CSS Media queries percentage Explanation - css

I know that this is basic question, but i can't figure this one out. Inside Wordpress theme CSS file I am seeing this code (CSS media queries).
.site-content {
float: left;
width: 65.104166667%;
So my question/s is: Why is width percentage set this way instead of just 65.1% ?
How did person that coded that site knew that width must be exactly 65.104166667% and not 65.104166666% (what tools did he/she used to get exactly that percentage number)?
And finally what are the Benefits/Risks using this approach?
If someone can point me to right direction by an answer or link I would appreciate it very much.

See this article on responsive web design: http://alistapart.com/article/fluidgrids
As you can see, there is a basic formula for changing pixel widths (fixed widths) into percentages. If you read the article, you'll see that the formula is:
target / context = result
Or in other words:
The width (in pixels) you are aiming for, divided by the browser's default font-size (generally 16px) equals the width in ems or percentages.
The reason you divide by the default font-size is the same reason why in science experiments in grade school you need a control substance. A neutral substance with which to compare the rest of the experiments with.
So to get 65.1041...etc, the person divided the width they wanted in pixels and it came to that percentage. Percentages and ems are the units of measurement you want to use in web design to achieve a responsive website. And all it takes is some simple math.
My personal preference is to round to 2-3 decimal places, but it really doesn't matter unless you absolutely have to have exact widths. I've recommended that above article countless times on this website, it's really a must-read to any web designer of now.


Rem/Em Confusion

I've been having a play around using em's/rem's today on a new site and have several things i'd like to discuss/ask on here.
For many years I have been totally a pixel based person with a few percentages thrown in when required.
I keep reading that em's and rem's are "the way" the web should be. Fair Enough which is why I gave it a go today.
So, first things first. Are the point of using em's/rem's for dimensions literally just for changing the dimensions of things relative to the main font size?
If so, then for what situation would you change the main font size? I have always set mine to be 16px and worked with it.
I located a Sass mixin that allows me to specify in pixels my dimensions for any property and it outputs it with rem and a pixel based fallback. I tweaked it to my liking first though.
So I then started building the site using the rem mixin for all my dimensions (margin, padding and a few heights). Yes everything scales when I alter the main font size but again, same question as number 2 here.
I used Compass Susy to set my grid up and used em's to specify it's settings, (I normally would have chosen pixels). I set the grid style within Susy to be the magic-grid which makes the grid static when the browser is wider than the grid but entirely flexible on the inside.
Surely everything that I have read about the benefits of using em's can be done using media queries? What do you guys do and most importantly what do the mainstream sites use?
Right, the next two questions are to do with images. I came across two situations today where using em's/rem's with an image somewhere in the equation resulted in a problem.
5a. I had an h2 set to inline block and added padding around and then the rem equivalent of 45px padding on the right. I set the line-height to a unitless value of 1.3. I then set an image to be the background of the h2 to appear over to the right to appear in the padding-right. At the standard base font size of 16px all is fine. However I increase or decrease that font size and the top and bottom of the image crop off. So question 2 again. I see why the image is getting cropped but it's how to deal with the relationship between em's/rem's and images that is bugging me.
5b. I had a div with a height set at the rem equivalent of 200px in height. I then added an image into there which had a height of 200px. The width of the image was set using the susy mixin span-columns to a specific column width and the height was set to auto. When the font size was altered I either ended up with an image too tall or too short. What is the best thing to do in this situation?
I was looking through some of the compass mixins available and for example this one:
#mixin pretty-bullets($bullet-icon, $width: image-width($bullet-icon), $height: image-height($bullet-icon), $line-height: 18px, $padding: 14px) {
margin-left: 0;
li {
padding-left: $padding;
background: image-url($bullet-icon) no-repeat ($padding - $width) / 2 ($line-height - $height) / 2;
list-style-type: none;
I can't add in all my em/rem stuff in there?
I think the over arching questions are:
Why are em's/rem's required in the first place?
How do you work with them in relation to images?
Any thoughts guys?
There is a lot to say about your post and it would probably be best to start with a few basics:
Why use em or rem units?
Em & rem units are used to size things relatively.
Em units: An em unit in a browser changes relative to it's parent's font-size, whether that is a span, p, div, body or html element. So when using em units for font sizes and for width or height, those dimensions will depend on the current parent's font-size.
Rem units: An rem unit in a browser is relative to the base font-size of the document. If you set that to 16px then 1rem is 16px, 2rem is 32px and so on. This means that you can change the scale of the entire document at a single point and anything that is using that relative measurement is going to increase/decrease accordingly.
The Point: These measurements are 'relative' so the answer to the question, "Why use em or rem units?", is for the em unit, simply use them when you want to size an element in a web page relative to it's parent and for the rem, use them when you want to size an element relative to the document.
That's a simple approach but it puts web design in the right context for the next question...
How should em & rem units be used in design and layout?
The answer to this question is also multifaceted but to put it in simple terms using em, rem or any 'relative' measurement to describe elements in your design is a move away from static pixel based design.
For the most part em, rem & percentages are used for creating flexible layouts and flexible layouts have a whole different approach to the web and using elements within them than pixel based design. For instance, if you have a container that needs to expand relative to the document width and it has an image in it, you'll probably want that image to resize along with the container or situate itself differently depending on the available space.
Here's where we get into 'Responsive' designs and layouts in an attempt to make 'Adaptive' sites & applications and also where Media Queries and other techniques come in.
Personally I use em's almost exclusively for type and margins & padding of elements. Dimensions I describe in percentages and then it's almost always only the widths. There's only so much you can control in a world where the devices, device dimensions and pixel ratios keep doubling every year.
So to sum up, sort of...
1) If you need static dimensions just stick with pixels. There is generally no real benefit to using relative measurements if you need specific fixed dimensions.
2) Em's & rem's are one of many tools and serve their purpose as other tools (pixels) serve theirs. They are a great tool and worth mastering so use them when you need to but only when the problem requires relative sizing.
3) You may want to split those Compass Susy questions into a more specific post and provide some example if you want help with that.
I hope that helps even if it doesn't answer all of the questions you have here.
Ems/rems are used to make the site adaptive to different settings on the client end. My browser settings can increase or decrease the font size on your site, and using em/rem allows you to adapt to my settings. It's a trade off - as with everything else in web design - between your pixel-exact control and your willingness to design around change and user control. There is no right answer - but I like to remind myself that the entire technology of the web is weighted towards user control, and any attempt for me to be pixel-anal is fighting against the core technologies.
Ems/rems can be used in media-queries to set breakpoint widths, but they solve a different part of the adaptability formula - font size, rather than screen size. Your Susy grid can now adapt to both at once!
Images are a pain for any kind of responsive/adaptive design work. The same solutions you might use for a fluid layout will help with an em-based layout. Common solutions involve the background-size property (Compass has a mixin for it) and setting html images to a max-width of 100%. See CSS-Tricks Rundown of Handling Flexible Media. I have use this fluid-media mixin to handle the "intrinsic ratios" approach for background images and the like.
But, more often than not, I find a way to design with fewer images. I like that the technology pushes me towards simplicity in that area - so it doesn't bother me.

