
Dim strTemp As String
Dim lngPathLeft As Long
lngPathLeft = InStr(1, strTempText, HTM_START)
strTemp = Mid$(strTempText, lngPathLeft, InStr(lngPathLeft, strTempText, ">") - lngPathLeft)
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, HTM_START & Chr$(34), "")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, HTM_END & Chr$(34), "")
strTemp = strTemp & "/"
strTempText = Replace(strTempText, strTemp, Environ$("temp") & "\" & strTemp)
fncConvertPictureToMail = strTempText
End Function
Is there some code to left align the range I am copying into Outlook?
I have W7 x64, Excel 2013 and Outlook 2013.
add this after your objTextstream.Close
strTempText = Replace(strTempText, "align=center x:publishsource=", "align=left x:publishsource=")
This worked for me
With objMail
.To = ""
.cc = ""
.Subject = "BR1 Summary for Adjustments +/- >$250"
.HTMLBody = "<table width='100'><tr><td align=left>" + fncRangeToHtml("weekly adjustments report", Sheet1.UsedRange.Address) + "</td></tr></table>" & "<br>" & "<b>" & "<font size=4>" & "Adjustments +/- >$250" & "</font>" & "</b>" & fncRangeToHtml("Sheet1", Sheet2.UsedRange.Address)
VBA likes the quotes and the spaces. but in that last line of code you can either quote all of you HTML functions or break it up. but once you are finished using that like bold, you have to "/function" to end it before it likes the information. the & and + work the same.

List object methods and properties

Is there any way to list available methods for created object in VBS?
For example:
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
I want to list available properties of this object, as:
or methods:
How can I discover available properties to arbitrary valid object in VBS?
Using TypeLib Information Objects from tlbinf32.dll it is possible to list all members of a class.
`tlbinf32.dll` was part of *Visual Studio 6.0*, which was the current release in the years around 2000. Microsoft seems to not offer the DLL for download anymore (situation mid 2017), but you can download it from various sites on the internet. I found version *, Build 8804, Copyright Matthew Curland 1996, Microsoft 1997-2000, size 148.480 Bytes* at, or other sites.
To install the DLL in Win32, copy it to `%windir%\System32` and *as administrator* call `regsvr32.exe tlbinf32.dll` from that directory.
To insttall the DLL in Win64, copy it to `%windir%\syswow64`, then *as administrator* register with `%windir%\syswow64\regsvr32.exe`, and finally run the vbscript with `%windir%\syswow64\cscript.exe` (or `wscript.exe`). Thanks [BuvinJ](/users/3220983/buvinj) for the [hint](/questions/14305750/list-object-methods-and-properties/44459670?noredirect=1#comment86169321_44459670)
The following script demonstrates the included function VariableInfo which will return a string with the type of the passed variable, and in case of an Object, all members with details, including type of Property, callable type (Sub or Function), and parameter names and return type in case of Function. The type name of the object in case of a COM object would be the name of the implemented Interface. Not sure if it works for multiple implemented interfaces, but AFAIK it's not possible to implement multiple interfaces in one class via COM anyway.
It does not support recursion in any way, because this would lead to infinity loops for some types.
This will give you virtually full working reflection in VBS. Great to explore APIs for example with the Microsoft Script Debugger.
' Reflection for VBScript via tlbinfo32.dll
' Patrick Strasser-Mikhail 2017-2021
' Ansgar Wiechers 2019
' v1.1 2021-02-01: Show values of arrays and objects, but only one level
' Returns a String describing the passed object/variable on the first level,
' no recursion.
Function VariableInfo(obj)
VariableInfo = VariableInfoToLevel(obj, 0, 1)
End Function
' Returns a String describing the passed object/variable on the first level,
' recurse down to level max_level(0=no recursion).
