I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction?
I have an iframe sitting on us.website.com, embedded inside a page on www.website.com - and I need to track each query string in google analytics for the us.website.com page.
I have the query string data passing from the URL (address bar) to the iframe so when a form is submitted a tracking code identifies where the user came from.
www.website.com/offers/offer.html?src=source1 (form passes source1 as the entry source)
www.website.com/offers/offer.html?src=source2 (form passes source2 as the entry source)
Currently, all of the (us.website.com/offers/offer.asp) stats are shown under this one .asp page - but I need it to show stats for each query string.
us.website.com/offers/offer.asp?src=source1 - individual stats
us.website.com/offers/offer.asp?src=source2 - individual stats
Is there a way to do this without building two separate .asp pages on the us.website.com domain??
Thanks in advance!
Simplest way is to create view in GA panel (filtered data). Of course you can tell GA to track different URL on every page, depending on parsed source but you are reinventing wheel, use filters.
var url = '/someofakename.asp?ada'
try {
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXXX-Y']);
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
} catch(err) {
//handle errors
I have implemented a feedback star rating on my website at the bottom of each page. They can select one to five stars and optionally send free-form comments. I have implemented gtag.js to send the star rating integer and comments to my GA4 dashboard. Code snippet is below; I have omitted the JavaScript which allows the user to set the variables, but this is working.
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=MEASUREMENT_ID"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'MEASUREMENT_ID', {
'custom_map': {
'rating_dimension': 'rating_key',
'comments_dimension': 'comments_key'
'rating_key': 'this.value',
'comments_key': 'commentsValue',
gtag('event', 'rating_event', {'rating_key': this.value });
gtag('event', 'comments_event', {'comments_key': commentValue });
I went under Configure>Custom definitions and added the dimensions under the Event scope.
The data is being sent as an event, because this is something the user can optionally do on a page. I have verified that the data is sent to GA, I have the Google Chrome GA Debugger, and can see that it is arriving in the Realtime report under Events.
I would like to build a report which shows the page title/URL, the number of views, the length of time spent, along with its average star rating and any comments. I would like to have some adjustable controls so that I can configure this to be shown for a specified length of time. For example, if the page is modified, I can see the average rating before and after the change. Unfortunately, I am not able to build even the most rudimentary view of this data in the new GA web interface. I tried to modify various existing reports to include my custom dimensions, but they don't offer this option. I went under Explore and tried to add a Freeform report, but I can't get the data to show up there either, it only counts the number of times the event has occurred, which is not what I care about at all.
I have gone to a lot of effort to send the data to GA and had expected to be able to access the data and build a basic report.
Is it that you are unable to add custom dimensions and metrics to the free form exploration? Or when you want to add dimensions or metrics, they don't even show up in the custom section?
Normally you have to wait more or less (some say up to) 24 hours before being able to use custom definitions (metrics and dimensions) in any report.
this might not be your case, but I found your post looking for an answer to my problem, which is the custom metrics and dimensions are there, I am just unable to add them to the report, it looks like a bug, I click the + button, check the custom dimensions and nothing happens.
I am managing multiple websites that will soon move to one domain with each respective market being contained in a sub-directory e.g www.example.com/uk/.
The current situation is that all markets have their own GA property. I was wondering what the implications would be in just leaving the current setup as is?
I imagine GA alerts will fire implying that GA tracking is 'missing' across the website. Or would it be recommended to set the cookiePath field for each respective in the analytics.js create command?
The requirement is that each market is to have their own GA property giving them more flexibility.
Make translation table
function getPropertyId(){
var propertyIDs = {
'uk' : 'UA-24574-1',
'de' : 'UA-32656-4',
'fi' : 'UA-54544-6'
var fallBackId = "UA-Falback";
var path = window.document.location.pathname.split("/");
var propID = propertyIDs[path[1]] ? propertyIDs[path[1]] : fallBackId;
return propID;
else {
return fallBackId;
Use it when setting Property ID
ga('create', getPropertyId() , 'auto');
Request URI
You can expect troubles with Request URI variable, because:
From comment:
#GKyle Imagine, your current URL is mycompany.uk/page.html and new URL will be mycompany.com/uk/page.html. In old setup will be Requested URI /page.html in new /uk/page.html. There will be inconsistency if you will do nothing. But if you set up a filter removing /uk, etc..
Wonderful regex: ^(/(uk|de|au|en)\b/?)(.*)
From here: RegExp - remove /en or /de from pathname string and return rest
Rewrite string is /$A3
Create Advanced Filter
And please, TEST IT BEFORE!
You can smoothly change tracking from multiple domains under one main domain if you keep setting Property ID.
Keep in mind possible changes in certain reports, specially path based reports.
I have a question about Google Analytics Content Experiments.
My goal type is currently URL Destination.
And we push conversions manually to Analytics after phone call matching, normally it takes one day.
We use this code for pushing conversions.
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'XX-XXXXXXXX-X']);
_gaq.push(['_setAllowAnchor', true]);
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview','/call/conv ']);
What I want to know is how do I push a conversion manually for a specific variation.
Thanks in advance for help.
In GA Content Experiments each variation has it's own url, so you'd simply use the fitting url as the second parameter to _trackPageview:
I have a search functionality set up in my website, which uses a third party extension retrieve the search results. The search terms are not passed as query parameters.
Below is my sample URL for my search results:
I cannot change the URL to pass the search terms as query parameters.
So I'm trying to send Async Tracking from the google analytics javascript :
var _gaq= _gaq || [];
//Push search query into google analytics
if ({url_segment_1} == 'search' && {url_segment_2} == 'results')
(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
The javascript logic seems to be executing fine, I've tested it by placing alert options. So is there anything that I'm implementing incorrectly with respect to _gaq.push().