CSS: Why defining very long % values?

I have seen a few design where the developers have defined very long values in percentage. I am wondering what's the reason to write so long values, why not just round about? and how do you even calculate/convert such values?
For example (taken from a css file):
.thumbnail { width: 68.08510638297872%; }
table { font-size: 0.9166666666666667em; }
Most likely they are using some kind of CSS templating engine like Sass to generate stylesheets from code, and setting widths based percentage calculations.
In the book Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte actually advocates leaving all the numbers after the decimal place when calculating percentage-based widths, to give the greatest accuracy, even when the developer is calculating the widths themselves using a calculator.
EDIT: I just dug out my copy of the book, and here is Marcotte's reasoning:
Now, you might be tempted to round 0.45833333333333em to the nearest
sane-looking number—say, to 0.46em. But don’t touch that delete key!
It might make your eyes bleed to look at it, but 0.458333333333333
perfectly represents our desired font size in proportional terms.
What’s more, browsers are perfectly adept at rounding off those excess
decimal places as they internally convert the values to pixels. So
giving them more information, not less, will net you a better result
in the end.
That looks to me like those figures are generated programatically, not by humans directly. No Scotsman would do such a thing. Well, no true Scotsman :-)
Probably they come from a WYSIWYG layout editor that couldn't care less about readability, never expecting anyone to go and hand-edit the output.
The most clients want a pixel perfect website inside the browser with scalabel font-size and web-content.
The developer has used the long percent, to get it perfect matched to the layouts.
Percent and em is an scalable unit not an pixel related unit and on some resolutions or font-size scales, the element do not match with the layouts and you can make it precise with more decimal places.
Newer Browser like Chrome or Firefox scale the font and the elements at once and this problem will not happen, but older browsers like ie 6-7 hasn't this feature and must learn it with em or percent units.
I hope it will help you to understand this problem

