I have created chekboxes with ACF, now I can display the values of the checkboxes on my front end but I would like to show the associated labels to.
Here is my code :
echo "<ul>";
$profession = get_field('profession');
foreach($profession as $key => $check){
echo "<li>".$check."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
Thanks a lot !
try this: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/functions/get_field_object/
You can return all the field's metadata with get_field_object().
if( get_field('field_name') ):
echo '<div class="class_for_display">';
echo 'Label:'; echo'<p>' .the_field('field_name').'</p>';
echo '</div>';
i use this code in function.php of child theme
Here is the my code, which is not working.
global $post;
echo get_the_title( wp_get_post_parent_id( $post->post->ID ) );
but this is not working.
thank you in advance.
For parent page id
For current page title
For parent page id
echo wp_get_post_parent_id(get_the_ID());
In Gutenberg:
Hope will be helpful to someone
If you want i.e: create a link to the post parent:
<a href="<?= get_permalink($post->post_parent) ?>">
<?= get_the_title($post->post_parent) ?>
→ <?= the_title() ?>
which will result in i.e:
Latest News → Some news title
For Astra theme and for page template look.php I did this:
$post->post_parent; will nbot work cause in my case function is out of the loop. I run it via functions.php. $post->post_parent works perfectly when inserting it in page template, but not when editing theme function ;)
function add_script_before_header() {
$current = $post->ID;
$parent = $post->post_parent;
$grandparent_get = get_post($parent);
$grandparent = $grandparent_get->post_parent;
if ($root_parent = get_the_title($grandparent) !== $root_parent = get_the_title($current)) {
echo get_the_title($grandparent);
$after = $parent;
if ( is_page_template( 'look.php' ) ) {
echo $after . ' - ';
Is there a Wordpress function for grabbing the page attributes? I need to be able to check which templates are being used on which pages.
I have tried the get_post and get_pages but neither one outputs the page attributes.
Thanks in advance!
$ids= get_all_page_ids();
foreach ($ids as $id){
$meta = get_metadata('post', $id);
$template = $meta['_wp_page_template'][0];
echo $template;
echo "<br>";
Try using get_all_metadata. That will fetch all the meta records for a given object.
$post_id = 123;
$meta = get_metadata('post', $post_id);
echo $meta['my_custom_field_key'];
The docs are a good place to look: Function Reference « WordPress Codex
i.e.: Function Reference/get page template which
Displays the filename of the page template used to render a Page
(printed within an HTML comment, in this example) :
<?php echo '<!-- ' . basename( get_page_template() ) . ' -->'; ?>
global $wp_query;
$template_name = get_post_meta( $wp_query->post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true );
will give you the template file name. Use str_replace() to strip the .php from the end.
I need to query a category in home page. in index.php file I used this script
$all_featured_posts = query_posts(array('category_name'=>'featured-programs'));
Then in the header.php file I need to change the title
if ( is_home() ) {
echo 'My site name' ;
} elseif (is_404()) {
echo '404 Not Found';
} elseif (is_category()) {
echo ' Category' . wp_title('',0).' | My site name' ;
The problem is when I query a category in the index file then the is_home return false ( Tried with is_front_page() also ) Then it alway show the title with the name of the category which I query.
How I can fix it? Thanks you!
I might be wrong, but I think because you use query_posts(), all your is_* functions change their values. And, well, because you do query a category, is_home() should return false.
What you can do to solve it, is use new WP_Query(), and get all the posts from it. This way, you will not be affecting the original WP_Query, and thus the is_* functions.
The code should look like this:
$query = new WP_Query('category_name=featured-programs');
while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();
echo '<li>';
echo '</li>';
// Reset Post Data
I am using this code to have a simple gallery on the page:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[gallery itemtag="ul" icontag="li" size="full" columns="0" link="file" ]'); ?>
The problem now is that the end-user has to upload an image via the Media page before selecting this image as featured image.
I know this could be solved by adding the featured image's ID to the shortcode's exclude list, but how to get this ID automatically?
function exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery($null, $attr)
if (!$thumbnail_ID = get_post_thumbnail_id())
return $null; // no point carrying on if no thumbnail ID
// temporarily remove the filter, otherwise endless loop!
remove_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery');
// pop in our excluded thumbnail
if (!isset($attr['exclude']) || empty($attr['exclude']))
$attr['exclude'] = array($thumbnail_ID);
elseif (is_array($attr['exclude']))
$attr['exclude'][] = $thumbnail_ID;
// now manually invoke the shortcode handler
$gallery = gallery_shortcode($attr);
// add the filter back
add_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery', 10, 2);
// return output to the calling instance of gallery_shortcode()
return $gallery;
add_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery', 10, 2);
<?php $id = get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()); // gets the post thumbnail ID ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[gallery exclude='.$id.' link="file" itemtag="div" icontag="span" captiontag="p" size="thumbnail" columns="4" ]'); ?>
How about?
echo do_shortcode('[gallery exclude="' . get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ) . '"]');
Say I have a post called Hello World in Wordpress and I'm directly viewing this page, how would I go about finding the category of "Hello World" and displaying it?
Use get_the_category() like this:
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
echo $category->cat_name . ' ';
It returns a list because a post can have more than one category.
The documentation also explains how to do this from outside the loop.
You can use
<?php the_category(', '); ?>
which would output them in a comma separated list.
You can also do the same for tags as well:
<?php the_tags('<em>:</em>', ', ', ''); ?>
To find the category id, category link and category name in wordpress using php, you can use below code:
$cat_id = get_cat_ID('Category Name');
$category_link = get_category_link($cat_id);
$category_name = get_cat_name($cat_id);
echo $category_name; // It will print your category name