Could someone throw light on the same
A couple of errors:
It's _trackPageview, with an initial underscore.
The argument for _trackPageview needs to be inside the array, like:
[edit] There's also typo: _gap.push should be _gaq.push
We have tracking in our emails to track clicks back to our site through Google Analytics. But is there a way to track opens? I would imagine I have to add a google tracking image to the email somewhere. Possibly javascript too?
As others have pointed out, you can't use Javascript in email. The actual tracking is done by a request for __utm.gif though and the Javascript just constructs the GET parameters.
Google supports non-Javascript uses of Google Analytics per their Mobile web docs:
They document the full list of parameters, but the only necessary parameters are:
Parameter Description
utmac Google Analytics account ID
utmn Random ID to prevent the browser from caching the returned image
utmp Relative path of the page to be tracked
utmr Complete referral URL
The reference that describes all of the parameters that the Google Analytics tracking GIF allows is here. Use it to build an <img> tag in your email that references the GA GIF.
According to this post, the minimum required fields are:
utmcc=_utma%3D<utma cookie>3B%2B_utmz%3D<utmz cookie>%3B
It sounds like you are using campaign tracking for GA but also want to know how many opens there were. This is possible to do with Google Analytics, since they track pageviews or events by use of pixel tracking as all (I think?) email tracking does. You cannot use javascript, however, since that will not execute in an email.
Using Google Analytics pixel tracking:
The easiest way would be to use browser developer tools such as Firebug for Firefox or Opera's Dragonfly to capture a utm.gif request and copy the URL. Modify the headers to suit your needs. You can count it either as an event or pageview. If you count it as an event it should look something like this:
http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?utmwv=4.8.6&utmn=1214284135&utmhn=www.yoursite.com&utmt=event&utme=email_open&utmcs=utf-8&utmul=en&utmje=1&utmfl=10.1%20r102&utmdt=email_title&utmhid={10-digit time code}&utmr=0&utmp=email_name&utmac=UA-{your account}
You can use this to understand what describes what in the headers.
I better post this to save everyone the trouble of trying to construct that monstrous UTM gif URL.
You can now use the new Measurement Protocol API to send a POST request and easily record events, page views, hits, or almost any other type of measurement. It's super easy!
POST /collect HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google-analytics.com
For example, here's a code snippet to send an event in C# (using SSL endpoint):
public void SendEvent(string eventCategory = null, string eventAction = null, string eventLabel = null, int? eventValue = null)
using(var httpClient = new HttpClient() {BaseAddress = new Uri("https://ssl.google-analytics.com/")}) {
var payload = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Required Data
payload.Add("v", "1"); // Version
payload.Add("tid", "UA-XXX"); // UA account
payload.Add("aip", "1"); // Anonymize IP
payload.Add("cid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); // ClientID
payload.Add("t", "event"); // Hit Type
// Optional Data
payload.Add("ni", "1"); // Non-interactive hit
// Event Data
if (eventCategory != null)
payload.Add("ec", eventCategory);
if (eventAction != null)
payload.Add("ea", eventAction);
if (eventLabel != null)
payload.Add("el", eventLabel);
if (eventValue != null)
payload.Add("ev", eventValue.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
using (var postData = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload))
var response = httpClient.PostAsync("collect?z=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks, postData).Result;
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new Exception("Could not send event data to GA");
Way easier than the hack with the __utm gif.
Helpful Example
You can easily add this to emails by doing this:
In an email:
<img src="{url}/newsletter/track.gif?newsletterName=X" />
In your MVC site, for example, NewsletterController:
public ActionResult Track(string newsletterName) {
using(var ga = new AnalyticsFacade()) {
return Content("~/images/pixel.gif", "image/gif");
In your Global.asax or RouteConfig:
controller = "Newsletter",
action = "Track"
BOOM, done, son. You can now track email opens using a much nicer API that's supported and documented.
Is your requirement is to track how many times an e-mail is open by given user. We have similar problem. We are using SMTP relay server and wanted to track how many times our marketing e-mails are open in addition to google-analytics which register an even only when someone clicks inside link to our site in e-mail.
This is our solution. It is based on making a REST call by overriding image element of html (our e-mails are html base)
where TRACKING is dynamically generated url which points to our REST service with tracking information about person to which e-mail was send. It is something like that
//def trackingURL = URLEncoder.encode("eventName=emailTracking&entityType=employee&entityRef=" + email.empGuid, "UTF-8");
trackingURL = baseUrl + "/tracking/create?" + trackingURL;
It will be something like "https://fiction.com:8080/marketplace/tracking/Create?eventName=email&entityType=Person&entityRef=56"
When when actual e-mail html is generated it, TRACKING will be replaced by
Important point is to return a response of type image and return a one pixel transparent image with REST response.
So i'll assume that the email contains a link to your Site. Certainly GA can record how often that link is clicked because clicking the link will open the page in turn causing the function *_trackPageview()* to be called, which is recorded by GA as a pageview.
So as long as that page has the standard GA page tag, no special configuration is required--either to the GA code in your web page markup or to the GA Browser. The only additional work you have to do is so that you can distinguish those page views from page views by visitors from another source.
To do that, you just need to tag this link. Unless you have your own system in place and it's working for you, i recommend using Google URL Builder to do this for you. Google URL Builder is just a web-form in which you enter descriptive terms for your marketing campaign: Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, Campaign Content, Campaign Name. Once you've entered values for each of these terms, as well as entered your Site's URL, Google will instantly generate a 'tagged link' for you (by concatenating the values to your Site's URL).
This URL generated by Google URL Builder is the link that would be placed in the text of your marketing email.