Which unit of measurement is best for webpage layouts, px, percentages, or ems? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
what is the difference px,em and ex?
I have a question for all the coding geniuses on StackOverflow.
I am a newbie, and I am about to start building my third website. Being that I had some problems with the layouts of my first two websites, I am asking this question before I start on my third:
What measurement is it best to use for
the css elements? Percents,EM's or Px?
Which form of measurement will ensure that I have a site that will not get distorted on different browser sizes/resolutions? Is there anything else that I have to be careful of when building my site so that it will not get distorted when a user zooms, or looks at the site from a different browser size/ resolution? (as was he case on my other sites)
Thanks for your time, guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you.
Whichever is easier for you to work with.
Modern browsers (i.e. everything in use today except for IE6 and IE7) have a concept of "CSS pixels" which is different from "actual pixels," so e.g. zooming changes the size of a "CSS pixel." Fonts will scale just fine; if you say the font is 14px, it will start out that way, but if the user zooms it'll get bigger. Thus, if it's easy for you to measure in pixels, for example to size page elements relative to an image of a given pixel size, you should do pixels.
Sometimes you want to size things relative to text, though. If the width of an em-dash is a useful measurement, somewhat representing the "longest possible character," go ahead and use ems.
And finally, if you're trying for a fluid layout, percentages can be great: a gradient that starts fading 50% across the page is often what you want, as opposed to one that starts fading after some fit number of pixels. Even if you're not fluid, and the width of your container is fixed to e.g. 900px, it's still often useful to say "this goes at the 50% mark" or "I have one thing at the 33% mark and one at the 66% mark." That's much easier to work with than figuring out what the corresponding pixel offset is every time, and makes your intent clearer to anyone reading your code.
Short answer: it depends.
Longer answer:
There is a place for all three units, frequently in the same design. There is no "best" unit; they serve different purposes.
Pixel units generally offer the most precise control over the size of the elements in the user interface, but also restrict that size such that it does not change with regard to the other elements of the page design. The size of pixels themselves may change. For example, a Retina display packs more pixels into the same physical space as a non-Retina display, so images which were designed for traditional displays get scaled up. Similarly, traditional desktop web browsers may adjust the size of pixel in response to the user zooming the size of a page. In these cases however, the pixels change sizes throughout the entire document, and retain the same proportions with regard to one another, so you can use px values and expect them to work sanely in most conditions.
EM units vary according to the size of the text. They're most commonly used for setting the size of text, and for line heights; but there have been some interesting things done with "elastic" layouts such as the elastic lawn zen garden (turn off page zoom for this site; switch to text-only zoom and change the size a few times).
Percentages vary according to the size of the containing element, expanding and contracting depending on how much room is available to them.
And, really, it's very common to see web designs that use all of these. For example, suppose you have a site with two columns. The main column must expand and contract with the browser width, but the secondary column needs to stay the same width. The main column might have a width of 100%, but also a margin set in pixels for the secondary column to float in. And the text and line height might be set in ems.
So, the real answer is: they all have their uses. Keep practicing, and pretty soon you'll figure out how it all fits together.
EDIT: In the example above, I should have said "a width of auto" -- meaning take up all available space after margins, padding, and borders are accounted for. Sorry, I tend to think of that as a percentage even though it's actually a keyword.
from accessability point of view need to use EM's. You need you layout to adapt to very different fonts sizes so if allmeasurements are in EM's everything will scale as accessability tools increase font size
When creating liquid layouts, it makes sense to use percentages for the widths of your blocks, so they shrink and grow with browser size changes.
For heights, pts have a specific spatial value, and em are related to your current point size. This is useful because things specified in those units will be roughly the same size on everyone's display (unless they have different zoom factors applied). em are also useful when working with a dimension driven by an amount of text.
Browsers will also scale values specified in pixels, so they are not any more a "trap", but they are rarely the "natural" choice for layouts, unless working with raster images.
As Will and Domenic say: use all three, when appropriate. As you get more experience, you'll get a better feel for when to use which.
If you want to design a fixed layout website then use px or em.
If you want to design a fluid layout website then use percentages.
Percentage is always relative so page content with dimensions in percentage will automatically resize on window resize and on different screen resolutions.
px and em are one and the same thing. Same in their nature. They define the absoluteness of the dimensions. Btw for the difference, 1em=current font size. So if your html or body has css font-size:19px; then 1em=19px.

Is it wise to use a Fluid Layout?

