Kentico CMSListMenu Styling each li - css

I have an html menu listing that look like this:
<ul id="navlist" class="clearfix">
<li class="home"></li>
<li class="xo">About Us</li>
<li class="xoxo">People</li>
<li class="xoxoxo">Business</li>
<li class="xo">News</li>
<li class="xoxo">Careers</li>
<li class="xoxoxo">Gallery</li>
<li class="xi">Contact Us</li>
My challenge is ensuring the CMSListMenu apply the different classes to each li.

The li could styled each by using Edit > Document Properties > Navigation tab provided in portal engine.
It exposed the css styling of each page li. You can set the link, mouseover and current page classes.


Targetting next sibling on hover with tailwindcss

I am trying to hide an element until its previous sibling is hovered over, in css (or scss rather), it looks like this:
.menu-container {
// style with flex etc...
& .menu-item-link {
// style the link...
&+.sub-menu-container {
display: none;
&:hover+.sub-menu-container {
display: block;
<ul class="menu-container">
<li class="menu-item-container">
<a class="menu-item-link">Ingredients</a>
<ul class="sub-menu-container">
<li class="sub-menu-item-container">
<a class="sub-menu-link">Fruits</a>
<li class="sub-menu-item-container">
<a class="sub-menu-link">Vegetables</a>
<li class="sub-menu-item-container">
<a class="sub-menu-link">Dairy</a>
<li class="sub-menu-item-container">
<a class="sub-menu-link">Children</a>
How do I achieve this using tailwind?
You're not actually trying to target a sibling in your code, you're trying to target a child element. This is a very simple process when you just want to show a sub-menu dropdown.
Just add group to the hover trigger (.menu-item-link in your case) and group-hover:[some-display-class] to the child. This way the child will change it's display property when the parent element (or itself) is hovered.
You should change your title, also I'd recommend that you don't use Tailwind with class names like that. Please see extracting components for the recommended way to use Tailwind CSS. Of course, you are free to use it how you want but you're better off with plain old CSS if you want to use SCSS and classes like that.
Example with your structure:
<li class="group">
<ul class="hidden group-hover:block">
Example on Tailwind Play

Active link in navbar not working

So, i want to make an active links in navbar, but it's working only on "Pocetna" page, but not on others...this is what i've done:
<li class="active">Pocetna</li>
<li>O nama</li>
and this is in my style.css :
color: #CCCCCC;
I'm using bootstrap...
Did you create a HTML-file for each of your navlinks?
If you did, please do the following:
1. Go to your 'Forum' HTML index file, and change the Navbar to:
<li class="active">Forum</li>
<li>O nama</li>
2. Then go to your 'Galerija' HTML index file, and change the Navbar to:
<li class="active">Galerija</li>
<li>O nama</li>
Do you understand where I'm going with this? You only need to add the class="active" to your active HTML index file.
Don't touch the CSS unless you wish to change the active color of your Navbar links.

Displaying correct bootstrap css when <li> is an Angular component

Okay so for Angular components the "restrict" and "replace" options are not present. I'm generally fine with this, but now I have the following code:
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown dropdown-menu-left"
<li role="separator"
<li><a> Block </a></li>
where the <some-component></some-component> has a bunch of other <li> elements inside. But since the bootstrap css only works if the <li> is a direct child of the <ul>, the list-elements from some-component don't get styled. Any ideas what I could do as a workaround?

Custom WordPress menu output (wrapping parent links in span)

I'm trying to implement a responsive jQuery navigation but I need to extend the default output of the WP menu. I need to wrap any pages that have children with a span and remove the link. For example:
<nav id="menu-right">
<span>Work colleagues</span>
Any ideas?

inject html without using jscript

I have the following code:
<ul id="myList">
<li class="li1">Example 1</li>
<li class="li2">Example 2</li>
<li class="li3">Example 3</li>
<li class="li4">Example 4</li>
Is there any way i can transform the list to:
<ul class="myList">
<li class="li1"><div class="container">Example 1</div></li>
<li class="li2"><div class="container">Example 2</div></li>
<li class="li3"><div class="container">Example 3</div></li>
<li class="li4"><div class="container">xample 4</div></li>
using css only.
without using javascript
CSS cannot add elements, that really isn't its purpose.
That being said, you can achieve a similar effect by making the items display: block, like this:
#myList > li { display: block; }
No. CSS is designed to instruct the browser on how elements look and are positioned. It isn't capable of editing the live HTML.
