Upload ASP.NET project to web - asp.net

I created a ASP.NET project (without database) and now I want to upload it to the web.
I found a hosting server (x10hosting) and I published my problem through FTP to the server.
The problem accures when I'm tring to navigate into my website - all I get is tree of the elements that are in my project (aspx pages, bin folder, etc) and even when I'm clicking on one of the pages I just see the code I wrote.
If someone could explain how to upload ASP.NET project to the web that would be great :)
Thanks alot!

To host asp .net web application/website you need to select any asp .net hosting provider. I don't think x10hosting is providing asp .net hosting service, they are facilitating php hosting in free account . You can try to other free hosting site like https://somee.com/default.aspx.


How to publish asp.net website?

I have created a web site in asp.net with sql database. I want to publish it. I searched on google but it is showing me to publish site on iis. But I want to publish it online like www.mysite.com.
How can i publish my asp.net website like above.
ASP.NET applications can be only hosted in IIS Server.
So you need a web server to publish your website.
Then you need to purchase a domain name like "www.mysite.com" from any vendors.
Then you can easily map the purchased domain to your published site in IIS.
Hope this will help you..
i found this on the with a quick search:

aspx pages downloads after hosting in IIS?

We hosted the website in IIS. When we test the home page of our site IIS suddenly offering to download the aspx page instead of rendering .
We hosted the website in IIS 7.0. Website developed with DotnetFramework 4.0.
Please help me in identify the bottom of the problem.
You'll need to drop into the command prompt and navigate to the folder;
and type the command aspnet_regiis -i
this will configure the IIS server to correctly process the aspx files - not sure why it would work previously and then suddenly stop working, have you used this explicit version of .NET on this server before?
You have to configure it once again. Before that, follow some steps mentioned below:
You have to build the web application within your Visual Studio.
After successful build,you have to publish the application and save that published copy to specific folder say 'MyPublieshedApp'.
Start IIS and add new website. You have to point the folder which contains the published content of your application. In this case the folder should be 'MyPublishedApp'.
Set the application pool and set the framework version to ASP.NET 4.0.
5.Then browse one of the page after configuring it into the IIS.
May be this will help you.

Working with .asp and .aspx pages

This may be the wrong place but this is new to me. I did some ASP.NET programming in VS.NET awhile ago and I always did debug in the menu to run and test the site and I always noticed that it compiled ... now I have someone having asking me to work on their ASP.NET website and my question is (new to this type of hosting) do I just edit the files and then upload them via FTP or do I have to ask the host to do a compile or something?
I'm assuming you have developed a project in Visual Studio.
If this is a Web Site and not a Web Application:
Right click the project (not the solution) in the Solution Explorer.
Click "Publish Web Site"
Set the local location of where you want the Web Site published to.
Take the local copy and upload it to your web root of your hosting provider
If this is a Web Application, check to see if the hosting provider has a .axd service extension for "One-Click Publishing". If the provider does not have this feature:
Right click the project (not the solution) in the Solution Explorer.
Click "Publish..."
Change the Publish method to "File System"
Set the Target Location and click Publish
Take the local copy and upload it to your web root of your hosting provider
With Web Applications you also have the ability to upload via FTP, which if you have all of the FTP information at hand it should be easy enough.

Enable downloading from my web site

I have a web site application and i need my web site to allow user to download a setup file from my web site how can i do this ?
I Asp.net2.0 _ C#.
Place the file somewhere within your website and make a link to it:
Click here to download
If a simple links does not work, please update your question with a description of the problem you are facing. You might have to configure your web server to serve files of type MSI or EXE (whatever your installer is packaged as).

how to make an web application in demo in our comapny web site

i have developed an web application[ERP FOR A SCHOOL].i have given the build for it is working fine, but now i need to provide this web Aplication in my company web site where user's[clients] can see the Web applicatin . now what is this web applicationis all a out. our application is developed using using Sql Server 2005, .net 3.5(vs2008).
now i need to provide an link button type in our company web site. once the user clicks that link button. a new window should open which will take us to the web Apllication demo[ERP School Application]
how to achive this. any idea how to get it done. what are the things that i should take care here
any help would be great
thank you
Create a new website in IIS and linking to it.
Merge the website and application by:
Completely merging then into one system.
Creating a virtual directory for the application.
Making the Application the WebSite/Root application and creating a virtual directory for the website
Whole this setup fully dependent on which platform your web server is?
sceneario1: company web server is on linux
1. You need to get permissions from you web administrators for editing pages and server login and passwords. You can use telenet to login on your company web server
2. Create a new IIS (internet information server) on seperate windows m/c. setup this server with sql and web address. look in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/323972
3. Add this new web address in your company web page as link.
sceneario1: company web server is on windows
1. You need to get permissions from you web administrators for editing pages and server login and passwords.
2. Check if sql is available on server
3. create new folder and put you whole web project in it.
4. Edit existing page from web.
This will not mess up any thing on your company server.
Er, why can't you just create a virtual directory or a new site in IIS and put a link (with a target="_blank") to it on the parent site?