Google Labs Browser Size
I've always preferred fixed-width layouts over fluid-width layouts, one of the main reasons is that I'm able to better understand how the whole picture will be without having to worry about the screen resolution.
But now the "picture" has changed, there is a high discrepancy between the lowest and highest resolutions used by most users nowadays and they seem to be here to stay.
I've a netbook that only supports 800 pixels or 1024 pixels wide; I also have a 22" monitor that supports 1650 pixels and, 24" monitors that support 1920 pixels and more are becoming pretty common.
I've pretty much "ignored" the 800 pixels users for some time and I've been developing with fixed 950/960 pixels wide, I also notice that popular sites (SO for one) either use this approach or the fluid one.
For text (almost) only websites (like Wikipedia) I don't see a problem using the fluid system but what about all the other websites that depend on images / video to create interesting content? Social Networks, Classifieds, and so on... What is (will be) their approach to address this issue?
Seam Carving seems like a good option for the near future but it hasn't matured enough (neither browsers nor jQuery nativelly support it at this point in time), I also feel like users wouldn't understand it, get confused with it and as a consequence abandon the website.
The de facto standard on the web is still 1024 pixels wide, and leaving 980 pixels unused in a 24" monitor just seems plain odd not to say wrong. So what are our options?
I would love to hear what you think about this and your experiences with both fluid and fixed systems.
PS: Popular websites using either one of these systems are also welcome, I'm specially interested in seeing non-text websites that use the fluid system.
EDIT: I just saw this answer and I got kinda confused about the difference between fluid and liquid layouts, aren't they supposed to be exactly the same?
I generally think that fluid layouts are a good idea. The problem starts when your fluid layout starts to get really wide with high resolution screens - there is a limit to how far the human eye can track horizontally without losing the vertical positioning. That is why newspaper columns, for example, are always rather narrow.
Try to look at wikipedia in a high resolution screen, and you'll see that they limit the maximum width to something around 800-900px - more then that (assuming a rather standard 12pt font) and people stop being able to read until the end of the line and then effortlessly find the start of the next line, and the whole thing breaks into a mess of eye and neck strain.
On web sites I build, I use max-width to limit the maximum width of the text content (and in that I also include images and other stuff) to about 720-800px, which with sidebars and such can possibly get to around 1000px. If the screen is wider then that, then either center the content of left align it (right align on RTL web sites) - both work well.
But you have to design your layout so that it flows when the available width is narrower - this is very useful for people with netbooks (which are rather popular now and I expect will become more popular in the future), smart phones and even small screen mobile devices. Such mobile devices more and more feature standard browsers and you should address this in your designs - even if a mobile browsers can reduce your website somehow, the "mobile mode" usually does this by messing up the page and killing your intended user-experience.
leaving 980 pixels unused in a 24" monitor just seems plain odd not to say wrong
I’d disagree here. If you’ve got a monitor with that high a resolution, you’re probably not running with a maximised browser window. And even if you are, are you really fussed that the content’s all in a fixed area in the middle? Really?
As long your site has a decent, useable layout, I don’t see the problem with space either side on high-res monitors.
There are ways to create different #media rules inside of a stylesheet—W3C has something on this—and although it's a big Schroedinger's Cat whether the handhelds' browsers will obey the rules, it's fairly safe to assume that, even if they don't, they have big enough and well-ratioed screens to just use a scale model of the site as it appears on desktops.
Seems to me that it was in the devices' manufacturers' best interests to make them compatible with web sites that predate the advent of such devices by 5-10 years.
And if not, it's their problem.
I approach the problem from a different angle. Have a fluid layout but give it a minimum width (rather than a maximum width). You can achieve this with CSS.
The problem with the images is not such big. What you do is the following:
Upload your image at the maximum size you expect to have.
Make the image fluid as follows:
<img src="http://example.png" style="width:32.5%">
As you resize the page the image will re-size itself at the percentage width. Just make sure that you don't have any width or height attributes in the image. I call it superlastic :)
Fluid layouts were the answer before Responsive Design support in browsers came out. No need to use fluid or elastic layouts anymore.
There is no right answer to this question as no two design goals are ever alike. Fluid layouts make any semblance of typographic control virtually impossible, but not all designs need or want it.
No collection of "best practices" will ever equate to an actual design education, and not all users feel compelled to blow their browser windows up to fill the entire screen, either.
Most informative discussion on layouts I have read so far is in Andy Budd's CSS Mastery book. If you get a chance, do read it. I think it's a must have book on CSS (intermediate level). It looks like the layouts chapter is available in article form here.
Another link :
Liquid and Fluid are two different names for the same technique.
I think it's better to have a maximum width of the layout, you can change that with Javascript.
A good example of that is this layout, look what happens (in Firebug or something) with the layout if you change the width: http://tweakers.net/
They have chosen a width of 1208px and make it smaller with Javascript when the width of the browser changes. With Javascript disabled, the website is still 1208px wide, which seems not to be a problem anyway.
The first width of the website will be like 900px. With Javascript you will check the width of the browser and you give the a class with the closest resolution to your browser width. For example: the browser width seems to be 1100px, so you give a class 'res1024', or the browser width is 1080px, then you give a class 'res1100'.
This will be your CSS:
#wrapper {
width: 900px;
.res1024 #wrapper {
width: 1000px;
.res1100 #wrapper {
width: 1080px;
I hope it helps you :], you can ofcourse change a lot more with this body class, like:
.res900 #menu {
width: 100px;
You can handle images the same way:
.res900 img.fluid {
width: 200px;
.res1100 img.fluid {
width: 300px;