Function VariableInfoToLevel(obj, level, max_level)
Const invokeKindPropertyGet = 0 ' simple data member
Const invokeKindFunction = 1 ' method: Sub or Function
Const invokeKindPropertyPut = 2 ' Docs: has a value setter; reality: more like is settable
Const invokeKindPropertyPutRef = 4 ' Docs: has a reference setter; reality: more like is not settable
If level > max_level Then
VariableInfoToLevel = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim indent : indent = Space(4 * level)
VariableInfoToLevel = indent
If isEmpty(obj) Or _
isNull(obj) _
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & TypeNameFromVarType(VarType(obj))
ElseIf Not IsObject(obj) Then
If Not isArray(obj) Then
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & TypeNameFromVarType(VarType(obj)) & ", Value: [" & obj & "]"
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & TypeNameFromVarType(VarType(obj))
Dim dimension
ReDim sizes(0)
Dim size
On Error Resume Next
For dimension = 0 To 10 ' deliberate limit to prevent infinite loop
size = Ubound(obj, dimension + 1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' report ther then Index out of Bounds
If Err.Number <> 9 Then
WScript.Echo "Exception " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & "; in " & Err.Source
End If
Exit For
End If
ReDim Preserve sizes(dimension)
sizes(dimension) = size
On Error Goto 0
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & "(" & Join(sizes, ",") & ")"
Select Case dimension
Case 1
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & " {" & vbCrlf
Dim idx
For idx = LBound(obj) To UBound(obj)
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & indent & _
" " & idx & ":" & _
Trim(VariableInfoToLevel(obj(idx), level + 1, max_level)) & vbCrlf
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & indent & "}" & vbCrlf
Case 2
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & "{" & vbCrlf
Dim idx1, idx2
For idx1 = LBound(obj, 1) To UBound(obj, 1)
For idx2 = LBound(obj, 2) To UBound(obj, 2)
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & indent & _
" " & idx1 & "," & idx2 & ":" & _
Trim(VariableInfoToLevel(obj(idx1, idx2), level + 1, max_level)) & vbCrlf
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & indent & " }" & vbCrlf
Case Else
' 0 is empty anyway, more is too complicated to print, just leave it for now
End Select
End If
ElseIf TypeName(obj) = "Nothing" Then
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & "Nothing (The Invalid Object)"
' Object
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & "Object " & TypeName(obj)
'' Need to think about that... True for Err, but not for System.Dictionary
'' Seems Err is very special, and we should compare explicitly with internal/predifined Objects (Err, WScript)
'If varType(obj) <> vbObject Then
' hm, interresting...
' VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & " with default property (no analysis possible)"
' Exit Function
'End If
Dim MemberInfo
Dim TypeInfo
Set TLI = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
VariableInfoToLevel = indent & "Object " & TypeName(obj)
On Error Resume Next
Set TypeInfo = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(obj)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & "; Error " & Err.Number
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & ": " & Err.Description
On Error Goto 0
Exit Function
End If
On Error Goto 0
For Each MemberInfo In TypeInfo.Members
Dim Desc
Dim printNextLevel : printNextLevel = vbFalse
Desc = ""
