mrt currently has a bug with spaces in Volume names on the Mac
Until that is fixed, how can I manually install packages from atmosphere?
You can create a directory called /packages in your project & then manually install each package and its dependencies. e.g for 'meteor router'
in /packages
git clone
mv meteor-router router
git clone --recursive
mv meteor-page-js-ie-support page-js-ie-support
The second is a dependency on meteor router which you can see on the package's atmosphere page. It's recursive to make sure the submodule pages-js is also git cloned in.
Meteor 0.65+
As pointed out by thatjuan: Once you do this, you just need to add the main one to your project. You don't have to add the dependencies.
meteor add router
meteor router also needs HTML5-History-API
git clone --recursive
remove meteor and the folder should look like this HTML5-History-API
then meteor add router
For some projects stored on, they suggest the following commands for setup,
Clone this repository: git clone
Initialize all submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
My development environment is built on the enterprise network behind the firewall, which does not allow me to use git clone and git submodule. With respect to this kind of scenario, what are the alternate approach to solve that?
You can try and clone a repo at home, use git bundle in order to generate one file (with all the repo history in it) and copy that file somewhere accessible from your enterprise network.
That way, you can clone from that file, and still get the repo full history.
When running meteor from a git checkout, there are 2 packages available at path
How to use/enable these packages (best practise) on own project?
You can use the published versions of your packages already, because they're on Atmosphere:
meteor add npm-bcrypt
If you want to use specifically their git checkout versions, you need to create a packages subdirectory in your app's directory, and symlink there the paths to the packages.
Much easier than symlink is just setting the PACKAGE_DIRS env var. Have a look at for more details.
I cloned the repository
Create Podfile in TICoreDataSync folder
pod 'TICoreDataSync'
Open terminal
cd TICoreDataSync
pod install
The installation was successful and to create a folder pods.
4.I now want to see the work TICoreDataSync/Examples/iOSNotebook/iOSNotebook.iOSNotebook.xcodeproj
But the project has a 9000 error.
If you have someone working example of a fully assembled TICoreDataSync?
We've had one other CocoaPods error reported recently. Have you tried cloning the repository and using git submodule update --init --recursive to clone all the submodules? That should give you a working repo.
I want to clone the latest stable version of WordPress from Github, via a shell script. It is simple to get the unstable master branch:
git clone git://
But how can I get the highest numbered stable release via a script, not manually checking out the code. E.g., using deployment shell script or deployment tool such as Fabric.
Edit: I clarified the text to better indicate the intent that I meant how to do this from a script, not manually.
Clone from git and change to the WordPress directory
git clone git://
cd WordPress
Then list out the branches..
git branch -r
This gives something like...
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
Check out the branch you want...
git checkout 3.4-branch
Branch 3.4-branch set up to track remote branch 3.4-branch from origin.
Switched to a new branch '3.4-branch'
Here's what I actually ended up doing, which is included in a Fabric fabfile I have on Github:
git clone git:// .
git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
It clones the repo like normal, then does some shell magic to find the latest tagged version of WordPress (Which is where the stable branches live.)
Can you try a git checkout master ?
git branch -r will show you all the remote branches
git checkout --track <local_branch> <remote>/<remote_branch> will setup a local branch that is tracking the remote branch in order to push or get new updates.
you can use this command after git clone
git checkout stable
So far, the bundles I've used for Symfony2 has been installed modifying the deps file and then running the command bin/vendors install, but for this bundle (WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle) the installation process is made using git submodule add command which I don't fully understand.
git submodule add vendor/pagerfanta
git submodule add vendor/bundles/WhiteOctober/PagerfantaBundle
I assume that this command retrieves the master version of both libraries, but the documentation says that if I'm using Symfony 2.0.x (which is my case) I should get the symfony2.0 branch:
"Note: If you are using a 2.0.x release of Symfony2, please use the symfony2.0 branch of this bundle. The master branch of this bundle tracks the Symfony2 master branch."
How should I modify the git commands to get the symfony2.0 branch instead of the master? Why some bundles are installed using the deps files while others uses git submodules? What is the difference?
You can still use bin/vendors and the deps system to install these bundles/vendors
in deps
And re-run bin/vendors install