Font size in CSS - % or em? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between px, em and ex?
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
When setting the size of fonts in CSS, should I be using a percent value (%) or em? Can you explain the advantage?
There's a really good article on web typography on A List Apart.
Their conclusion:
Sizing text and line-height in ems,
with a percentage specified on the
body (and an optional caveat for
Safari 2), was shown to provide
accurate, resizable text across all
browsers in common use today. This is
a technique you can put in your kit
bag and use as a best practice for
sizing text in CSS that satisfies both
designers and readers.
Both adjust the font-size relative to what it was. 1.5em is the same as 150%. The only advantage seems to be readability, choose whichever you are most comfortable with.
From http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/1408
%: Some browsers doesn't handle
percent for font-size but interprets
150% as 150px. (Some NN4 versions,
for instance.) IE also has problems
with percent on nested elements. It
seems IE uses percent relative to
viewport instead of relative to
parent element. Yet another problem
(though correct according to the W3C
specs), in Moz/Ns6, you can't use
percent relative to elements with no
specified height/width.
em: Sometimes browsers use the wrong
reference size, but of the relative
units it's the one with least
problems. You might find it
interpreted as px sometimes though.
pt: Differs greatly between
resolutions, and should not be used
for display. It's quite safe for
print use though.
px: The only reliable absolute unit on
screen. It might be wrongly
interpreted in print though, as one
point usually consist of several
pixels, and thus everything becomes
ridiculously small.
The real difference comes apparent when you use it not for font-sizes. Setting a padding of 1em is not the same as 100%. em is always relative to the font-size. But % might be relative to font-size, width, height and probably some other things I don't know about.
Given that (nearly?) all browsers now resize the page as a whole, rather than just the text, previous issues with px vs. % vs. ems in terms of accessible font resizing are rather moot.
So, the answer is that it probably doesn't matter. Use whatever works for you.
% is nice because it allows for relative resizing.
px is nice because it's fairly easy to manage expectations when using it.
em can be useful when also used for layout elements as it can allow for proportional sizing related to the text size.
As Galwegian mentions, px is the most reliable for web typography, as everything else you do on the page is mostly laid out in reference to a computer monitor. The problem with absolute sizes is that some browsers (IE) won't scale pixel-value elements on a web-page, so when you try to zoom in/out, everything adjusts except for those elements.
I do not know whether IE8 handles this properly, but all other browser vendors handle pixels just fine and it is still a minority case where a user needs to enlarge/diminish text (this text box on SO perhaps being the exception). If you want to get really dirty, you could always add a javascript function for making your text size larger and offer a "small"/"larger" button to the user.
Regarding the difference between the css units % and em.
As far as I understand (at least theoretically/conceptually, but possibly not how these two units might be implemented in browsers) these two units are equivalent, i.e. if you multiply your em value with 100 and then replace em with % it should be the same thing ?
If there actually is some real difference between em and % then can someone explain it (or provide a link to an explanation) ?
(I wanted to add this comment of mine where it would belong, i.e. indented just below the answer by "Liam, answered Sep 25 '08 at 11:21" since I also want to know why his answer was downvoted, but I could not figure out how to put my comment there and therefore had to write this "thread global" reply)
Yahoo User Interface library (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/) has a nice set of base css classes used to "reset" the browser specific settings so that the basis for displaying the site is same for all (supported) browsers.
With YUI one is supposed to use percentages.
