Best approach for redrawing weighted 2-D graph when weights change (MDS maybe)? - graph

I'll try to describe my problem as simplest as possible.
Assume I have a map where I plot as points the cities within the map. Cities are then connected by line segments representing roads, so now there's a graph with line segments that represent the euclidean distance for each road (these are the original weights).
I need to make a new graph with line segments representing the actual road lengths (new weights), while trying as much as possible to keep the original geometry unmodified.
I'm thinking metric multidimensional scaling is the way to go, but maybe there's something simpler.


Triangulation of an object with measurements in a line

is there any way to triangulate the position of an object if I have the distance to the object from three points without direction that are in a line?
that is I have the points (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,2,0) and point x that is 1.7,1.3, 1.7 away from the respective measuring points.
Is there a way to eliminate the ghost point if you are limited to straight line measurements?
Kind regards and appreciation for any assistance.
You can measure the distances from the object to as many points on the line as you like; if you mirror-reflect the object across the line, the new object will have all the same distances as the old one. To distinguish these two points you must take some kind of measurement that is not mirror-symmetric across the line (which distance to any point on the line is).

How to compute Voronoi tesselation based on manhattan distance in R

I am trying to compute a Voronoi tesselation in 2D with the Manhattan distance in R.
Ideally this would be a function that takes a set of two-dimensional points and outputs a list of polygons that partition the space. I am not certain what representations of Voronoi tesselations are standard.
There are of course many ways to do this with the Euclidean metric (packages like deldir and qhull make this very easy), but I haven't found a way to do this for the manhattan distance. A search using sos's findFn('voronoi') also yielded no results.
Interactive: Manhattan-metric Voronoi diagram(Click version)
I've been rolling my own in python, and can sum up the basics here:
Between neighboring centroids is a perpendicular line, in manhattan metric - two rays and a 45 degree diagonal most likely, if the centroids are randomly generated, but a straight horizontal, vertical, or 45 degree diagonal line may also occur. Given a set of such lines for every centroid pair, the edges separating the regions are among them. Collect intersect points of each pair of lines which are equal-distant (within an epsilon), in manhattan metric, to it's 3 nearest centroids. Also collect the two mid points of the 45 degree diagonal which are similarly equal-distant to their nearest two centroids. The outer polies won't be closed. How to deal with them depends on what you need. The poly borders and border verts will need sorting, so your polies aren't a zigzagged mess. Winding order can be determined if they should be clockwise or other. More can be done, just depends on what you need.
Unfortunately, this gets exponentially slower the more points are involved. The intersecting of every bisector to every other bisector is the bottleneck. I've been attempting an insertion method, with some success, but . Now I'm thinking to try first creating a nearest-neighbor linkage between the centroids. If the neighbors are known, the bisectors to intersect will be minimal, and many centroids can be computed quickly.
Anyway, the brute-force approach does work:
The point near the cursor is actually 2 points of a tiny diagonal. It's a precise method, but more complicated than it first seems. The java code from the interactive link above may be faster, but was difficult to get solid and precise geometry from.
Sorry, I dont know R.
Maybe the question is about finding the maximum area of a square that match inside a circumcircle (of a triangle). The equation for such a square abs(x)+abs(y)=r ( When you have a mesh of triangles the voronoi diagram is the dual.

Using point coordinates and diameter to calculate areal projection of points

I have data on a number of ecological variables associated with spatial points. Each point has x & y coordinates relative to the bounding box, however the points represent circular areas of varying diameter. What I'm trying to achieve is to project the area occupied by each point onto the observation window so that we can subsequently pixellate the area and retrieve the extent of overlap of the area of each point with each pixel (grid cell). In the past I have been able to achieve this with transect data by converting to a psp line object and then using the pixellate function in the spatstat package but am unsure how to proceed with these circular areas. It feels like I should be using polygon classes but again I am unsure how to define them. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
In the spatstat package, the function discs will take locations (x,y) and radii r (or diameters, areas etc) and generate either polygonal or pixel-mask representations of the circles, and return them either as separate objects or as a single combined object.

R: Determining whether a point lies inside a region made up of separate polygons generated from contourLines()

I am using the function contourLines() in R to record the vertices of a contour based on a probability density estimation. Then I test to see whether a point lies inside the contour region. I can do this test easily when there is only one region (polygon) created from contourLines, but sometimes the there are multiple polygons created. I am trying to come up with a way to determine whether a point lies inside the multiple polygon contour.
My idea so far is to calculate the number of polygons generated and treat each one separately. I was thinking I could use graph theory to determine the number of polygons generated because there will not be a path between points on 2 separate polygons.
Probably there is an easier way. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,

Map 3D point cloud onto surface then flatten

Mapping a point cloud onto a 3D "fabric" then flattening.
So I have a scientific dataset consisting of a point cloud in 3D, this point cloud comprises points on a surface that is curved. In order to perform quantitative analysis I however need to map these point clouds onto a surface I can then flatten. I thought about using mapping tools sort of like in the case of the 3d world being flattened onto a map, but not sure how to even begin as I have no experience in cartography and maybe I'm trying to solve an easy problem with the wrong tools.
Just to briefly describe the dataset: imagine entirely transparent curtains on the window with small dots on them, if I could use that dot pattern to fit the material the dots are on I could then "straighten" it and do meaningful analysis on the spread of the dots. I'm guessing the procedure would be to first manually fit the "sheet" onto the point cloud data by using contours or something along those lines then flattening the sheet thus putting the points into a 2d array. Ultimately I'll probably also reduce that into a 1D but I assume I need the intermediate 2D step as the length of the 2nd dimension is variable (i.e. one end of the sheet is shorter than the other but still corresponds to the same position in terms of contours) I'm using Matlab and Amira though I'm always happy to learn new tools!
Any advice or hints how to approach are much appreciated!
You can use a space filling curve to reduce the 3d complexity to a 1d complexity. I use a hilbert curve to index lat-lng pairs on a 2d map. You can do the same with a 3d space but it's easier to start with a simple curve for example a z morton order curve. Space filling curves are often used in mapping applications. A space filling curve also adds some proximity information and a new sort order to the 3d points.
You can try to build a surface that approximates your dataset, then unfold the surface with the points you want. has the tool to unfold the surfaces with the curves or points.