' based on .Net System.Runtime.IteropService.ComTypes
'' FIXME: Call by Value/Reference and settable seems to be switched some
'' InvokeKind seems to not encode value passing, rather settable/not settable
'' Needs more work to decode byValue/byReference
Select Case MemberInfo.InvokeKind
Case InvokeKindFunction
If MemberInfo.ReturnType.VarType <> 24 Then
Desc = " Function " & TypeNameFromVarType(MemberInfo.ReturnType.VarType)
Desc = " Sub"
End If
Desc = Desc & " " & MemberInfo.Name
Dim ParameterList
ParameterList = Array()
Dim Parameter
For Each Parameter In MemberInfo.Parameters
ReDim Preserve parameterList(UBound(ParameterList) + 1)
ParameterList(Ubound(parameterList)) = Parameter.Name
Desc = Desc & "(" & Join(ParameterList, ", ") & ")"
'Set parameters = Nothing
Case InvokeKindPropertyGet
Desc = " Data Member " & MemberInfo.Name
printNextLevel = vbTrue
Case InvokeKindPropertyPut
' Seems to be
Desc = " Property " & MemberInfo.Name & " [set by val"
If IsGettable(obj, MemberInfo.Name) Then
Desc = Desc & "/get"
printNextLevel = vbTrue
End If
Desc = Desc & "]"
Case InvokeKindPropertyPutRef
Desc = " Property " & MemberInfo.Name & " [set by ref"
If IsGettable(obj, MemberInfo.Name) Then
Desc = Desc & "/get"
printNextLevel = vbTrue
End If
Desc = Desc & "]"
Case Else
Desc = " Unknown member, InvokeKind " & MemberInfo.InvokeKind
End Select
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & vbNewLine & _
indent & Desc
If printNextLevel And level < max_level Then
VariableInfoToLevel = VariableInfoToLevel & vbNewLine & _
VariableInfoToLevel(eval("obj." & MemberInfo.Name), level + 1, max_level)
End If
Set TypeInfo = Nothing
Set TLI = Nothing
End If
End Function
Function IsGettable(obj, memberName)
Dim value
On Error Resume Next
value = eval("obj." & memberName)
If Err.Number <> 0 And _
Err.Number <> 438 And _
Err.Number <> 450 Then
WScript.Echo Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
'438: Object doesn't support this property or method
'450: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
If Err.Number = 438 Or _
Err.Number = 450 Then
IsGettable = vbFalse
IsGettable = vbTrue
End If
End Function
Function IsSimpleType(obj)
If (isEmpty(obj) Or isNull(obj)) And (Not IsObject(obj)) And (Not isArray(obj)) Then
IsSimpleType = vbTrue
IsSimpleType = vbFalse
End If
End Function
' Decode Type Number to something readable
Function TypeNameFromVarType(typeNr)
Dim typeDetails
set typeDetails = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
typeDetails.add 0, "vbEmpty (uninitialized variable)"
typeDetails.add 1, "vbNull (value unknown)"
typeDetails.add 2, "vbInteger" ' Short?
typeDetails.add 3, "vbLong" ' Integer?
typeDetails.add 4, "vbSingle"
typeDetails.add 5, "vbDouble"
typeDetails.add 6, "vbCurrency"
typeDetails.add 7, "vbDate"
typeDetails.add 8, "vbString"
typeDetails.add 9, "vbObject"
typeDetails.add 10, "Exception"
typeDetails.add 11, "vbBoolean"
typeDetails.add 12, "vbVariant"
typeDetails.add 13, "DataObject"
typeDetails.add 14, "vbDecimal"
typeDetails.add 17, "vbByte"
typeDetails.add 18, "vbChar"
typeDetails.add 19, "ULong"
typeDetails.add 20, "Long" ' realy Long?
typeDetails.add 24, "(void)"
typeDetails.add 36, "UserDefinedType"
If typeDetails.Exists(typeNr) Then
TypeNameFromVarType = typeDetails(typeNr)
ElseIf typeNr > 8192 Then
TypeNameFromVarType = "vbArray{" & TypeNameFromVarType(typeNr - 8192) & "}"
typeNameFromVarType = "Unknown Type " & typeNr
End If
End Function
' Some nice example class to demonstrate all possible interfaces.
Class MyClass
Dim Name_
Dim Name2_
Dim Name3_
Dim Name4_
Dim dict
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Name_ = "foo"
Name2_ = "bar"
Name3_ = "baz"
Name4_ = "spam"
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get Name
Name = Name_
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal Value)
Name_ = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Name2(ByRef Value)
Set Name2_ = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Name3
Name3 = Name3_
End Property
Public Property Set Name3(ByVal Value)
Set Name3_ = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Name4
Name4 = Name4_
End Property
Public Property Set Name4(ByRef Value)
Set Name4_ = Value
End Property
Sub TestSub()
WScript.Echo "Test"
End Sub
Sub TestFunc(message)
WScript.Echo "Test: " & message
End Sub
Sub TestFunc2(ByRef message)
WScript.Echo "Test: " & message
End Sub
Function Add(first, second)
Add = first + second
End Function
Function Substract(ByVal first, ByRef second)
Add = first - second
End Function
End Class
Sub testVariableInfo()
Dim variable
' vbEmpty
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(variable)
variable = Null
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(variable)
Set variable = Nothing
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(variable)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(Int(23))
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(cLng(23))
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(2147483647)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(5/4)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(4 * Atn(1)) ' Simplest way to pi, not all inverse functions like arcsin are defined.
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(3.4E38)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(CDbl(3.4E38))
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(cCur(20.123456))
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(now)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo("Some Text")
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(Err)
Dim MyObject
Set MyObject = new MyClass
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(MyObject)
Set MyObject = Nothing
Dim TestAEmpty()
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(TestAEmpty)
ReDim TestA1(17)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(TestA1)
Dim TestA2(3, 7)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(TestA2)
Dim TestA3
TestA3 = Array(4, 5, 6)
Wscript.Echo VariableInfo(TestA3)
Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
WScript.Echo VariableInfo(dict)
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
For for more information about the Typelib Interface, get the documentation help file from Microsoft KB artivle 224331
Matthew Curland offers for download at the website to his book Advanced Visual Basic 6 the nice program Type Library Editor (EditTLBEval.exe) as evaluation version, and the according Documentation
Especially in this context I really like the line If you're a Visual Basic developer who refuses to recognize the commonly accepted limitations of VB, this book is definitely for you. by Ted Pattison. Just replace VB by VBScript here.
VBWebProfi gave the hint for TLI, thanks for that. Working out the details and writing the code was several hours of work, though ;-)
VBScript itself does not support type introspection outside the TypeName and VarType functions, which will give you the type of an object, but won't give you access to its internal structure.
As other answers explained there is a DLL that would provide this feature, but it doesn't ship with Windows, and since it was part of an old version of Visual Studio there might not be a legal way to obtain it nowadays.
While that is partially true, its incomplete.... Google, GetObjectText_, Methods_, & Propeties_
The referenced methods will only work on objects collected while connected to the cimv2 namespace of a remote host via the WbemScripting.SWbemLocator object. If this object has the ability to work on localhost, it's unapparent to me.
Once you do this you can query any of the classes held therein [Win32_Services,Win32_Drives, etc] and interrogate the objects in the resultset using a For-Next loop on the object like below...
For Each oProp in oObject.Properties_
'be careful here because some propeties may be an object or an array.
'so test for that here using "typename" or "vartype"
wScript.Echo oProp.Name & vbTab & oProp
For Each oMethod in oObject.Methods_
wScript.Echo oProp.Name
Finally, ...
For Each oProp in oObject.Properties_
'This will display all of an objects properties
If you happen to be using HP UFT or QTP then follow these steps:
1) Install any version of MS Visual Studio onto your laptop. (Don't worry about licensing, you won't be running VS)
2) Reboot your computer.
3) Launch UFT or QTP, load a script and hit F11, (or pause at any piece of code that is near the object you want to inspect).
4) Add the object to the Watch window. It can be an Object Repository object or a programmatic description.
If the object exists, the object will now display two Plus (+) signs in the Watch window that can be expanded to show all available Methods and Properties, as well as child objects that can be expanded.
Use TLI . The TLI.TLIApplication class (from tlbinf32.dll) can inspect various COM objects from their instance. Explore the TLI library in Excel or other Microsoft product that supports scripting and has an script editor which is able to add references, then add tlbinf32.dll. The name in the references is "Typelib information".
Note that the DLL does not ship with Windows, though.
Use the method InterfaceInfoFromObject() for VBScript classes and alternatively try ClassInfoFromObject().
Option Explicit
Dim MyObject
Dim TypeInfo
Dim MemberInfo
Set TLI = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
Set MyObject = New MyClass
Set TypeInfo = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(MyObject)
For Each MemberInfo In TypeInfo.Members
WScript.Echo MemberInfo.Name
Class MyClass
Dim Name_
Public Property Get Name
Name = Name_
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal Value)
Name_ = Value
End Property
End Class
Try this ...
For i = 0 To webElementCount-1 Step 1
innertextProp = myValue2(i).GetROProperty("innertext")
print i & innertextProp
print innertextProp

What is a fast and efficient way to import images by URL?

Would I just use MSXML and import as binary? Or is there another more efficient way?
There are gigs and gigs of JPEGs to fetch.
I have written something in the past, the code below will save remote image on the server disk. It's classic ASP and pretty efficient:
Const CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME = "StoredContents"
Dim strImageUrl
strImageUrl = ""
Call SaveOnServer(strImageUrl, "bill_avatar.jpg")
Sub SaveOnServer(url, strFileName)
Dim strRawData, objFSO, objFile
Dim strFilePath, strFolderPath, strError
strRawData = GetBinarySource(url, strError)
If Len(strError)>0 Then
Response.Write("<span style=""color: red;"">Failed to get binary source. Error:<br />" & strError & "</span>")
strFolderPath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME)
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not(objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath)) Then
End If
If Len(strFileName)=0 Then
strFileName = GetCleanName(url)
End If
strFilePath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFilePath)
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write("<h3>Stored contents of " & url & ", total of <span style=""color: blue;"">" & LenB(strRawData) & "</span> bytes</h3>")
Response.Write("<a href=""" & CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName & """ target=""_blank""><span style=""color: blue;"">" &_
strFileName & "</span></a>")
End If
End Sub
Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
''# Antonin Foller,
''# RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
''# to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset
Dim Binary
'' #MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary
Dim RS, LBinary
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LBinary = LenB(Binary)
If LBinary>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary
RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
RSBinaryToString = ""
End If
End Function
Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
''# © 2000 Antonin Foller,
''# MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
''# Using recordset
Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
If LMultiByte>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
End If
MultiByteToBinary = Binary
End Function
Function GetBinarySource(url, ByRef strError)
Dim objXML
Set objXML=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
strError = ""
On Error Resume Next
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
strError = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
Set objXML=Nothing
End Function
Function GetCleanName(s)
Dim result, x, c
Dim arrTemp
arrTemp = Split(s, "/")
If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
For x=0 To UBound(arrTemp)-1
result = result & GetCleanName(arrTemp(x)) & "_"
result = result & GetPageName(s)
For x=1 To Len(s)
c = Mid(s, x, 1)
If IsValidChar(c) Then
result = result & c
result = result & "_"
End If
End If
Erase arrTemp
GetCleanName = result
End Function
Function IsValidChar(c)
IsValidChar = (c >= "a" And c <= "z") Or (c >= "A" And c <= "Z") Or (IsNumeric(c))
End Function
Function GetPageName(strUrl)
If Len(strUrl)>0 Then
GetPageName=Mid(strUrl, InStrRev(strUrl, "/")+1, Len(strUrl))
End If
End Function
Just call SaveOnServer sub routine passing the URL and desired file name, you can also omit the file name and in that case, the file name will be taken from the URL itself.
The server folder is defined as constant and will be in the same place as .asp file.
Here is the gist of how to download and save files in script:-
Function DownloadAndSave(sourceUrl, destinationFile)
Dim req : Set req = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open "GET", sourceUrl, false
Dim stream : Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Type = 1 ''# adTypeBinary
stream.Write req.ResponseBody
stream.SaveToFile destinationFile, 2
End Function
